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+rego], raise up, prick up; rise, | tabula, ae, f., board, plank.

arise; spring up, freshen. surrigō, uncontracted form of


sūs, suis, c., swine, sow.
suscipiō, ere, cēpī, ceptus, [subs
sub, capio], take up, lift up;
undertake, attempt; reply.
suscitō, [subs=sub, +cito, rouse],
1, stir up; arouse, excite.

suspectus, a, um, [suspicio],

pected, mistrusted.

tabulātum, i, [tabula], n., floor, story.

tābum, i, [cf. tabes], n., matter;


taceō, ēre, ui, itus, be silent, be still. tacitus, a, um, [taceo], silent,

noiseless; in silence, unmentioned; in secret; hidden. tāctus, ūs, [tango], m., touch. sus-taeda, ae, f., pine wood; torch; nuptial torch; marriage.

suspectus, ūs, [suspicio], m., up- taedet, ere, uit, impers., it disgusts,

ward look; height.

suspendō, ere, pendī, pēnsus, [subs
=sub, +pendo], hang up; sling,
suspend; consecrate.
suspensus, a, um, [suspendo],
hung up, exposed; anxious, dis-
tracted; uncertain; inspired, en-

suspicio, ere, spexi, spectus, [sub
+specio, look], look up at; ob-


suspirō, [sub + spiro], 1, sigh. sustuli, see tollo.

it wearies.

taenia, ae, f., ribbon, head-band, fillet.

taeter, tra, trum, [cf. taedet], dis

gusting, foul, loathsome. tālāria, ium, [talus, ankle], n., winged sandals.

talentum, i, n., talent, a Greek weight.

tālis, e, such, of such sort; the following, as follows.

tam, adv., so, so very; with following quam, as.

sūtilis, e, [suo, sew], sewed, tamen, adv., yet, nevertheless, still.


suus, a, um, [sui], his, hers, its, one's, their; his own, her own, etc.; suitable, appropriate; favorable, prospering.

tandem, [tam], adv., at length, at last; in questions, pray.

tangō, ere, tetigī, tāctus, touch; reach; move, affect; encounter; come home to one.

Sychaeus, i, m., the husband of tantum, [tantus], adv., only,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Tarquinius Superbus, respec- | tenāx, ācis, [cf. teneo], tenacious,

tively the fifth and the seventh king of Rome.

Tartareus, a, um, of Tartarus; in`-fernal.

Tartarus, i, m., pl., Tartara, ōrum,

n., Tartarus, the abode of the lost in the Lower World; the Lower World.

taurīnus, a, um, [taurus], of a bull, a butt's.

taurus, i, m., bull.

tēctum, ī, [tego], roof; shelter, covert; building, dwelling, house, palace; abode, habitation.


tendo, ere, tetendi, tentus, stretch, stretch out; hold out, extend; bend, turn, aim, direct; struggle, strive; make one's way, hold one's way, push on, proceed; steer; go; pitch one's tent. tenebrae, ārum, f., darkness, shades, gloom; shades of the dead.

tenebrōsus, a, um, [tenebrae],

Tenedos, i, f., an island near

Tegeaeus, a, um, of Tegea, a teneō, ere, ui, hold, have, keep, hold

town in Arcadia. tegmen and tegumen, inis, [tego],

n., covering; garment; skin. tegō, ere, tēxi, tēctus, cover; cloak, hide, conceal; shelter; shield, protect.

tēla, ae, [cf. texo], f., warp.
tellūs, ūris, f., earth; land, soil;

personified, Earth.

tēlum, i, n., missile, weapon; spear,

javelin, arrow, shaft; blow. temerō, 1, profane, desecrate. temnō, ere, scorn, despise.

temperō, [tempus], 1, restrain,

possession of, possess; occupy, inhabit; retain, hold back, detain, cling to; grasp, seize; reach, make, gain, win; derive; bind.

