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Lay thy bow of pearl apart,

And thy crystal shining quiver;
Give unto the flying heart

Space to breathe, how short soever :
Thou that mak'st a day of night,
Goddess excellently bright.


Not so, my lord, the gods of Rome forefend,
I should be author to dishonour you
But, on mine honour, dare I undertake
For good lord Titus' innocence in all,

Whose fury, not dissembled, speaks his griefs.
Then, at my suit look graciously on him;
Lose not so noble a friend on vain suppose,
Nor with sour looks afflict his gentle heart.
My lord, be ruled by me, be won at last;
Dissemble all your griefs and discontents:
You are but newly planted in your
Lest then, the people, and patricians too,
Upon a just survey, take Titus' part,
And so supplant you for ingratitude,
Which Rome reputes to be a heinous sin,
Yield at intreats.




1. In describing the occasion of his Essay, Locke gives countenance to a certain amount of Agnosticism?

2. Does Locke hold that we can think, will, love, doubt, &c., without our getting, in the process, an idea of thinking, willing, &c.?

Show the bearing of your answer on Mansel's criticism on Locke's use of the word Reflection.

3. In what sense does Locke call the primary qualities of body "inseparable" from it ?

4. On what grounds does Locke deny to brutes the power of Abstraction?

5. To what classes of ideas, simple or complex, do you refer the following: quadrilateral, anger, libel, ugliness, distance, figure, a day, the Paris Bourse

6. Locke considers the idea of Infinity more difficult to account for than the idea of the Finite. Discuss this opinion.

7. Compare Locke's and Mill's definitions of Relative Terms.

8. (a). What petitio principii is there in Locke's account of our idea of Power, and also of our idea of Cause ?

(8). Is there any difference between these ideas ?

9. Two principal questions discussed in Book III. of the Essay? 10. Locke and Mill differ as to the connotation of general terms? 11. (a). How does Locke show that genera and species are the creatures of the Understanding?

(8). A dictum of Plato's confirms this proof?

(7). Are they, then, wholly arbitrary?

12. "To be of that sort." What is Locke's alternative phrase for this?

13. Give examples (a) of words without ideas, and (8) of words taken for things.

14. Berkeley's Idealism is a development of the first principle laid down by Locke on the subject of Knowledge? A further development occurs in Locke's three degrees of knowledge?

15. Locke cannot understand how bodies can affect our senses without contact. The possibility ought not to have been incredible at the time Locke wrote ?

16. (a). What single consideration, according to Locke, suffices to show that the ideas we can attain to by our faculties are very disproportionate to things themselves?

(8). Criticise this argument from Mill's point of view.


17. What difference exists between the modality of the proposition, "Fear is always cruel," and the modality of the proposition, more planetoids will certainly be discovered" ?

18. Exhibit by a diagram the mutual relations of A, E, I, O, the subject and predicate being the same in all four propositions.

19. Show that Bokardo and Baroko can be reduced to Darii and Ferio respectively.

20. Expose the fallacy:-Gold and silver are wealth: and, therefore, the diminution of the gold and silver in the country by exportation is a diminution of the wealth of the country.


1. What were the errors of Locke and Berkeley respectively as regards concepts ?

2. Quote Dr. Thomas Brown's argument to show that we can have no immediate perception of extension, and show that it involves a fallacy distinct from that mentioned by Mansel.

3. Quote Aristotle's remark on the question, whether sensation is a function of the mind.

4. How can we distinguish between what is objective and what subjective in perception? Show that the opposition between different schools of philosophy on this point is more apparent than real.

5. Some of the early sceptics denied the possibility of uniting two notions in a judgment. On what grounds? Quote any one of the ancient authorities.

6. What correction does Mill make in the ordinary doctrine of modal propositions?

7. What is Mill's Theory of Predication, and how does it differ from Locke's?

8. What is the use of the major premiss, according to Mill; and what is the mistake involved in the common theory?

9. "In every step of an arithmetical calculation there is a real induction." Explain and develop this statement.

10. "The doctrine that genera and species are a peculiar kind of substances, and the only permanent things, has never ceased to poison philosophy." Illustrate this by instances from modern philosophy (from the time of Locke down).


1. Discuss the Greek, Latin, and English synonyms for the term Substance.

2. What is Hamilton's account of the term Hypothesis?

3. Criticise his views on Attention.

4. Construct a table of the theories concerning the testimony of Consciousness, giving the names of the principal philosophers under each head.

