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national engagements; and I am commanded by his majefty to exprefs his perfect confidence in your readiness to make fuch farther provifion as shall be neceflary for the ufual fupport of his majesty's go


My lords and gentlemen,

I have it particularly in charge from his majefty to affure you, that the profperity of his loyal and faithful people of Ireland, from whom his majefty had repeatedly received the frongeft proofs of affectionate attachment to his facred perfon, will be ever near to his heart; and that his majefty is fully perfuded, that your zeal for the public welfare will enable him to promote, by every wife and falutary meafure, the interefts of this kingdom.

I cannot conclude this communication to you without expreffing my fulleft conviction, that his majefty's faithful parliament of Ireland does not yield to any of his fubjects in fincere and devout acknowledgements to Almighty God for the reftoration of his majefty's health, and in fervent prayers that a long continuance of that bleffing may fecure to the people the happiness which they have conflantly enjoyed under his majefty's mild and aufpicious government.

jefty our most dutiful and fincere profeffions of unalterable loyalty and affectionate attachment to your majefty's facred perfon, family, and government; and of affuring your majefty, that we find ourfelves unequal to exprefs the ardent feelings of our hearts at the, joyful communication, which, by vour majefty's command, had been made to us, that it has pleased the Divine Providence to remove from your majefty the fevere indifpofition with which you have been afflicted, and that you are now again enabled to attend to the urgent concerns of your kingdoms, and perfonally to exercife your royal authority: that, for thefe fignal marks of Divine favour, we fhall not ceafe to pour out the lively effufions of gratitude and thankfgiving to the Almighty, who has vouchfafed, in the plenitude of his mercy and goodness, to restore our beloved monarch to the fervent and united prayers of his people.

We gratefully acknowledge your majefty's goodness, in the affurance you have been pleafed to give us," that the profperity of your loyal and faithful fubjects of this kingdom muft ever lie near to your heart.

We shall endeavour to justify the confidence which your majefty is pleafed to repofe in your parliament of Ireland, by a chearful concur

Addrefs of the House of Lords of Ire- rence in fuch wife and falutary mea

land to his Majesty.

Most gracious fovereign, Wiful and loyal fubjects, the E, your majefty's moft dulords fpiritual and temporal in parliament aflembled, embrace, with unfeigned and lively joy, this opportunity of renewing to your ma

fures as may enable your majefty to
fulfil your gracious intentions of
promoting the general interefts and
happinets of all
your dominions.

We beg leave humbly to allure your majefly, that, fentible of the happiness which we have conftantly enjoyed under your majefy's mild, and andpicious government, we de

not yield to any of your people in the fincerity with which we offer up our devout acknowledgements to Almighty God for your majefty's happy restoration to your former health; and that we fhall unceasingly fupplicate the Divine Providence for a long and uninterrupted continuance of that incftimable bleffing.

His Majefty's Aufwer.

HIS majesty receives with the greatest fatisfaction the dutiful and loyal addrefs of the lords fpiritual and temporal, in parliament affem


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His majefty accepts in the most gracious manner the renewal of their profeffions of affectionate attachment to his perfon, family, and government, and feels with the greateft fenfibility the joyful expreffions of their hearts upon the interpofition of Divine Providence, in reftoring him again to the perfonal exercife of his royal functions. The happiness and profperity of his faithful fubjects in Ireland are objects very near his majefty's heart; and he confides in the wisdom of the parliament of that kingdom, that they will purfue fuch meafures as will enable him to fulfil his intentions of promoting the general in terests of all his dominions.

informed from the throne, by your majefty's command, that it has pleafed the Divine Providence to remove from your majesty the fevere indifpofition with which you have been afflicted; and that, by the blefling of Almighty God, you are now again enabled to attend to the urgent concerns of your kingdoms, and perfonally to exercise you royal authority,

Your majefty entertains a juft confidence that we shall chearfully proceed in making fuch provifion as may be necellary for the honourable fupport of your majesty's govern ment.

