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enemy had not recovered from his astonish-
ment, at finding himself beaten in so large
a plain, by an army so greatly inferior in
cavalry. Several Colonels and superior
officers, taken prisoners, assure us, that at
the enemy's head-quarters they had not
learned of the Emperor's presence at the
army, till the battle had commenced; they
believed the Emperor to be at Erfurt.-
As always happens in similar circumstances,
the Prussians accuse the Russians of not
having supported them. The Russians ac-
cuse the Prussians of not having fought
well. The greatest confusion prevails
in their retreat. Several of those pre-
tended volunteers, which were raised

enemy's reserve, and reached the village | ing, in the direction of Borna.upon which the enemy rested his right. At this moment the enemy redoubled his efforts upon the centre; the village of Kara was again taken, our centre gave way, some battalions fled, but these valorous youths, at the sight of the Emperor, ral lied, exclaiming "Vive l'Empereur." His Majesty judged, that the critical moment, which decides the gaining or losing of battles, had arrived: there was no longer a moment to be lost. The Emperor ordered the Duke of Treviso to march with sixteen battalions of the young guard to the village of Kara, overthrow the enemy, retake the village, and overcome any thing he met with there. At the same moment, his Majesty ordered his Aid-de-in Prussia, have been made prisoners: Camp, General Drouet, an artillery officer of the greatest distinction, to form a bat tery of 80 pieces, and place it in advance of the old guard, which was formed in echelons, as four redoubts to support the centre, all our cavalry ranged in battle behind. General Dulauly, Drouet, and Devaux, set out at full gallop with their 80 pieces of artillery in the same group. The fire became dreadful-the enemy gave way on all sides. The Duke of Treviso obtained possession of the village of Kara, overthrew the enemy, and continued to advance, beating the charge. The enemy's cavalry, infantry, and artillery, all re.treated.

MAY 9.-The Empress Queen and Regent has received the following intelligence from the army, dated 3d May, nine o'clock in the evening.

He sus

they cause pity. All declare that they were enrolled by force, and on pain of seeing their property and families confiscated. The country people say that a Prince of Hesse Hombourg was killed, that several Russian and Prussian Generals had been killed or wounded. The Prince of Mecklenburg Strelitz is also reported to be killed; but all this intelligence is yet but reports of the country.- -General Bonnet, commanding one of the Duke of Ragusa's divisions, received orders to make a movement upon Kara by his left, to support the success of the centre. tained several charges of cavalry. General Count Berthier advanced, and entered the line. It was in vain that the enemy's cavalry capered about his squares; his march was not relaxed by it. To rejoin him the sooner, the Emperor ordered a change of The Emperor, at the break of day of the direction, by pivoting on Kara. The 3d traversed the field of battle.. At ten whole of the line made a change in front o'clock he put himself in motion to follow the right wing foremost. The enemy then the enemy. His head-quarters were on the fled, and we pursued him for a league and 3d, in the evening, at Pegau. The Vice- a half. We soon arrived at the heights roy had his at Wickstanden, half way be- which had been occupied by the Emperor tween Pegau and Borna. Count Lauris- Alexander, the King of Prussia, and the ton, whose corps had taken no part in the Brandenburg Family, during the battle. battle, had set out from Leipsic to march An Officer, who was taken prisoner, then upon Zwernkaw, where he had arrived. informed us of this circumstance. The Duke of Ragusa had passed the Elster, have made several thousand prisoners. at the village of Lutzkourtz, and Count The number could not be more consider Bertrand had passed it, at the village of able, considering the inferiority of our caGredel. The Prince of Moskwa's was in valry, and the desire which the Emperor a position upon the field of battle. The had shewn of sparing it.At the comDuke of Reggio, from Naumburg, was mencement of the battle, the Emperor said marching upon Zeist.-The Emperor of to the troops-" It is a battle like those in Russia and King of Prussia passed through" Egypt-a good infantry, supported by Pegau on the night of the 2d, arrived in the village of Loberstadt, at 11 o'clock at night. They reposed there four, hours, and set out on the 3d at three in the morn


"artillery, should be sufficient for it.". General Gouné, Chief of the Prince of Moskwa's staff was killed; a death worthy of so good a soldier. Our loss amounts

to 10,000 men, killed and wounded; that of the enemy may be estimated at 25 or 30,000 men. The Royal Prussian Guards are destroyed. The Emperor of Russia's guards have suffered considerably, and the two divisions of 10 regiments of Russian cuirassiers are destroyed. His Majesty cannot pay a sufficient eulogium to the good-will, courage, and intrepidity of the army. Our young soldiers took no danger into consideration. They have in this great instance shewn all the nobleness of the French blood.

twenty years," said the Emperor, "that I have commanded the French armies, but I have never yet witnessed so much bravery and devotion!" Europe would at length be at peace, if the Sovereigns and the Ministers who direct their Cabinets could have been present on the field of battle. They would give up all hopes of causing the star of France to set, and perceive that those Counsellors who wish to dismember the French Empire, and humble the Emperor, are preparing the ruin of their Sovereigns.

