| Edmund Burke - History - 1902 - 706 pages
...KNOWLEDGE AND LIB' RARY OP KEFBRBNCB. Fcp. 8vo., 6s. THE TREASURY OF BOTANY. Edited by J. LINDLKY, FRS, and T. MOORE, FLS With 274 Woodcuts and 20 Steel Plates. 2 vols. Fcp. 8vo., 121. Rich. — A DICTIONARY OF ROMAN AMD GREEK AKTIQUITIES. By A. RICH, BA With... | |
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...AYKE, MA With 5 Maps, 15 Plates, and 300 Woodcuts. Fcp. Svo. 6s. The Treasury of Botany. Edited by [. LINDLEY, FRS, and T. MOORE, FLS With 274 Woodcuts and 20 Steel Plates. 2 vols. Fcp. Svo. I2s. MAXMULLER (F.).-~ WORKS BY. Selected Essays on Language, Mythology and Religion.... | |
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...by THOMAS MOORE, FLS Fcp. with 154 Woodcuts, 2s. Gd. The Treasury of Botany, or Popular Dictionary of the Vegetable Kingdom ; with which is incorporated a Glossary of Botanical Terms. Edited by J. LISDLEY, FRS and T. MOOIIE, FLS assisted by eminent Contributors. Pp. 1,274, with 274 Woodcuts and... | |
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...regret that our space will not allow more than this general glance at a volume of substantial value. The Treasury of Bible Knowledge: being a Dictionary of the Books, Persons, Places, Events, etc., of which mention is made in Holy Scripture. By Rev. JOHN AYRE, MA London: Longmans and Co. HERE... | |
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...by THOMAS MOORE, FLS Fcp with 154 Woodcuts, 2s. 6rf. The Treasury of Botany, or Popular Dictionary of the Vegetable Kingdom ; with which is incorporated...Terms. Edited by J. LINDLEY, FRS and T. MOORE, FLS Pp. 1,274, with 274 Woodcuts and 20 Steel Plates. Two PABTS, fcp. 8vo. 12». The Rose Amateur's Guide.... | |
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...by THOMAS MOORE, KLS Fcp. with 154 Woodcuts, 2s. 6rf. The Treasury of Botany, or Popular Dictionary of the Vegetable Kingdom ; with which is incorporated...Terms. Edited by J. LINDLEY, FRS and T. MOORE, FLS assisted by eminent Contributors. Pp. 1,274, with 274 Woodcuts and 20 Steel Plates. Two PARTS, fcp.... | |
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...8vo. price 62s. 6d. The TREASURY of BOTANY, or Popular Dictionary of the Vegetable Kingdom ; including a Glossary of Botanical Terms. Edited by J. LINDLEY, FRS and T. MOORE, FLS assisted by eminent Contributors. With 274 Woodcuts and 20 Steel Plates. Two Parts, fcp. 8vo. 12s.... | |
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