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Tongues, and in thofe miraculous Powers which were then conferred upon them.

Q. Why do we call this Festival Whitsunday?

A. Partly from the glorious Light of Heaven, which was this Day, fent down upon the Earth from the Father of Lights; but principally becaufe this Day, being one of the stated Times for Baptifm in the ancient Church, those who were baptized put on white Garments, as Types of that fpiritual Purity they received in Baptifm; and which they were obliged to preferve in the future Courfe of their Lives.

Q. Which were the ftated Times for Baptism in the Primitive Church?

c. 19.

A. At first all Perfons were baptized as Opportunity and Occasion served; and when there were appointed Seafons, Infants and the Sick received Baptifm at all Times. But when the Difcipline of the Church began to be settled, it was confined to two folemn and ftated Times of the Year, Eafler Tert. de and Whitfuntide, including the intermediate Space Baptif. of fifty Days that is between them; which was in a Manner accounted Feflival, and Baptifm administered during the whole Time. Befides thefe, Nazianzen reckons the Feast of the Epiphany, probably in Memory of the Birth and Baptifm of our Saviour, both which went anciently under that Title; but though this might be a Cuftom in fome places, yet it is queftioned whether it was univerfal; befides, afterwards it was prohibited and laid afide.

Q. Why were Eafter and Whitfuntide appointed for this purpose?

A. Eater was appointed in Memory of Chrift's Death and Refurrection; correfpondent to which are the two Parts of the Chriftian Life reprefented in Baptifm, dying unto Sin, and rifing again to Newness of Life. Whitfuntide, in Memory of the Apoftles

Mat. iii.


being then baptized with the Holy Ghoft and with As ii. 41. Fire, and of their having at that Time baptized themselves three thousand Souls; this Communication of the Holy Ghoft to the Apofiles, being in fome Measure reprefented and conveyed in Baptifm.

Q. Why was Baptifm deferred to thofe ftated Times? A. That adult Converts, who made up the Body of baptized Persons in thofe Days, might be fitted and prepared for their folemn Admillion into the Church by this Sacrament. In order to this Purpose, they were for fome confiderable Time catechifed and inftructed in the Principles of the Christian Faith, from whence the Candidates of Baptism were called Catechumens; they were obliged to give Testimony of their Proficiency in Chriftian Knowledge to the Bishop or Prefbyter, who was appointed to examine them upon fuch Points; they were farther to give Proof of a fober and regular Conversation, and, that they might be the better difpofed to receive the great Benefits of this Sacrament, they prepared themselves, by Prayer and Fafting, in a ftrict ObferPræf. Ca vation of the holy Seafon of Lent. As for the Children of Chriftian Parents, it is evident they were admitted to Baptifm in their Infancy, from the greatest Part of the ancient Writers, as Irenæus, Tertullian, Origen and Cyprian.


tech Iren.

1. 2. c. 9. Tertul. de Bap. Orig.

in Lev. c.

2. § 1.


In Rom.

lib. 5. § 3. $

Cypr. E

pift. ad Fidum.

As ii. 4.

Q. When were the miraculous Gifts of the Holy Ghoft conferred upon the Apoftles?

A. Upon the Day of Pentecoft, which was obferved by the Jews fifty Days after their Paffover, in Memory of the Law delivered at Mount Sinai, and for the gathering and bringing in of their Harvest.

Q. What was the first Effect of the Defcent of the Holy Ghost upon the Apofiles?

A. They began to fpeak with other Tongues as the Spirit gave them Utterance. Whereby they


who were Jews, were in an Inftant to publish that Religion, which God had revealed to them, all over the World.

Q. Did the Inhabitants of Jerufalem take any Notice of this Matter?

A. Yes; at the Noife of it, thofe Jews that were affembled at Jerufalem, from all Parts, to ob- aas ii. 6. ferve the Day of Pentecoft, came together unto the Place, and were confounded, because every Man heard the Apofles fpeak in their own Language wherein they were born.