MAY 10.-Her Majesty the Empress Queen and Regent, has received the following intelligence of the situation of the armies on the evening of the 5th.

The Chief of the Staff, in his relation, mentions the fine actions which have shed a lustre on this brilliant day, which, like a clap of thunder, has pulverized the chime- The Emperor's head-quarters were at Colrical hopes, and all the calculations for the ditz, those of the Viceroy at Kara, those of destruction and dismemberment of the Em-the Duke of Ragusa behind Colditz; Gepire. The cloudy train collected by the neral Lauriston at Wartzen, of the Prince Cabinet of St. James's, during a whole of Moskwa at Leipsic, those of the Duke of winter, are in an instant destroyed, like Reggio at Altenburg, and of General Berthe gordian knot by the sword of Alexan-trand at Rochlitz.The Viceroy arrived der.The Prince of Hesse Homburg before Colditz on the 5th, at nine o'clock was killed. The prisoners say that the in the morning. The bridge was cut, and young Prince Royal of Prussia is wounded, some columns of infantry and cavalry, with and the Prince of Mecklenburgh Swartz artillery, opposed our passage. The Vicekilled. The infantry of the old guards, roy with his division, marched towards a only six battalions of which have arrived, ford, which is on the left, passed the river, by their presence kept up the affair with and gained the village of Komulian, where that sang-froid by which they are charac- he caused a battery of 20 pieces of artillery terized. They did not fire a musket; half to be placed; the enemy then evacuated the the army was not engaged; for the four di- town of Colditz in the greatest disorder, visions of General Lauriston's corps, have and in defiling were exposed to the fire of done nothing but occupy Leipsic, the three our 20 pieces of artillery. The Viceroy divisions of the Duke of Reggio, were still pursued the enemy with vigour; it was the two days' march from the field of battle; remainder of the Prussian army, about 20 Count Bertrand did not charge but with one or 25,000 men strong, which took their diof his divisions, and so lightly that it did rection partly to Leissing and partly to Gersnot lose 50 men, his second and third divi- dorff. Having arrived at Gersdorff, the sions did not charge at all. The second di- Russian troops passed across a reserve, vision of the young guards, commanded by which occupied this position; it was the General Barrors, were still four days' march Russian corps of Miloradowitsch, composed off, and it was the same with half the old of two divisions, amounting to nearly 8,000 guards, commanded by General Decowe, men under arms. The Russian regiments, who was then only at Erfurt.-The Duke consisting of only two battalions of four of Belluno's corps was also three days companies each, and the companies not march from the field of battle; General Se- consisting of more than 150 men, but havbastiani's corps of cavalry, with the three ing at present not more than 100 men each divisions of the Prince of Echinuhl, was on under arms, which does not amount to more the banks of the Elbe. The allied army than 7 or 800 men per regiment. These 150 to 200,000 men strong, commanded two divisions of Miloradowitsch had arrivby the two Sovereigns, with a great num-ed at the moment the battle was finished, ber of the Princes of the house of Prussia, and could not take any part in it.—Imhas been thus defeated and put to route, by mediately on the 36th division having reless than the half of the French army. The joined the 35th, the Viceroy gave orders to field of battle presented the most affecting the Duke of Tarentum to form the two dispectacle; the young soldiers, on seeing the visions in three columns, and draw the Emperor, forgot their sufferings, exclaim-enemy from his positions. The attack was ed." Vive I'Empereur." It is now brisk, our brave fellows precipitated them

