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and with great knowledge of God and love to Christ, and zeal for the salvation of souls, he had spent twelve of the thirty-six years of his life in preach ing Christ in the synagogues, in the most apostolic manner, warning the Jews of their enmity to God; of their misery, as rejected by him; of the only hope that remains for them, by returning to their own Messiah; and by seeking from him righteousness of life, and placing their souls under the sprinkling of the blood of that great sacrifice. God blessed his labours in many places! In Germany, Poland, Holland, Lithuania, Hungary, and other parts through which he had travelled, more than 600 souls owned their conversion to his ministry, many of whom expressed their great concern to bring others of their brethren to the knowledge of that great and blessed Redeemer; and besought him to instruct their children, that they might preach Christ also.

Dr. Doddridge adds, that he heard one of his sermons, as he repeated it in Latin: that he could not hear it without many tears; and that he told him that sermon converted a Rabbi, who was master of a synagogue.

Evan. Mag.


A NOTORIOUS swearer, who was a sawyer, being employed in cutting coffin-boards, and finding one of the pieces of timber out of which they are cut harder than usual, said to his companion, "This is a d-d hard piece;

it will make somebody a d-d good coffin." He had no sooner uttered these words, than he fell backward, and expired immediately. It is remarkable that his own coffin was made from that very piece of wood of which he had been speaking.

Serious matters, like death, should never be spoken of in a light and jocose, much less in a profane manner.



A SCOFFING infidel of considerable abilities, being once in the company of a person of weak intellects, but a real Christian, and supposing, no doubt, that he should obtain an easy triumph, and display his ungodly wit, put the following question to him :"I understand, Sir, that you expect to go to heaven when you die: Can you tell me what sort of a place heaven is?" "Yes, Sir, replied the Christian, Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people; and if your soul is not prepared for it, with all your boasted wisdom you will never enter there."

For vain applause transgress not scripture rules;

A witty sinner is the worst of fools.'


In the institution of Saint Catherine at Petersburgh, under the direction of Madam Bredhoff, an elderly lady of distin guished talents and sweetness of disposition, the following little circumstance occurred :-In this institution, which is supported by the Empress dowager, a limited number of young ladies are admitted, free of expense, by

ballot; but others are received upon paying, as it is termed, a pension. At the last admission, two little girls, the eldest not exceeding ten years of age, the daughters of a naval captain, the father of a large family, presented themselves, and drew, the one a prize, and the other a blank. Although so young, they concluded that fate had, in this manner, resolved upon their separation; they felt it, and wept. Another young lady, to whom the next chance devolved, drew a prize; and observing the distress of the sisters, without holding any communication with their parents, or with any other per son, spontaneously ran up to the luckless little girl, presented her with the ticket, and leading her up to the directress, said, "See, Madam, I have drawn a prize! but my papa can afford to pay the pension, and, I am sure, will pay it for me;-pray, let one who is less fortunate enjoy the good that has happened to me." This charming anecdote was immediately reported to the Empress dowager, who expressed the highest delight, and paid out of her own purse the pension of the little benefactress.

Carr's North. Sum. p. 369.


"I ENDEAVOUR (says the late Dr. Fothergill in a letter to one of his friends) to follow my business, because it is my duty rather than my interest; the latter is inseparable from a just discharge of duty; but I have ever looked at the profits in the last place. At my first setting out I wished most fervently, and I endeavour after it still, to

do my business with all the diligence I could, as a present duty, and to repress every rising idea of its consequences, knowing that there was an Hand which could easily overthrow every pursuit of this kind, and baffle every attempt either to acquire wealth or fame."

Lettsome's Life of Dr. Fothergill..

Ir is said that the late Rev. John Brown of Haddington, when passing the Firth of Forth, between Leith and Kinghorn, had for a fellow passenger, one who appeared to be a Highland nobleman. Mr. B. observed, with much grief, that he frequently took the name of God in vain ; but suspecting that to reprove him in the presence of the other passengers might lead only to irritate him, he forbore saying any thing till he reached the opposite shore. After landing, Mr. B. observing the nobleman walking alone, stepped up to him, and said, "Sir, I was sorry to hear you swearing while on our passage. You know it is written, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” On this the nobleman, lifting his hat and bowing to Mr. B. made the following reply: "Sir, I return you thanks for the reproof you have now given me, and shall endeavour to attend to it in future: but," added he, “had you said this to me while in the boat, I believe I should have run you through with my sword.”

