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the rear of Tenedos: 13-24. The Trojans, supposing the enemy gone home, joyously emerge from the city-gates, and view the battle-fields and the huge horse: 25-30. The populace being in doubt concerning it, Laocoon, chiding them, thrusts his spear into its side: 31-56. Meanwhile Sinon, a pretended deserter from the Greeks, surrenders himself, and is brought before king Priam in mock agitation: 57-74. Encouraged by Priam, he proceeds to retail a tissue of lies-the story of his escape from death, to which he had been doomed by envy of Ulysses, and his appeal to their pity: 75-144. Priam, overcome by his tears, orders him unbound, and asks an explanation of the design of the horse: 145-162. Sinon, with attestations of veracity, states that it was left as a peace-offering to Minerva for her stolen image, the Palladium; and ends by warning the Trojans against desecrating it, and forecasting the results of its being received into the city: 153-194. At this juncture a strange omen intervenes. Two enormous sea-serpents are seen skimming over the sea from Tenedos ; and, on reaching the Ilian shore, they seek the altars where Laocoon is engaged in sacrificing to Neptune; and, after attacking and strangling his two sons and himself, gliding away to the shrine of Minerva, and hiding under the feet of her image; 195227. Aghast, the populace pronounce it a just punishment for his temerity in desecrating the horse, and insist on its being drawn into the city and installed in Minerva's temple, which is done, and the city gives itself up to hilarity: 234-249. Meanwhile by moon-light the Grecian fleet returns ; and Sinon, alert, at a signal from the flag-ship opens the wooden horse and releases the imprisoned -soldiers, who, emerging armed, slay the sentinels, and open the outer gates, and the sack of the city begins: 250-267. Hector's ghost appears in a dream to Æneas, and tells him all is over; and warns him to flee: 268-297. Aroused from slumber, and hearing a great commotion, he ascends to the roof of his house, and with consternation and horror sees the city in a blaze and tumult : 293-317. Panthus, a priest of Apollo, comes running to his door, and apprises him of the crisis: 318-335. Eneas sallies forth, with a hastily mustered squad, into the city; their adventures and successes; Androgcos, mistaking them for allies, is slaín: 336-385. They, at the suggestion of Corcbus, don Grecian armor, and incur its consequences: 386-401. The fight for the rescue of Cassandra, in which her suitor, Corcbus, is slain : 402-437. The desperate struggle at the palace: 438-468. Its fall and the consternation ensuing: 469-515. The fate of Polites, and his father Priam, at the hands of Pyrrhus: 506-538. The dismay of Eneas; his frenzied resolve to slay Helen, the cause of the war, whom he discovered crouching at the altar of Vesta, and his restraint therefrom by his mother, Venus, who bids him go rather and rescue his own household :: $59-621. Appalled, he hastens home, and proposes an immediate flight to the mountains; but his father, Anchises, stoutly refuses: 622-649. Their entreaties are unavailing, until two omens occur; a luminous flame on the head of Iulus, and a brilliant meteor, decide the matter, and Anchises yields: 650-704. The arrangement to meet outside of the city at the ruins of the ancient temple of Ceres: 705-720. With saddened heart, yet firm in purpose, he takes at length his aged father, who had long been crippled by a stroke of lightning, on his shoulders, and leading his little son by one hand, who toddles with unequal steps along, and with his wife Creasa following close behind him, he gropes his way through by-streets, to the place of meeting: 721-750. On reaching the spot, lo! his wife is missing; and he returns in search of her into the city, and is met by her ghost, by which he is warned to flee; then sadly he retraces his steps, and departs to Mount Ida, bearing his aged father on his shoulders: 751-834.



