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White's Chocolate-house, May 11.

happened to be employed to put things in a factions of the puritan, the epicure, the gamemethod for being examined before him at his ster, and the trader; and that all their endeausual sessions: these animals were to Verus, vours, how differently soever they seem to tend, as monkeys are to men, so like, that you can centre only in that one point of gain, shows he hardly disown them; but so base, that you are had, to a great perfection, that discernment of ashamed of their fraternity. It grew a phrase, spirit which constitutes a genius for comedy. 'Who would do justice on the justices?' That certainly would Verus. I have seen an old trial where he sat judge on two of them; one was called Trick-track, the other Tear-shift: one It is not to be imagined, how far the viowas a learned judge of sharpers; the other the lence of our desires will carry us towards our quickest of all men at finding out a wench. own deceit in the pursuit of what we wish for. Trick-track never spared a pick-pocket, but A gentleman here this evening was giving me was a companion to cheats: Tear-shift would an account of a dumb fortune-teller* who outmake compliments to wenches of quality, but does Mr. Partridge, myself, or the Unborn doccertainly commit poor ones. If a poor rogue tor,† for predictions; all his visitants come to wanted a lodging, Trick-track scnt him to him full of expectations, and pay his own rate gaol for a thief: if a poor whore went only for the interpretations they put upon his shrugs with one thin petticoat, Tear-shift would im- and nods. There is a fine rich city-widow stolə prison her for being loose in her dress. These thither the other day (though it is not six weeks patriots infested the days of Verus, while they since her husband's departure from her comalternately committed and released each other's pany to rest,) and with her trusty maid deprisoners. But Verus regarded them as crimi-manded of him, whether she should marry nals, and always looked upon men as they again, by holding up two fingers like horns on stood in the eye of justice, without respecting her forehead. The wizard held up both his whether they sat on the bench, or stood at hands forked. The relict desired to know,

the bar.

Will's Coffee-house, May 11.

whether he meant, by his holding up both hands, to represent that she had one husband before, and that she should have another? or, that he intimated she should have two more? Yesterday we were entertained with the The cunning man looked a little sour, upon tragedy of the Earl of Essex*; in which there which Betty jogged her mistress, who gave the is not one good line, and yet a play which was other guinea; and he made her understand, she never seen without drawing tears from some should positively have two more; but shaked part of the audience; a remarkable instance his head, and hinted that they should not live that the soul is not to be moved by words, but long with her. The widow sighed, and gave things; for the incidents in this drama are laid him the other half-guinea. After this prepostogether so happily, that the spectator makes session, all that she had next to do was to make the play for himself, by the force which the sallies to our end of the town, and find out who circumstance has upon his imagination. Thus, it is her fate to have. There are two who frein spite of the most dry discourses, and expres-quent this place, whom she takes to be men of sions almost ridiculous with respect to pro- vogue, and of whom her imagination has given priety, it is impossible for one unprejudiced to her the choice. They are both the appearances see it, untouched with pity. I must confess, of fine gentlemen, to such as do not know when this effect is not wrought on such as examine they see persons of that turn; and, indeed they why they are pleased; but it never fails to are industrious enough to come at that characappear on those who are not too learned in ter, to deserve the reputation of being such. But nature, to be moved by her first suggestions. this town will not allow us to be the things we It is certain, the person and behaviour of Mr. seem to aim at, and is too discerning to be fobbed Wilks has no small share in conducing to the off with pretences. One of these pretty fellows popularity of the play; and when a handsome fails by his laborious exactness; the other, by fellow is going to a more coarse exit than be- his as much studied negligence. Frank Careheading, his shape and countenance make every less, as soon as his valet has helped on and adtender one reprieve him with all her heart, with-justed his clothes, goes to his glass, sets his wig out waiting until she hears his dying words. awry, tumbles his cravat; and, in short, unThis evening, The Alchymist was played.† dresses himself to go into company. Will Nice This comedy is an example of Ben Jonson's is so little satisfied with his dress, that all the extensive genius, and penetration into the pas- time he is at a visit, he is still mending it, and sions and follies of mankind. The scene in is for that reason the more insufferable; for he the fourth act, where all the cheated people oppose the man that would open their eyes, has something in it so inimitably excellent, that it is certainly as great a master-piece as has ever appeared by any hand. The author's great address in showing covetousness, the motive of the

* By John Banks, 4to. 1685; the prologue and the epilogue by Dryden.