U. S. Ship Hornel, Holmes'

selves on the Russians, penetrated and drove them towards Harta. In this engagement Hole, March 29, 1813. Sir, I have the honour to inform you we had 5 or 600 wounded, and took 1,000 prisoners. The enemy lost 2,000 men on of the arrival at this port of the U. S. ship this day. General Bertrand being arriv- Hornet, under my command, from a cruise ed at Rochlitz, took there several convoys of 145 days, and to state to you, that after of sick and wounded, some baggage, and Commodore Bainbridge left the coast of made some prisoners. Upwards of 1,200 Brazils (Jan. 6), I continued off the harcarriages, with wounded, had passed by bour of St. Salvador, blockading the Bonne this route. The King of Prussia and the Citoyenne, until the 24th, when the MonEmperor Alexander had slept at Rochlitz. tague, 74, hove in sight, and chased me -An Adjutant, sub-officer of the 17th into the harbour; but night coming on, I division, and who had been made prisoner wore and stood out to the the battle of the 2d, made his escape, Knowing that she had left Rio Janeiro for and gave information that the enemy had the express purpose of relieving the Bonne sustained great losses, and was retiring in Citoyenne, and the packet (which I had the utmost disorder; that during the battle also blockaded for 14 days, and obliged her the Russians and Prussians kept their co- to send her mail to Rio, in a Portuguese lours in reserve, which was the cause why smack), I judged it most prudent to shift we could not take any of them; that they my cruising ground, and hauled by the have taken 102 prisoners from us, among wind to the westward, with the view of whom are 4 officers; that these prisoners cruising off Pernambuco, and on the 4th of were conducted to the rear, under the guard February captured the English brig Resoluof the detachment which had charge of the tion, of 10 guns, from Rio Janeiro, bound colours; that the Prussians treated their to Maranham, with coffee, &c., and about prisoners very ill; that two prisoners not 23,000 dollars in specie. I took out the being able to walk, through extreme fa- money, and set her on fire. I then ran tigue, they ran them through the body with down the coast for Maranham, and cruised their swords; that the astonishment of the there a short time, from thence run off SuRussians and Prussians at having found rinam. After cruising off that coast from such a numerous army, and so well disci- the 15th until the 22d of February, withplined and supplied with every thing, was out meeting a vessel, I stood for Demarara, extreme; that there existed a misunder- with an intention, should I not be fortunate on that station, to run through the West standing between them, and that they mutually accused each other as being the cause Indies on my way to the United States; of their losses.- General Count Lauriston but on the 24th, in the morning I discohas put himself in march from Wurtzen on vered a brig to the leeward, to which I the high road to Dresden.The Prince gave chase-run into quarter less four, and of Moskwa has marched towards the Elbe, not having a pilot, was obliged to haul off; to raise the blockade of General Theilman, the fort at the entrance of Demerara river who commands at Torgau, take his position at this time bearing S. W. distant 2 at that point, and raise the blockade of leagues. Previous to giving up the chase, Wittenberg. It appears that this latter I discovered a vessel at anchor, without the place has made a fine defence, and repulsed bar, with English colours flying, apparentIn beating round Caroseveral attacks which have cost the enemy ly a brig of war. very dear.The Prussians state that the lina Bank, in order to get to her, at halfEmperor Alexander, finding the battle past three P. M., I discovered another sail lost, rode through the Russian lines to ani- on my weather quarter, edging down for mate the soldiers, by exclaiming, "Cou-us-at 4. 20. she hoisted English colours, rage! God is with us." They add, that the Prussian General Blucher is wounded, and that there were five other Prussian Generals of Division or Brigade either killed or wounded.

AMERICAN WAR. Copy of a Leller from Captain Lawrence, of the United States Sloop of War Hornet, to the Secretary of the Navy.

at which time we discovered her to be a large man of war brig; beat to quarters, and cleared ship for action, and kept close by the wind, in order, if possible, to get the weather-gauge. At 5. 10. finding I could weather the enemy, I hoisted American colours and tacked. At 5. 25. in passing each other, exchanged broadsides within half pistol shot. Observing the enemy in the act of wearing, I bore up, and received his starboard broadside, run

him close on board on the starboardquarter, and kept up such a heavy and well-directed fire, that in less than 15 minutes she surrendered (being totally cut to pieces), and hoisted an ensign, union down, from his fore-rigging, as a signal of distress. Shortly after, her mainmast went by the board. Dispatched Lieut. Shobrick on board, who soon returned with her First Lieutenant, who reported her to be His Britannic Majesty's late brig Peacock, commanded by Captain William Peake, who fell in the latter part of the action; that a number of her crew were killed and wounded; and that she was sinking fast, she having then six feet water in her hold. Dispatched the boats immediately for the wounded, and brought both vessels to anchor. Such shot-holes as could be got at were then plugged; guns thrown overboard, and every possible exertion used to keep her afloat, until the prisoners could be removed, by pumping and bailing, but without effect, as she unfortunately sunk in five fathoms and a half water, carrying down 13 of her crew, and three of my brave fellows. Lieutenant Connor and Midshipman Cooper, and the remainder of my men employed in removing the prisoners, with difficulty saved themselves by jumping into a boat that was lying on the booms as she went down. Four men of the 13 mentioned were so fortunate as to gain the foretop, and were afterwards taken off by our boats. Previous to her going down, four of her men took to her stern boat that had been much damaged during the action, who, I sincerely hope, reached the shore. I have not been able to ascertain from her officers the exact number of killed. Captain Peake and four men were found dead on board. The master, one midshipman, carpenter, and captain's clerk, and 29 men wounded, most of them very severely, three of which died of their wounds after being removed, and nine drowned. Our loss was trifling in comparison. John Place, killed; Samuel Coulson and Joseph Dalrymple, slightly wounded; George Coffin and Lewis Todd, severely burnt by the explosion of a cartridge. Todd survived only a few days. Our rigging and sails were much cut. One shot through the fore-mast, and the bowspit slightly injured. Our hull received

