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Monthly Chronicle.

That a feeling is being awakened in favour of the sailor, will appear from the reception and success met with on the part of two of the Agents who have been on separate tours in different parts of the country, stating and enforcing the claims of the institution. May we hope that these doings are only like the drops which precede a plentiful shower!

In entering on another year of holy exertion, we would cast ourselves on the resources and prayers of the whole church of Christ. Is there no heart in his church to feel for the sailor? Ministers of Christ !-disciples of Jesus!-friends of missions !-lovers of humanity! what answer do you return? You may make the sailor the manly representative of your religion on every shore;—or you leave him to spread pestilence and death wherever he goes.


Than the last, seldom if ever has a more interesting or delightful monthly conference been held. In the review of the year just closed, with its public anniversary, every heart beat high with gratitude; and in looking forward to the future, and surveying the field now opened before us, there was but one feeling manifested,-and that the feeling of unreserved consecration to God, and more determined action in his service. A year so begun, will prove a year, we think, whose close will gladden a thousand hearts, and prove one of those points in the duration of time, on which, in eternity, we shall look back with wonder, gratitude, and praise.


HAVING, at the request and under the direction of the Committee, undertaken a tour through the county of Cornwall, I have, since last meeting with my brethren, much reason for gratitude to God, for journeying mercies both by land and sea. Though near to death, I have been miraculously preserved. Never have I experienced more divine support than during the past two months, and it is possible I never stood in need of more; and herein is that delightful promise verified,' As thy day is, so shall thy strength be.' May my future

days be all devoted to my covenantkeeping God!

In performing my tour, not only have I to record the goodness of God in opening in every place which I visited, a door of utterance, and granting me favour in the sight of the people, but also to express my great gratitude for the kindness of ministers and christian friends of various denominations, in granting me the use of their chapels and pulpits, and so cheerfully responding to my appeals.

In addition to acts of personal kind

ness, I was generally well received in calling and privately soliciting aid in behalf of the object I had in view. And in all the chapels in which I preached, with only one solitary exception, I was favoured with collections. Though the sums obtained were not large, yet they were given with a cheerful mind, as the following incidents will show :

Coming, as a stranger, to a certain place, to preach at a Wesleyan Chapel on a Sabbath morning, (being previously informed that it was the day for their quarterly collection, and that nothing of course could be done for the Sailor's Society,) I was reminded to plead for their quarterly collection, as they were poor. I did so; and at the close, (just before making the collection,) I heard two or three of the principal persons thus address each other, Shall we give this collection to the stranger?'-(as they were pleased to style me)-the unanimous response was 'Yes.' A person then stood up, and, addressing me, said, 'We shall now make the collection, but we shall give it to you, sir.' I felt almost overcome with this act of unexpected benevolence and kindness. I returned thanks from the pulpit. The way in which this act was performed, convinced me that their hearts were touched with sympathy for sailors. I received their collection with peculiar feelings. 'Twas all their store, more should I have had, if they had more.'

On one occasion, and in another Wesleyan Chapel, when their quarterly collection should have been made, the minister and trustees postponed it, and allowed me to have one for the Sailor's Society.

At another place, arriving about three o'clock in the afternoon, and no one knowing me, nor the cause in which I was engaged, I waited on some pious persons, whose names I had obtained. No sooner had I mentioned my object, than messengers were sent through the town and neighbourhood; and by seven o'clock, I had the pleasure of being in a very large Wesleyan chapel, surround

ed with a crowded congregation, and this on a week evening. After this service, a very animating prayer-meeting was held, at which hundreds remained. And of a truth, the Lord was present to bless the people.

During my tour, I was most graciously supported, both in body and mind. This, I believe, was in answer to much prayer. My christian friends, among whom my lot was cast, carried me, and the cause in which I was engaged, from day to day to the throne of grace. I had an opportunity of preaching in twenty-one Wesleyan, eight Independent, and five Baptist chapels in Cornwall.

On my return from Plymouth to London, by the D- steamer, I had opportunity of preaching three times to the crew and passengers, of which there were about 120. We left Plymouth in the morning of the 4th instant, about 10 o'clock, and in the afternoon of the day I distributed tracts to all. With few exceptions, they were thankfully received. Reports, and magazines, and other papers of the Society, were laid before the cabin passengers, of whom there were a respectable number; and at six o'clock, I went forward and held a religious service,—about ninety-five attended. All was solemnity. At the close, I gave notice of my intention of holding divine service on the ensuing day, (Sunday) if the weather would admit. Sunday morning was ushered in with beauty, and about ten o'clock I went forward, and gathered a few together. Requiring some aid in singing, and on my saying to one of the females, (there being several present,) Probably you will oblige me, by assisting in singing the praises of God with us, she very deliberately replied, in the Irish brogue, 'I cannot do that to-day; but I would assist in putting you under the steamer's bows, and drowning you;— so I would"

I turned round, and saw assembled about one hundred persons. We sang a

hymn, read the scriptures, and two pious Wesleyan friends, who were passengers, joined me in offering up prayer,—after which, I addressed them from these words: How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation!' With the above exception, all was order and devotion. Arrangements having been made with the captain of the steamer, to address the cabin passengers at halfpast two P.M., whilst passing Ramsgate, in the view of hundreds of spectators, the Bethel Flag was hoisted at maintopmast head; and, whilst passing Broadstairs and Margate, it was seen waving in the breeze, until the steamer had reached the upper part of the Queen's Channel. There were several Roman Catholics on board. At the commencement of the service they went below; but after some little time, they came upon deck, and nearing to where

I stood, listened with much attention. The words chosen were, 'Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy upon me.' On my quitting the steamer, the catholics referred to, came and shook hands, saying, 'Sir, we thank you for the kind advice you have given us, whilst we have been together, and we wish you success in your work amongst sailors.'