tener, era, erum, tender, delicate. tentōrium, i, [cf. tendo], n., tent. tenuis, e, thin; slender; delicate, feeble, gentle; airy, unsubstantial.

tenus, post-positive prep. with abl., up to, as far as, to.

tepidus, a, um, [cf. tepeo, be warm], warm.

calm, quiet; temper; refrainter, adv., three times, thrice.


terebrō, 1, bore, bore into, pierce.

tempestās, atis, [tempus], f., teres, etis, [tero], smooth, polweather; bad weather, storm,

ished; round.

tempest; personified, Storm-god. tergeminus, a, um, threefold, templum, i, n., consecrated place,

temple, shrine, sanctuary. temptō, 1, test, try; search, probe; search for, seek for; attempt, endeavor.


tergum, i, n., back; chine; rear; body; skin, hide. a tergo, from behind.

tergus, oris, n., skin, hide. terminō, [terminus], 1, bound, limit.

tempus, oris, n., time, period, season; moment, juncture; suitable time, opportunity; pl., the tem- terminus, i, m., boundary, limit; ples, head.


terni, ae, a, [ter], three each; three. | Thalía, ae, f., a sea-nymph, daugh

ternus, a, um, [ter], triple.
terō, ere, trivi, trītus, rub; graze,
touch; wear away, waste.
terra, ae, f., earth, world; ground,
soil; land, country, region; per-
sonified, terra parens, Mother

ter of Nereus.

Thapsus, i, f., a town and peninsula on the eastern coast of Sicily.

theātrum, i, n., theatre.

Thēbae, ārum, f., a city in Boeotia.
Thersilochus, i, m., a Trojan ally.

terrēnus, a, um, [terra], of the thesaurus, i, m., treasure, hoard.

earth, earthly.

terreō, ēre, terrui, territus, affright, frighten, terrify; spread terror. terribilis, e, [cf. terreo], frightful,

dreadful, fearful.

terrificō, are, [terrificus], terrify. terrificus, a, um, [cf. terreo and

facio], fear-inspiring.

territō, āre, [terreo], affright, ter-

tertius, a, um, [ter], third.
testis, is, c., witness.
testor, [testis], 1, invoke, call to
witness; swear by, swear; bear
witness, attest.

testūdō, inis, [testa, shell], f., tor-
toise; testudo, a military forma-
tion with overlapping shields;
vaulted roof, roof.

Teucer (Teucrus), cri, m., name of 1) the father-in-law of Dardanus, and the first of the Trojan kings; 2) a son of Telamon and half-brother of Ajax.

Theseus, ei and eōs, m., a fabled
king of Athens.
Thessandrus, i, m., one of the
Grecian host before Troy.
Thetis, idis, f., a daughter of
Nereus, and the mother of

Thoās, antis, m., one of the Gre-
cian host before Troy.
Thrācius, a, um, of Thrace, Thra-

Thrax, ācis, m., a Thracian.
Threicius, a, um, Thracian.
Threissa, ae, f., a Thracian wom-
an; as adj., Thracian.
Thybris, idis, m., the Tiber River.
Thỹias, ados, f., Bacchante,

Thymbraeus, a, um, of Thymbra,
a city near Troy, and the seat of
a temple of Apollo; as noun,
Thymbraeus, i, m., another
name for Apollo.

Thymoetēs, ae, m., a Trojan.

Teucri, ōrum, m., followers of thymum, i, n., thyme.
Teucer, Trojans.

Teucria, ae, f., the land of Teucer,

texō, ere, texui, textus, weave;
interweave, intermingle; frame,

textilis, e, [cf. texo], woven. thalamus, i, m., chamber, bedchamber; marriage-bed, marriage.

Tiberīnus, a, um, of the Tiber; as noun, Tiberīnus, i, m., the rivergod.

tigris, is or idis, c., tiger, tigress. Timāvus, i, m., a river in north

eastern Italy.

timeō, ēre, ui, fear, be afraid of;
be apprehensive.
timidus, a, um, [cf. timeo], timid,

timor, ōris, [cf. timeo], m., fear, | tot, indecl., so many.

dread, apprehension. tinguō, ere, tinxi, tinctus, wet; dip, bathe.