We fhould be dead to every generous feeling, fhould we omit to acknowledge your majefty's unceafing folicitude for the interefts of Ireland, or to fecond, by every falutary effort, your benevolent wishes for the welfare of your people. The numerous bleffings derived to this kingdom from your majesty's auspicious reign, are deeply imprinted in our bofoms; and, fenfible as we are of the ineftimable value of their benefits, we beg leave to repeat to your majefty, upon this joyful occa fion, our moft fincere profeffions of refpect and attachment to your royal perfon, family, and govern


We conclude these our fervent congratulations with devout acknow

Addrefs of the House of Commons of ledgements to the Almighty for this

Ireland to his Majefiy.

Moft gracious fovereign,


E, your majefty's moft dutiful and loyal fubjects, the commons of Ireland, in parliament affembled, beg leave to lay before your majefty our affurances of the fincere and cordial fatisfaction with which we are penetrated, on being

fignal infiance of his goodness, in reftoring our beloved monarch to the prayers of an afflicted people. Our gratitude for fuch a mark of the Divine favour is only equalled by the ardency of our wishes for the continuance of you majefty's health, and that your majefty may enjoy that invaluable bleffing during a long and happy reign.


His Macy's Anfwer.

HIS majefty thanks his faithful commons for their loyal and affectionate address, and for their affurances of the fincere and cordial fatisfaction which they feel on the interpofition of Divine Providence in removing from him the fevere indifpofition with which he has been afflicted.

Nothing can be more fatisfactory to his majefty than the difpofition expreffed by the houfe of commons, chearfully to proceed in making fuch provifions as are neceflary for the honourable fupport of his majefty's government.

He receives, with the greatest pleature, the acknowledgements of the houfe of commons of their fenfe of the folicitude which his majelty can never ceafe to entertain for the interefts of Ireland, as well as their profeffions of refpect and attachment to his perfon, family, and go


Speech of the Lord Lieutenant to both
Houfes, on Monday, May 25.
My lords and gentlemen,
HE bufinels of this intereft
ing feffion being concluded,
I am happy to releafe you from far
ther attendance in parliament, and
to communicate to you the ftrongest
affurances of his majefty's paternal
regard, and of the fatisfaction he
feels in the growing profperity of
his people of Ireland.

Gentlemen of the houfe of com-

In obedience to the king's commands, I am to thank you in his majefty's name for the fupplies which you have granted for the public exiVOL. XXXI.

gencies, and for the fupport of his majefty's government; and you may be affured of my care and attention to the proper application of them.

My lords and gentlemen,

I behold, with the higheft fatisfaction, the increafing wealth and commerce of this kingdom, the natural affect of good order and of active extended by the feveral falutary induftry, encouraged, protected, and laws, which, from time to time, have been enacted for those purposes. I am happy to think that a permanent foundation is laid for the farther improvement of the country, by tion and encouragement of inland the act now paffed for the promonavigation: a fyftem, which, connected with the profperous ftate of your agriculture, promifes, with the blefling of Divine Providence, to fecure to every part of the kingdom, tial article of your commerce, the the fulleft enjoyment of that effen

trade of corn.

You well know how greatly the interefts of the nation are forwarded by the prefervation of peace, and by the enforcing a due fubmiffion to the laws; and I have the most perfect confidence, that upon your re turn to your refpective counties, you will imprefs thefe ideas on the minds of thofe who look up to your exam ple, and are directed by your influence. My conduct fhall be uniformly governed by every principle which can tend to promote the wel fare and happiness of Ireland.

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May it please your majesty,

E, the lord mayor, aldermen, and commons of the city of London, in common council affembled, beg leave humbly to approach

Addrefs of the Lord Mayor, Alder men, and Common Council of the City of London, to her Majefty, on the fame happy Occafion.

the throne with the moft heartfelt MAY it please your majesty to

emotions of joy and exultation.

We cannot fufficiently exprefs our deep and awful fenfe of the fignal infrance of the goodnefs of Divine Providence to thefe highly-favoured kingdoms, in reftoring the health of our most gracious fovereign to the ardent prayers of his people.

