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incusō, [in, cf. causa], 1, blame; | inexpertus, a, um, [in- + part. of

chide, reproach, upbraid. incutiō, ere, cussi, cussus, [in + quatio], strike into, put into. indāgō, inis, f., circle (of hunters

or beaters); toils.

inde, adv., from that time or place,

thence; then, next. indēbitus, a, um, [in- + part. of

debeo], not due, unpromised. indēprēnsus, a, um, [in- + part. of prendo], undiscovered, undetected.

experior], untried. inextrīcābilis, e, [in-, cf. extrico, disentangle], inextricable. infabricātus, a, um, [in-+ part. of fabricatus], unwrought, unshaped, rough.

infandus, a, um, [in- + gerundive of for], unutterable, unspeakable; dreadful, detestable, horrible, abominable, iniquitous. infāns, fantis, [in- + part. of for], c., infant.

Indi, ōrum, m., people of India, infaustus, a, um, [in- + faustus,


indicium, i, [indico, show], n., information; testimony, evidence. indicō, ere, dixi, dictus, declare, proclaim; appoint, order. indignor, [indignus], 1, deem un

worthy, deem a disgrace; be indignant, be enraged; fret, chafe. indignus, a, um, unworthy, undeserved; cruel.

indomitus, a, um, [in- + part. of domo], untamed, invincible; fierce, savage.

inducō, ere, duxi, ductus, lead on;

draw on, put on; induce. indulgeō, ere, dulsī, dultum, favor, indulge in, give way to, yield


induō, ere, duī, dūtus, put on, assume; adorn; passive as middle, array one's self; part. indutus, a, um, clad in, arrayed in. inēlūctābilis, [in- + eluctabilis, cf. luctor], inevitable.

favorable], ill-omened, ill-fated. infectus, a, um, [in- + part. of

facio], not done; false. infectus, a, um, [inficio, in +

facio], stained; dyed; ingrained. infelix, īcis, unhappy, wretched;

luckless, unfortunate, ill-fated,


infēnsus, a, um, [in, cf. defendo], hostile, unfriendly.

infernus, a, um, [inferus], of the Lower World.

inferō, ferre, intuli, illātus, bring into, carry to; bring against, wage; offer, sacrifice; with a reflexive, or the passive used as a middle, thread one's way, advance, proceed, follow. inferus, a, um, [cf. infra, below], low, below; comp. inferior, ius, lower, inferior, humbler; superl. imus, a, um, lowest, deepest, inmost; lowest part of, bottom.

ineō, īre, īvī or ii, itus, go into, infēstus, a, um, [in, cf. defendo],

enter; begin, undertake.

inermis, e, [in- + arma], unarmed,


iners, ertis, [in-+ ars], unskilled; lazy, timid, spiritless; lifeless.

hostile; threatening, deadly. infigō, ere, fixi, fixus, fix in or

upon, impale; implant. infindō, ere, fidi, fissus, cleave. |infit, [in + fio], defective, begin.

inflammō, 1, set on fire, inflame. inflectō, ere, flexi, flexus, bend;

influence, sway, touch.

inflō, [in + flo, blow], 1, blow into, fill, swell.

infōrmis, e, [in- + forma], shapeless, misshapen, unsightly, hide


iniciō, ere, jēcī, jectus, [in + ja

cio], throw upon, hurl against. inimīcus, a, um, [in- + amicus], unfriendly, hostile.

iniquus, a, um, [in- + aequus], uneven; unfriendly, adverse, hostile, unjust; unhappy; dangerous; bitter.

infractus, a, um, [infringo, in + injūria, ae, [injurius, unlawful,

frango], broken, subdued.

infrendeō, ēre, [in + frendeo,

grind], gnash.

in- jus], f., injustice, wrong, story of wrong; outrage, insult, affront.

īnfrēnus, a, um, [in- + frenum], injussus, a, um, [in- + part. of


infula, ae, f., head-band, fillet. infundō, ere, fūdī, fūsus, pour into or upon; spread over, permeate; passive used as a middle, pour into.

ingeminō, [in + gemino, cf. geminus], 1, redouble, repeat; be redoubled, increase; rain upon. ingemō, ere, ui, groan, sigh. ingēns, tis, enormous, huge, vast,

massive, mighty, stalwart, great. ingrātus, a, um, unpleasant, disagreeable; ungrateful, unheeding.

ingredior, i, gressus, [in + gradior], enter, go, walk, proceed; enter upon, begin; sometimes nearly equivalent to sum. ingruō, ere, ui, rush upon, burst upon, assail.