The Alchymist' was first acted in 1610, and pub lished in 4to. the same year

who studies carelessness has, at least, his work the sooner done of the two. The widow is distracted whom to take for her first man; for Nice is every way so careful, that she fears his length of days; and Frank is so loose, that she has ap

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prehensions for her own health with him. I am puzzled how to give a just idea of them; but in a word, Careless is a coxcomb, and Nice a fop: both, you will say, very hopeful candidates for a gay young woman just set at liberty. But there is a whisper, her maid will give her to Tom Terror the gamester. This fellow has undone so many women, that he will certainly succeed if he is introduced; for nothing so much prevails with the vain part of that sex, as the glory of deceiving them who have deceived others.

Desunt multa.

St. James's Coffee-house, May 11.

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Quicquid agunt homines

-nostri est farrago libelli. Juv. Sat. i. 85, 86. Whate'er men do, or say, or think, or dream, Our motley paper seizes for its theme.

From my own Apartment, May 12.


I HAVE taken a resolution hereafter, on any want of intelligence, to carry my familiar abroad with me, who has promised to give me very proper and just notices of persons and things, to make up the history of the passing day. He is wonderfully skilful in the know

Letters from Berlin, bearing date May the eleventh, N. S. inform us, that the birth-day of her Prussian majesty has been celebrated there with all possible magnificence; and the king made her, on that occasion, a present of jewels to the value of thirty-thousand crowns. The marquis de Quesne, who has distinguished himself by his great zeal for the Protestant interest, was, at the time of the despatch of these letters, at that court, soliciting the king to take care, that an article in behalf of the refugees, admitting their return to France, should be inserted in the treaty of peace. They write from Han-ledge of men and manners, which has made me over, of the fourteenth, that his electoral high- more than ordinary curious to know how he ness had received an express from count Merci, came to that perfection, and I communicated representing how necessary it was to the com- to him that doubt. Mr. Pacolet,' said I, 'I mon cause, that he would please to hasten to am mightily surprised to see you so good a the Rhine; for that nothing but his presence judge of our nature and circumstances, since could quicken the measures towards bringing you are a mere spirit, and have no knowledge the imperial army into the field. There are of the bodily part of us.' He answered, smiling, very many speculations upon the intended in-You are mistaken; I have been one of terview of the king of Denmark and king Augustus. The latter has made such preparations for the reception of the other, that it is said, his Danish majesty will be entertained in Saxony with much more elegance than he met with in Italy itself.

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and lived a month amongst you, which gives me an exact sense of your condition. You are to know, that all, who enter into human life, have a certain date or stamen given to their being, which they only who die of age may be said to have arrived at; but it is ordered someLetters from the Hague, of the eighteenth times by fate, that such as die infants are, after instant, N. S. say, that his grace the duke of death, to attend mankind to the end of that Marlborough landed the night before at the Brill, stamen of being in themselves, which was broke after having been kept out at sea, by adverse off by sickness or any other disaster. These winds, two days longer than is usual in that are proper guardians to men, as being sensible passage. His excellency the lord Townshend, of the infirmity of their state. You are philosoher majesty's ambassador extraordinary and pher enough to know, that the difference of plenipotentiary to the States-general, was driven men's understandings proceeds only from the into the Veer in Zealand on Thursday last, from various dispositions of their organs; so that he whence he came to the Hague within a few hours who dies at a month old, is in the next life as after the arrival of his grace. The duke, soon knowing, though more innocent, as they who after his coming to the Hague, had a visit from live to fifty; and after death, they have as perthe pensioner of Holland. All things relative fect a memory and judgment of all that passed to the peace were in suspense until this inter- in their lifetime, as I have of all the revolutions view; nor is it yet known what resolutions in that uneasy turbulent condition of yours; will be taken on that subject; for the troops and you would say I had enough of it in a of the allies have fresh orders despatched to month, were I to tell you all my misfortunes.' them, to move from their respective quarters,‘A life of a month cannot have, one would think, and march with all expedition to the frontiers, much variety. But pray,' said I, 'let us have where the enemy are making their utmost ef your story.' forts for the defence of their country. These advices further inform us, that the marquis de Torcy had received an answer from the court of France, to his letters which he had sent thither by an express on the Friday before.

