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Founded by D. L. Moody in 1886

"The West Point of Christian Service”


Training Free

The Object of the Institute


Is to give free training to men and women in the English Bible, Gospel Music, Personal Evangelism and Practical Methods of Christian Work, so that they may become effective Bible teachers, evangelists, missionaries, gospel singers, Sunday School and mission workers, etc. The course of the regular Day Classes covers two years.

The Evening Classes

Duplicate the work of the Day Classes as nearly as possible, and are intended for those compelled to earn a living during the day. The full course covers three years.

The Correspondence Department

Is for those who cannot attend the Institute classes but desire to pursue systematic Bible study at home. Eight courses have been arranged, viz., Synthetic Bible Study, Bible Doctrine, Chapter Summary, Practical Christian Work, Evangelism, Christian Evidences, Introductory Bible Course and the Scofield Bible Course.

The Extension Department

Supplies evangelists, Bible teachers, and Gospel singers for churches and mission fields and conducts Bible conferences, music classes and evangelistic meetings in all parts of the country.

The Christian Workers Magazine

Is the official organ of the Institute and is devoted to the promotion of Bible study_and_the various forms of Christian service. Sixty-four pages, frequently more, monthly, $1.00 a year; to Canada $1.25, to foreign countries $1.36 (5s. 7d.). For catalogue and further information address The Moody Bible Institute,

153-163 Institute Place, Chicago, Ill.

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