| Bibliography - 1739 - 480 pages
...the deepeft F alley ! When the Poet is to defcribe his Favourite, Eridanus, he raifes his Song : " Et gemina Auratus taurino cornua vultu " Eridanus ; quo non alius per pinguia cult a. " In mare purpureum violentior influit amnis. The Line preceding thefe, * ftrikes the Ear with... | |
 | Virgil - 1743 - 554 pages
...Undè pater Tiberinus , & undè Aniena fui enta , 370 Saxofumque fonans Hypanis, Myfufque Caïcus, Et gemina auratus taurino cornua vultu Eridanus :...culta In mare purpureum violentior influit amnis. Poftquam eft in thalami pendentia pumice tccta J7ï Perventum , & nati fletus cognovit inanes Cyrene... | |
 | Publius Vergilius Maro - 1750 - 352 pages
...Enipeus, Unde pater Tiberinus, & unde Aniena fluenta, Saxofumque fonans Hypanis, Myfufque Caicus, 370 Et gemina auratus taurino cornua vultu Eridanus ;...alius per pinguia culta In mare purpureum violentior effluit amnis. Poftquam eft in thalami pendentia pumice tefta Perventum, & nati fletus cognovit inanes... | |
 | Virgil - 1750 - 352 pages
...Enipeus, Unde .pater Tiberiinis, et unde Aniena fluenta, Saxofumque fonans Hypanis, Myfufque Caicus, 370 Et gemina auratus taurino cornua vultu Eridanus ;...alius per pinguia culta In mare purpureum violentior effluit amnis. Poftquam eft in thalami pendentia pumice tecb Perventum, et nati fletus cognovit inanes... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 352 pages
...deeper fable blots the filver flood. IMITATIONS. VER. 273- The king of dyls.es, tfr.] Fluviorum rex Eridanus, quo non alius, per pinguia culta, In mare purpureum violentior influit .minis. Virg. NOTES. " to the do&rine of the church of England ; for the vifible ' defcent of an Angel... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1752 - 370 pages
...for turbulence and horns) Eridanus'] Virgil mentions thefe two qualifications of Eridanus, Georg. iv. Et gemina auratus taurino cornua vultu, Eridanus,...alius per pinguia culta In mare purpureum violentior inHuit amnis. The Poets fabled of this river Eridanus, that it flowed through the fkies. Denham, Cooper's... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1754 - 264 pages
...turbulence emt hern) Eridaxus} Virgil mentions theie two qualifications of Eridanus, Ceorg. iv. Kt gemina auratus taurino cornua vultu, Eridanus, quo non alius per pinguia culta In mare purpureum inolmtivr influit amnte. The Poets fabled of this river Eridanus, that it flowed through the Ikies.... | |
 | Alexander Pope - English poetry - 1760 - 388 pages
...turbulence and herns) Eridanus'] Virgil mentions thefe two qualifications of Eridanus, Georg. hr. " Et gemina auratus taurino cornua vultu, " Eridanus,...alius per pinguia culta " In mare purpureum violentior iafiuit amnis." The Poets fabled of this river Eridanus, that it flowed through the flcies. Denham,... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1764 - 350 pages
...barm}. Eridinu!,'] Virgil mentions theft two qualifications of Eridanus, Georg. iv. Et gemina aiiratus taurino cornua vultu, Eridanus, quo non alius per pinguia culta In mare purpurcum Tiioleatior influit amnis. The Poets faMcd of this river Eridanus, that it flowed through... | |
 | Joseph Spence - Art, Ancient - 1765 - 326 pages
...fhape refembling a bull. Hor. iv. od. 14.. v. 25. I The lines are, Geo. iv. v. 371. Et geminaauratus taurino cornua vultu, Eridanus ; quo non alius per pinguia culta » • In mare purpureum violentior effluit arnnis. The having a bull's head, and the cuftom of gilding the horns, illuftrate the ftrit... | |
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