What calamity visited them after their ar-[How is Dido described when prepared for rival at Crete? What advice did Anchises give? What course did they pursue on being convinced of their error? Of how long duration was the storm which overtook them? On what islands did they land after the storm? Give some account of Phineus. How did the Trojans obtain a repast? What account is given of the Harpies? Who was Celano? What did she predict? Where did they next land? Where was Phæacia? What is its modern name? Whither did they proceed from Corcyra? Give some account of Andromache, and of How did Æneas find Andromache employed? Whom did she pronounce singularly happy, and why? Why did Pyrrhus leave Andromache to Helenus ? What was the fate of Pyrrhus? How long did the Trojans remain at Chaonia? What request did Æneas make of Helenus? How was Æneas to know the land destined to end his wanderings? Whose worship did Helenus inculcate on Eneas? What did he direct with regard to visiting the Sybil ? How did he address Anchises? How did Helenus and Andromache treat the What wish did Æneas express, if he should Where was the temple of Minerva, which is here mentioned? Who was Enceladus? On what shore did the Trojans next run? What steps did the Trojans take on hearing NEID. BOOK IV. the chase? Who accompanied her? sup Where was Apollo worshipped? where posed to reside at different seasons? What separated the hunting party? How is Fame, or Report, described? Whom did Jove send to Æneas, and with what message? What effect had it on him? How did he determine to make known his intention to Dido? Did he actually disclose his intention? How was Dido affected by the discovery of the plan? What did Æneas assign as the cause of his departure? What did Dido threaten? What did she request of Anna? What oath of the Greeks did she allude to ? With what success were Anna's entreaties attended? What miracle appeared while Dido was sacrificing? What other omens attended her? How does the queen determine to seek relief? How did she deceive Anna, and what directions did she give her? What ceremonies were performed? her mind, and on what did she determine? What dangers did she apprehend from abroad? Who again appeared to Æneas, and what did he advise? How did Æneas escape from Carthage? What powers did Dido invoke to avenge her wrongs For what revenge did she pray, and what offerings did she exact from her people? Who was Barce? How did the queen put an end to her life? For what did Juno send Iris? ENEID. BOOK V. Of what does the fifth book give an account? Of what character are the incidents of this book? For what land did Æneas sail from ar- Did the Trojans conjecture the fate of What led them to this conclusion? To what port were the Trojans driven by a tempest? Where was Drepanum? Why was this land welcome to Æneas? Who was Acestes, and how came he asquainted with Æneas? What effect had the narration of Æneas on How did Acestes receive the Trojans? Dido? What ceremonies did Æneas perform? What sports were to follow on the ninth For what did the neighbouring people assemble on that day? Who were engaged in the first contest? How are the bows of the galleys supposed to have been formed? What is said of the ardour of the competitors? Who at first was the foremost? What caused his discomfiture? Was the prize for the vessel which first reached the goal, or for that which first returned from it to the shore? Who obtained the first prize? To what was his success attributed? What rewards were bestowed on the other competitors? What contest succeeded that of the galleys? What accident befell Nisus? How did he aid his friend? How did Æneas award the prizes? What contest succeeded the race? Whose gauntlets did Entellus produce? Who was victorious in the boxing match? What success attended the different competitors in the trial in archery? Who was Pandarus? How did the soothsayers interpret the omen that attended the arrow of Acestes? What was the last of the sports? What new mode of revenge did Juno devise? How did she accomplish it? How was the five extinguished? Who was Nautes, and what did he counsel? What determined Eneas to follow this advice? What else was Æneas directed by Anchises. to do? What did he call the new city, and whom did he leave in it? What request did Venus make of Neptune? What answer and promise did he return? Who was Palinurus? What was his fate? What further directions did the Sibyl give Eneas? What did she require of him first? How was Æneas guided to the golden bough? What is related of Lake Avernus? What is the mistletoe? Does it grow in the United States? How did the Trojans celebrate the funeral obsequies of Misenus? Where is Cape Miseno, and whence