jubeo], unbidden.

innectō, ere, nexui, nexus, bind, fasten; invent, devise.

innō, 1, swim in, float upon, sail upon.

innoxius, a, um, harmless. innumerus, a, um, numberless,


innūptus, a, um, [in- + part. of nubo, marry], unwedded, unmarried, virgin.

inolēscō, ere, olēvi, olitus, [oleo,

grow], grow in, be ingrained. inopīnus, a, um, [in-, cf. opinor, think], unexpected.

inops, opis, without resources, poor; helpless, bereft of. Inõus, a, um, descendant of Ino, who threw herself into the sea and was made a sea-goddess. inquam, defective, say.

inhiō, 1, gape at; scan, scruti- insania, ae, [insanus], f., mad

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insequor, i, secutus, follow, pur

sue; ensue; harass; attempt. inserō, serere, serui, sertus, put into, insert.

insertō [insero], 1, thrust into, insert.

insideō, ēre, sēdī, [in + sedeo], sit down upon, take possession of, occupy.

insidiae, ārum, [insideo], f., ambush; snare, wile, deceit, artifice; stratagem.

insidō, ere, sēdī, sessus, sit down

on, rest upon; settle upon. insigne, is, [insignis], n., badge,

ornament, decoration. insignis, e, [in + signum], notable, distinguished, conspicuous, renowned, eminent; splendid, brilliant.

insinuō, 1, wind in, steal in. īnsistō, ere, stiti, set foot upon, tread upon; enter upon, begin. insomnium, i, n., dream.

insonō, āre, ui, sound, resound; crack.

insōns, sontis, guiltless, innocent, unoffending.

statuo], build, found; establish, ordain.

instō, āre, stiti, stātūrus, press on,

pursue, urge on; persist; be eager; be one's purpose. instruō, ere, strūxi, strūctus, build; furnish, bedeck, equip, fit out; train; draw up, arrange, array.

īnsuētus, a, um, [in- + part. of suesco], unaccustomed, unwonted.

insula, ae, f., isle, island. insultō, [in salto, cf. salio, leap], 1, leap upon; be insolent, insult, revile.

insum, inesse, infui, infutūrus, be in or on.

insuō, ere, sui, sūtus, sew in. insuper, [in + super], adv., above,

over; in addition, moreover. insuperabilis, e, [in-, cf. supero], invincible.

insurgō, gere, surrēxi, surrēctum, rise upon, rise; ply vigorously. intactus, a, um, [in- + part. of tango], untouched, unyoked; chaste, virgin.

inspērātus, a, um, [in- + part. of integer, gra, grum, [in- + TAG,

spero], unhoped for. inspiciō, ere, spexi, spectus, [in +

specio, look], look into or upon. inspirō, 1, breathe into, inspire; kindle.

īnstar, n., indecl., equality, model, likeness, ideal, majesty; as large


instaurō, 1, renew, begin anew,

restore; repeat, requite, repay. insternō, ere, strāvi, strātus, spread over, cover. instīgō, [in + STIG, prick], 1, spur on, urge on, incite. instituō, ere, ui, ūtus, [in +

touch], untouched, unimpaired. intemerātus, a, um, [in-+ part. of temero], unsullied, inviolate, pure.

intempestus, a, um, [in-, cf. tempus], unseasonable; gloomy, murky. intendo, ere, tendi, tentus, stretch upon, stretch, swell; spread, cover, hang; part. intentus, a, um, stretched, attentive, eager. intento, [intendo], 1, stretch out, hold out; threaten.

inter, prep. with acc., between, among, amid, betwixt.

interclūdō, ere, clūsī, clūsus [inter

+ claudo], shut off, cut off, pre


within, + gradior], step into,


intus, adv., on the inside, within. interdum, adv., sometimes, at inuitus, a, um, [in- + part. of ultimes, occasionally. ciscor], unavenged.

interea, [inter + ea], adv., in the inutilis, e, [in- + utilis], useless.

meantime, meanwhile.

interfor, 1, interrupt.

interfūsus, a, um, [interfundo], poured between, flowing between; suffused, flecked. interior, ius, [inter], inner, inside, on the inside; interior of; superl. intimus, a, um, inmost, furthest.

interluō, ere, flow between, wash. interpres, pretis, c., intermediary, interpreter, representative; author, cause.

interritus, a, um, [in-+ part. of terreo], unterrified, fearless, undaunted.

interruptus, a, um, [interrumpo], broken off, discontinued, interrupted.

intervāllum, I, [intervallum, palisade], n., distance, interval.

