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New commifion iffued in confequence of the king's recovery. Speech of the

commiffioners to the two houses. Addresses of thanks and congratulatios.

Mr. Fox's obfervations upon the addrefs of the house of commons.

dreffes to the queen. Debate on the ordnance extraordinaries. Question of

fortifying the Weft-India Islands difcuffed; plan oppofed by general Bur-

goyne, Mr. Courtney, and Mr. Sheridan; fupported by Mr. Pitt and colo-

nel Phipps. Mr. Beaufoy's bill for commemorating the revolution, paffes the

house of commons, rejected by the lords. Mr. Fox moves for the repeal of the

Shop-tax; agreed to by Mr. Pitt. Preamble to the bill of repeal objected,

Restrictions on hawkers and pedlars taken off. Meffage from the king rela-

tive to the public thanksgiving day, and the refolutions of the boufe of cem•

mons thereon. Mr. Beaufoy's motion for repealing the coporation and reft

afts, fupported by Mr. Smith and Mr. Fox,. and oppojed by lord North

and Mr. Pitt; loft by a majority of only 20. The earl Stanhope's bill for

repealing certain penal statutes rejected on the fecond reading. The confide-

ration of the flave-trade poftponed to the next feffions. Mr. Grenville made

fecretary of state, and Mr. Henry Addington speaker of the house of commons.

Budget opened. Animadverfions thereon. Motion by Mr. Sheridan for a

new committee of finance. The report of the committee of 1786 defended

by Mr. Grenville. Plan opened by Mr. Pitt for transferring the tobacco

duties to the excife. Strong oppofition made to it by the manufacturers, and

in both boufes of parliament. Extraordinary conduct of the chancellor.

India budget opened by Mr. Dundas; animadverted on by Mr. Francis.

Bill paffed to enable the company to add one million to their capital. Pro-

ceedings relative to the trial of Mr. Haftings. His petition to the house of

commons, complaining of Mr. Burke; proceedings of the house, and refolution

moved thereon. Libel on the house of commons, ordered to be profecuted. Ap-

plication from the French government for the exportation of flour, voted inad-

miffible. Seffions prorogued.


Grand Vizir

State of the contending armies on the borders of the Danube and the Black Sea.
Imperialists. Marfbal Haddick, to Jupply the Emperor's abfence, appointed
to the command of the grand army. Ottomans in a much worse fituatun
than they had been in the preceding campaign. Fatal confequences of the
Infs of Oczakow, and the flaughter of their bravest men.
tried at Conftantinople, on the double charge, of not providing for the pre-

fervation of Oczakow, and of caufelessly evacuating the Bannat. Honour-

ably acquited of both, he returns to the command of the army. Death of

Abdul Hamet, the Grand Signior, the greatest misfortune, at that critical

period, which could have fallen upon the Turkish empire. Character of

that excellent fovereign. Selim, bis nephew, foon fhews how unworthy
be is of being his fucceffor. The wealth of the Grand Vizir, Juffuf Pacha
dooms him to be the first victim to his avarice and cruelty. His deftruc-
tion followed by that of many others on the fame base motives. New Sultan
changes all the plans for conducting the war which had been formed by
bis predeceffor, and by the late Grand Vizir. Precipitancy, weakness, and
rafhness, along with rapacity and cruelty, the characteristics of the prefent
reign. Turkish commanders and troops lofe all their wonted fpirit, hope, and
vigour, a misfortune which foon produces the most fatal confequences. Small
but fevere war carried on between the Ruffians and Turks through the
winter in Moldavia, as well as in the Budziack. Young Tartar prince,
fon to the Khan, killed in an action near Bender. Humane and honourable
conduct of general Kamenfkoi, with respect to the body of the prince, and in
reftoring it to his father. Grateful acknowledgements of the Khan to the
Ruffian general for his generofity and compassion, and the pious confolations
with which he endeavours to footh his own grief. War renewed with
great animofity along the frontiers by the Turks and Auftrians upon the
expiration of the armistice. Empress of Ruffia exceeds even her ufual
magnificence in the rewards and honours which he bestows upon the con-
querors of Oczakow. Has not yet given up her defigns on Egypt, where
the Baron ae Thorus, late Ruffian conful at Alexandria, being fent in difguife,
and furnished with powers to make great propofals to the Beys to induce
them to enter into a treaty, and excite new commotions in the country, the
Baron is feized by Ifmael Bey, and fent, bound, with his credentials and
papers, to the Turkish Basha, who commits him clofe prijoner to the caftle of
Grand Cairo. Defperate and ferocious valour displayed by the Bofniacs,
fighting entirely on their own account, in defence of their eftates, families,
and country, against the duftrians. Turkish spirit finks totally before the
Ruffians. General Dorfelden's victory on the banks of the Sereth; pursues
bis fuccefs, attacks the Turkish ftrong camp at Galats; forces the camp;
feizes the whole as a spoil; and routs, difperfes, or deftroys the enemy's
army. War rages in Transylvania and the Bannat. Marfbal Laudobn,
with the Austrian army on the fide of Croatia, makes preparations for the
Hege of Turkish Gradifca, where he had been foiled the preceding year.
That place, the grand outwork to Belgrade, and hitherto famous for its
repeated fuccessful refiftance, ftrangely abandoned upon receiving a bom-
bardment. The Marfbal immediately commences his preparations for the
fiege of Belgrade. Prince of Saxe Cobourg has the fortune of retrieving
the honour of the Auftrian arms, by obtaining the first victory of uny
mement which they gained in the course of the war. Totally defeats and
rains an army of 30,000 Turks, under the command of a Serafquier, in the
trong fortified camp of Fockzan, in Wallachia. Prince of Anhalt Bern-
bourg, with a part of Kamenfkoi's army, defeats a body of Turks who
avere going to the relief of Bender, and takes the whole convoy.
Grand Vizir, with a vast army, totally defeated at Martinefti, by the
prince of Saxe Cobourg and general Suwarow, with very inferior forces.
Grand Turkish army totally dispersed and ruined. Belgrade befieged and
taken by Marshal Laudohn, who grants favourable conditions to the gar-




