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quiet. He should abstain from business, and do as little thinking as possible. He should take a warm bath daily; and whenever he has severe headache, or feels distracted with restlessness, he should lie down, take a warm foot-bath, and have warm wet cloths-as warm as he can well bearapplied to the head. He will also find it greatly advantageous to adopt a very simple dietary. He should, for a week or two at least, live principally on good ripe fruits and plain bread; and even eat sparingly of these. All overloading of the stomach will occasion headache, and aggravate the general feeling of wretchedness. He should also exercise very moderately.

These rules, adhered to for a few days, will emancipate the patient from one of the worst of slaveries that ever degraded human nature. But if weeks, or months, or years, were required, the victory would be worth all it cost. It is rare, however, when the plan I have briefly sketched is rigidly adhered to, that more than one or two weeks is required to redeem, regenerate, and disenthrall the most besotted devotee of tobacco. And in a few months thereafter he will look back upon his former condition, and upon the habit of tobaccousing with a loathing and abhorrence of which he now can have no conception; and probably would not again be thus besotted for all the wealth of this world.



For 1876.

A Monthly Journal Devoted to



Thousands die every year through ignorant neglect of those laws which govern Physical, Mental, and Moral health. Hundreds of thousands suffer weeks and months from sickness, from the same cause.

The Health Reformer for 1876

Will contain a great variety of practical information on general Health Questions, Food and Diet, How to Recover Health, etc. In addition, it will contain more or less of general literature, a Scientific and a News Department. The People's Department, including answers to correspondents, is a valuable feature. Hints for Farm and Household will be found of great practical value to thousands.

Comparison of the reports of different publishers shows that the HEALTH Reformer has the largest circulation of any Health Journal published in America, and probably in the world.

Terms: $1.00 a Year in Advance.




Battle Creek, Mich.

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THE accompanying cut is a representation

of one of the greatest and most useful inventions of the age-Kedzie's Improved Water Filter.

Its mechanism is so perfect that it accomplishes all that could be expected or desired of a filter to accomplish, and without the bestowal of more than the slightest amount of attention. It removes from water all those products of decay and disease which are the most prolific causes of sickness and death.


And admire them, and all are ready to testify to their efficiency and utility. No family should be without one; for it is impossible to obtain from springs or wells water which is, in all respects, so free from injurious properties as is soft filtered water.

to suit the wants of all. The following table

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Prices. No. 1, $9.00; No. 2, $10.50; No. 3, $12.00; No. 4, $13.50; No. 5, $15.00. Orders promptly filled.

Address, Health Reformer, Battle Creek, Mich.



HESE syringes have become so popular through the general recognition of their excellencies, that they have almost entirely superseded all other styles for most purposes. The principal advantages which they offer over others are the following: 1. They are self-acting, no pumping being required; 2. They are valveless, and so simple in construction that they cannot get out of order; 3. They do not inject air, and thus do not endanger the patient; 4. By means of the sprinkler attachment, light shower baths can be

administered. 5. Various other attachments adapt them to use for every part of the body. 6. The evenness of action with which they operate makes them superior to every other syringe.

No family should be without one of these syringes. They are used exclusively at the Health Institute.

Prices. No. 1, $2.50; No. 2, $3.00; No. 3, $3.50.

Address, Health Reformer, Battle Creek, Mich.

Health Reform Institute,


This Institution is admirably located on a site of twenty acres, in the highest part of the pleasant and enterprising city of Battle Creek, commanding a fine prospect, and affording ample opportunities for entertainment, quiet, and retirement.

With a competent corps of Physicians and Helpers, it offers to the sick inducements that are offered by few others. Diseases are treated in a thorough and scientific manner, and with a degree of success impossible under any other mode of treatment. The principal curative agents employed are Electricity, Water, Swedish Movements, Hot - Air Bath, and Russian Vapor - Bath,

BATTLE CREEK is an important station on the Michigan Central and Chicago & Lake Huron Railroads, and is easy of access from all parts of the country. For Particulars see Circular, sent Free on application.




The College building is both AMPLE and ELEGANT, and the grounds are LARGE and BEAUTIFUL. The corps of Professors comprises Instructors in all the English branches, the Natural Sciences, and both Ancient and Modern Languages. One of the chief attractions of this Institution is the fact that it is

Conducted on Hygienic Principles.

The Professors are all hygienists, and inculcate hygienic truths in their daily instructions. The College has a Fyll Charter from the State, and is empowered to confer Diplomas.

TERMS of TUITION are very reasonable. Good hygienic board can be obtained at very moderate rates.

Terms open as follows: Fall Term, the last Monday in August, continuing 16 weeks. Winter Term, first Monday in January, continuing 12 weeks. Spring Term, first Monday in April, continuing 12 weeks. All who wish turther information should send for the Annual Catalogue.


Battle Creek, Mich.

THE following books, published at this Office, will be furnished by mail, post-paid, at the prices given. By the quantity, they will be delivered at the express or R. R. freight Offices at onefourth discount, for cash. SPECIAL TERMS TO AGENTS.

Hygienic Family Physician. "A complete guide for the preservation of health and the treatment of disease without the use of medicine." Bound in cloth, 500 pp. Price, $1.00.

The Bath: Its Use and Application. A full description of the various baths employed in the hygienic treatment of disease. Pamphlet. Price, 15 cents.

The Treatment of Disease. For all who are not professionally educated in the theory and practice of medicine. Only hygienic remedies are recommended. Price, 35 cents.

Proper Diet for Man. A concise summary of the principal evidences which prove that the natural and proper food for man consists of fruits, grains, and vegetables. Pamphlet. Price,

15 cts.

Health and Diseases of Woman. By R. T. TRALL, M. D. Price, 15 cents.

The Hygienic System. By R. T. TRALL, M. D. It is just the work for the time, and should be read by the million. Price, 15 cents.

Tobacco-Using. An exposition of the effects of Tobacco on the Human System. By R. T. TRALL, M. D. Price, 15 cents.

Healthful Cookery. A Hand Book of Food and Diet; or What to Eat, How to Eat, When to Eat. The most complete work on Hygienic Cookery published; also containing many invaluable household hints.

Science of Human Life. This is a valuable pamphlet, containing three of the most important of Graham's Lectures on the Science of Human Life. Price, 30 cents.

Hand Book of Health. Physiology and Hygiene. Price, 60 cents; paper cover 30 cents.

Health Tracts. Dyspepsia, 5 cts.; Dress Reform, 3 cts. ; Principles of Health Reform, 3 cts.; Startling Facts about Tobacco, 5 cts.; Twenty-Five Arguments for Tobacco-Using Briefly Answered, 3 cts.; Tea and Coffee, 5 cts.; Pork, 3 cts.

These tracts are just the thing for general distribution, and will be furnished at a liberal discount by the quantity. Bound Volumes of the Health Reformer. Price, $1.50. Health Almanac for 1876. Price, 10c each. $5.00 per 100.

Dress Reform Patterns. 50 cents each.




Battle Creek, Mich.

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