Page images

Copying plans, 56, 57
Cost of photographic surveying, 122;

of trigonometrical surveys, 470; of
precise spirit levelling, 188; of
railways, 233; of Alpine tunnels,
Cross hairs, 60, 64; to replace, 210;
adjustment of, 205 to 208, 210,
213; illuminating, 300, 346
Crossheads, 253

Cross sections, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149;
with theodolite, 150, 151; road
and railway, 223, 225, 226, 228,
393 to 416; by tacheometer or
stadia, 255 to 284; of reservoir,
311, 313; of reservoir embank-
ment, 313; of roads and railways
abroad, 393 to 416; American
system of taking, 414
Cross staff, 4, 5

Crown of tunnel, taking level of, 306
Culmination, time of star's, 353
Culverts, setting out, 252
Currents, 328

Current meter, 329

Curvature, 158, 159, 176 to 181, 434
Curves, setting out, 236; minimum

radius of, for railways, 232; com-
pensating gradients on, 232; transi-
tion, 243; setting out transition,
245; vertical, at changes of gradient,
247; in tunnels, 293; classifica-
tion of, by degree, 414
Cuttings and banks, 230, 249; centre

lines and levels for, 252; shrinkage
and settlement of, 253; levelling
in tops and bottoms of slopes of,

DATU, 13 nautical and marine

ATUM, 138; of Ordnance Survey,

surveys, 326; of trigonometrical
surveys, 470

Deflection angles, 237

Delambre's method of calculating spheri-
cal triangles, 467

Departures and latitudes, 93, 99 to 102,

419 to 420; examples of calcula-
tion of, 93, 94, 99, 100, 419, 420;
plotting by, 95, 96; conversion of,
into difference of longitude and
latitude, 347 to 350
Depression, chaining across, 42; mea-
surement of small angles of, 335,
Detail, interior of trigonometrical sur-
veys, 469

[blocks in formation]

CCENTRICITY, theodolite errors

E of, 84, 460, 461, 471

Eidograph, 58

Elasticity, modulus of steel tapes, 447
Elevation, chaining across, 42; measure-
ment of small angles of, 335, 129
Elongation, time of, 353
Embankment, road and railway, 218
to 254; plan of reservoir, 313;
sections of reservoir, 313
Enlarging plans, 57, 58
Equation of time, 377, 389
Errors in chaining, 10, 11; in measur-

ing angles, 88, 457, 459 to 462, 464
to 467, 471; in unclosed traverse,
96, 403, 404, 411, 412, 413; clos-
ing of traverse, 97 to 102, 108, 419,
420; of ordinary spirit levelling,
147; of precise spirit levelling,
184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 199; of
barometric levelling, 170; due to
curvature, 159; due to refraction,
159, 185, 370; of eccentricity of
theodolite, 84, 460, 461, 471; of
graduation of theodolite, 460, 461,
471; of tunnel alignment, 292,
301, 302, 303, 307; of observa-
tions for meridian, 360, 361, 364;
from convergence of meridians,
367; of observations for latitude,
371; of observations for time, 360,
364, 377; of observations for longi-
tude, 378, 381, 383; due to phase
of signal, 443; in measuring base
lines, 425, 426, 427, 430, 431, 436,
443, 444, 445, 447 to 453, 472;
correction of errors of angles, 464
to 467; "station errors," 469; of
astronomical observations in trigo-
nometrical surveys, 469; closing,
of secondary triangulation, 471;
closing, of tertiary triangulation,
473; of map projections, 475 to
480; formule for calculation of
probable, 188

