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able article which admits of no increase, and that the accumulation of capital, which diminishes the profits of the merchant, will increase the competition for land. In the improbable event of the recurrence of adverse seasons the agricultural value may be diminished, but the steady growth in residential value will not be interrupted. The action of economic laws may be impeded by narrow and illiberal legislation, but the only laws by which the value of the land will be enhanced are those which promote the happiness of the people.

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Belgium, depression in, largely due CAIRD, Mr., his estimate of harvest
to inefficient management, 21


state of the trade between Eng-
land and, 129

state of the iron trade in, 72,

-competition of, with England, in
joist iron, 80

exports of iron from, between
1872 and 1877, 81

Icost of labour at the ironworks
and collieries of, 165

- exports from, in 1876 and 1877,

farm holdings in, 387
Bell, Mr. Lowthian, on the course
of the iron trade since 1871, 66
his criticism of Mr. Gastrell's re-
port on American and British iron
manufacture, 87

- on foreign processes of iron manu-
facture, 102


on British labour compared with
French, 164; with American, 166
on the coal monopoly in America,

Berlin, building trade of, 184
Bevan, Mr., his tabular statement of
the production and export of pig-
iron, 314

Bigelow, Mr., on the depression of
trade in the United States, 11

on co-operation in France, 244
Bismarck, Prince, on the influence of
Socialism upon trade, 171
Black Death, the, its effect upon
wages, 310

Boiler management, the question of,

Brassey, the late Mr., on the labour
question, 193

-piece-work principle enforced by,

Bread, cheapness of, 340

Bristol, trades union conference at,

Building societies, investments of the
working classes in, 174 note, 346
Building trades, success of strikes in
the, 201

Burns, Mr. John, on the employment
of foreign artisans in England,

- his warning to British workmen,


deficiencies, 107

his statement as to the cost of
transport of grain, 108; of cattle,
110, 377

on the progress of the national
wealth, 115

his table showing the improved
condition of the agricultural la-
bourer, 116

on encumbered estates, 395

on agricultural tenures, 399

Canada, agricultural capabilities of,

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import and export trade of, 273
Capital, misapplication of, injurious
to trade, 26

formation of, by saving, 292
popular illusion concerning its
employment in business, 292
use of, in agriculture, 293
amount of, absorbed in British in-
dustry, 294

— profit a necessary condition of its
accumulation, 295


abundant supplies of, beneficial to
the whole population, 297
rate of interest on, 298
exceptional modes of amassing,

- effects of rapid increase of, 305
- table showing its increase in the
United Kingdom between 1865
and 1875, 307

- its use as affecting the workman's
condition, 324

Carlyle on permanency as a stimulus
to exertion, 198

Cattle, reduced stock of, 108

- importance of the trade to the
British farmer, 109

cost of rearing in America, 375
cost of transport from America,
110, 377
Chaplin, Mr., his motion for the ap-
pointment of a Royal Commission
on British Agriculture, 369, 381
Cheese, our manufacture of, 390
Chili, British competition with
America in, 188

China, British commerce with, 259

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- Mr. Lowthian Bell on improve-
ments in the manufacture of iron
adopted there, 105
Climate, influence of, upon national
character, 193

Coal, recent high price of, 27



- prices of, between 1872 and 1877,

recent increased output of, 67
output of, in Belgium, 168; in
England, 169

- monopoly of, in the United States,

yield of, in Canada, 272
Coal trade, effect of the transition
from steel to iron on the, 68

relation between prices and wages
in the, 316-320

decision of the select committee
on the, 383

Cobden, Mr., on the cause of agri-
cultural distress, 399
Coffee, reduced price of, 29
Coleridge on the ends of government,

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- results of its trial in France, 244
future of, 245
Co-operative stores, 341

Cotton piece goods, increased export
of, in 1879, 7

Cotton trade, fluctuations of prices in
the, between 1861 and 1877, 5


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state of the, as tested by our ex-
ports, 35; by the Oldham mill
dividends, 36; by relative prices
of raw and manufactured material,

reduced profits of manufacture in,

recent fluctuations in the, trace-
able to the American civil war, 39
over-production a main cause of
the depression in the, 40

the question of restricting pro-
duction in the, compared with
manufacturing at reduced cost, 42
- alleged production of the crisis in
the, by foreign competition, 46
- effect of recent banking abuses on
the, 58

our ascendency in the, 60

- adulteration in the, 62

- relation between prices and wages
in the,
Cowper, Mr., on competition in
British trade with Cuba, 94
Creusot, excellence of the work pro-
duced at, 77

Crewe, manufacture of locomotives
at, 93

Cuba, our rivals in trade with, 94
Cutlery, American, 84

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