AFTER the overthrow of Ilium, Eneas, retiring to Antandros, at the southwestern foot of Mount Ida, spends the ensuing winter in fitting out a feet of twenty vessels; and, early in the spring, sets sail for Thrace; where landing, he is occupied the remainder of the year in founding a new city-Enos-and designates its citizens Aneans: 1-18. Early the following spring, while one day collecting boughs to screen an altar for sacrifice in honor of their new enterprise, he is startled by a sepulchral sound from the ground, which proves to be that of Polydorus, son of Priam, who warns him to quit at once the murderous shore: 19-48. The story and tragic death of Polydorus: 4956. Reporting the prodigy to his father and the chiefs, it is resolved to abandon the region; and, after awarding sepulture to Polydorus, they embark for Ortygia: 57-72. Arriving at Delos, in Ortygia, they are cordially welcomed by king Anius, the priest of polle, who consults for them the oracles: 73-89. They are directed to seek their ancestral home, which Anchises interprets to be Crete, the home of their progenitor, Teucer; and so they sail with buoyant hopes to Crete: 90-129. Landing, they commence a city, which they name Pergame, and settle down; but, at the


end of two years, famine and pestilence determine them to return to Ortygia to reconsul oracles of Apollo: 130-146. But at night his household gods appear in vision to Encas, dissuade him from returning to Delos, urging him to sail direct for Italy, the cradle of their r 147-171. Anchises, on hearing the report of his son's vision, confesses his mistake in assun Teucer to be the sole progenitor of their race, and acknowledges the honor shared by Darda and, recalling Cassandra's prophesies, coincides with the plan of sailing for Italy: 172–191. 7 accordingly set sail, but a storm drives them out of their course, and lands them on an islan the Strophades, where they encounter the harpies; and Celano, their chief, from a crag, u fearful maledictions, which alarm them, and they depart at the command of Anchises; 192– Coasting along by numerous islands they reach Actium, where they celebrate Trojan games, Eneas deposits trophies in the temple of Apollo: 270-288. Thence, in the sixth year of wanderings, they come to Epirus; and, on entering the city of Buthrotus, they are surprise find Andromaché and her then husband, Helenus, son of Priam, ruling the country: 289The pathetic meeting of Æneas and Andromaché at a cenotaph of Hector in front of the c 301-343. Helenus welcomes them, recognizing his old townsman and friend, Anchises, and or a feast: 334-355: As priest of Apollo, Helenus, at the request of Æneas, gives them orac directions respecting their voyage to Italy, and indicates a sign-a white sow and pigs discov on the bank of a stream-as the signal of the end of their journeyings; but he especially w them of Scylla and Charybdis on the way: 344-432. He refers also to the Sibyl of Cumæ and peculiar habits, and urges neas to visit her cave, and, under her guidance, to descend into under-world on a visit to his father, then to be there: 433-462. Loaded with presents, they adieu and sail for Italy: 463-505. A calm night at sea ensues; Italy sighted at dawn; exhilaration and Anchises' Prayer: 506-536. They enter a port, and descry a temple of Min on the heights; but Anchises, observing some white horses grazing, pronounces it an ill-om and, after adoring Juno, as specially directed by Helenus, they again set sail : 537-550. A is sighted in the distance, at the foot of which they moor at nightfall, and during the night wit its eruption: 551-587. At day-break a strange-looking human being appears, begging aid protection: 588-606. He tells the story of his adventures with Ulysses in the cave of the Cycle 607-654. The sudden appearance of Polyphemus, his description, and their escape from monster and his mustering horde: 655-685. They take in the fugitive, and coast along the so ern shore of Sicily, till they reach Drepanum, where Anchises dies and is awarded sepult whence sailing, a storm drives them to Carthage: thus ends the recital, when the assembly perse: 684-718.