Estimates, Parliamentary, 224
Everest theodolite, 65, 66; adjustment

of, 202

Example of survey of field, 16; of fully
detailed chain survey, Plate I., 20
to 41; of field book, 21 to 39; of
theodolite survey, 85, 86, Plate II.,
88, 89; of unclosed traverse survey,
Plate III., 90 to 97; of closed tra-
verse survey, Plates IV. and V.,
97 to 102, 419; of adjustment of
closing error of traverse survey, 98
to 101; of town survey, Plate VI.,
105, 106; of prismatic compass and
passometer survey, 108, 109; of
longitudinal section, 136, Plate
VII., 143, 144; of level book,
144, 145; of heights by mercurial
barometer, 168; of heights by
aneroid barometer, 170; of heights
by boiling point thermometer, 171;
of railway Parliamentary plan and
section, Plate VIII., 224; of rail-
way working plan, Plate IX.,
230; of railway working section,
Plate X., 230; of tacheometer or
stadia survey, Plate XI., 284; of
tunnel alignment, Plate XII., 286,
301, 302, 303; of Parliamentary
survey of reservoir, Plate XIII.,
316; of meridian by equal altitudes
of circumpolar star, 346; of
meridian by circumpolar star at
elongation, 352; of meridian by
extra meridian observation of sun,
361; of latitude by meridian ob-
servation of sun, 371; of difference
of longitude by watch, 379; of
time of star's culmination, 353; of
correction and adjustment of errors
of triangles, 466; of base-measuring
apparatus, Plate XIV., 427, 445,

Expansion of steel tapes, 447 et seq.,

[blocks in formation]

Focussing, object glass and eyepiece,


Footplates for levelling, 162, 163; for
precise spirit levelling, 184
Foundations, setting out bridge, 250;
setting out culvert, 252


AUGES, tide, 326
Gauss' heliotrope, 440
Geodetic surveys, 423 to 481
Give and take lines, 51, 52
Gradients, laying down road or railway,
on 6 in. Ordnance maps, 219;
fixing road or railway, 219; locat-
ing road or railway, 219, 220, 225;
on railway Parliamentary section,
223, Plate VIII., 224; on railway
working section, 225, 229, Plate
X., 230; ruling, 230; maximum,
232; "pusher," 232
Graduation, errors of, in theodolite, 460,
461, 471

Great St Bernard Tunnel, 309

HAND level, 147, 148

Harbours and docks, surveys
for, 317 to 330

Hatchings for delineation of ground,
156, 157, 158

Heliograph, 440

Heliostats, 440 to 442
Heliotrope, Gauss', 440

High and low water mark, survey of,
317, 318, 319, 324, 326
Hints on use of theodolite, 87, 202; on
levelling, 162; on use of sextant,

Horizon, dip of, 335, 371, 372; arti
ficial, 335; small altitudes and
depressions with artificial, 335; use
of artificial, 336

Horizontal axis of theodolite, 61, 63;
adjustment of, 204

House, fixing position of, on survey, 41,
42; levelling over, 164
Hydrographical or marine surveying,
317 to 330

Hypsometry or levelling with baro-
meter, 165 to 174; tables for, 482
to 493

[blocks in formation]

Irregular boundaries, surveying, 16 to
41; areas adjacent to, 51, 52, 53,
54, 55, 56



ERN level, 183; adjustment of,
191 to 197, 216, 217

ABBEZ telemeter, 78

Lamps for sighting lines in tun-
nels, 292, 299; for illuminating
cross hairs of telescope, 300, 346
Laths, 3
Latitude, observations for, 367 to 373;
by account, 347; from distance
and bearing, 409 to 411
Latitudes and departures, 93, 99 to 102,
419, 420; examples of calculation
of, 93, 94, 99, 100, 419, 420;
plotting by, 95, 96; conversion of,
into difference of latitude and longi-
tude, 347 to 350

Legendre's method of calculating spheri-
cal triangles, 467

Length, measures of, 49, 50; of sides
of plane triangles, 80, 81, 82; of
sides of spherical triangles, 386,
387, 467, 384, 385

Levels, water level, 127; spirit level,
127, 128; radius of curvature of
bubble tube, 128, 188; sensibility
of, 129, 182, 183, 189; angular
value of one division of bubble tube
of, 129, 191, 194, 183, 188, 189;
spherical, 130; dumpy level, 130,
131; Y level, 132, 133, 182, 183,
190 to 201; Cooke's patent rever-
sible, 132; Cushing's reversible, 133;
hand level, 147, 148; plumb line
levels, 159, 160; reflecting levels,
160, 161; for precise spirit levelling,
182, 183; Kern level, 183; adjust-
ment of, 213 to 217, and 191 to
197; to replace broken bubble tube
of, 210

Levelling staff, 133, 134; for precise
levels, 183; for tacheometry or
stadia work, 268

Levelling, detached levels, 135; con-

tinued series of levels, 136; level
book for "rise and fall" system,
137; booking levels, 137; reducing
levels, 138; check on reducing,
138; datum, 138; bench marks,
139, 253, 304, 326, 407; reduced
levels, 139; plotting levels, "longi-
tudinal section," 140; readings near
top of staff, 140; level book for