Q. Wherein did this Gift of Tongues confift? A. Not in a Capacity of fpeaking feveral Languages at the fame Inftant, for that is impoffible; but in fpeaking feveral Languages, without ever having had the Advantage of learning them. So that the feveral Nations then prefent, heard fome or other ver. 8. of the Apoftles fpeaking in their own Language.

Q. How was this Gift conferred upon the Apoftles?

A. Suddenly there came a Sound from Heaven, A&s ii. 2, as of a mighty rufhing Wind, and it filled all the 3 Houfe where they were fitting; and there appeared unto them cloven Tongues, like as a Fire, and it fat upon each of them.

Q. What doth bis Sound from Heaven as of a mighty rubing Wind reprefent to us?

A. It is a fit Emblem of the Divine Spirit, by whofe Efficacy the Gofpel was to have a fpeedy and unexpected Succefs. To this our Saviour had compared it in his Difcourfe with Nicodemus. And John üi. it fignifies to us, that the Publication of the Gospel was attended with the fame divine Prefence and Power, that the giving of the Law was; but not with the fame Circumftances of Terror.

Q. What do the Cloven Tongues, as it were of Fire, reprefent to us?

A. Not only the Diverfity of Languages, miraculoufly infufed into the Apofiles, to enable them to


Acts xix. 6.

preach to divers Nations; but the quick and piercing Efficacy of their Speech.

Q. What mean these cloven fiery Tongues fitting upon each of them?

A. It fignifies that this Gift of Tongues was conftant, because they had continual Ufe of it; and that it was common to all the Apoftles, because they were all to be Publishers of the Gofpel, and the Witneffes of our Lord's Refurrection; which was the great Miracle whereby the Gospel was to be confirmed.

Q. What Evidence is there that this Miracle was real, and that there was no Manner of Deceit in it?

A. It was publicly wrought before many Witneffes, and thofe Enemies to the Apostles, as being the Difciples of him they had fo lately crucified. They gave Proof of this miraculous Power, in the Prefence of great Multitudes of feveral Nations, and in all Places where they went preaching the Gofpel.

Q. Might not the Apoftles craftily combine together to impofe upon the World by the Pretence of fuch a Miracle, after having acquired the Knowledge of Languages by Study and Induftry?

A. No; because they were not Strangers at Jerufalem; their Perfons were known as the Followers of Jefus; and fo was their mean Condition and illiterate Education; which gave them no Opportunity to attain this Skill in an ordinary Way. And where they were not known, their affirming that this Gift was fupernaturally conferred upon them, was fupported by the Power they had to work other Miracles of all Kinds, which they every where did frequently; and particularly in this Kind, having a Power to impart the fame Gift to others by the Impofition of Hands.

Q. But

Q. But might not this Gift of Tongues be only the Effect of an Enthusiastic Heat, and of a Brain diftempered with Wine?

A. Language being not natural to Man, but an arbitrary Thing, no violent Heat whatsoever could form a new Language to a Man which he never knew before. But were it poffible, the Time and the Manner how the Apostles ufed this Gift, prove that it was no Effect of Wine, for it was the third Hour of the Day, the Time of Morning Prayers, to which the Jews generally came fafting. And they argued with fuch Strength and Sedatenefs, that they convinced great Numbers of their Hearers of the Excellency of the Doctrine delivered by them; which fhews their Reafon was not difcompofed; and the fame Spirit and Power continued with them afterwards, which proves it was not the Effect of a fudden Heat.

Q. To what End were the Apoftles thus endowed with all Languages?

A. To enable them to spread and diffuse the Knowledge of Chriftianity over the World, the Gofpel thereby making a greater Progrefs in a few Years, than it could have done in human Probability without it in many Ages.

Q. Doth it feem probable that, if the Conversion of Infidels, were attempted by Men of honest and fincere Minds, God would extraordinarily countenance fuch a Defign?

A. It is agreeable to Reason to think he would, and no ways contrary to Scripture; for as the Wifdom of God is never found to be prodigal in multiplying the Effects of his Almighty Power, fo it is never wanting to afford all neceffary. Evidences and Motives of Conviction.

Q. What other extraordinary Gifts of the Holy Ghost were conferred upon the Apofiles? A. They

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