THE next morning after the banquet, and the narration of Æneas, Dido discloses to her si Anna, her passionate love for their new guest, and her scruples in regard to a second marr and is encouraged by Anna to cherish the emotion, in view of the glory to accrue from an alli with the Trojan prince: 1-50. Dido sacrifices to Juno and other deities, to propitiate their fav her yielding to the impulses of the new attachment; when ensues her consequent absorbing for Eneas, leading her to neglect her plans for aggrandizing her new city: 54-89. Juno int ingly meanwhile approaches Venus, and proposes a truce to their strifes by an alliance of the kingdoms of Italy and Carthage, in the union of Æneas and Dido: Venus, having already apprised by Jupiter of the fates concerning Italy, complaisantly connives at the plan: 90-128. hunting excursion is accordingly arranged, in the midst of which Juno, as intimated to Ve sends a violent thunder-storm, in which the hunters scatter, leaving Eneas and Dido to shelter alone in a cave, where, by Juno's aid, a quasi-marriage is accomplished, and its sad sequences are foreshadowed: 129-172. A graphic description of Rumor, personified as gossi given and the report of the clandestine love spreads abroad: 173-195. It reaches the ea Tarbus, a Libyan suitor of Dido, who is greatly exasperated, and frantically implores of Ju vengeance on his rival: 196-219. Jupiter, in compliance with his entreaty, sends Mercury d to warn Æneas to quit Carthage, and to sail at once for Italy, his future home: 220-237. 1 cury departs, and arriving at the outskirts of Carthage, finds Eneas contentedly engaged in su intending building operations to beautify the city. He delivers his peremptory message 1 Jupiter; receiving which, Æneas, though reluctant, prepares to obey, and secretly makes re his fleet: 238-295. Dido, suspecting his design, entreats him to abandon it: her touching app and his inflexible purpose: 296-361. She, finding all entreaty vain, bursts out in a tirad scathing reproaches for his perfidy, and imprecates eternal vengeance on him. She swoons, ar

carried to her chamber by attendants: 362-392. Eneas, still unmoved, persists in his preparations, in accordance with the mandate of Jupiter: Dido appeals to her sister, Anna, to aid in her efforts to change his mind and detain him; but, though Anna seeks frequent interviews, and uses her utmost persuasion, he remains inexorable: 393-449. Dido now becomes desperate, and prays for death, and secretly determines on it: her forebodings and frenzy depicted: 450-473. She disguises her designs, and by plausible pretexts induces her sister to prepare a funeral pyre, on which to burn, as she alleges, the relics of the ha..d Dardan. Anna unsuspectingly complies with her request: 474-503. Dido decks herself and the altars, and prays for success in her tragic purpose: 504-521. Her sleepless excitement, and soliloquy at night: 522-553. In the meantime Eneas, being again warned in a dream to be gone, at early dawn arouses his comrades and sets sail: 554-583. Dido at day-break from her palace descries the fleet in the offing, and gives vent to a violent outburst of frenzy, praying for condign retribution on the perfidious Dardan, and for an avenger of her wrongs to arise: 584-629. She then calls her old nurse, Barcé, and sends her with a fictitious message to her sister, Anna; whilst she ascends the pyre, and, at the sight of the Dardan relics, utters her last words, and then falls upon the sword left by Eneas: 630-665. Consternation at the act ensues: her sister hastens to her side, and, with affectionate expostulations, sustains her drooping form as Dido expires in her arms: 676-692. Juno dispatches Iris from Olympus to receive her departing spirit: 693-705. Thus ends the saddest tragedy of the poem.



