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1. Besides prefixing J, what are the other methods of rendering an

Arabic noun definite ?

2. State the exact nature of Wasla, and the changes that may take place in consequence of it, in the beginning and ending of a word.

3. What are the characteristics of the noun on the measure of


Je? Give the various forms of its feminines, as also those of plurals, in both genders.

4. On what measures are formed the instrumental noun, and the nouns of time and place? What are the forms of their respective plurals, and how do these plurals decline?

5. State regularities and irregularities of the Arabic numerals.

6. What is the difference in the meanings of




7. Give the infinitive and imperative moods of such triliteral weak verbs as have and for their first radicals.

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8. Give, accurately, the unaltered and the altered forms of the impe

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signify, and how do they affect the sound, and the weak verbs, when

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Translate into Arabic:

Upon what single fact, then, either before or after Mohammed's time, does the writer ground this charge? If the purest Christianity_of all, preached by Christ and His Apostles, did not make way in the Eastern world; if the few Christian Churches which did exist among the half Roman or Hellenic inhabitants of Syria and of Africa had sunk to the condition in which we know they were when Mohammedanism swept them away, what reason have we, either à priori or à posteriori, for supposing that the Christianity of any later time would have been more successful? Have Christian nations been so energetic or so successful in converting any of those African or Asiatic nations which Mohammedanism has never reached, as to entitle us to turn round upon the religion which has remoulded so large a portion of the human race, and tell it that it is a curse to humanity?

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كان صلاح الدين يوسف بن أيوب صاحب مصر

والشام كثير الرفف موصوفا به دخل مرة الى الحمام


مرضة طويلة اضعفته وانتهكت قوتهُ فَادْخِلَ عقب

مملوك كان من مملوك الصعف فطلب الحمام وهو في غاية من واقعا على راسه داءً حارا فاحضر له في طاسة ماءً شديد الحرارة فلما قَرَبَ منه أضَطَرَبَتْ يد المملوك فوقعت الطاسة عليه فَاَحْرَقَ الماء جَسَدَه فلم يؤاخذه ولا بكلام ثم طلب منه بعد ذلك بساعة ماء بارد ا فاحضر له في تلك الطاسَةِ ماءً شديد البردِ فحين قَرِّبَ منه انقَفَ له ما أنفتَ فى المرة الأولى من اضطراب يده ووقوع الطاسة

عليه بذلك الماء الشديد البرد

وكاد يموت

قتلى فعرفني وام آفاق قال للمملوك ان كنت على هذه الكلمة رحمه الله



1. How can the gender of a noun be determined in Persian ?

2. Give the various rules for forming plurals.

3. By what prefixes and additions can a definite noun be distinguished from an indefinite one?

4. Write down the contracted forms of the pronouns, together with some such parts of speech as these pronouns may be added to.

5. What are the interrogative pronouns in Persian?

6. How is a causal verb formed, and how the passive voice?

7. Give rules for forming the preterite, the imperative, and the participles, both regular and irregular.

8. Give some conjunctions and interjections purely Persian.

9. Write the numerals up to twenty.

10. Transcribe correctly the following words, in Persian characters:asna, meantime; itimad, confidence; izdiham, a crowd; naksh i kal hajar, like a mark (engraved) in the stone; khutut, letters, lines; bais, reason; ta à lal lāhul mu azzam, exalted is God, the revered.

Translate into Persian :

The Bashkirtzi, or Bashkirs, are so called from their great attention to the cultivation of bees. They inhabit the country in the vicinity of the southern Oural mountains, and part of the government of Oufa. They reside for the most part in villages, and their language, manners, and customs are similar to the Tartars of Kazan. During the summer months they generally lead a wandering life, always moving, with their tents and cattle, from place to place; but in the winter they confine themselves to their villages. The women resemble those of Kazan in their dress, except in some variation in the ornaments. Instead of common tea, they make an infusion of a reddish root, which they drink without milk. It is very astringent, or the flavour would not be unpalateable.

Translate into English:

دمنه گفت ملک را فریفته نشاید بود بدانکه گوید او


من است يا من بر و غلبه میتوانم کرد چه اگر بذات خویش مقاومت نتواند بمددگاري جمعي از یاران کار خود را پیش برد یا بزرق و مکر و دستان و غدر نقشها بر انگیزد و از ان ترسم که چون وحوش را بر مخالفت ملک تحریص کرده است مبادا که با او دم موافقت زنند و یک تن اگر هرچند قوي جثه و قادر باشد با بسياري بر نیاید


پشه چو پر شد بزند پیل را با همه مردي و صلابت که اوست

مورچگانرا چو بود اتفاق شیر ژیانرا بدرانند پوست


گفت سخنان تو در دل من جاي گرفت و

خلوص مناصحت ترا دانستم فاما این صورت دامنگیر

منست که او را بر داشته ام و علم تقویت و تمشیت

او بر افراشته



1. Give the general rules by which the gender of a noun may be determined; also a few exceptions.

2. What are the general terminations of diminutive nouns in Hindustani, and how do such nouns decline ?

3. Write in Hindustani-to-day, yesterday, or to-morrow, the day before yesterday, or the day after to-morrow, three, and four days hence. State the common error which is to be found in nearly all the recent AngloHindustanī grammars with regard to some of the above mentioned adverbs of time.

4. Mention the common error made by nearly all the recent Anglo-Hindustani grammarians in the declensions of the proximate, and remote demonstratives, as well as in those of the interrogative, relative, and correlative pronouns.

5. Give Hindustani terms for a quarter, a half, three-quarters, a whole, one and a quarter, one and a half, one and three-quarters, two and a quarter, two and a half, and three and a half.

6. What particle is it, which, when added, would emphasise the verbs adverbs, nouns, pronouns, &c., &c. ?

7. After what class of nouns the post positions are generally omitted? 8. Give the general rules for forming the derivative, from the primitive verbs.

9. State which of the compound verbs, though really transitive, are governed by the nominative, and not by the agent.

10. Give a few interjections of approbation and aversion, and write the following words in the Persian characters:-Ghazab, wrath; ghussa, anger; khass, especial; ghas, grass; aghāz, beginning; gharaz, object; khirki, a small window; khush kho, a happy disposition.

Translate into Hindustani the following:

"A few years ago an embassy of intelligent and, it is worth adding, of progressive and of tolerant Musalmans from Yun-nan, headed by Prince Hassan, son of the chieftain who had now become the Sultan Soliman, appeared in our own country, and the future of the Panthays, as they are called, began at length to attract attention, not so much, I fear, from the extraordinary interest attaching to their religious history-that interests few Englishmen-as from the possible opening to our Eastern trade, the only Gospel which most Englishmen care now to preach, and one which we did consistently for many years propagate by our commercial wars in China and Japan, at the expense of every principle of religion and humanity."-SMITH, Mohammed and Mohammedanism.

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