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Then he proceeds in the following manner: 'It was one of the most wealthy families in Great Britain into which I was born, and it was a very great happiness to me that it so

*See a humourous genealogical account of the Staf fian family, No. 11.

soon spoil her milk; another was in a consumption; the third had an ill voice, and would frighten me instead of lulling me to sleep. Such exceptions were made against all but one country milch-wench, to whom I was com

jade was eternally romping with the footman, and downright starved me; insomuch that I daily pined away, and should never have been relieved had it not been that, on the thirtieth day of my life, a Fellow of the Royal Society, who had writ upon Cold Baths, came to visit me, and solemnly protested, I was utterly lost for want of that method:* upon which he soused me head and ears into a pail of water, where I had the good fortune to be drowned; and so escaped being lashed into a linguist until sixteen, running after wenches until twenty-five, and being married to an ill-natured wife until sixty: which had certainly been my fate, had not the enchantment between body and soul been broke by this philosopher. Thus, until the age I should have otherwise lived, I am obliged to watch the steps of men; and, if you please, shall accompany you in your present walk, and get you intelligence from the aërial lacquey, who is in waiting, what are the thoughts and purposes of any whom you inquire for."

I accepted his kind offer, and immediately took him with me in a hack to White's.

White's Chocolate-house, May 13.

happened, otherwise I had still, in all proba- | whispered to have a wanton eye, and would bility, been living; but I shall recount to you all the occurrences of my short and miserable existence, just as, by examining into the traces made in my brain, they appeared to me at that time. The first thing that ever struck my senses was a noise over my head of one shriek-mitted, and put to the breast. This careless ing; after which, methought, I took a full jump, and found myself in the hands of a sorceress, who seemed as if she had been long waking, and employed in some incantation: I was thoroughly frightened, and cried out; but she immediately seemed to go on in some magical operation, and anointed me from head to foot. What they meant, I could not imagine; for there gathered a great crowd about me, crying, "An heir! an heir!" upon which I grew a little still, and believed this was a ceremony to be used only to great persons, and such as made them, what they called heirs. I lay very quiet; but the witch, for no manner of reason or provocation in the world, takes me, and binds my head as hard as possibly she could; then ties up both my legs, and makes me swallow down a horrid mixture. I thought it a harsh entrance into life, to begin with taking physic; but I was forced to it, or else must have taken down a great instrument in which she gave it me. When I was thus dressed, I was carried to a bed side where a fine young lady (my mother I wot) had like to have hugged me to death. From her, they faced me about, and there was a thing with quite another look from the rest of the company, to whom they talked about my nose. He seemed wonderfully pleased to see me; but I knew since, my nose belonged to another family. That into which I was born is one of the most numerous amongst you; therefore crowds of relations came every The first thing we took notice of was a noday to congratulate my arrival; amongst others, bleman of a goodly and frank aspect, with his my cousin Betty, the greatest romp in nature: generous birth and temper visible in it, playing she whisks me such a height over her head, that at cards with a creature of a black and horrid I cried out for fear of falling. She pinched countenance, wherein were plainly delineated me, and called me squealing chit, and threw the arts of his mind, cozenage, and falsehood. me into a girl's arms that was taken in to tend They were marking their game with counters, me. The girl was very proud of the womanly on which we could see inscriptions, impercepemployment of a nurse, and took upon her to tible to any but us. My lord had scored with strip and dress me anew, because I made a pieces of ivory, on which where writ Good noise, to see what ailed me: she did so, and Fame, Glory, Riches, Honour, and Posterity. stuck a pin in every joint about me. I still The spectre over-against him had on his councried upon which, she lays me on my face in ters the inscriptions of Dishonour, Impudence, her lap; and, to quiet me, fell a-nailing in all Poverty, Ignorance, and want of Shame. Bless the pins by clapping me on the back, and me!' said I; sure my Lord does not see what screaming a lullaby. But my pain made me he plays for?' 'As well as I do,' says Pacolet. exalt my voice above hers, which brought upHe despises that fellow he plays with, and the nurse, the witch I first saw, and my grand- scorns himself for making him his companion.' mother. The girl is turned down stairs, and I At the very instant he was speaking, I stripped again, as well to find what ailed me, as saw the fellow who played with my lord, hide to satisfy my granam's further curiosity. This two cards in the roll of his stocking: Pacolet good old woman's visit was the cause of all my immediately stole them from thence; upon troubles. You are to understand, that I was which the nobleman soon after won the game. hitherto bred by hand, and any body that stood The little triumph he appeared in, when he got next gave me pap, if I did but open my lips; such a trifling stock of ready money, though insomuch, that I was growing so cunning, as he had ventured so great sums with indifferto pretend myself asleep when I was not, to pre-ence, increased my admiration. But Pacolet vent my being crammed. But my grandmother began a loud lecture upon the idleness of the wives of this age, who, for fear of their shapes, forbear suckling their own offspring: and ten nurses were immediately sent for; one was