ENEAS at sea looks back with sad surmises on the flames of Dido's suicidal pyre: 1-7. A storm arises, and the fleet is compelled to put into the port of Drepanum, on the westerly coast of Sicily: 8-34. Their former host, Acestes, descries them from a height, and hastens to extend a welcome: 35-41. As it was now about a year since he there buried his father Anchises, Æneas announces his intention of celebrating the anniversary by suitable games, and invites all to join him in preparatory solemnities at the tomb: 42-71. Accordingly, all wreathe their temples with myrtle, and proceed together to the tomb; where, in the midst of the ceremonies, a serpent glides from the mound to the altar, and tastes of the sacrifices; which he greets either as his father's spirit embodied in it, or the genius of the place: 72-103. At the appointed day, the ninth following, crowds assemble to witness the games: the prizes are displayed, and the signal for commencement is given: 104-113. First. THE BOAT-RACE. The four contesting yachts, with their captains and crews, are described: 114-123. The goal set, a rock in the offing; the places assigned by lot, and the race begins. A graphic description of the start, the applause, the struggle: 124-158. As the contestants near the goal, Gyas, commander of the Chimera, in a gust of anger, pitches his helmsman overboard, and takes himself the helm: the amusing plight of the half-drowned helmsman crawling, wet and dazed, upon a rock: 159-185. Sergestus, the commander of the Centaur in his eagerness, staves his galley on a shelving ledge; then follows a spirited struggle between Mnestheus of the Pristis, and Cloanthus of the Scylla, in which the latter wins: 186-243. The prizes distributed; the return of Sergestus in his crippled vessel, and his prize: 244-285. Second Game. THE FOOT-RACE. The contestants; the mutual affection of Nisus and Euryalus, two of them; the slip and fall of the former, and his quick shift in turning it to the advantage of his friend, and the generosity of Æneas in awarding the prizes: 286-361. Third. THE BOXING-MATCH. The swagger of Dares, and his defiant challenge accepted, at the instigation of king Acestes, by the Sicilian champion Entellus. Stiffened by age, the latter steps forth, displays the terrible gauntlets of his trainer Eryx, recounts in brief their history, and waives their use in favor of the Trojan gauntlets: 362-425. In the encounter Entellus, by a false thrust, falls heavily, but is quickly helped up, and renewing the fight severely punishes Dares, and then drives his gauntlet through the skull of the prize bull as a substitute for Dares: 426-484 Fourth. THE TRIAL OF ARCHERY. A pigeon is suspended from an erected mast-head as the mark; Hippocoon, the first archer, hits the mast-head; Mnestheus, the second, cleaves the string, setting the bird free; Eurytion, the third, shoots the pigeon on the wing; and lastly the fourth, Acestes, discharges his arrow in the air, and it takes fire, which being variously interpreted, Æneas embraces his host and loads him with presents: then the prizes are awarded satisfactorily to all: 485-544. Fifth.-THE GAME OF TROY. Participated in by Ascanius and his squad of youthful associates, a marvel of intricate cavalry manœuvres, with which the anniversary games end: 595-603. Meanwhile Juno sends Iris down to foment discontent among the Trojan women, who in their frenzy set fire to the ships in the harbor: the alarm given, and the fire discovered by the crowd at the games, and all rush to

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the scene, Ascanius in advance, who indignantly chides the silly women: Eneas pr Jupiter sends a timely shower and quenches the flames, four vessels only being burned: The perplexity at the disaster, in which the aged Nautes advises that the cowardly and left with king Acestes, and the rest to sail for Italy: Anchises appears to Æneas in a d sanctions the advice of Nautes, and tells him to land at Cumæ, go to the Sibyl's cave, and by her, visit him in Elysium: 700-745. The advice taken; the town of Acesta founded, malcontents are left, and Æneas, with the rest, sails for Italy: 746-778. Venus entreats to prosper the voyage, and in compliance Neptune escorts them with his retinue: 779 quiet night at sea, in which the pilot, Palinurus, beguiled by Sleep, falls overboard, and Encas takes the helm, and guides the vessel, bemoaning the loss of his faithful pilot: 827

