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Translate the following passage into Italian :

So Matilda became the Lady of the English; she was not crowned, because perhaps the solemn consecration which she had received as empress sufficed, or perhaps Stephen's royalty was so far forth indefeasi ble; but she acted as full sovereign nevertheless, executed charters, bestowed lands and titles, and exerted power sufficient to show that she had all the pride and tyrannical intolerance of her father, without his prudence or self-control. She, too, was on the crest of her wave and had her little day. But the barons looked coolly on the triumph; it was their policy that neither competitor should destroy the other, but that both should grow weaker and weaker, and so leave room for each several feudatory to grow stronger and stronger. Neither king nor empress had anything like command of his or her friends, or anything like general acceptance.


1. Set down, in chronological order, the most memorable events in the life of Dante between the years A. D. 1300 and 1321.

2. To what passage in the “Divina Commedia” do the following lines of Chaucer refer ?


"Ful selde up riseth by his branches smale
Prowesse of man, for God of his goodnesse
Wol that we claime of him our gentillesse :
For of our elders may we nothing claime

But temporel thing, that man may hurt and maime.”
"Dante shall give Fame leave to set thee higher
Than his Casella, whom he woo'd to sing,
Met in the milder shades of Purgatory.'

Describe this interview of Dante and Casella.

4. Translate, and write explanatory notes on the following pas




"Se 'l Pastor di Cosenza, ch' alla caccia
Di me fu messo per Clemente, allora
Avesse in Dio ben letta questa faccia,
L'ossa del corpo mio sarieno ancora
In cò del ponte, presso a Benevento,
Sotto la guardia della grave mora.
Or le bagna la pioggia; e muove 'l vento
Di fuor del regno, quasi lungo 'l Verde,
Ove le trasmutò a lume spento."

"Poi disse un altro: Deh se quel disio
Si compia, che ti tragge all' alto monte,
Con buona pietate aiuta 'l mio.

Io fui di Montefeltro: i' son Buonconte:
Giovanna o altri non ha di me cura,
Perch' io vo tra costor con bassa fronte.




Ed io a lui: Qual forza, o qual ventura
Ti traviò si fuor di Campaldino,
Che non si seppe mai tua sepoltura ?"
"Vidi Cont' Orso, e l' anima divisa
Dal corpo suo per astio e per inveggia,
Come dicea, non per colpa commisa:
Pier dalla Broccia dico: e qui provveggia,
Mentr' è di qua, la donna di Brabante,
Sì che però non sia di peggior greggia."

Te lucis ante sì divotamente

Le uscì di bocca, e con si dolci note,
Che fece me a me uscir di mente:
E l' altre poi dolcemente e divote
Seguitar lei per tutto l' inno intero,
Avendo gli occhi alle superne ruote.
Aguzza qui, Lettor, ben gli occhi al vero;
Chè 'l velo è ora ben tanto sottile,
Certo, che 'l trapassar dentro è leggiero."

"Carlo venne in Italia, e per ammenda
Vittima fe' di Curradino, e poi

Ripinse al Ciel Tommaso per ammenda.
Tempo vegg' io non molto dopo ancoi,
Che tragge un altro Carlo fuor di Francia,
Per far conoscer meglio e sè e i suoi.
Senz' arme n' esce, e solo con la lancia,
Con la qual giostrò Giuda e quella ponta
Sì, ch' a Fiorenza fa scoppiar la pancia."

5. Give an account of what was seen by Dante on the third cornice"dove si punisce l' ira."



1. Harmonize in four parts a major scale of one octave.
2. What modulations are possible with G as a sustained bass?
3. Write out the trio for angels in Mendelssohn's Elijah.

4. What are the difficulties in tuning a piano?

5. Write a figured bass for the following:

6. What is meant by Gregorian tones? Write out the chief kinds. 7. Give a sketch of any celebrated fugue you remember.

8. What do you know of Tallis' responses?

9. What is meant by the Dublin use?






1. Can you mention (a) any sayings ascribed to our Lord, (b) any supposed incidents of His life, which gained early belief, on the authority of Gospels not admitted into our Canon ?

2. What is the weakness of the argument ex silentio when it is tried to prove that writers quoted by Eusebius were unacquainted with our Gospels?

3. Mention any passages on the strength of which it has been asserted that the "tendency" of St. Matthew's Gospel is different from that of St. Luke's.

4. What indirect evidence is there that Papias was acquainted with St. John's Gospel ?

5. State the argument for the authority of the fourth Gospel, from its recognition by early heretics. How has it been attempted to weaken the force of this argument?