5. Defend Brown against Hamilton by an argumentum ad hominem. 6. Express your own opinion, with reasons, as to the nature of external perception.

7. Describe Somnambulism.

8. Criticise Hamilton's account of Kant's Theory of Space and Time. 9. Give a scientific and a literary specimen (not one of those cited by him) implying the use of Mill's Methods of Induction.

10. Compare them with Bacon's modi experimentandi.

II. In what sciences is induction prominent, or the reverse?

12. What fallacies does Mill point out in older theories of Causation?

1. By whom is Mill's view of syllogism completely anticipated, and how?

2. What was Kepler's real Induction?

3. Why is day not considered the cause of night?

4. What does Mill mean by necessity?

5. Is our volition the cause of our motion?
6. Why did Anaxagoras postulate his voûs ?
7. Write a note on heteropathic laws.
8. What sciences depend upon observation?

Modern Historg.




1. Give an account of the causes which led to the election of Rudolf of Habsburg.

2. In choosing a successor to Henry VII. the electors were divided into two parties. With what results?

3. How did the dukes of Austria gain possession of the Tyrol ?

4. What was the Imperial Chamber? What was the Aulic Council? 5. Give a sketch of the life of Gustavus Adolphus.

6. State shortly the main results of the Seven Years War.

7. Relate the history of Charles le Mauvais, king of Navarre.

8. Write notes on the following expressions :-Lit de justice-Paulette -Tournelle-Chambre de l'Edit.

9. What was the "Battle of St. Antoine"?

10. Exhibit by genealogical tables the respective claims of France, Bavaria, and Austria, to the Spanish succession (1698).

11. What was the famous "Compte rendu" (1781) ?

12. (June 12, 1418). "Between three and four thousand persons were murdered [in Paris] on this day, which has no parallel but what our own age has witnessed, in the massacre perpetrated by the same ferocious populace, under circumstances nearly similar." (Hallam). Write short accounts of both these massacres.


1. Date of accession of Louis XII. of France?

2. Of the emperor Charles VI. ?
3. Of the treaty of Hubertusburg?
4. Of the peace of Campo Formio?

5. Of death of Cardinal Richelieu ?

6. How, and when, did the French get possession of Strassburg? 7. What was the Religious Peace of Augsburg?

8. Describe the character of the emperor Rudolf II.

9. Who was Stanislaus Leszczynski?

10. What was the first serious reverse of Frederick II. of Prussia?


II. Maximilian I. went on almost till his death forming great schemes which he was never able to fulfil." Mention some of these.

12. Origin of the university of Prague ?
13. Who was the Great Elector?
14. What were the "écorcheurs"?

15. Who was Jeanne la Hachette?

16. What was the peace of Cambrai? By what other name is it sometimes called?

17. What was the league of Cambrai? Where is Cambrai ?

18. "I am once more king of France, for this morning I have put to death the king of Paris." By whom was this said?

19. August 27th, 1648, is a memorable day in the history of France? 20. What were the Chambers de Réunion?

21. During the intervals of the Jansenist controversy, the affair of the "Régale" gave rise to a serious misunderstanding between Louis XIV. and the court of Rome?

22. The monastery of Port Royal is famous in French history?

23. Date of the battle of Fontenoy?

24. In 1762 the Society of Jesus was abolished in France. What was the cause of this?

25. Who were the principal Girondins?


1. Give some account of (a) the rise of the Ottoman Turks; (b) the rise of Timour; (c) the reign of Mahomet II.

2. Write a notice of (a) Savonarola; (b) Cæsar Borgia.

3. Give a sketch of the history of Florence from 1530 to 1570.

4. What were the terms of (a) the Treaty of Madrid, 1526; (b) Peace of Cambrai; (c) Peace of Câteau-Cambrensis; (d) Treaty of Aix-laChapelle, 1748?

5. What were the terms relating to Italy and Sicily in the Treaty of Utrecht? Philip of Spain violated the treaty: what followed? What were the relations of Victor Amadeus and his son Charles Emmanuel : 6. What were the principal events of the Thirty Years' War during the Danish Period, 1625-1629 ?

7. What was the Mississipi Scheme?

8. What do you consider to have been the chief causes of the French Revolution?

9. Write a note on the administration of Colbert.

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