THE power of conscience was lately manifested in a remarkable degree, in a man of the name of Cooper, of Hawkesbury-Upton, Gloucestershire. He had long endured a great horror of mind;

and, about an hour before his death, declared the cause of it; which was, that, about forty years ago, he had assisted another man, of the name of Horton (who died about two years since) in murdering a Mr. Rice, a surveyor of the roads, whose body they threw into a well, where, soon after the fact, it was found; but the murderers were not known till now. How many dreadful secrets will come out at that great day, when the all-wise and almighty Judge shall make inquisition for blood! and how dreadful will be the operation of conscience in the world of misery, in the retrospect of innumer able crimes unpardoned! Blessed are they who have an interest in the blood divine, which clean seth from all sin! Evan. Mag.

SIR John Mason, in the reign of Edward the Sixth, being near his dissolution, and sensible he

had but a short time to live, upon his death-bed called for his clerk and steward, and delivered himself to them to this purpose:

"I have seen five princes, and have been privy counsellor to four; I have seen the most remarkable observables in foreign parts, and have been present at most state-transactions for thirty years together, and I have learned this, after so many years' experience, That seriousness is the greatest wisdom, temperance the best physic, a good conscience the best estate; and were I to live again, I would change the court for a cloister, my privy counsellor's bustles for an hermit's retirement, and the whole life I lived in the palace, for one hour's enjoyment of God in the chapel." He concluded with saying, "All things else do now forsake me besides my God, my duty, and my prayers."

Evan. Mag.

Review of New Publications.

A Sermon, containing reflections day. He observes, that as Amos

on the solar eclipse, which appeared on June 16, 1806, delivered on the Lord's day follow. ing. By JOSEPH LATHROP, D. D. pastor of the first church in West Springfield. Second edition. Springfield, Mass. Henry Brewer. pp. 20.

THE aged and respected author of this discourse has chosen for his text, Amos viii. 9. It shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear No. 5. Vol. II.


was a shepherd, who watched his flock by night, he would naturally take notice of the different appearances in the heavens; and that hence we find his prophecy tinctured with astronomical allusions. He remarks also, that according to Archbishop Usher, there were two eclipses of the sun in the time of Amos, which happened at solemn festivals, and struck the people with great consternation; and he considers the text as prefiguring, by allusion to an event of this gloomy kind, the calamities,

which hung over the house of Israel. After these introductory observations, he makes a few moral and religious reflections. 1. That we have reason to rejoice in the progress, which has been made in the sciences, and particularly in astronomy. 2. That an eclipse of the sun may properly lead us to contemplate the gloomy changes, which await us in this guilty and mortal state. 3. That the darkening of the earth in a clear day brings to mind the final judgment. 4. That total darkness at noon-day reminds us of the solemn scene of the Saviour's crucifixion. 5. That the cheerful light, which follows an eclipse, is a natural emblem of that moral change, in which a soul is brought out of the darkness of sin and guilt into the marvellous light of purity, pardon, and peace. 6. That the obscuration of the sun in the sky bids us contemplate the uninterrupted brightness of the heavenly state.

To those, who are acquainted with the excellent theological publications of the American elergy, it will be needless to commend the correctness, perspicuity, and simplicity, which mark the style of Dr. Lathrop. The following paragraph, which is found under the first reflection, furnishes no unfavourable specimen of his manner.

"We see innumerable worlds rolling around us, at vast, but various distances; with different, but inconceivable rapidity. These all perform their motions with regularity, and observe their times with exactness. They obey their destination, they keep their order, they never interfere. Shall we not fear the power, admire the wisdom, adore the goodness of that Being, who made and adjusted, who sustains and directs such a stupendous system, and ren

ders it subservient to our happiness? These rational sentiments are pleasant and delightful in themselves and far more conducive to piety and virtue, than the terrors of that superstitious ignorance, which views every comet flaming in the sky, every ob. scuration of the sun at noon-day, every failure of the full orbed moon at night, every unusual noise bursting from the clouds, every strange appearance in the heavens, and in the earth, as awfully portentous of some dire, but unknown, calamity."