little or no damage. At the time I brought the Peacock to action, the Espiegle (the brig mentioned as being at anchor), mounting 16 two-and-thirty pound carronades, and 2 long nines, lay about six miles in-shore of me, and could plainly see the whole of the action. Apprehensive she would beat out to the assistance of her consort, such exertions were used by my officers and crew, and repairing damages, &c.; that by nine o'clock our boats were stowed, a new set of sails bent, and the ship completely ready for action. At two, A. M. got under weigh, and stood by the wind to the northward and westward under easy sail. On mustering next morning, found we had two hundred and seventy-seven souls on board (including the crew of the American brig Hunter, of Portland, taken a few days before by the Peacock).The Peacock was deservedly styled one of the finest vessels of her class in the British Navy. I should judge her to be about the tonnage of the Hornet. Her beam was greater by five inches, but her extreme length not so great by four feet. She mounted 16 four-and-twenty-pound carronades, 2 long nines, 1 twelve-pound carronade on her top-gallant forecastle, as a shifting gun, and one four or six-pounder, and two swivels mounted aft. I find by her quarter-bill that her crew consisted of 134 men, four of whom were absent in a prize.―The cool and determined conduct of my officers and crew during the action, and their almost unexampled exer. tions afterwards, entitle them to my warmest acknowledgments; and I beg leave most earnestly to recommend them to the notice of Government.

[blocks in formation]

Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden. LONDON: Printed by J. M'Creery, Black Horse-Court, Fleet-street.

VOL. XXIII. No. 22.1 LONDON, SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1813.


[Price 1s.


been defeated; and they will continue to believe so, though Hamburgh should fall, and though Napoleon should reach Dantzic and even Petersburgh.- -How are they to believe otherwise? The Allies claim, always claim, the victory. Their accounts, in nineteen twentieths of our news-papers, are said to be true; and, though the French bulletins e published, they are always

asserting them to be false.The mass of the people in the country have no channel of information other than these newspapers; and, of course, they must be deceived. The profligate men, who conduct these papers, know well how false their contents are, and they, amongst themselves, laugh heartily at the frauds they are practising; but the people do not know this; they have no idea of the existence of any thing so impudent and base; they believe, and that is all their deceivers care about.

SUMMARY OF POLITICS. NORTHERN WAR.-Below will be found the official dispatch of Lord Cathcart, relating to the Battle of Lutzen. To read this dispatch there is no one who would not believe that the Allies were completely victorious. Here are all the signs of complete victory. We are told, that the French were driven back; we are told that the Al-accompanied with an editorial comment, lies made prisoners and took cannon; and we are distinctly told, that the Allies prepared for attacking the French again in the morning, but that "the enemy did not "wait for it, and, that it was judged expe"dient not to pursue."--English reader; good, thinking, English reader, what do you understand from this! What can you understand from it? What is its clear meaning? Why, it is this: That the French were defeated, and that, being about to be attacked again in the morning, they ran away.- -Is not this the only meaning that this dispatch can convey? And yet, thanks to the French Empress's bulletins, we know, that the French, so far from running away, advanced the day after the battle, and that, when the last of those bulletins came away, the Emperor was in possession of Dresden, which is on the banks of the river Elbe, and which is, at least, fifty English miles in advance of the place where the battle was fought. -We know, from the same source, that the Emperor Alexander had passed through Dresden a little time before the French arrived. -We know, that these are facts; or, that the Emperor Napoleon has promulgated barefaced lies to the people of France, which, if he has done it now, is what, as far as I can remember, he never before did, in any of his bulletins. However, there is not, I believe, one single person, at all conversant in such matters, who believes, that Napoleon is not arrived at Dresden; and, if that be the case, it is undoubtedly true, that he did defeat the Allies, because what can be a proof of defeat, if retreating before the enemy be not such proof,Nevertheless, the people in the country in England will believe that the French have

-It must be confessed, however, that there is a wonderful pre-disposition in the people themselves to be deceived. They have, by means of a base press, been made to believe, that their own personal safety depends upon the destruction of Napoleon and his government; and, that being the case, their ears are open only to what encourages their hope of seeing that destruction take place. Like all the rest of mankind, they are ever ready to believe that which they wish for. This is the great source of the power of our Government to carry on the war. People grumble at the taxes; they smart under the effects of the war; but, they endure, because they are persuaded, that the war, with all its evils, is preferable to what a peace, leaving Napoleon in power, would produce.The agricultural part of the kingdom, too, imagine that the war, by wasting the products of the earth and preventing importation of corn, is conducive to the high price of their property. This is a wrong notion, the loss being to them greater than the gain; but, as it is not reasonable to expect, in the mass of these persons, any views beyond those of immediate interest, so it would be unreasonable to expect them to be hostile to

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