Tīsiphonē, es, f., one of the furies. Titān, ānis, m., a name given 1) to each of the six sons of Caelus and Terra, 2) to the sun-god as a son of Hyperion, a Titan. Tītānius, a, um, of a (the) Titan. Tithōnus, i, m., the husband of Aurora.

titubō, 1, totter, reel, stagger.

Tityos, i, m., a giant who offered violence to. Latona.

totidem, [tot], indecl., just as

many, as many, the same number. totiēns, [tot], adv., so often, so many times.

tōtus, a, um, the whole, entire, all; full.

trabs, trabis, f., beam, timber;

door-post; ship, bark.

trāctābilis, e, [tracto, handle], manageable; yielding, gracious. non tractabile, violent, inclement.

tractus, ūs, [cf. traho], m., expanse; region, quarter.

Tmarius, a, um, of Tmaros, a trādō, ere, tradidi, ditus, [trans

[blocks in formation]

transfigō, ere, fixi, fixus, thrust through; pierce, transfix. transmittō, ere, misi, missus, send across; hand over, transfer, assign; go across, cross.

tions of the Great and Little Bear.

triplex, icis, [tres, cf. plico], threefold, triple.

tripūs, podis, m., tripod; oracle.

transportō, 1, carry across, trans- trīstis, e, sad, mournful, sor


trānstrum, i, [trans], n., bench,


trānsversus, a, um, [transverto], across one's course; across, athwart. tremefaciō, ere, feci, factus, [tremo +facio], cause to tremble; pass., tremble, shake.

tremēscō, ere, [tremo], tremble, shake, quake; tremble at. tremō, ere, ui, tremble, shake, quiver; tremble at, dread. tremor, ōris, [cf. tremo], m., trembling, shudder, shiver. trepido, [trepidus], 1, tremble, shake; scurry about. trepidus, a, um, trembling, shak

[tres + corpus], bodies, three

ing, quaking; agitated, anxious. trēs, tria, three. tricorpor, oris, having three bodied. tridēns, tis, [tres + dens], having three teeth; three-pronged; as noun, three-pointed spear, trident.

trietēricus, a, um, triennial (really

biennial by our system, which does not count both termini). trifaux, faucis, [tres, cf. fauces], having three throats. trīgintā, thirty.

trilix, īcis, triply-woven, three-ply. Trinacria, ae, f., Sicily.

rowful, unhappy; melancholy, gloomy, dreary, dismal; dread, grim, woful, baleful.

trisulcus, a, um, three-forked. Triton, ōnis, m., a sea-god, son of Neptune.

Trītōnia, ae, f., an epithet or name of Minerva.

Trītōnis, idis, an epithet or name of Minerva.

triumphō, [triumphus], 1, triumph over, conquer. triumphus, i, m., triumph, triumphal procession.

Trivia, ae, f., an epithet or name of Hecate and Diana. trivium, i, [tres + via], n., a place

where three ways meet; crossroad.

Trōas, adis, f., a Trojan woman. Trōilus, i, m., a son of Priam. Trōius, a, um, of Troy, Trojan. Trōja, ae, f., Troy.

Trōjānus, a, um, of Troy, Trojan. Trōjugena, ae, c., born at Troy, a Trojan.

Trōs, õis, m., a Trojan; as adj., Trojan.

trucīdō, 1, butcher; slay. trudis, is, [cf. trudo], f., pole, pike, boat-hook.

trūdō, ere, trūsī, trūsus, push, push along. truncus, i, I, m., trunk (of a tree); headless body, trunk.

Trinacrius, a, um, of Sicily, Sicil- truncus, a, um, stripped, lopped;


maimed, mutilated.

Triōnēs, um, m., the constella- tū, tui, thou, you.

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