| William Shakespeare - 1733 - 490 pages
...weigh thee down to Ruin ! (29) . This Cardinal Though from an humble Stock, undoubtedly Waifajbiojfdto much Honour. From his Cradle He 'was a Scholar, and a ripe, and good one ;] Thus this Paflage has hitherto been moft abfurdly pointed. That Wolfey fhould be a rife Scholar... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1771 - 372 pages
...from an humble ftock, undoubtedly Was fafhion'd to much honour from his cradle-. He was a fcholar, and a ripe and good one ; Exceeding wife, fair fpoken,...Lofty and four to them that lov'd him not; But to tliofe men that fought him, fweet as fummer. And though he were unfatisfy'd in getting, (Which was... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1773 - 424 pages
...from an humble ftock, undoubtedly Was fafhion'd to much honour, from his cradle ; He was a fcholar, and a ripe and good one ; Exceeding wife, fair fpoken, and perfuading ; Lofty and four to them, that lov'rt him not ; But to thofe men, that fought him, fweet as fumme*. And though he were unfatisfy'd... | |
 | Elizabeth Griffith, Mrs. Griffith (Elizabeth) - Drama - 1775 - 618 pages
...from an humble flock, undoubtedly Was failiioned to much honour ; from his cradle J He was a fcholar, and a ripe and good one, Exceeding wife, fair fpoken, and perfuading ; Lofty and four to them that loved him not, But to thofc men that fought him,, fweet as fummer. And though he were unfatisfied in... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1785 - 524 pages
...from'an humble ftock, undoubtedly Was fafhion'd to much honour. From his cradle, • He was a fcholar, and a ripe, and good one : Exceeding wife, fair fpoken,...perfuading : Lofty, and four, to them that lov'd him not ; Butj to thofe men that fought him, fweet as fummer. : And though he were unfatisfy'd in getting,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1788 - 466 pages
...I were malicious else. Grif. This cardinal, Though from an humble stock, undoubtedly Was fashion'd to much honour. From his cradle, He was a scholar, and a ripe, and good one : Exceeding wise, fair spoken, arid persuading : Lofty, and sour, to them that lov'd him not ; 199 But, to those... | |
 | William Shakespeare, Joseph Rann - 1791 - 724 pages
...difcretion. . i ill,} — debauched. Was fafhion'd to much honour. From his cradle, He was a fcholar, and a ripe, and good one : Exceeding wife, fair fpoken, and perfuading : Lofty, and fcair, to them that lov'd him not; But, to thofe men that fought him, fweet as fummer. And though he... | |
 | Mr. Cresswick - 1792 - 452 pages
...from an humble flock, undoubtedly Was fafhion'd to jnuch honour. From his cradle He was a fcholar, and a ripe and good one : Exceeding wife, fair fpoken,...Lofty, and four to them that lov'd him not: But, to fhofe men that fought him, fweet as fummer. And though he were unfatisfy'd in getting, (Which was a... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1796 - 422 pages
...from an humble ftock, undoubtedly Was fafhion'd to much honcmr. From his cradle He was af ciiolar, , and a ripe and good one : Exceeding wife, fair fpoken, and perfuading : Lofty, and four to them t'iat lov'd him not; But, to thofe men that fought him, fweet as fumrner. .And though he were unfatisfy'd... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1798 - 478 pages
...from an humble (lock, undoubtedl-/ \Vas t.ifhion'd to much honour. Fiom his cradle, He was a fcholar, and a ripe, and good one : Exceeding wife, fair fpoken and perfuading : Lofty, and four, to them tlyit lov'd him not : But to thole men that fought him, fweetas fummci. And though he were unfatisfy'd... | |
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