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LANDING at Cuma, Æneas, as enjoined by Helenus and Anchises, repairs to the Apollo, the awe-inspiring cave of the Sibyl, the Delian prophetess; and, while viewing t tures on the door, the Sibyl arrives: 1-41. Her cave described, with the attendants of he tional ecstacy, and utterances of her ominous oracles: 42-97. He entreats her to conduc a visit to his father in Elysium, citing the cases of Orpheus, Poilux, Theseus, and Her attaining a like privilege: 98-123. She warns him of the difficulties, but directs him to s and find in the forests a GOLDEN BOUGH sacred to Proserpina, which will serve h talisman apprising him of the death of a comrade during his absence, she enjoins on hi: attend his funeral: 124-155. Returning to the fleet in the harbor, he finds his trumpeter, dead; the story of his death, and the mourning over him: 156-178. While engaged in th cutting wood for the funeral pyre of his friend, his attention is attracted to a pair of do conduct him haply to the coveted BOUGH: 179-211. The obsequies of Misenus en repairs again to the Sibyl's cave: 212-235. Preparatory sacrifices offered; then, amid signals and warnings, the Sibyl bids him draw his sword and follow her: 236-263. Invo the poet for permission and inspiration to depict what they saw and heard: 264-267. In t bule they meet personifications of human woes-Grief, Remorse, Old Age, Fear, Hunge Toil, Death and its brother Sleep, Sordid Pleasures, War, Furies, Discord; and near by Elm-tree, wherein lurk Delusive Dreanis? Then come monsters of imagination-Centaurs, the hundred-armed Briarius, the Hydra of Lerna, Chimeras, Harpies, Geryons: neas at their horrid aspects, draws his sword and is about to rush upon them, but is warne Sibyl that they are mere phantoms: 270-294 The river Styx, and the ferryman, Charo scried with a crowd of ghosts waiting on the bank to cross over: 295-313. The Sibyl exp scene by stating that the unburied wander thus a hundred years on the gloomy bank recognizes several lost comrades, among them his pilot, Palinurus, who tells the story of h ings and death, and entreats to be extricated, but is comforted by the Sibyl: 337-383. challenges them, but is awed by a sight of the talismanic BOUGH, and submissively ferr over the Styx in his patched wherry: 384-416. The Sibyl drugs the snarling watch-dog, C and they climb the slimy bank unharmed: 417-426. Suddenly cries of wailing infants as ears; they have reached the precincts of the untimely dead, or those wrongly conde death: the Judge, with his silent court, is passed, and they reach the abode of suici Fields of Mourning-where he descries unhappy Dido, whom he essays to address, but sh him: 427-476. Next they come to the resort of heroes, where the early Trojan heroes gr and the Greeks are alarmed: 477-493. The story of Deiphobus, the son of Priam, slai night of Ilium's fall: 494-534. Here the Sibyl chides Aneas for lingering, and they 535-547. Pluto's dismal realm looms with its lurid battlements on the left, from whi sounds of clanking chains and the din of tortures, which the Sibyl explains as they pass: Elysium at length is reached, and on its door-post Eneas hangs the mystic BOUGH: The delectations of its inhabitants described: 637-659. They are there met by Mus ¡¡directs them to Anchises, whom they find in a secluded vale, contemplating the future glor descendants: 660-702. Anchises, after the greeting, proceeds to unfold the mysteries s river Lethe, the spirits thronging it, and explains transmigration and the philosophic theor origin of life: 70,-723. Purgatory explained: 724-751. Anchises then conducts th mound, where pass in review before them the heroes prior to the foundation of Rome: Then follow their successors, the Cæsars in the golden age, the Republic, the Empire

becomes enraptured at the view: 788-823. Marcellus the elder and younger, with the poet's tribute to the latter (for which the mother, Octavia, richly rewarded him): 854-886. Then Anchises conducts them through Elysium, depicts the wars to come in Italy, and then dismisses them through the ivory gate of Sleep; when Æneas returns to his comrades and moors his fleet at the beach of Cajeta: 887-901. Thus closes the most remarkable Book of the Æneid, whose imagery has so largely influenced subsequent literature.



