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[blocks in formation]

Writing: 15 Post Copy-Books, each 0 6 SMALL SCHOOL AND FAMILY MAPS;


[blocks in formation]

prepared by W. & A. K. Johnston. (2 feet 9 inches long, by 2 feet 3 inches broad.) Eastern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere, England, Scotland, Ireland, Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Canaan and Palestine[These 10 Maps in Wood Case, £4, 4s.; or in Wooden Stand, £5, 5s.] -United States and Canada, Chart of the World. Each Map, mounted.

These Maps may also be had varnished, at is. extra.



...each.... 3

[blocks in formation]

sheet 25 by 20 inches


[blocks in formation]

Orders of Roman Architecture, in a sheet 25 by 20 inches...

Greece, History of Ancient...............3 0

....1 0

Rome, History of.......
British Empire, History of the..........20
Biography, Exemplary & Instructive 20

...2 6

Condensing Beam Steam-Engine, &c.

in a sheet 25 by 20 inches........ ..10 Working Drawings and Details of Steam-Engines, 4to, sewed............10 Illustrations of Machine and Mill Gearing, 4to, sewed..........


Geographical Primer England, Geographical Te

Scripture Geography.......

Geography, General Trea

......1 0

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

mounted & varnished..5 6 German and English Dictionary.....10 6

Others in course of preparation.

The illustrations are of a popular cha

racter, so as to be intelligible to beginners; and the Sheets themselves will be found suitable both for the School-room and


Chemistry, by Professor Wilson.......3. 0


...2 0


...3 0

Animal Physiology....


Vegetable Physiology


German-English Part.....5 0

English-German Part.....6 0

German Synonyms, Dictionary of....2 6

Political Economy......


ILLUSTRATIONS OF SCIENCE; prepared by W. & A. K. Johnston.

Designed to illustrate Natural Philosophy,
&c., mounted with rollers and cloth to hang
on the walls of School-rooms; namely-
1. Properties of Bodies.-2. Mechanical
Powers.-3. Hydrostatics.-4. Hydraulics.-
5. Physiology, Plate I.--These Sheets are
accompanied with Diagrams and Descrip-
tive Books.

Minor Educational Course.
For Use in the Humbler Class of Schools.

1. Introduction to Reading................ 2

2. Reading Lessons.......

..... 2

3. Arithmetical Primer.

...0 2

....0 1

4. Grammatical Primer.

..... 2

...0 2

Key to ditto

each..10 0 5. Outlines of Geography................ 2

And may be had varnished, at 2s. extra.

6. History.

*** Other Works in preparation.

W. and R. CHAMBERS, 47 Paternoster Row, London, and 339 High Street, Edinburgh.

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