"height of instrument " system,
141; intermediate sights, 142;
comparison of two systems, 143;
example of longitudinal section,
140, 143, Plate VII.; example of
level book, 144, 145; cross sec-
tions, 145, 146, 147, 223, 225, 228;
checking on to bench marks, 147;
practical hints, obstacles, and diffi-
culties, 162 to 164; change points,
162; steep slopes, 162, 163; across
a hill or hollow, 163; staff too low
or too high, 163; staff too near,
163, 164; over board fence, 164;
over wall, 164; over house, 164;
glare from sun, 164; personal
error, 164; to locate a given level,
253; reciprocal, 165; by barometer,
165 to 174; trigonometrical, or by
means of vertical angles, 174 to
182; precise spirit, 182 to 201;
for roads and railways, 218 to 254;
railway Parliamentary longitudinal
section, 220, Plate VIII.; railway
working longitudinal section, 228,
Plate X.; tops and bottoms of
slopes, 249; in tunnels, 303 to
306; tacheometry or stadia, 255 to
284, Plate XI.; for water supply
works, 310 to 316; for docks and
harbours and marine surveys, 317
to 330; for roads and railways
abroad, 393 to 416; for trigono-
metrical surveys, 470; error of
ordinary spirit levelling, 147; error
of precise spirit levelling, 184, 185,
187, 188, 189, 199

Line, accurate method of setting theo
dolite in, 84, 85; very long straight,


Line ranger, 7, 8

Lithographing plans, 58, 59
Location, Parliamentary, of road or rail-
way, 218 to 224; final, of road or
railway, 225; of roads and rail-
ways abroad, 393 to 416

Longitude, observations for, 377 to 384;
length of degree of, at different
latitudes, 349; by account, 347;
conversion of difference of, into de-
parture, 348; from distance and
bearing, 409 to 411

Longitudinal section, 140; example of,

143, 144, 145, Plate VII.; road
and railway, 218 to 230; Parlia-
mentary, of railway, 220; example
of Parliamentary, of railway, 224,

[blocks in formation]

Margin, 49

Marine or hydrographical surveying,
317 to 330

Measures of length, 49, 50; of area,
50, 51

Mean sea level, 326; reduction of base
to, 454, 425

Mean time, 374 to 377, 388, 390
Meridian, observations for, 341 to 367;
from distance and bearing, 409 to
411; convergence of meridians,
366; by watch, 409

Mersey Tunnel alignment, 301
Micrometer on theodolites, 293, 457,

458; for tacheometer or stadia
work, 277

Modulus of elasticity of steel tapes, 447
Mountain barometers, 172, 173; level-

ling with, 165 to 170; tables for
168, 170, 482, 484, 485, 286, 493
Mont Blanc Tunnel, 308
Mont Cenis Tunnel, 306

[blocks in formation]

Optical square, 5, 6, 7
Ordnance Survey, 423 to 432, 438, 459,
462, 464, 468, 469, 470, 477, 481
Ordnance Survey maps, 44, 477, 481,
218 to 230, 221, 225, 227



Parallax, adjustment of object
glass and eyepiece for, 203, 204;
of sextant, 334; in astronomical
observations, 358, 359, 362, 371
Parliamentary surveys for roads and
railways, 218 to 224; regulations
for railway surveys, 221, 222, 223,
224; plans for railways, preparation
of, 222; example of Parliamentary
plan of railway, 224, Plate VIII.;
sections for railways, preparation
of, 223; example of Parliamentary
section of railway, 224, Plate VIII.;
estimates for railways, 224; surveys
for water supply works, 311 to 316;
example of Parliamentary plan of
reservoir, 316, Plate XIII.
Passometer, 108; example of survey
with prismatic compass and passo-
meter, 108, 109
Pedometer, 108
Pegs, 42, 227

Pegging out roads and railways, 233;
fences, slopes, bridges, &c., during
construction, 248 to 254; curves,
236 to 245; roads and railways
abroad, 406 to 408
Perambulator, 107, 108
Personal error, 164, 165
Phase of signal, 443

Photography, reducing plans by, 59;
surveying by means of, 112 to 122
Photographic surveying, 112 to 122
Photo-theodolite, Bridges Lee, 113
Pipes, survey of line of, 314; longi-
tudinal section of, 314

