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Sleightom, on the 6th instant. Several of the agents attended; it was a delightful meeting; about one hundred sailors and friends were present. The impression these meetings have left on many minds will not, we hope, be soon erased. The ships' decks were crowded with sailors and others, to the number of one hundred and fifty.

My meetings in general have been of a very animating nature. Several pious christian friends have occasionally attended, and have proffered their kind co-operation and assistance. Four Bethel flags have been furnished to captains going foreign, for the purpose of conducting religious services when in distant ports. Two hundred and fifty-three vessels, have been visited and supplied with tracts. Four ship libraries have been furnished to vessels bound to South Australia, Constantinople, Berbice, and Honduras. Fortyseven volumes have been supplied to sailors in the coal and coasting trade. Six new Bethel vessels have been obtained.

Sailor's Chapel.-The religious services at the chapel are still better attended, and on Sabbaths especially, there is a goodly company of our brother sailors; many, it is hoped, find it good in this place to wait upon God. One of our dear brethren, Capt. Cowie, who often worshipped with us, and whose voice was often heard within those walls, as well as elsewhere, has been called to his reward in glory, leaving behind him a good testimony of his confidence in God, and hope of salvation through faith in Christ. I visited him during his late illness, and intend furnishing a memoir of his life and happy death.

Junior Thames Missionary. — MR. WELCH.-My present report commencing from the month of April, contains a variety of facts which demonstrate the goodness and mercy of God towards those that 'go down to the sea in ships,

and behold his wonders in the great deep.' I have been enabled to conduct on the different stations, twenty-six religious services, and have met with about six hundred sailors who have heard words whereby they may be saved through faith which is in Christ Jesus; one hundred and forty of whom are pious men, and have united in prayer and thanksgiving to the Father of all mercies for the efforts now made in their behalf. Truly these services have been times of refreshing to my own soul, and I believe to many others. It is an acknowledged fact, that a visible change is taking place amongst the sailors upon the river Thames. This is admitted even by the enemies of the cross, some of whom I have met with in my course. But let me now mention a few facts.

I have had the honour to dedicate to the cause six fresh ships, which will in future be designated Bethel Ships, or floating houses of God; these have gone forth to different parts of the world, commanded by godly captains; three of whom, being also men of talent, have been presented with new Bethel flags, and have pledged themselves, in connexion with the society, through grace, to raise this standard, and to publish Christ the sinner's friend wherever they go. On the 7th of May, in the St. Katherine docks, on the night previous to her sailing on a distant voyage, I held a parting service on board the Reward,' of Sunderland. Capt. Young, (who is also owner of the ship,) himself, officers, and crew, were all present; also a pious father, whose eyes were fixed on his long prayed for son, who had joined the ship the same day. Perhaps a thousand thoughts revolved in his mind while the address was being given from the words, 'My presence shall go with thee.' Truly a token for good was granted on the occasion! The divine presence seemed to fill the place (while yet dedicating it to the future service of the Lord) till

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we all sunk down at Mercy's footstool humble and happy. It was a scene on which angels might have looked with pleasure. Capt. Y., who had come to assist me, now poured out his soul in fervent prayer. On one side of the cabin, the anxious father yearned over his parting son, and on the other was the husband and the father commending his affectionate wife and children to the God of the sea and of the dry land. The thought then rolled across my own mind,-Can this be the ship from whose side the Bethel flag has been spurned? Who is it that I now hear weeping aloud in that state room? Can it be that captain who a short time since, denied me admission in my master's name, but the guilt of which never left his spirit till he found his way to the foot of the cross? Yes, he that once said, no Bethel flag should ever come on board any ship which he owned or commanded, is now overpowered with a sense of the divine goodness and attempts to pray! Over this delightful scene waved the new Bethel flag presented by the British and Foreign Sailors Society, not as a signal of praise to man, but as a conquest gained by the glorious Redeemer, to whom be all the praise! The dock-closing bell now called us to separate ;-we looked on each other, and words seemed lost. We parted in tears, but not till the captain gave a thank-offering to the Lord, a donation towards the Seamen's chapel. Observe, it was the first contribution from sailors; and the work has prospered ever since. 'Ride on, O Emanuel, because of truth, and let thy right hand teach thee terrible things.'