its name? Who was Hecate, and how was she invoked? Whither did Eneas accompany the Sibyl? Where were the most celebrated festivals in honour of Ceres? Of what did they consist, and how were they regarded? Of what did the initiation consist? What does Bishop Warburton endeavour to show? What did Gibbon think on the subject? Who was Charon, and how represented? What information did the Sibyl give Æneas respecting the ghosts? What account did Palinurus give of him self? How did Charon address Eneas? What punishment had he suffered for ferrying over Hercules? How was his anger appeased? What was Cerberus, and how was he silenced? Why was the idea of consigning infants to misery inculcated? How was the order of trying causes determined by the Romans? Who was the principal judge of the infernal regions? What classes of ghosts did Æneas successively behold? Who guided the fleet after the loss of Pali-Who were Eriphyle, Laodamia, Evadne, nurus > ENEID. BOOK VI. Of what does the sixth book give an account? Where was Cume? Where was Chalcis? Where did Eneas go, on first landing in Italy? What distinction is made between mens and animus? How does Servius explain the fable of the wings of Dædalus? Who was Androgeus? Theseus? Icarus? and Cænis? What is related of Dido? What was Plato's doctrine respecting the souls of the departed? What was the use of the tumulus inanis erected by Æneas to Deiphobus? What account of himself did Deiphobus give? What information did the Sibyl impart re- Who guarded the gate of Tartarus? What punishment was inflicted on Tityus! What was the crime of Phlegyas, and what its punishment? What doctrine concerning the spirit of man was held by the Bramins? Whither did the priestess and Æneas next proceed? What preparation did the hero make? What did the morning disclose to the view of Æneas? Whom does the poet invoke ? Who ruled Latium at the time spoken of? What descendants had he? Who was Turnus? What design had the Latin queen? What prodigies had frightened Latinus? Where did he go for information respecting them? What names were successively applied to Italy? What was made known to Latinus? What prophecy was fulfilled by the Trojans' eating the cakes of flour? What encouragement did it afford them? How did they celebrate the joyful event? What measures did they pursue? Whom did Æneas send to the Latin court? Where did Æneas mark out the walls of his new city? How were the Latin youth employed? How was the arrival of the Trojans made known to king Latinus? What was the trabea? By whom was the royal palace built? What befell Picus? What message did he send to Æneas? With what gifts was it accompanied ? What was the tenor of Juno's soliloquy Whom did she call to her assistance? How is the Fury described? ? How did she proceed to execute her commission? Who was Amata, and how did she argue with the king? How did she conduct herself when she could not prevail? What rites did she pretend to celebrate? Whose appearance did the Fury take, and What measures did Turnus take? Describe the rustic skirmish. Where was lake Amsanctus? for what was it remarkable? Who afterwards was active in conducting the war? How did Latinus conduct himself? With what ardour did they begin the contest Where was Crustumerium? Who were the principal of the Italian leaders? With what weapons did the bands of Caculus fight? Where was the lake Ciminus? What is said of Clausus? What of Halesus? Who was balus? How were his troops armed? Who was Umbro? What power had he? How is Turnus described? ANEID. BOOK VIII. What was the state of affairs at Latium at the time treated of in the eighth book? How did the king receive and address his What custom of the Romans is alluded to guests? How did Ilioneus reply? What belief had the ancients concerning the torrid zone? With whom is Eneas identified in verse 241? Where was the Numicus? In what was it remarkable? What presents were sent by Eneas to Latinus? With what belief was the king impressed? | in the first line? Who appeared to Æneas? What proof did he give the prince that it Whose friendship did he direct the Trojans to seek? Whom did he direct them to worship? What method did the Trojans take to gain Who was Pallas? What passed between (What did he say was his destiny? Pallas and Æneas? How did Evander reply to the speech of What did he promise him on the morrow? memorate? What is the fable of Cacus? What account of his kingdom did Evander For what was it celebrated? What did Venus entreat Vulcan to bestow Who were the Cyclops? Where were their What did Vulcan require of them? What assistance did Encas gain by his What course of warfare did he declare it How did the Rutulians pass the night? Who were Nisus and