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A is Aladdin, who to good luck was born.

B Little Boy Blue, who is blowing his horn.

C Cinderella, who went to a ball

And left her glass slipper behind in the hall.

D David, the Shepherd, who loved all his sheep.

E Echo of whom we've ne'er had a peep.

is the Fisher whose wife had her wish
Till out of all patience became the kind fish.


Goody Two-Shoes, well known to us all.

the House Jack built. We'll go there to call!

is in Indian, two I's and two eyes,

Which the little I found to the big I's surprise.

is the Johnny Cake, who'll never return.

is King Alfred, who let the cakes burn.

the big Lion set free from the net

By the brave little Mouse that did not forget.

Magpie, the nest builder, at whom the birds scoff.

North Wind, who never could force the coat off.

Old Mother Hubbard. Can you sing me the rhyme Of her Dog that was doing a new thing each time?

P for Prince Cherry, whom the ring saved from folly.

Qis Queen Bess and her knight, Walter Raleigh.

R is the Red Hen, who planted the wheat

And made the good bread that her friends longed to eat.

S Simple Simon-who had not a penny.

T The little Tin Soldier; like him are not many.

U is Una and St. George, the brave and the bold,
For years upon years has their story been told.

V is the Van Doctor Marigold had,

Where the deaf and dumb girl was saved and made glad.

W Dick Whittington, well known to fame-

The poor orphan boy who Lord Mayor became.

From A, B and C all the letters you see,

[blocks in formation]


It will be well to read The Primer of this series (including the suggestions to teachers) before teaching The First Reader. To know The Primer even in a slight way will create a more intelligent and sympathetic interest in the growth of the children under your care. The dramatic form of The Primer should have started them toward a keen interpretation of the printed page; and its limited vocabulary together with the abundant practice should have given them some facility in word calling.

The First Reader introduces an average of only four new words to the page. A class thoroughly prepared by The Primer should read the book almost at sight after the first eight or ten stories are passed.


In the earlier part of The Reader it will probably be necessary for the teacher to continue the plan used in The Primer of introducing new words by sentences on the board. Care should be taken, however, not to spoil the child's surprise in the story found in the book. For instance, in the dialogue between Capital I and Little I, the word eyes occurs for the first time. Teach it objectively and without reference to the letter i, as "I have two eyes. See them." "Shut your eyes." "Open them."

The child should be put into the spirit of each story before he reads it. This can be accomplished in several ways:

(a) The teacher can tell part of the story, as in Aladdin, writing such new words as strange and magician on the board as she uses them orally. When interest is at its height, she can say, "Shall we read the story and find out the rest?

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(b) The teacher can interest the class by a general discussion of the underlying subject of the lesson as, for instance, how birds build their nests, in connection with Magpie's Nest.

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