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10. How is the bleaching salt of lime made; what is its formula, and how would you extract from it its hypoclorous acid? Explain Bunsen's method of testing its value.

II. Write the formulæ of cupric sulphate, and of sodium hyposulphite, and explains what occurs when a mixed solution of the two salts is raised to its boiling point.

12. Write the formulæ of orthasilicic and of metasilicic acids, and specify the groups of mineral silicates which correspond in constitution to each of these acids.

13. A mineral was, upon analysis, found to consist of

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How was this analysis made, and what is the name, crystalline system, and formula of this mineral?

14. A native phosphate was found, on analysis, to consist of

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Give its formula, its crystalline system, and its name.

15. To a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen measuring 48 volumes, 30 volumes of hydrogen were added, and the mixture being then exploded in a voltaic eudiometer, the residual gas was reduced to 32 volumes, and included no oxygen. What was the percentage of oxygen in the mixture?

16. Give Rose's notation of the following simple forms: pentagonal dodecahedron; square octahedron of second class; rhombohedron; first horizontal prism.

17. In a crystal of a mineral in the orthorhomlic system, sketched by Dana, certain planes are lettered as follows, viz., II., lī., lĩ. For this notation substitute that of Rose.

18. Here are 12 minerals. Write the formula, the crystalline system, and the name of each.

19. If 1000 grains of a potable water contains 0.228 of lime, estimated as carbonate, what must be its degree of hardness?

20. How would you make such analysis of Portland cement as would show the amount of its lime, and the respective quantities of its active and inactive silex?

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1. If a line be cut as in Eu. II., 11, show that the square on a line made up of the whole line and less part is five times the square of the greater part.

2. Find a point such that the three lines joining it to the vertices of a triangle divide the triangle into three equal parts.

3. If triangles be constructed on the diagonal of a parallelogram and on two sides conterminous with it as bases, and having a common vertex outside that angle of the parallelogram, the triangle on the diagonal equals the sum of the other two.

4. A dealer is paid £23 198. 2d. for an article; assuming that it passed through the hands of three dealers and that each added 10 per cent. of the price at which he bought for his own profit, what did the first dealer pay?

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7. Prove that the sum of the perpendiculars drawn from any point inside an equilateral triangle to the sides is constant.

8. Perpendiculars are drawn from the vertices of a triangle to the opposite sides; prove that they are the bisectors of the angles of the triangle formed by joining the points where they meet the opposite sides.

9. The sides of a triangle being 4, 5, 6, find the lengths of the bisectors of the sides drawn from the opposite vertices.

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13. If a line be drawn from the middle point of the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle to the right angle, prove that its length is half that of the hypothenuse.

14. If the sides of a triangle be 84, 96, and 108 feet, calculate the segments into which the greatest side is divided by the perpendicular from the opposite angle.

14. Determine all the ways in which the space round a point can be completely filled by the angles of regular polygons.

16. Find the simplest numerical value of the product

(√πI+√/3) (√27 + √18) (√ 44 - √12) (√3 - √ 2).

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Translate the following passages into English Prose:

Beginning, μῶρον μὲν οὖν γυναῖκες, οὐκ ἄλλως λέγω· κ. τ.λ.
Ending, τίς ἂν πατρὸς σοῦ φόνον ἐκοινώνησέ μοι ;

2. Beginning, Επιτιμᾶς δέ μοι καὶ τὴν ἐν τοῖς μυρίοις, κ. τ. λ.
Ending, ἐγὼ δὲ ταύτην εἶναι πολλῷ φημὶ καλλίω, τοῦ πολέμου.

Translate the following passage into Greek prose :

Being come to Athens, it was decreed that they should remain prisoners till a peace was concluded, provided the Lacedæmonians did not make any incursions into their country, for that then they should all be put to death. They left a garrison in Pylus. The Messenians of Naupactus, who had formerly possessed it, sent thither the flower of their youth, who very much infested the Lacedæmonians by their incursions; and as these Messenians spoke the language of the country, they prevailed with a great number of slaves to join them. The Lacedæmonians, dreading a greater evil, sent several deputations to Athens, but to no purpose.


Translate the following passages:—

1. Beginning, Inumbrante vespera universum Flaviani exercitus.... Ending, quatiunt arma, rupturi imperium, ni ducantur.

TACITUS, Ann., B. iii.

2. Beginning, "Pascere, crudelis, nostro, Latona, dolore,...... Ending, Diriguitque malis.

OVID, Met.



1. Give the four principal forms of conditional sentences in Greek. 2. Explain by examples the use of où and μǹ.

3. Illustrate the different meanings of rapà with genitive, dative, and accusative.

4. Give a short account of the legislation of Solon or Lycurgus.

5. Give the dates and results of the principal battles fought during the Peloponnesian war.

6. In what branches of Literature were the following writers severally distinguished: Hesiod, Pindar, Thespis, Herodotus, Aristophanes, Theocritus?

7. Give a list of Latin Feminine nouns in the o (or second) declension, and the u (or fourth) declension.

8. In what ways may a purpose be expressed in Latin?

9. Express in oratio obliqua—Quantum possum miseris succurro.

10. Mention some of the enactments of the Twelve Tables.

II. What were the duties and privileges of the Tribunes?

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12. (a). Write short notices of Duillius, Spartacus, Sertorius, C. Gracchus.

(b). Where were the following places and for what events are they remarkable-Corfinium, Beneventum, Saguntum, Zama, Actium, Munda.

Entrance Prizes in Composition, History and Geography,
English, French, and German.

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S. I wish you would frankly tell me what I am going to ask of you: When you produce the greatest effect upon the audience in the recitation of some striking passage, such as the apparition of Odysseus leaping forth on the floor, recognised by the suitors, and casting his arrows at his feet, or the description of Achilles rushing at Hector, or the sorrows of Hecuba, Andromache, or Priam, - -are you in your right mind? Are you not carried out of yourself, and does not your soul in an ecstasy seem to be among the persons or places of which she is speaking, whether they are in Ithaca or Troy, or whatever may be the scene of the poem ?

I. I must confess that at the tale of pity my eyes are filled with tears, and when I speak of horrors, my hair stands on end and my heart throbs.

S. Well, and what are we to say of a man who at a sacrifice or festival, when he is dressed in holiday attire, and has golden crowns on his head, of which nobody has robbed him, appears weeping or panic-stricken in the presence of more than twenty thousand friendly faces, where there is no one spoiling or wronging him; is he in his right mind, or is he not? I. No, indeed, I must say that, strictly speaking, he is not in his right mind.

S. And are you aware that you produce similar effects on most of the spectators?

I. Yes, indeed, I am : for I look down upon them from the stage, and behold the various emotions of pity, wonder, sternness, stamped upon their countenances when I am speaking; and I am obliged to attend to them; for, unless I make them cry, I myself shall not laugh, and if I make them laugh, I shall do anything but laugh myself when the hour of payment arrives.


In accordance with Eastern magnificence, the revenues of Magnesia, amounting to the yearly sum of fifty talents, were assigned to him for bread, whilst Myos was to supply condiments, and Lampsacus wine. At Magnesia Themistocles was joined by his family; and after living there some time, was carried off by disease at the age of sixty-five, without having realized, or apparently attempted, any of those plans with which he had dazzled the Persian monarch. Rumour, which ever dogs the footsteps of the great, ascribed his death to poison, which he took of his own accord, from a consciousness of his inability to perform his promises; but this report, which was current in the time of Thucydides, is rejected by that historian, though it was subsequently adopted by writers of no

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