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Death-rate of the principal countries
of Europe, 334

Debt, national, advantage of diffusion
in the holding of the, 246
Defoe on English and Dutch la-
bourers, 159

Denny, Mr., on the advantages of the
piece-work system, 216

Derby, the late Earl, on agricultural
tenures, 399

Dockyards, French, compared with
English, 220

Dressmakers, improved condition of,
under the Factory Acts, 338
Drummond, Mr., on American com-
petition, 96, 124

on the British carrying trade
from America, 153

on the prudent procedure of the
American mill hands, 311
Drunkenness among operatives, 182,
183, 191

Dufferin, Lord, on our policy towards

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

on prices and wages in the iron
and coal trades, 315

Farcy, M. Eugène, on the cost of
shipbuilding in French dockyards,

Farmers, American, natural facilities
enjoyed by, 110


their method of cultivation,

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HAINAULT, output of coal in, 168
Hamburg, exports from, in 1876
and 1877, 129

Harris, Mr., on Dutch labour, 181
Harrison, Mr. Frederic, his service

as mediator between employers
and employed, 253
Harvests, recent succession of bad,
18, 107

Hawkshaw, Sir J., on the progress of
the people of the United States,
Henderson, Mr., on the system of
'slaughtering' practised by Ameri-
can manufacturers, 57
Holland, labour in, 160, 181
Holyoake, Mr., his definition of co-
operation, 240

Hop-pickers, work of charitable la-
dies among the, 357
Hoppin, Professor, on the ties of
national relationship between
America and England, 139


[blocks in formation]

Income, alleged unsatisfactory state
of, with regard to expenditure and
losses, 307

India, silver crisis of, 9


exports of French and Italian
cotton goods to, 50

failures of the cotton factories in,

Government drawings on, 119
Industry, effect of the concentration-
of, 355

final aim of, 359
Interest, rate of, 298

International Society, its exaggerated
influence, 253

Iron, increased export of, in 1879, 8
reduced demand for, consequent
on the cessation of foreign loans,

- prices of pig, 64

- reduced cost of manufacturing,

foreign compared with British
processes of manufacturing, 102
Iron trade, fluctuations of prices in
the, between 1861 and 1877, 5;
during 1878, 65

-the depression in the, 64

[ocr errors]

participation of foreign coun-
tries therein, 71

causes of diminished exports in
the, 73

state of the, in France, Austria,
and Germany, 74; in Belgium, 80;
in the United States, 84

prospects of the Scotch, 90
foreign competition in the, 91
Messrs. Fallows' views of the,

- progress in England of metallur-
gical and mechanical improve-
ments in the, 101

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Iron trade, summary of the general | Labour, influence on wages of the

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LABOUR, cost of, in the American
cotton factories, 53

wages of, not answerable for col-
lapses of trade, 157

British, in relation to our export
trade, 157

relative efficiency of Dutch, 159,
181; of French, 164, 220; of
Belgian, 165, 168; of American,
166; of German, 171

Mr. Mundella's comparison of
British and foreign, 174

- testimonies to the superiority of
British, 185-191

native, preferable to imported, 193

scarcity of, 202

claims of, to rest and recreation,
205, 360

- obligations of capital towards,
and vice versa, 206


antagonistic relation of, to capital,

- slave, costliness of, compared with
free, 212

[blocks in formation]


natural price of, 302
market price of, 305

saving effected by machinery and
steam power in, 342

agricultural, payment of, by the
piece, 401

Labourer, the British, character of,

159, 163, 170, 172, 175, 177,
178, 182, 186, 190, 193, 195,

- condition of, relatively to the
French, 308

- the Dutch, 159–162, 181

- the French, 164, 176, 178, 182,

- the Belgian, 165, 168, 179, 182,

- the American, 166, 175, 192
the German, 171, 176, 183
the Swiss, 180

- advantage of a high standard of
living to the, 117, 303

- improved condition of the, 118,

[blocks in formation]


Land, limited ownership of, its effect
upon cultivation, 394

need of reform in the laws relating
to, 396

Landowners, profits of, 115
Lavergne, M. de la, on the condition
of English agriculture, 370
Leeuw, Dr. Leo de, on the habits of
German workmen, 183

Lefevre, Mr. Shaw, on the fall in
prices, 30


[ocr errors]

on the difference in value of our
imports and exports, 118

- on the increased yield of income-
tax, 308

on prices and wages in the iron
trade, 316

on the number of landowners in
the United Kingdom, 356
Levi, Professor Leone, on British
labour, 185

on the future of commerce with
China, 259

on the amount of capital absorbed
in British industry, 294
Lincolnshire, navvies of, 162
Loans, foreign, their effect upon
trade, 23

- interest on, provided by excess
in value of imports, 119
Locomotives, cost of manufacturing
in America, 84, 91, 92; in France,

-errors in the manufacture of, in
England, 92

Loua, M., his calculation of the time
required for the doubling of the
several populations of Europe, 331
Lumley, Mr. Saville, on the iron
trade of Belgium, 80, 81

on the Belgian export trade with
England, 130

on the Belgian colliers, 168


Machinery, our export trade in, 98
- labour-saving, of the Americans,

hostility of trades unions to, 222
Marine, British mercantile, compared
with foreign merchant shipping,
Marriage-rate, English, compared
with French, 309

Massachusetts, details relating to
factory labour in, 53

Masters' associations, mischievous
action of, 210

Matheson & Grant, Messrs., on the
condition of the engineering trade,

Mawdsley, Mr., on wages in the cot-
ton trade, 321

Meat, importations of, 108, 375


consumption of, in the several
countries of Europe, 339
Metal wares, our export trade in, 79,


French exports of, 78
Metals, exports of, from United
Kingdom in 1878, 5

Middlesborough, improvements in
furnace management originated at,

Middleton, trial of dairy-farming at,

Mill, Mr., on the benefit resulting
from outflow of capital, 24


[ocr errors]

on the law of demand and supply,

on British labour, 185

on the antagonism between rich
and poor, 238

on emigration, 281

on the progressive tendency of
wages, 289

-on a popular illusion concerning
capital employed in business, 292

on the causes of the depression in Milliners, improved condition of,
Belgium, 21

MACAULAY, Lord, on the in-
fluence of local ties, 198
on the working man's rest, 205
on the improved condition of the
people since the time of the Stuarts,

Machinery, American competition in,

under the Factory Acts, 338
Minerals, exports of, from the United
Kingdom in 1878, 5

Money, increased purchasing power

of, 28

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