6. On what grounds has the historic authority of the Book of the Acts been denied?

7. Give an account of the evidence for the apostolic authority (a) of the first Epistle of St. Peter, (b) of the second.

8. Tell what you know about the MSS. A, B, &, D.

9. What New Testament MSS. does our College possess?

10. "The only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him." Discuss the reading of this verse.

II. What is Tertullian's statement concerning the Acts of Paul and Thecla? What doctrinal reasons had he for rejecting the book?

12. What does he say concerning the "Shepherd of Hermas"? What do you know as to the time, place of composition, and general character of this book?

13. What are the reasons for and against ascribing to the Apostle Barnabas the epistle which bears his name? What is the epistle of Barnabas referred to by Tertullian ?

14. State as nearly as you can the times at which the following Fathers lived:-Ambrose, Bernard, Cyril of Alexandria and of Jerusalem, Cyprian, Gregory the Great, Origen.

15. Who is the first to give the Apostles' Creed in the form we have it now? How far back can we trace the story which assigns a clause to each of the twelve Apostles?

16. The history of the New Testament text indicates the early prevalence of the feeling that a baptism ought always to be preceded by a profession of faith?

17. What are the authorities from which we can recover the earliest form of the Creed of the Roman Church?

18. What is the Canon of the Council of Ephesus forbidding new creeds? How then are we to defend the subsequent practice of the Church?

19. What use is said to have been made of the phrase "Homoousios" by Paul of Samosata?

20. What is the Greek of the words of the Nicene Creed, "Lord and Giver of life," and what is the importance of the doctrine they assert? 21. What is the Latin of the word "incomprehensible" in the Athanasian Creed, and what the Greek?

22. What are the earliest instances in which a claim of Roman supremacy was grounded on the connexion of the See with Peter?

23. How far back can we trace the idea that Peter was Bishop of Rome?

24. What reply would you make to the following arguments for the infallibility of the Church?—

(a). That it is incredible God would have left us in danger of going wrong in a matter so important as our eternal salvation.

(6). That a person who should try to learn his religion from the Bible alone without the Church's help would be almost sure to go wrong.

(c). That we receive the Bible itself on the authority of the Church. 25. Roman Catholics have succeeded in associating in the minds of Protestants the idea of infallibility with that of a Church?

26. How far can our Church be said to have recognised the authority of the early Councils, and of which of them?

27. What light does the personal history of Gregory Nazienzen throw on the passages in which he speaks disparagingly of assemblies of bishops?

28. When was the doctrine of the superiority of a General Council to the Pope formally asserted, and why? What has been the subsequent history of that doctrine?

29. Does the rule admit of exception, that the Church commemorates the day of a saint's death and not his birth? What principle was held to be involved in the rule ?

30. What controversy has there been as to the condition of Adam be fore his fall?

31. What is the doctrine laid down by Pope Eugenius as to the matter and form of the Sacrament of Orders? What difficulty has been felt by Roman Catholic divines in maintaining this doctrine?

32. Mention some of the arguments used on both sides of the question whether the ancient Church believed in a presence of our Lord's Body and Blood in the elements, apart from their reception.

33. How did St. Bernard illustrate the effect of Sacraments ?

34. What was the practice of the early Church as to the presence of non-communicants during the celebration of the Eucharist?

35. What is the history of the marginal directions which appear in our Prayer Book?

36. How do the American and Scotch Prayers of Consecration respectively differ from ours?




1. Give Paley's introductory argument in proof of the probability of a Revelation having been given.

2. State distinctly, and illustrate, the difference between probability and demonstration.

3. Give, after Paley, a summary of the evidence supplied by the references in heathen writers to the historical appearance of Jesus Christ. 4. Quote as accurately as possible the two propositions which Paley's treatise develops.

5. Discuss, after Bishop Butler, what he terms “the opinion of the Brachmans" as to the effect of death.

6. "The general consideration of a future state of punishment most evidently belongs to the subject of Natural Religion." Give the substance of Butler's remarks on this proposition.

7. Analyse Butler's argument for the "moral government of God," founded on "the necessary tendencies of virtue."

8. Define the state of "creatures made upright or finitely perfect." How comes it to pass that creatures made upright fall?

9. How does Butler prove that "the notions of justice and injustice remain, even whilst we endeavour to suppose them removed" by the opinion of Necessity?

10. Explain clearly what Butler means by the proposition that "the actual permission of evil may be beneficial" to the world. How does he illustrate his meaning?

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