| William Shakespeare - 1733 - 524 pages
...of a School, or the leaft Cotrverfation The realbns, you alledge, do more conduce To the hot pafiion of diftemper'd blood, Than to make up a free determination...to the voice Of any true decifion. Nature craves, AH •u'tth fuch as katt.—'Twzs for this Reafon, and to fhelter our Author fiom fuch an Abfurdity,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1745 - 574 pages
...To To the hot paffion of diftemper'd blood, Than to make up a free determination 'Twixt right and1 wrong: for pleafure and revenge Have ears more deaf...voice Of any true decifion. Nature craves All dues be render'd to their owners ; now "What nearer debt in all humanity, Than wife is to the husband ? if... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - 348 pages
...thought Unfit to hear moral philofophy. • The reafons you alledge. do more conduce To the hot ;miiun of diftemper'd blood, Than to make up* a free determination...pleafure and revenge Have ears more deaf than adders to tile voice Of any truedecifion. Nature craves All dues be render'd to their owners ; now What neater... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1750 - 336 pages
...the hot paffion of diftemper'd blood, Than to make up a free determination "Twixe right and wrong i for pleafure and revenge " Have ears more deaf than adders to the voice Of any true dccifion. Nature craves All dues be rendei'd to their owners ; now What nearer debt in all humanity,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1752 - 450 pages
...hear moral philofophy. The reafons, you alledge, do more conduce To the hot paffion of dillemper'd blood, Than to make up a free determination 'Twixt...voice Of any true decifion. Nature craves, All dues be rcndcr'd to their owners ; now What nearer debt in all humanity, Than wife is to the husband ? If this... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1752 - 268 pages
...beacon of the wife ; the tent that fearchcs To th' bottom of the worft. SCENE IV. Pteafure and Reveitge. Pleafure and revenge Have ears more deaf than adders, to the voice Of any true decifion. ACT III. SCENE III. An cxpefting Lover. No, Pandarus : I ftalk about her door Like a flrange foul upon... | |
 | William Shakespeare - English drama - 1762 - 440 pages
...much Unlike young men, whom Arijiotk thought Unfit to hear moral philofophy. The reafons, you alledge, do more conduce To the hot paflion of diftemper'd...a free determination 'Twixt right and wrong : for pleaftire and revenge Have ears more deaf than adders, to the voice Of any true decifion. Nature craves,... | |
 | Lord Henry Home Kames - Criticism - 1762 - 464 pages
...;•.-,- ...... ..• ,-.:- .• a • .*• As alfo human paffions. Take the following example. • For Pleafure and Revenge Have ears more deaf than adders, to the voice „ Of any true decifion. . froths and Creffjda, a8 2. fc. 4. Virgil .explains fame and i$s effedls by 3 ftill greater variety... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1765 - 566 pages
...thought Unfit to hear moral philofophy. The reafons, you allege, do more conduce To the hot pafilon of diftemper'd blood Than to make up a free determination...voice Of any true decifion. Nature craves, All dues be render'd to their owners j now "What nearer debt in all humanity, Than wife is to the hufband ? If... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1765 - 566 pages
...thought Unfit to hear moral philofophy. The reafons, you allege, do more conduce To the hot paffion of diftemper'd blood Than to make up a free determination...Have ears more deaf than adders, to the voice Of any truedecifion. Nature craves, All dues be render'd to their owners ; now What nearer debt in all humanity,... | |
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