AT Cajeta the nurse of Eneas dies, and is awarded an honorable sepulture and her name given to the site; after which they skirt the shores of the island of the sorceress Circé by moon-light; but the kindly aid of Neptune enables them to avoid it: 1-24. They at length enter the long. sought Tiber amid the singing of birds, and moor their ships to its shady banks: 25-36. The previous state of Latium described: Latinus, the king, and his only, and now marriageable, daughter, Lavinia; her suitors, among them TURNUS, the antagonistic rival of Æneas; the oracles of Faunus forbidding native and enjoining a foreign nuptial alliance; the news of the arrival of the Trojans in the Tiber spreads: 46-106. Meanwhile the Trojans partake of a frugal repast under a lofty tree on the river's bank; and, while eating the quadrated cakes, on which their food in rustic style had been placed, the fearful prophecy of the harpy Celano (Book III, 255) was explained, and the dread of it dispelled: 107-147. The exploration of the country is begun, and Æneas dispatches a hundred nobles with presents to the court of king Latinus, while he himself lays out a town and fortifications: 148-159. The envoys reach Laurentum, which is described, and are welcomed by the king: 160-201. The object of their mission stated and their presents to Latinus displayed: 211-248. Latinus is at once impressed with the coincidence of previous oracles, and accedes to their overtures, ratifies an alliance, and offers his daughter in marriage to Æneas; and, as a token of sincerity, sends him a magnificent span and a chariot; whereupon the ambassadors return: 249-285. Thus far all seems favorable; but suddenly Juno espies the Trojan camp in Italy, and vows vengeance and bitter war: 286-322. She summons Allecto, a Fury, and bids her do her worst to scatter the seeds of rancor and strife: 323-340. Allecto accordingly hies to the palace of Latinus, and crouching at the door of queen Amata, flings a serpent stealthily into her bosom, which sets the queen in a frenzy, whirling like a top: 346-403. Having set things in train for war at Laurentum, the fiend repairs to Ardea, the home of Turnus, the future hostile rival of Eneas, and hurls a snake at him, after she had vainly tried other means, and goads him on to break the treaty recently formed: 404-474. She then hastens to the Trojans, and finds a ready occasion for a feud. A pet deer of Sylvia, the daughter of Latinus' herdsman, is wounded by Ascanius on a hunting excursion, and, fleeing to its mistress for refuge, sets the whole clan of peasants on fire to avenge the outrage: 475-504. They rally with rude weapons, and the fiend from a house-top sounds the shepherds' alarum, and a desperate fight between the Trojan hunters and peasants ensues, wherein the brother of Sylvia and others are slain : 505-536. Allecto, exulting in her successes, reports to Juno, who, lauding, warns her to begone from earth: 537-571. Meanwhile the slain are brought in, and Latinus is implored by the excited populace to avenge `their death: Turnus intensifies their grievance, and Latinus, finding remonstrance vain, retreats to his palace and abandons the reins of government: 572-600. Juno, descending from heaven, with her own hand unbars the gates of war in the temple of Janus, and all Ausonia at once springs to arms: five great cities-Laurentum, Atina, Tibur, Ardea, and Crustumeri-prepare for war: 601-640. The Muses are once more invoked to open Helicon, and recall these events of dim antiquity: 641-646. The leaders of the mustering hosts presented-Mezentius and his son, Lausus, marshal the forces of Agylla: 647-654. Aventinus, the son of Hercules, and his troops and their equipment given: 655-659. Catillus and Coras, the Tiburtian brothers, like Centaurs come: 670-677. Cœclus, the son of Vulcan and founder of Prænesté, with his anomalous horde: 678-690. Messapus, the son of Neptune, bearing a charmed life, with his singing band: 691-705. Clausus and his Sabines, with clashing shields and thundering tread: 706-722. Halasus, with his clan in nondescript armor; Ebulus, Üfens, Umbro the priest, and Virbius, with his fiery steeds: 723-782. TURNUS the champion of the confederate hosts, in his splendid armor and chariot; and lastly Camilla, the Amazon of marvellous fleetness, with her squadrons of cavalry, at whom the crowds gaze with admiration, as she appears decked in purple and gold, with badge of pastoral myrtle: 783-817.

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