Since my return, and though labouring under much infirmity and indisposition, in consequence of a dangerous and almost fatal fall, received on board the steamer on my passage into Cornwall, I have held three services in the Sailor's Chapel, and five services afloat. I desire to be thankful to God for all his dealings towards me; and am more and more determined to give myself unreservedly to his service. May the Lord help me so to do! Amen.


In performing my appointed tour in the Principalty, I not only laboured under many disadvantages, but had many difficulties to encounter. The Society was scarcely known to any one where I travelled. Consequently I had much to do to explain its constitution, and the plan of its operations, especially in neighbourhoods wherever I had to make personal applications from house to house; which I did, where I could not state my case either from the pulpit or the platform.

Other individuals, representing (or affecting to represent) the sailors' cause, had months previously been over the same ground; and whose misconduct greatly affected the success of my mission. I had also a great deal to do, in dissuading many from believing that I belonged to a certain individual whose name is so well known in London. In fact, I could not have succeeded to the degree I have done, had not my person and character been well known. kindness with which I was received, and


the liberality manifested toward the cause, were to my own feelings truly gratifying; and indicated that the Lord was disposing the hearts of many, who never before even thought of the spiritual welfare of sailors, to look toward the sea.'

All denominations of christians received me with open arms wherever I went. Ministers of various denominations willingly granted me their chapels and pulpits in which to preach and advocate the sailors' cause.

I have formed two Auxiliaries: one at Aberystwith, and the other at Cardigan, which will, I have no doubt, prove profitable to the parent Institution. Other Auxiliaries might be formed at Welshpool, Newtown, Machynlleth, and Aberdovey, in which places I have held meetings, and explained the principles and objects of the Society; and others between Aberayron and New Quay, in Cardiganshire, which might be of some support to the parent Institution; as well as at Newport, Fishguard, Solvach,

Milford, Peiter, Pembrook, and Tenby in Pembrookshire, The inhabitants of these towns are prepared to come forward in aid of the Sailor's cause.

The leading gentlemen of Tenby said, that if a visit were paid them in the Bathing season (this being a noted watering place) much good might be done. Capt. Jackson, the Superintendant, and indeed all the naval officers at Her Majesty's dock-yard, were most courteous and kind; and, though strangers to our Society, yet, when they saw the names of Admiral Sir James Hillyar, and Capt. Sir W. E. Parry as among its patrons, they said that they would consult them, and through them subscribe. The fittest time to visit most of the sea-port towns in Wales would be

about Christmas, when the captains and seamen are at home wintering.

I have prevailed with about fifty ladies and gentlemen, in various places, to take collecting cards. I have also succeeded with clergymen and other gentlemen, whom I found to be zealous in the sailors' cause, in places where Auxiliaries are not as yet formed, to correspond with the Secretary.

I might enter into lengthened details; but these are unnecessary. I only trust, that, under God, I have been enabled to discharge those important duties involved in my recent mission to the Principality of Wales, in such a manner as shall contribute to the furtherance of the great and laudable objects of the Society.


On Friday Evening, April 26th, a Public Meeting on behalf of the Institution, was held in the GIRL'S LANCASTERIAN SCHOOL, TOTTENHAM, when the chair was kindly taken, and most efficiently filled by Joseph Fletcher, Esq. of Bruce Grove. The assembly was numerous and highly respectable, and a deep impression was produced.

It was proposed at the meeting, that a Ladies' Association should be formed, as a branch to a projected and enlarged Auxiliary, which is to embrace the principal places in that wealthy vicinity. This measure seemed to afford much satisfaction, and at the close of the en

gagements, several ladies came forward and gave their names as collectors.

Since then, two meetings have been held, for the purpose of forming this association, at the second of which a treasurer and two secretaries were appointed, with twelve collectors, all of whom promised to use their influence to obtain the co-operation of other ladies.

We have before received good aid from this neighbourhood, but we now contemplate far greater results. We understand that it has both pleased and encouraged the ladies to learn, that Mr. Fletcher bas enrolled his name as a member of the Board of Directors in connexion with the parent Society.


On Sabbath the 12th ult. two sermons were preached on behalf of the Society, at Paddington Chapel, (the Rev. J. Stratten's) in the morning by the Rev. Dr. Patten, of New York, and representative of the American Seamen's Friend Society, and in the evening, by the Rev. R. Ferguson, Secretary of the Institu

tion. The collections amounted to the handsome sum of £60. 2s. 6d. exclusive of two annual subscriptions.

This is an example worthy of imitation. When will the ministers of London give up their pulpits for the advocacy of the Sailors' cause?

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