We got in hither, and my companion threw a powder round us, that made me as invisible as himself; so that we could see and hear all others, ourselves unseen and unheard.

*The Fellow of the Royal Society here alluded to, lished, An Inquiry into the right use and abuses of was probably Sir John Floyer, Knight, M. D. who pubthe hot, cold, and temperate Baths in England, &c."


began to talk to me. Mr. Isaac, this to you | of fifty-four guns, were met with by a part of looks wonderful, but not at all to us higher Monsieur du Gui Trouin's squadron, who enbeings that nobleman has as many good quali-gaged the convoy. That ship defended itself ties as any man of his order, and seems to have until the English merchants got clear of the no faults but what, as I may say, are excrescen- enemy; but, being disabled, was herself taken. ces from virtues. He is generous to a prodi- Within a few hours after, my lord Dursley* came gality, more affable than is consistent with his up with part of his squadron, and, engaging the quality, and courageous to a rashness. Yet, French, retook the Bristol (which, being very after all this, the source of his whole conduct much shattered, sunk ;) and took the Glorieux, is (though he would hate himself if he knew it) a ship of forty-four guns, as also a privateer of mere avarice. The ready cash laid before the fourteen. Before this action, his lordship had gamester's counters makes him venture, as you taken two French merchant-men, and had, at see, and lay distinction against infamy, abun- the despatch of these advices, brought the whole dance against want; in a word, all that is de- safe into Plymouth. sirable against all that is to be avoided. However, said I, be sure you disappoint the sharpers to night, and steal from them all the cards they hide. Pacolet obeyed me, and my lord went home with their whole bank in his pocket.'

Will's Coffee-house, May 13.

To-night was acted a second time a comedy called The Busy Body; this play is written by a lady. In old times, we used to sit upon a play here after it was acted; but now the enter tainment is turned another way; not but there are considerable men in all ages, who, for some eminent quality or invention, deserve the esteem and thanks of the public. Such a benefactor is a gentleman of this house; who is observed by the surgeons with much envy, and is ranked among, and received by modern wits, as a great prompter of gallantry and pleasure. But, I fear, pleasure is less understood in this age, which so much pretends to it, than in any since the creation. It was admirably said of him who first took notice, that (res est severa voluptas) 'there is a certain severity in pleasure.' Without that, all decency is banished; and if reason is not to be present at our greatest satisfactions, of all the race of creatures, the human is the most miserable. It was not so of old; when Virgil describes a wit, he always means a virtuous man; and all his sentiments of men of genius, are such as show persons distinguished from the common level of mankind; such as placed happiness in the contempt of low fears and mean gratifications; fears which we are subject to with the vulgar; and pleasures which we have in common with beasts. With these illustrious personages, the wisest man was the greatest wit; and none was thought worthy of that character, unless he answered this excellent description of the poet.