My meetings on the river, with few exceptions, have been well-attended, indeed generally crowded. I can give the particulars of only one. On the 22nd May, I held service on board the < Cadmus,' in Mill-hole; her cabin being large and well fitted up for the occasion, on my arrival I was soon surrounded with about thirty sailors, most

of whom were old shipmates in the service of Christ, but who had not met for a long season. The scriptures being read, and prayer offered, an opportunity was afforded to any of them to relate the divine goodness towards them; when several gave a clear and scriptural account of their conversion from the most degrading habits of sin and wicked works, and of the manner in which they were preserved and supported by divine grace under much persecution-as also in dangers and deaths often, during the past severe winter. One young sailor, who had just returned from a West India voyage, having obtained the hope of the gospel before he left England, found its value while there in a sick hospital with yellow fever-far from home. Even there he could rejoice, not only in the answer of a pious sister's prayers, but also in an opportunity of telling his dying shipmates around him of a Saviour's love. It was a delightful meeting-it was good for us all to be there.

I have delivered sixteen addresses on shore, including the Sailors' Chapel, open air, and country parts. In my visits to the country, it has greatly strengthened my hands and encouraged my heart to witness the growing attachment to the Society, and the increasing spirit of sympathy manifested on behalf of my brethren of the deep. To all my country friends I would return my sincere thanks for the kindness they have shown me-for the manner in which they have received the interests of the Society. The collectors in particular, I wish every success in their laudable undertaking.

Ship-Visitation.-In my missionary work I have visited, including the docks and canals, from 10 to 15 ships, and distributed about one hundred tracts per day-entreating, reproving, or instructing as need might require,— have obtained for the agents' evening services, fifty-four ships,-have visited

and supplied with tracts, as usual on sabbath days, the boarding-houses and streets, inviting sailors to the house of God. Have also visited the sick, both afloat and on shore, but have met with no case so satisfactory as that of our late honoured and much lamented friend and brother in Christ and in the Bethel cause, Capt. J. CowIE, now no more with us below. I have known him long as a steady, zealous christian, much devoted to those of whom he formed a part, and I believe will long live in the memory of many of them. I believe he was amongst the first who engaged in the Bethel work, and was permitted to live long enough to see this cause rise and greatly spread abroad. During the last week of his mortal life, I closely watched his daily sinking steps under a weight of infirmity, age, and affliction. O! how often was my mind refreshed, and I trust profited, while speaking to him alone of Christ and heavenly things! While he had his recollection, (and seldom but he had) and able to dwell on spiritual subjects, his joy was not that of rapture, but his peace was constant and steady, his confidence remained strong in Christ to the last, unshaken by temptation,— the wreck of nature-or the approach of eternity. On my last visit to him, I found him in the swellings of Jordan— we bowed before God;-how solemn was the moment-how high did I count the privilege of offering up his departing soul to him who redeemed it,-till the struggle ceased,-on Monday, June 10th, at half-past one, P. M. Then turning to the lifeless remains, the thought rushed on my mind,-surely a great man in our Bethel Israel hath fallen this day!-His mortal remains, which were attended by a number of Bethel captains, were interred on Friday, the 14th June, in the burial ground adjoining the Rev. C. Hyatt's chapel, Shadwell.

I should have given other particulars of our esteemed brother, but I am hap

py to hear that our worthy Secretary, the Rev. R. Ferguson, has promised to preach his funeral sermon, at the Sailors' Chapel, on the 23rd inst. (June) when no doubt he will give a fuller account of his life and experience. May I follow him as he followed Christ!

O may I triumph so,

When all my warfare's past; And dying, find my latest foe, Under my feet at last.

First Station.- Mr. BENSON.-During another three months of interesting labour, I cannot but feel grateful to the God of all grace, for the favourable reception I have met with from our seamen. In looking over my journal, I find I have held forty-six meetings on the river, and three at the sailor's chapel. About nine hundred souls have thus heard the word preached. Several interesting circumstances have come under my notice, from which I hope my ministry has not been in vain :—

A young man, who, according to his own statements, was much addicted to swearing, some time since coming on board a vessel when I was preaching, became the subject of deep conviction, and has since attended our Bethel services. I have held conversation with him, and find that he is walking in the ways of God. I hope a good work has been savingly wrought upon his mind.

Another instance of good, arising out of the labours of a brother agent, is the following: One evening, being on board a vessel conducting a service, and finding myself surrounded by several praying seamen, I elicited the following statement from one of them, that he heard a sermon on the Regent's Canal, which proved a lasting blessing to him. He said 'I can tell to sinners round, what a dear Saviour I have found.'-Having heard him previously pray, I could not but think on the spirituality of his petitions.

Have also met with many pious captains, who have been several years in

foreign service. This is pleasing. In conversation with one, he gave me the following pleasing information :-that during the last winter, himself, with thirteen other vessels, sailed from Messina, (a port in Italy), and that seven of the fourteen vessels were commanded by pious captains,-and also that the greater part of the other captains were at least moral men. Surely in these seven vessels, commanded by seven pious captains, we may suppose there were some pious seamen, God is doing great things, whereof we are glad.