rijin and inhabitants. Grand admiral, Haffan Pacha, quits the feet in
the Black Sea, and takes the command of the army in Beffarabia, in the hope
of faving Bender; but, forfaken now by his ufual good fortune, is totally
defeated, after an obftinate battle, by the Princes Potemkin aud Repnin, at
Tobak. Bender taken after a long fiege. Bialagrod and Kylia Nova,
likewife taken by the Ruffians. Auftrians no less fuccessful, take Bucharest
and other places, until the noble defence made by the garrison of Orsova put
a ftop to their farther progress.

[blocks in formation]

Difficult and embarrassed state of the King of Sweden's affairs at the close of
the year 1788, notwithstanding the armistice with the Danes, and the retreat
of their army out of the kingdom. Situations in which the most daring and ba-
xardous meafures become prudent and neceffary acts. Guftavus heroically de-
termines to overcome his difficulties, and thereby retrieve his affairs, or to
perish in the encounter. Fortunately, notwithstanding fome intervening jealou
fres, the three lower claffes of the people ftill continued much attached to him.
Incurable animofity of the equeftrian order. 'Diet fummoned to meet at Stock-
holm. King calls a meeting of the magiftrates, accompanied by fifty of the
most ancient and respectable citizens of that capital, to whom, as to a grand
council of state, be communicates, in a most eloquent speech, the whole ftate of
his affairs; fhews how his in veterate foreign enemy bad, by infiduously prac
tifing upon his own difaffected subjects, rendered them the inftruments of fraj-
trating all the well-laid defigns, and blasting all the fair hopes of the pre-
ceding campaign. Affembly encourage the king to the profecution of the war
and engage to support him with their lives and fortunes against all his ene-
mies. Diet meets. Equeftrian order foon fhew their indifpofition to stand upon
good terms with the king. They first cavilled about the body of free Dalecar-
Tians, which had joined the king with fo much zeal in the preceding feafon
of danger, being garrisoned in Stockholm. This the nobles refented with much
ill-humour, on the double account of its being an infraction of the freedom of
the diet, and of its being a direct affront to their order, from its implying a
fufpicion of their loyalty and honour. But being totally unsupported by the
other orders, their ill-humour on this ground comes to nothing. The king hav-
ing appointed count Lowenhaupt to be marshal of the diet, the nobility, on that
account, infult him fo grossly, that he absents himself from discharging the duties
of his ftation under fuch public difhonour. The king, finding himself secure is
the attachment of the three other orders, goes to the diet to demand reparation
for the infult offered to himself through the marinal. High words and very
barfb language between the king and the nobles, until he throws out a charge of
dijaffection and treajon, without naming particular perfons, when they all quit
the affembly in a body. King makes a jpeech to the remaining flates, which is
received with fatisfaction. Three days after, their houfes being fuddenly fur-
rounded by detachments of the guards and of the armed burghers of Stockbalm,

25 of the principal nobility of the kingdom are feized, and fent prifoners to the

caftle of Fredericfhoff. Mutinous commanders and officers in Finland already
arrested, and on their way, as prifoners, to Stockholm, to be tried for their
lives. Ordered to prepare for their trials. Names of feveral of these unfor-
tunate gentlemen. King's conduct meets fuch general approbation, that the

fmalleft commotion is not produced by thefe violent measures Numberless re-

fignations take place; spirit and strength of the equestrian order entirely bro-

ken. Dangerous precedent established against the nobility, of carrying on the

public business in the diet without them. New privileges granted to the pea-

fants. Senate entirely abolished, and a new court appointed to supply its

place. King's fpeech to the diet. Act of confederation. King, triumphant

at home, prepares for the profecution of the war, by fea and land, with the

utmost vigour. Severe fentences paffed on the Finland officers, confiderably

mitigated through the king's lenity. Successful efforts of Mr. Elliot, in be-

half of the allied courts, to induce the court of Copenhagen to agree to a ftrict

neutrality, relieves the Swedish fovereign from all apprehenfion on that fide.

