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Macd. Well, may you see things well done


Lest our old robes sit easier than our new!

Rosse. Father, farewel.

Old M. God's benison go with you; and with those

That would make good of bad, and friends of foes! [Exeunt,



Enter Banquo.

Ban. Thou hast it now, King, Cawdor, Glamis, all,

As the weird women promis'd; and, I fear,
Thou play'dst most foully for't: yet it was said,
It should not stand in thy posterity;

But that myself should be the root, and father
Of many kings. If there come truth from them,
(As upon thee, Macbeth, their speeches shine,)
Why, by the verities on thee made good,
May they not be my oracles as well,

And set me up in hope? But, hush; no more.

Senet sounded. Enter Macbeth, as King; Lady Macbeth, as Queen; Lenor, Rosse, Lords, Ladies and Attendants.

Mac. Here's our chief guest.

Lady M.

If he had been forgotten,

It had been as a gap in our great feast,

And all-thing unbecoming.

Mac. To-night we hold a solemn supper, sir,

And I'll request your presence.


Let your highness

Command upon me; to the which, my duties

Are with a most indissoluble tie

For ever knit.

Mac. Ride you this afternoon?


Ay, my good lord.

Mac. We should have else desir'd your good


(Which still hath been both grave and prosperous,) In this day's council; but we'll take to-morrow. Is't far you ride?

Ban. As far, my lord, as will fill up the time 'Twixt this and supper: go not my horse the


I must become a borrower of the night,

For a dark hour, or twain.

Ban. My lord, I will not.

Fail not our feast.

Mac. We hear, our bloody cousins are bestow'd

In England, and in Ireland; not confessing
Their cruel parricide, filling their hearers
With strange invention: But of that to-morrow;
When, therewithal, we shall have cause of state,
Craving us jointly. Hie you to horse: Adieu,
Till you return at night. Goes Fleance with you?
Ban. Ay, my good lord: our time does call upon


Mac. I wish your horses swift, and sure of foot;

And so I do commend you to their backs.

Let every man be master of his time

Till seven at night; to make society

[Exit Banquo.

The sweeter welcome, we will keep ourself Till supper-time alone: while then, God be with you. [Exeunt Lady Macbeth, Lords, Ladies, &c.

Sirrah, a word: Attend those men our pleasure?

Atten. They are, my lord, without the palace gate.

Mac. Bring them before us. - [Exit Atten.] To be thus, is nothing;

But to be safely thus: - Our fears in Banquo
Stick deep; and in his royalty of nature

Reigns that, which would be fear'd: 'Tis much he


And, to that dauntless temper of his mind,
He hath a wisdom that doth guide his valour
To act in safety. There is none, but he,
Whose being I do fear: and, under him,
My genius is rebuk'd; as, it is said,
Mark Antony's was by Cæsar. He chid the sisters,
When first they put the name of King upon me,
And bade them speak to him; then, prophet-like,
They hail'd him father to a line of kings:
Upon my head they plac'd a fruitless crown,
And put a barren scepter in my gripe,
Thence to be wrench'd with an unlineal hand,
No son of mine succeeding. If it be so,
For Banquo's issue have I fil'd my mind;
For them the gracious Duncan have I murder'd;
Put rancours in the vessel of my peace
Only for them; and mine eternal jewel
Given to the common enemy of man,
To make them kings, the seed of Banquo kings!
Rather than so, come, fate, into the list,

And champion me to the utterance! -Who's Re-enter Attendant, with two Murderers. Now to the door, and stay there till we call.


[Exit Attendant.

Was it not yesterday we spoke together?

1 Mur. It was, so please your highness.


Well then, now

Have you consider'd of my speeches? Know,
That it was he, in the times past, which held you
So under fortune; which, you thought, had been
Our innocent self: this I made good to you
In our last conference; pass'd in probation with


How you were borne in hand; how cross'd; the instruments;

Who wrought with them; and all things else, that


To half a soul, and to a notion craz'd,

Say, Thus did Banquo.

1 Mur.

You made it known to us.

Mac. I did so; and went further, which is now

Our point of second meeting. Do you find Your patience so predominant in your nature, That you can let this go? Are you so gospell'd, To pray for this good man, and for his issue, Whose heavy hand hath bow'd you to the grave,

And beggar'd yours for ever?

1 Mur.

We are men, my liege.

Mac. Ay, in the catalogue ye go for men; As hounds, and greyhounds, mungrels, spaniels, curs, Shoughs, water-rugs, and demi-wolves, are cleped All by the name of dogs: the valued file

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