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2. Write a note on each of the following words :-life-guard, watershed, island, orange, wiseacre.

3. How does Milton describe Astoreth, Thammuz, Rimmon, Belial?

4. (a). How is the allusion to Galileo introduced into “Paradise Lost"?

(b). Who is Satan's standard-bearer? Explain the name.

(c). “The Aonian Mount." Explain.

(d). Explain "night-foundered." It is found twice in Milton's poems ?

(e). Explain the word "warping" as used by Milton.

5. What are the sources of the story of "The Merchant of Venice"? What is the probable date?

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6. (a). What are the inscriptions on the caskets?

(b). What other female characters of Shakspere beside Portia and Nerissa assume male attire ?

(c). Explain “ I have set up my rest to run away.”

(d). Explain "The pageants of the sea."

(e). Explain "You stand within his danger."

7. Distinguish the four chief periods in Shakspere's dramatic career. 8. Name Milton's principal works, verse and prose, in chronological order, give dates, and mention the subject of each work.

9. Write down one passage from any one of Milton's minor poems, one from Pope, and one from Gray.

10. Who is the author, and what is the subject of each of the following works:-"The Virgin Martyr," "The Song of the Exiles," "The

Castaway," ""The Cotter's Saturday Night," "The Faithful Shepherd



1. Choose some great man whom you admire, and show what are the elements of his life and character which seem to you heroic.

2. Can the study of Modern Languages and Literature ever become a substitute for the study of Greek and Latin?

3. The chief defects of public School education in the training of intellect and character.

[Choose one subject.]



I. Translate into French :

(a). Your brother is esteemed by everybody,
(b). It has rained to-day.

(c). It is an endless business.

(d). It is true that I may be deceived.

(e). If it were true that I might be deceived.

(f). You play well on the violin.

(g). You do not play well at cards.

2. Give the past participle of acquérir, aller, s'asseoir, connaître, coudre, offrir, rire.

3. Distinguish between the masculine and feminine significations of the following substantives: exemple, livre, mémoire, mousse, période, tour, vase.

4. Conjugate completely the verbs sentir, pouvoir, moudre.

5. Translate:

(a). Comme elle avançait en silence vers le bords du Nil, elle aperçut de loin, sous un bocage baigné par le fleuve, une vieille femme couverte de lambeaux gris, assise sur un tertre; elle avait auprès d'elle une ànesse, un chien, un bouc; vis-à-vis d'elle était un serpent, qui n'était pas comme les serpents ordinaires, car ses yeux étaient aussi tendres qu' animés, sa physionomie était noble et intéressante, sa peau brillait des couleurs les plus vives et les plus douces; un énorme poisson, à moitié plongé dans le fleuve, n'était pas la moins étonnante personne de la compagnie; il y avait sur une branche un corbeau et un pigeon: toutes ces créatures semblaient avoir ensemble une conversation assez animée.


Où sont, enfants du Caire
Ces flottes qui naguère
Emportaient à la guerre
Leurs mille matelots ?
Ces voiles, où sont elles.
Qu'armaient les infidèles,
Et qui prêtaient leurs ailes
A l'ongle des brùlots?

Où sont tes mille antennes,
Et tes hunes hautaines
Et tes fiers capitaines,
Armada du sultan ?
Ta ruine commence,
Toi qui, dans ta démence,
Battais les mers, immense
Comme Leviathan!


1. Translate into German :

(a). In consequence of my letter he will be here to-morrow.
(b). He is always attentive to what I say.

(c). What do you learn at school?

(d). My sister also caught cold last night.

(e). He trembles with cold.

(f). I shall send the book the first opportunity.

(g). I have just been at your house.

(h). Ten fathoms deep.

(i). I walk in the room.

(j). I walk into the room.

2. Give the imperfect and participle of the verbs denken, erküren, fliegen, heben, schelten, stieben.

3. What are the various significations of the auxiliary verb sollen? Construct short sentences in illustration.

4. Construct sentences illustrative of the use of the adverbs noch, doch, wohl.

5. Translate:

(a). "Eine besondere Liebhaberei meines Vaters machte uns Kindern viel Unbequemlichkeit: es war nämlich die Seidenzucht, von deren Vortheil, wenn sie allgemeiner verbreitet würde, er einen grossen Begriff hatte. Einige Bekanntschaften in Hanau, wo man die Zucht der Würmer sehr sorgfältig betrieb, gaben ihm die nächste Veranlassung. Von dorther wurden ihm zu rechter Zeit die Eier gesendet, und sobald die Maulbeerbäume genügsames Laub zeigten, liess man sie ausschlüpfen und wartete der kaum sichtbaren Geschöpfe mit grosser Sorgfalt. In einem Mansardzimmer waren Tische und Gestelle mit Brettern aufgeschlagen, um ihnen mehr Raum und Unterhalt zu bereiten; denn sie wuchsen schnell und waren nach der letzten Häutung so heisshungrig, dass man kaum Blätter genug herbeischaffen konnte, sie zu nähren; ja sie mussten Tag und Nacht gefüttert werden, weil eben alles daraufankommt, dass sie der Nahrung ja nicht zu einer Zeit ermangeln, wo die grosse und wundersame Veränderung in ihnen vorgehen soll.