The following passages, under the fifth reflection, indicate correct views of divine truth, and will be welcome to the Christian.

"How sad and gloomy is the condition of a guilty mortal, who, convinced of his numerous transgressions, feels himself condemned to eternal death. The divine law, which and darkness, in clouds and tempest, thunders terror and destruction in his ears. But how happily is his state reversed, when light, beaming from Mount Sion in the discoveries and promises of the gospel, breaks in on his soul, exhibits to him a dying Sa viour, a forgiving God, a sanctifying Spirit? What joy springs up, when his enmity to God slain, his opposi he finds the power of sin subdued, tion to the gospel conquered, and every thought captivated to the obe. dience of Christ? The light is sweet, and its sweetness is increased by its the hopes and comforts of religion in succeeding to previous darkness. So

was delivered from Sinai in smoke


the soul are exalted by their contrast to preceding anxieties and fears. awakened, desponding souls, look up to the Sun of Righteousness. He shines from heaven with salvation in his beams. However guilty, unworthy and impotent ye feel, there is grace sufficient for you; there is righteousness to justify you, promises to support you, the Spirit to help Light arises in darkness. Turn your eyes from the cloud, and direct them to the sun. Christ came a light into the world, that whosoever believeth in him should not walk in darkness. Look to him and be ye saved."


A Sermon preached before the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America; by appointment of their standing committee of missons, May 19, 1806. Published at their request. By ELIPHALET NOTт, D. D. President of Union College in the State of New York. Philadelphia. J. Aitken.

THE preacher chose for his text the following words, 1 Cor. XV. 58. Always abounding in the work of the Lord.

"By abounding in the work of the Lord may be understood an acquiesc ence in the divine government, and a constant and cordial co-operation with the Divine Being, in accomplish. ing its objects; one of which, and an lustrious one too, is the establishment of the universal reign of the Messiah on earth." p. 7.

The object of the discourse is to induce the co-operation of the auditors in this work of the Lord with respect to the pagan tribes. With this view the author proceeds immediately to notice the following particulars; viz. The certainty of Christ's kingdom. Its perpetuity. It is to be advanced by human exertions. To succeed in such an attempt

will be glorious. Even to fail, after having made sincere endeave ours in so good a cause, will be glorious.

We think a text might easily have been found more impressive, and better agreeing with the general design of the sermon: but we cannot easily conceive of a sermon better adapted to the occasion.

Dr. Nott entertains very high ideas of the final progress of the gospel, and supposes the millen nium is to consist not of a thou

"This opinion, that Christ shall reign a thousand years on earth, gives a very different aspect to the present state of things, and furnishes no inconsiderable relief to the dark and dismal picture which this world would otherwise present. How different will be the entire view, should it appear in the sequel, that the thousand years of peace promised to the church, are prophetic years, and denote not a millenary, but a vast duration." p. 11.

Every friend to the best interfinding this opinion supported ests of man would rejoice at by Scripture. How far the pas sages adduced in this sermon constitute such a support, we leave the reader to determine.

That there is considerable force in the following argument, we think, cannot be denied.

four thousand years were spent in
"In the economy of redemption,
preparing the way for the introduction
of Messiah, the birth of Christ. Two
thousand more in vanquishing his en-
emies, and fixing the boundaries of
his empire-an empire which is to
endure but for a thousand years!
Satan triumph in this world six thou-
sand years, Jesus Christ one! Is this
consonant to the dictates of reason,
or the analogy of providence?" p. 12.

the millennium continue but sim-
Another argument is this. If
ply a thousand years, the world
thousand years longer.
will not exist much more than a
Doctor thinks, that according to
scripture representation (Ps. cii.
Isa. li. Heb. i.) the earth will not
waxen old and decayed.
be destroyed till it shall have

clares, that heaven and earth shall
"As doth a garment, so God de-
wax old. And till they have waxen
old they shall not be destroyed.
They must first be despoiled of their
sied by the influence of age."
beauty, marked by the lines, and pal-

years literally, but either of
as many years as there are days in
p. 17.
this period, i. e. 360,000, or else
of an indefinite but vast num-

As this noble structure of heaven and earth appears so

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