The same captain informed me, in a recent voyage from a foreign port, he took in three seamen as passengers to England, two Welch, and one Irish, who were notorious for swearing; but as it was his custom to have worship on board his ship, and on Lord's-days to hold a regular service and read a sermon, the strangers attended. After the first such service, they were seen walking together; and the mate overhearing their conversation, heard one say, he would never again swear an oath. They attended the services, and not one of them was heard to utter another oath during the whole voyage; and when they landed, they expressed their unfeigned thanks to the captain for his attention to them. Would to God that all our ships were commanded by such men! I had the happiness to preside at a more public meeting of agents, captains, seamen, and others on board the ship commanded by our much esteemed friend, Captain Sleightholm. There were present from eighty to one hundred persons. Three addresses were given:-the first, on the compassion of theSaviour;-the second, on a season of refreshing from the Divine presence ;-and the third, on the promise of God, in relation to the conversion of seamen. The other parts of the service were conducted by captains and by our brethren the missionaries. Several ladies and gentlemen were

present from the shore. An appeal, at the close of the service was made on behalf of the new chapel and schools. Several took cards, and pledged themselves to assist. In regard to this object, I have found but one feeling—a desire for its accomplishment. As a proof of this, they have, in many instances, very readily (as far as they could) come forward to its support; and I am inclined to think, if the case be fairly represented, our directors will find themselves supplied with ample means to carry out their designs of mercy to the full extent of their wishes.

Fourth Station. MR. EDWARDS.➡ By the goodness and mercy of God I have been upheld and preserved through the dangers and difficulties of other three months, during which I have had the pleasure of holding meetings on board ships in the fourth, fifth, and sixth stations; also one on the city canal basin, and fourteen week-day services at the Sailor's Chapel.

The service in the canal basin deserves notice. There were about thirty present; two masters, two men, and a revenue officer, poured forth the breathings of their hearts before God, in such a manner as to constrain us to say, 'Master, it is good to be here.'

In the fourth station, having asked the master for a bible, he brought it, saying, 'It is an old one, sir; it has been a companion of mine a long time: it was with me in a French prison. I then read it through many times.' I replied, 'I hope you derived much benefit thereby-that you understand it-and that you are steering your course by its directions to another and a better world?' He acknowledged he had not attended to it as he ought, but hoped he should for the time to come. I said, 'It is high time for you to be prepared for the end of your voyage; for, according to the distance you have already sailed across life's tempestuous ocean, you will soon arrive at your des

tination; and then, if you should be out in your reckoning, through not properly consulting this chart, it will prove a sad-an unalterable mistake.' He admitted the correctness of my statement, and hoped he should be

more anxious to be prepared for the end of his voyage, that he might enter the haven of eternal rest with joy. May the Lord prepare him by his grace for an abundant entrance into the port of glory!


[From the Supplement to the Southern Australian, November 24th, 1838.]

We have been much gratified by a visit to the ship, Frince George, just arrived from Hambro' with a large number of German emigrants. This vessel is in the highest order, and the emigrants have come out happy and contented, and express themselves fully satisfied with their kind treatment. Great praise is due to the captain, and to Mr. Flaxman (the supercargo) for their unremitting attention to the passengers on the voyage.


[Extracted from the same Paper.]

The following testimony we deem invaluable. unabated interest by every friend of humanity. character is that of the sailor, when placed under control.

It will be read with What a fine manly proper regimen and

It affords us great pleasure to announce the arrival in our harbour of a thorough TEMPERANCE SHIP, the Bengalee. CAPT. HAMLIN sails without wine, beer, or grog! and not only does CAPT. HAMLIN exert his influence, but by his example he contributes to the maintenance of the principle he has laid down. The ship Bengalee is a credit to all connected with her; her hands are strong, healthy, manly fellows, thorough specimens of British sailors, and they have already discharged more cargo since their arrival in the colony than any three vessels that have yet visited us. We sincerely hope the temptations which will be held out at the port to induce these brave fellows to indulge in excess will be successfully resisted, and for the credit of the colony, we hope their own efforts will be seconded by those who will come in contact with them whilst in the port.

[From a personal knowledge of Capt. Hamlin we were quite prepared for this high and honourable testimony to his principles and character. Before leaving England he purchased for himself a Bethel flag, with the determination to lift this standard on every shore. And we have it from our senior missionary, that he never saw a finer set of men than the crew of the Bengalee; and what is almost unprecedented in the history of any ship's company, not one of the men either asked, required, or obtained, a single fraction in the form of advance money ! Masters of ships :-here is a noble example to copy. Follow it, and then say whether the choice be not good.]

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