Your majefty's faithful citizens of London, at all times eager to teftify their loyalty, are more particularly anxious to offer their renewed affurances of fidelity and attachment, in a moment which has refcued them from defpondency, and blessed them with an opportunity to offer the tribute nearest their hearts.

And we earneftly fupplicate the Great Difpofer of all events, that your majefty may long continue the happy inftrument of preferving, in the moft exalted degree, the civil and religious liberties of a free, loyal, and grateful nation.

Signed, by order of the court,

His Majefty's Anfwer.

I THANK you for this fresh mark of your loyalty and of your affection for my perfon. The expreffions of fidelity and attachment, which I receive from my loving fubjects, are moft grateful to me.

The city of London may always depend upon my watchful attention to their liberties, commerce, and happinels.

permit us, the lord mayor, aldermen, and commons of the city of London, in common council alfembled, to offer our moft fincere congratulations to your majefty on the aufpicious recovery of our most gracious fovereign.

Impreffed with the moft fympathifing affections, we have not the power to convey how much we par ticipate in the general felicity, of which your majefty muft enjoy fo large a fhare.

That the king may long be preferved in his facred and exalted ftation, not lefs revered for his domef tic virtues than for the dominion he holds in the hearts of a loyal and happy people, is the fincere prayer, of the citizens of London.

There never was a period when the citizens of London felt the value of their privilege to addrefs the throne in fo eminent a degree as the prefent, which has enabled them to dwell with fuch heartfelt emphafis on an event fo propitious to their country, fo peculiarly interefting and effectually confolatory to the beft of queens.

Signed, by order of the court,

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The humble Address of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, Commons, and Citizens of the City of Dublin, in Common Council affembled, on the fame Occafion.

May it please your majesty,


E, your dutiful and ever loyal fubjects, the lord mayor, fheriffs, commons, and citizens of the city of Dublin, humbly offer our congratulations on your majefty's recovery from your late fevere indifpofition, and beg leave to exprefs how deeply fenfible we are of the ineftimable value of your majefty's life and health to your faithful people.

The earneftnefs and fervor with which we looked for the happy times that have now returned, are only to be equalled by the fincerity with which we pray Almighty God, that your majefty may long flourish a revered, beloved, patriot king.

The worth of a fovereign fo mild, a parent fo provident, and a friend fo true, was never before fo fully understood, until he was loft for ever; but it is the peculiar bleffing of your faithful fubjects, that they are awakened to a due fenfe of your majefty's great and endearing qualities, ere it is too late, and whilst our country continues to profper under their benign influence.

The afflictions of your loyal citizens of Dublin grew the more poignant during your majefty's late illness, as we reflected that nothing but a care for the public weal, too active and inceffant, had borne down your ftrength, and caufed you to faint in the fervice of your people.

Return then, fire, with renovated vigour of mind and body, to attain the glorious ends to which

your aufpicious reign has been directed; live long the fupporter of the law, the approved patron and defender of civil and religious liberty.

Never before did your people experience anguifh occafioned by your majefly: may this we have tafted be accounted our fhare of the bitter cup; and let the tranfit of our good and gracious king from his throne of Ireland to a throne eternal, in the ripeness of time, and in the fulnefs of his fame, be referved for the portion of a future generation.

In teftimony whereof we have caufed the common feal of the faid city to be hereunto affixed, this 23d day of March, 1789.

Addrefs of the Proteftant and Roman Catholic Inhabitants of Waterford, to the King, on the fame Occafion.

May it please your majefty,


E, your majefty's molt duti ful and loyal fubjects, the freemen, freeholders, Proteftant and Roman Catholic inhabitants of the county of the city of Waterford in the kingdom of Ireland, beg leave to prefent our humble congratulations on the happy reftoration of your majefty's health.

We are awfully impreffed with the ineftimable goodnels of Divine Providence, who, indulgent to the ardent prayers of your loyal and affectionate fubjects, has restored your majefty to a free and happy people.

In common with all your majefty's fubjects throughout your extended dominions, we participate in the joy that at prefent univerfally prevails, and with which we are fill the more fenfibly affected when [X]2


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