Qui metus omnes et inexorabile fatum
Subjecit pedibus, strepitumque Acherontis avari.
Virg. Georg. ii. 492.

Happy the man,-
His mind possessing in a quiet state,
Fearless of fortune, and resigned to fate. Dryden.

St. James's Coffee-house, May 13.
We had this morning advice that some En.
glish merchant-ships, convoyed by the Bristol,

* By Mrs. Susannah Centlivre, 1709, 4to.

+ Virgil seems to speak here as an Epicurean, and might probably allude to some lines in Lucretius, lib. iii.

No. 16.]

Tuesday, May 17, 1709.

Quicquid agunt homines

-nostri est farrago libelli. Juv. Sat. i. 85, 86. Whate'er men do, or say, or think, or dream, Our motley paper seizes for its theme.

White's Chocolate-house, May 15.


SIR THOMAS,† of this house, has showed me some letters from the Bath, which give accounts of what passes among the good company of that place; and allowed me to transcribe one of them, that seems to be writ by some of sir Thomas's particular acquaintance, and is as follows:

May 9, 1709.

'DEAR KNIGHT,-I desire you would give my humble service to all our friends, which I speak of to you (out of method) in the very beginning of my epistle, lest the present disorders, by which this seat of gallantry and pleasure is torn to pieces, should make me forget it. You keep so good company, that you know Bath is stocked with such as come hither to be relieved from luxuriant health, or imaginary sickness; and consequently is always as well stowed with gallants, as invalids, who live together in a very good understanding. But the season is so early, that our fine company is not yet arrived; and the warm bath, which in heathen times was dedicated to Venus, is now used only by such as really want it for health's sake. There are, however, a good many strangers, among whom are two ambitious ladies, who being both in the autumn of their life, take the opportunity of placing themselves at the head of such as we are, before the Chloe's, Clarisso's, and Pastorella's come down. One of these two is excessively in pain, that the ugly being called Time, will make wrinkles in spite of the lead forehead cloth ; and therefore hides, with the gaiety of her air, the volubility of her tongue, and quickness of her motion, the injuries which it has done her. The other lady is but two years be

37 and 995. It is only by Christianity that men can be
trained to that elevation of soul, which the doctrine of

Epicurus, &c. aimed at in vain French Tatler.
James viscount Dursley, who was in consequence
raised to the rank of vice admiral of the blue in Novem-

ber 1709; and, in the beginning of October 1710, suc-
ceeded his father in the title of earl of Berkeley.
†The nick-name of a waiter at White's.

To which the black-lead comb, and powder of every colour in the rainbow, have since been the succedanca.