Inuus, i, [cf. ineo], m., another

name for Faunus; Castrum Inui, see Castrum.

invādō, ere, vāsī, vāsum, go into,

enter, rush into, attack; enter upon, invade; accost, assail. invalidus, a, um, weak, feeble, infirm.

invehō, ere, vexi, vectus, bear, carry; pass., be borne, ride, sail.

invenio, īre, vēni, ventus, come

upon, find, find out, discover. inventor, ōris, [invenio], m.,

finder, contriver, deviser. invergō, ere, [in + vergo, bend], pour upon.

invictus, a, um, [in- + part. of

vinco], unconquered, unconquerable, resistless.

invideo, ēre, vidi, visus, envy, grudge, begrudge.

intexō, ere, texui, textus, weave in, invidia, ae, [invidus, envious], f.,

interlace, embroider.

envy, jealousy; grudge, hatred. intimus, a, um, [superl. of inte- invīsō, ere, visī, visus, go to see,

rior], inmost, innermost.

intonō, āre, tonui, thunder. intorqueō, ere, torsi, tortus, twist

upon; hurl.

intră, [cf. inter], prep. with acc., within.

intractabilis, e, unmanageable,



invīsus, a, um, [invideo], hated, detested.

invītō, 1, invite, summon; tempt, incite.

invītus, a, um, unwilling, reluctant; unfriendly.

invius, a, um, [in + via], pathless, intremō, ere, ui, tremble, shake, impassable, inaccessible. quake. involvō, ere, volvi, volūtus, roll intrō, [intro, within], 1, go into,upon, wrap, envelop, involve; enter.


intiōgredior, ī, gressus, [intro, Ionius, a, um, Ionian; as noun,

the Ionian Sea, south and east | Ithaca, ae, f., an island in the of lower Italy. Ionian Sea, the home of Ulysses. Iōpās, ae, m., a Carthaginian min- Ithacus, a, um, of Ithaca, Ithacan;


Iphitus, i, m., a Trojan.

ipse, a, um, self; himself, herself, itself; pl., themselves; one's own; very.

īra, ae, f., wrath, anger, rage, passion, resentment; object of wrath or hatred.

Īris, idis, f., goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods.

irremeabilis, e, [in-, cf. remeo],

whence there is no return, irretraceable.

irrīdeō, ēre, rīsī, rīsus, [in + rideo],

laugh at, mock, deride.

irrigō, [in + rigo], 1, water, bedew, shed upon like dew; refresh.

irrītātus, a, um, [irrito, excite], excited, incensed, irritated. irritus, a, um, [in- + part. of reor],

in vain, useless, fruitless. irrumpō, ere, rūpī, ruptus, [in + rumpo], break into, rush into. irruō, ere, uī, [in + ruo], rush into, rush upon.

is, ea, id, that, this; he, she, it. iste, a, ud, that, that of yours, yonder, yon.

as noun, Ithacus, i, m., the Ithacan, i.e. Ulysses.

Iūlus, i, m., another name for Ascanius.

Ixion, onis, m., a king of the Lapithae and father of Pirithous.

jaceō, ēre, ui, itūrus, lie, lie dead; lie low, be outspread, be level; be situated.

jaciō, ere, jēcī, jactus, cast, hurl, fling; scatter, strew; heap up, construct.

jactō, [jacio], 1, hurl, cast, fling, throw, toss; pour forth, utter; drive, pursue; ponder, revolve; vaunt, boast, glory, display. jactūra, ae, [jacio], f., throwing away, loss.

jaculor, [jaculum], 1, hurl a javelin; hurl.

jaculum, i, [jacio], n., javelin. jam, adv., now, already; at once, forthwith, straightway; presently, at length; actually, even; with a neg., longer, more. jānitor, ōris, [cf. janua], m., doorkeeper.

jānua, ae, f., door, doorway; entrance, way.

istinc, [iste], adv., from there jecur, jecoris and jecinoris, n., liver. --(where you are). juba, ae, f., mane; crest.

ita, [cf. is], adv., so, thus, in that jubar, aris, n., ray of light, sun

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jubeō, ēre, jussi, jussus, command, order, bid, enjoin; urge. jucundus, a, um, [cf. juvo], pleasant, delightful.

Italus, a, um, Italian; as noun, Itali, orum, m., the Italians. iter, itineris, [ire], n., way, course, path; journey, voyage, passage.jūdex, icis, [jus +dico], c., judge. iterum, adv., a second time, again, judicium, ī, [judex], n., judgment, verdict, decision.

once more.


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