"O, eine edle Himmelsgabe ist

Das licht des Auges-Alle Wesen leben
Vom Lichte, jedes glückliche Geschöpf-
Die Pflanze selbst kehrt freudig sich zum Lichte,
Und er muss sitzen, fühlend, in der Nacht,
Im ewig Finstern-ihn erquickt nicht mehr
Der Matten warmes Grün, der Blumen Schmelz,
Die rothen Firnen kann er nicht mehr schauen-
Sterben ist nichts-doch leben und nicht sehen,
Das ist ein Unglück-Warum seht ihr mich
So jammernd an? Ich hab'z wei frische Augen
Und kann dem blinden Vater keines geben,
Nicht einen Schimmer von dem Meer des Lichts,
Das glanzvoll, blendend mir ins Auge dringt."



1. What were the Constitutions of Clarendon, the Millenary Petition, the Exclusion Bill, the Act of Settlement, the Peerage Bill?

2. How was England divided between King and Parliament at the opening of the Civil War? Where are Newbury, Edgehill, Marston Moor, Dunbar ?

3. State the claims of James I., and of Arabella Stuart to the throne of England.

4. Write a note on (a) The Law of Treason, (b) The Poor Laws.

5. When and between whom was each of the following battles fought? State the result of each battle?

The Hallelujah Victory, Battle of the Standard, Halidown Hill, Battle of Spurs, La Hogue, Fontenoy, Plassy, Brandywine.

6. What were the charges against (a) Strafford, (b) Clarendon, (c) Warren Hastings?

7. Name in order the Prime Ministers from 1717 to 1783, giving dates.

8. Mention in chronological order the chief events of the Peninsular War, 1807-1814.


1. Name the counties of Scotland which touch the sea.

2. Draw a map of Spain and Portugal, marking the political divisions.

3. Mention the chief objects of interest to be seen in

(a) Lombardy;

(b) The Neapolitan States.

4. Name the chief towns of Russia, state the position of each, and give approximately the population of the three most important towns. 5. Write a note on the military frontier of Turkey, and the difficulties which a Russian army advancing upon Constantinople must encounter. 6. Write a note upon the sources of national wealth in France.

7. Name the chief rivers of Hindostan, and describe the course of any one which exceeds 1000 miles in length.

8. Draw a map of Australia.

9. Name the States forming the western group of the United States. with the chief town of each State.

10. What is the Gulf Stream, its course, its rate of motion, its importance in the physical geography of the globe?




1. What rule does Bishop Butler lay down for our guidance when Natural Religion seems to conflict with a statement of Revelation ?

2. Show that there is no presumption against operations, which we should now call miraculous, at the beginning of the world.

3. How does Butler answer the objection founded on the abuse of miraculous gifts in the Apostolic age?

4. "It is the province of reason to judge of the morality of the Scriptures." How does Butler explain this proposition, and how does he apply it to set aside objections founded on supposed immoralities in Scripture?

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5. How does Butler answer the objection that the scheme of the Gospel seems to suppose God was reduced to the necessity of a long series of intricate means in order to accomplish His ends"?

6. By what considerations does Butler expose the presumption and the folly of the objections urged against the Christian doctrine of a Mediator and Redeemer?

7. How does Butler answer the objection that "it does not at all appear that the prophecies were intended of those particular events to which they are applied by Christians"? How does he illustrate this


8. How does Archbishop Magee define the principles of the Deist, the Socinian, and the Arian? State the heads of his reply to each as given in his first Discourse.

9. Give the outlines of the argument of the second Discourse. Are any of the inferences here made open to criticism?

10. How does Archbishop Magee explain and argue from the text: "He made Him sin for us, who knew no sin"?


1. Define accurately, in its various forms, the argument from Design. 2. State fully the moral argument for the existence of God.

3. Explain what Hume means by styling the world "a singular effect." By what other statement may the invidious nature of Hume's cavil be encountered?

4. The Pantheists' assertion of belief in the doctrine of immortality is a verbal fallacy?

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