War in Finland. Rough face, and fuvage nature of the country, little cal-

culated for rapid fuccefs or brilliant action. A number of small but fervere and

bloody actions take place. Encounter between the Ruffian fleet, and the Swe-

dish commanded by the duke of Sudermania, terminates without decifion or

effect. Baron Stedink defeats the Ruffian general de Schultz. This fuccefs

counterbalanced by the hafty and dangerous retreat which the king was obliged

to make out of Ruffian Finland. King exposes his perfon like a common volun-

teer. Takes Hogfors, where he is joined by his fleet of gallies, and other light

veffels, which are speedily attacked by the prince of Naffau, with a fimilar

armament. Unusually hard-fought, defperate, and bloody action between the

boftile fleets. Swedes worsted, and obliged to retire under the cannon of

Sweaberg. Great fuperiority of the Raffians in point of number, could not be

compenfated by any exertions of valour. This action, decifive with respect to

the fortune of the campaign. King again retires, with much difficulty and

danger, from the Ruffian territories, and his garrifon at Hogfors narrowly

efcapes being cut off. Ruffians, while the weather permits, become mafters of

the fea, and fpread terror every where. Winter puts an end to the campaign,

and the king returns to his capital.


New convention of Notables. Great questions relative to the organization
of the States General, which agitate the whole kingdom of France. King
refigns himself entirely to the advice of M. Neckar. That minifter takes
a decided part in favour of the double representation of the commons; but
gives no opinion on other queflions of great importance, which are left, in
the event, to chance. Notables, as reell as the parliament of Paris,
frongly recommend, that the conflitution of 1614 fhould be the model for
the new convention of the fates; with which the fcheme of a double re-

profentation directly militates. Parliament of Paris endeavour to rever
their popularity by Juing an arret, which, if adopted, might be confidered
as the Magna Charta of French liberty. Treated with the utmoft cer
tempt by the popular parties, as falling fhort of their views. Violet
jealoufes and diffenfions between the three orders which were to compo ́e the
fates. Nobles, odious in the extreme. Dakes and peers offer to contri-
bute a due proportion to the public expenses; and a fimilar disposition ferms
general among the nobles; but this difpofition appears too late to afford js-
tisfaction. Nobility, goaded by numberless attacks, publish a declaration
of their rights, which renders them pill more odious. Divifions and jø
loufies among themfelves at this critical period. Diffentions in the parlia
ments. Clergy as little united as the nobles. Curales, or parith print,
difpofed to fide with the commons, or third eftate. Commons wish that the
three orders fhould fit in one chamber, deliberate in common, and vote by
heads, instead of voting by orders, according to former practice. Strongly
oppofed by the nobles. In the provincial affembly of the flates of Dauphiny,
the nobles and clergy coalefce with the commons, and thereby eftablijk a
precedent contrary to the general fenfe of their orders. Differences between
the nobles and commons of Britany rife fo high as to carry the appearance
of a civil war. Count d'Artois, with the princes of Condé, and Conti,
(who are called the Triumvirate) prefent a memorial to the king, which
increases the popular odium against them to the highest pitch. Mezieres
purfued by the duke of Orleans to acquire popularity in Paris. M. Neckar
blamed for not having ujed any means to reconcile the jarring factions,
or to allay the national ferment, previous to the elections. Ho prefents
a memorial to the king, firongly urging the measure of double representation,
and making himself responsible for its confequences. King accordingly iffuo
a decrce for that purpose; but leaves, undecided and open, the very impor
tant and critical questions, relative to the manner of voting, and to the
filling of the fales in one, or in three chambers. Unfortunate and ruinous
confequences of this omiffion of the minister's. Some well-intended fchemos
for amending the conflitution, which were fubfequently proposed, but rejected.
Ancient practice and nature of the Cahiers, or inftructions given by the
electors to their deputies in the fates. Nobles bound by oath not to fit er
vote in one common assembly. Aphorific ftatement of the views of the dif-
ferent parties. Some farther particulars relative to them. Mofi of the
deputies to the ftates arrive at Versailles, but the delays caufed by the
elections in Paris prevent their opening the affembly. Some explanation of
the terms Primary Affemblies, and Primary Elections, with the manner of
their application. Violent riot in Paris, and much blood shed *[200


Solemn and auguft opening of the affembly of the fates general at Versailles.
Short Speech by the king. Keeper of the feals fpeech. Long harangue by
M. Neckar dijappoints all parties. Inexplicable conduct of the minifters,

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