hind her in life, and dreads as much being laid aside as the former; and consequently has taken the necessary precautions to prevent her reign over us. But she is very discreet, and wonderfully turned for ambition, being never apparently transported either with affection or malice. Thus while Florimel is talking in public, and spreading her graces in assemblies, to gain a popular dominion over our diversions, Prudentia visits very cunningly all the lame, the splenetic, and the superannuated, who have their distinct classes of followers and friends. Among these she has found, that somebody has sent down printed certificates of Florimel's age, which she has read and distributed to this unjoy ful set of people, who are always enemies to those in possession of the good opinion of the company. This unprovoked injury done by Prudentia, was the first occasion of our fatal divisions here, and a declaration of war between these rivals. Florimel has abundance of wit, which she has lavished in decrying Prudentia, and giving defiance to her little arts. For an instance of her superior power, she bespoke the play of Alexander the Great, to be acted by the company of strollers, and desired us all to be there on Thursday last. When she spoke to me to come, as you are,' said she, a lover, you will not fail the death of Alexander: the passion of love is wonderfully hit-Statira! O that happy womanto have a conqueror at her feet!-But you will be sure to be there.' I, and several others, resolved to be of her party. But see the irresistible strength of that unsuspected creature, a 'silent woman.' Prudentia had counterplotted us, and had bespoke on the same evening the puppet show of The Creation of the World.'* She had engaged every body to be there; and, to turn our leader into ridicule, had secretly let them know, that the puppet Eve was made the most like Florimel that ever was seen. On Thursday morning the puppet drummer, Adam and Eve, and several others who lived before the flood, passed through the streets on horseback, to invite us all to the pastime, and the representation of such things as we all knew to be true and Mr. Mayor was so wise, as to prefer these innocent people the puppets, who, he said, were to represent Christians, before the wicked players who were to show Alexander, an heathen philosopher. To be short, this Prudentia had so laid it, that, at ten of the clock, footmen were sent to take places at the puppet-show, and all we of Florimel's party were to be out of fashion, or desert her. We chose the latter. All the world crowded to Prudentia's house, because it was given out nobody could get in. When we came to Noah's flood in the show, Punch and his wife were introduced dancing in the ark. An honest plain friend of Florimel's, but a critic withal, rose up in the midst of the representation, and made many very good exceptions to the drama itself, and told us, that it was against all morality, as well as rules of the stage, that Punch should be in jest in the deluge, or indeed that he should

A deformed cripple of the name of Powel was the master of a popular puppet show at this time, and made Punch utter many things that would not have been endured in any other way of communication.

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appear at all. This was certainly a just remark, and I thought to second him; but he was hissed by Prudentia's party: upon which, really, sir Thomas, we, who were his friends, hissed him too. Old Mrs. Petulant desired both her daughters to mind the moral; then whispered Mrs. Mayoress, This is very proper for young people to see! Punch, at the end of the play, made Prudentia a compliment, and was very civil to the whole company, making bows until his buttons touched the ground. All was carried triumphantly against our party. In the mean time Florimel went to the tragedy, dressed as fine as hands could make her, in hopes to see Prudentia pine away with envy. Instead of that, she sat a full hour alone, and at last was entertained with this whole relation from Statira, who wiped her eyes with her tragical cut handkerchief, and lamented the ignorance of the quality. Florimel was stung with this affront, and the next day bespoke the puppet-show. Prudentia, insolent with power, bespoke Alexander. The whole company came then to Alexander. Madam Petulant desired her daughters to mind the moral, and believe no man's fair words: For you will see children,' said she, these soldiers are never to be depended upon; they are sometimes here, sometimes there.-Do not you see, daughter Betty, Colonel Clod, our next neighbour in the country, pull off his hat to you? court'sy, good child; his estate is just by us.' Florimel was now mortified down to Prudentia's humour; and Prudentia exalted into hers. This was observed; Florimel invites us to the play a second time, Prudentia to the show. See the uncertainty of human affairs! the beaux, the wits, the gamesters, the prudes, the coquettes, the valetudinarians and gallants, all now wait upon Florimel. Such is the state of things at this present date; and if there happens any new commotions, you shall have immediate advice from, sir, your affectionate friend and servant.

To Castabella.

May 16, 1709. MADAM, I have the honour of a letter from a friend of yours, relating to an incivility done to you at the opera, by one of your own sex; but I, who was an eye-witness of the accident, can testify to you, that though she pressed before you, she lost her ends in that design; for she was taken notice of for no other reason, but her endeavours to hide a finer woman than herself. But, indeed, I dare not go farther in this matter, than just this bare mention; for though it was taking your place of right, rather than place of precedence, yet, it is so tender a point, and on which the very life of female ambition depends, that it is of the last consequence to meddle in it: all my hopes are from your beautiful sex; and those bright eyes, which are the bane of others, are my only sun-shine. My writings are sacred to you; and I hope I shall always have the good fortune to live under your protection; therefore take this public opportu nity to signify to all the world, that I design to forbear any thing that may in the least tend to the diminution of your interest, reputation, or power. You will therefore forgive me, that I

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