Plain theodolite, 67; adjustment of,


Plane table, 77; surveying with, 109

to 112

Planimeters, Amsler's, 54; Hatchet, 55
Plantation, survey of, 19, 20
Plotting, 16, 46; offsets, 47; by dis-

tances and bearings with protractor,
92, 93; by latitudes and departures,
94, 95; angles, 122, 123, 124;
road and railway plans and sec-
tions, 218 to 230; tacheometry or
stadia surveys, 278; water supply
surveys, reservoir, &c., 311 to 316

Plumb line levels, 159, 160
Pocket compass, 76, 77, 408; survey-
ing with, 109

Polar spherical co-ordinates, 469
Pond, survey of, 19, 20

Practical hints on chaining, 8 to 14;


use of theodolite, 87, 202, 82, 83,
84; in levelling, 162, 163, 164; in
care of instruments, 80
Precise spirit levelling, 182 to 201
Printing on plans, 49

Prismatic compass, 75, 76, 408; sur-
veying with, 106, 107; example of
survey with, 108, 109

Probable error, formulæ for calculation
of, 188; see also Errors

Profiles, setting tunnel, 304; see Longi-
tudinal Section

Projections, map, 474 to 481
Protractors, 122, 123; special, for tache-
ometry or stadia work, 278
Pull of steel tape or chain, correction
for, 449


AILWAY, surveys and setting out,
218 to 254; Parliamentary sur-
veys, 218 to 224; example of Par-
liamentary plan and section, 224,
Plate VIII.; working surveys, 224
to 230; example of working plan
and section, 230, Plates IX. and
X.; ruling gradients, 230, 231,
232; train load, speed, locomotive
power and train resistance, 230,
231; maximum gradient, 232;
"pusher" gradients, 232; mini-
mum radius of curve, 232; com-
pensating gradients on curves, 232,
233; cost of railways, 233; setting
out, 233 to 254; setting out curves,
236; transition curves, 243; setting
out transition curves, 245; cant of
rails, 246; transition curve between
reversed curves, 246; vertical curves
at changes of gradient, 247; setting
out of works during construction,
248; surveys abroad, 393 to 416
Range finders, 78, 79
Ranging rods, 3, 234
Reciprocal levelling, 165
Reconnaissance, 15, 87; for road and
railway surveys, 219; for road and
railway surveys abroad, 393 to 395 ;
for trigonometrical surveys, 433
Rectangular spherical co-ordinates, 469
Reduction of levels, 135 to 145; of
angles to centre of station, 462

Reducing plans, 57, 58, 59; levels,
135 to 145; tacheometer or stadia
sights, 255 to 284

Referencing, 222

Reflectors to verniers, 301; for night
signals, 443

Reflecting levels, 160, 161

Refraction, 159, 178, 179, 185, 282,
370, 434, 461

Regulations, Parliamentary, for railways,
221, 222, 223; Board of Trade, for
railways, 224; Australian, for sur-
veys, 420

Repetition, method of, for observing
angles, 83, 459, 461

Reservoir, survey of, 311; plan of, 313;

sections of, 311, 314; service, 315;
example of survey of, 316, Plate

Reversible level, Cooke's, 132; Cush-
ing's, 133

Ribs, setting tunnel, 304

Ridge and valley lines, 154, 156
River surveys, 325, 326

Roads, surveys and setting out, 218 to
254; abroad, 393 to 416
Rods, ranging, 3, 234; boning, 161,
162; for measurement

lines, 453

of base

Route survey, 395 to 402
Ruling gradients, 230
Running survey from ship or steam
launch, 317, 326


AG of steel tape or chain, correction
for, 449
Scaffolds for signals and instrument in
trigonometrical surveys, 431, 433,
434, 437, 438

Scales, 43, 44, 408, 218, 225, 315;
computing, 55

Sea level, 326; reduction of base to,
454, 425
Sections, longitudinal, 140; example

of, 143, 144, 145, Plate VII.; road
and railway, 218 to 230; Parlia-
mentary, of railway, 220; example
of Parliamentary, of railway, 224,
Plate VIII.; working of railway,
228 to 230; example of working of
railway, 230, Plate X.; of reservoir,
314; of reservoir embankment,
313; example of, by tacheometer or
stadia method, 284, Plate XI.; of
roads and railways abroad, 393 to

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