Euryalus? What contest ensued between him and Eu- How was the proposal received by the Tro- What rewards did Ascanius offer them? How did the two make their way through Whom did they encounter on the way? How did the Trojans in the camp learn their ap-Who was the mother of Euryalus, and where was she? What circumstances particularly favoured him? What omen did Æneas receive from his mother? What gift did she bestow? Who was Herilus? Who slew him? How did Venus convey the arms to Æneas? Who were Metius, Cocles, and Clolia? ENEID. BOOK IX. How came she in the camp? How was she affected by her son's death? pose to the attack of the Rutulians? How did the Rutulians finally succeed? What was the lampada? What account is given of the contest that ensued? Who was Thalia? Where was the Symæthus? What ceremonies were performed there? Who was Numanus? How did he describe his people? Of what transactions does the ninth book How did he upbraid the Trojans? give an account? What peculiarity has this book? With what information was Iris sent to By whom was she sent ? Where was Turnus? What measures did Turnus adopt? How many rivers larger than the Thames How were the Trojans first warned of the What charge had Æneas given his troops? What did Turnus next attempt? What had she asked of Jupiter when the vessels were built? What did he grant? How were these taunts revenged? What encouragement did Ascanius re- By what advice was it accompanied? What effect was produced? Where is Prochyta? Where Inarime? Who shut the gates, and who was inadvert What measure, if adopted, would have do- How did he contend? How did he escape when finally overpowered? ENEID. BOOK X. How was Berecynthia announced to the How does the tenth book commence ? Trojaus ? What assurances did she give them? What did she say to the vessels, and with what effect? Who were the Corybantes? Where did the poets assign the gods a palace? How did Jupiter address the gods in coun cil? Who first addressed him? How did Turnus interpet the transforma- Who was Diomedes? What city did ho tion of the vessels? build, and where? Who replied to the complaints of Juno? What was the first care of Æneas in the and how? What did Jove command? How were the Trojans situated at the time? Where did Æneas go after leaving Evander? What success did he meet with? morning? Why did he not first burn the dead? What honours were paid to Pallas? Why was the representation of Mount Ida What answer did Eneas return? gratifying to the Trojans? By whom was Pisa built? What was the cause of the transformation of Cycnus? Who was Cupavo? What force did Ocnus lead? Where is Benacus? What is its modern name? How many ships transported the troops? How did she address Encas? What information and advice did she give? What assistance did the sea nymphs afford? What orders did Eneas give? How did he inform the Trojans of his approach? What effect had the intelligence on them? What did Turnus resolve on? How did he endeavour to raise the courage of his troops? What did Tarcho command? With what ardour was the fight carried on? What protected Æneas? What is said of that part of the field where Whom did Pallas invoke? Why was the epithet tacita applied to What did Juno request of Jupiter? What artifice did she use to preserve Turnus? Where was he carried? Did he return? How did he address Jupiter on discovering the deceit ? Who succeeded Turnus in the command? Who attacked him, and how did he defend himself? What act of Lausus is recorded? Whom did he challenge to the combat? ENEID. BOOK XI. Who addressed the prince? How were the 12 days of truce employed? How was the information of l'allas' death received in Arcadia ? How did Evander address his son ? What is meant by Protei columnas? How did Drances speak on the occasion ? What assistance did Camilla proffer? What history did Diana give of Camilla? the death of Camilla, should she be slain in battle? What did she promise to perform herself? What stratagem was practised by Aunus? Who rallied the Tuscan troops? What description is given of his steed and armour? How and by whom was Camilla slain? What effect had the death of Camilla on her troops? What is said of the Latin virgins? Acca's account of the fate of the day? How were the contending armies situated during the night? ENEID. BOOK XII. How was Turnus affected by the disastrous How did he address Latinus? What remark does Servius make on mora What message did Turnus send Eneas? What information did Juno give Juturna? What advice and permission did she add? How did Juturna excite the minds of the Which party was left in possession of the What sign did Juno give them? field after the battle? How did Telumnius interpret the sign. |