MARSHALL, FLORENCE. The public school and the girl wage earner. and the commons, 19: 849-51, October 5, 1907. Charities Compares salaries in occupations demanding training and those demanding little or none. MASSACHUSETTS. COMMISSION ON INDUSTRIAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION. What the value of the years from fourteen to sixteen might be to boys. In its Report, 1906. New York, Teachers college, Columbia university [1906]. p. 57-69. What the value of the years from fourteen to sixteen might be to girls. In its Report, 1906. New York, Teachers college, Columbia university [1906]. p. 70-84. The money side of education. Christian student, 11:26-27, May, 1910. Gives the occupations of graduates of elementary schools of Brooklyn, N. Y. The money value of an education. Educational exchange, 27: 7, August, 1912. Claims that each school day is worth $11.50 to the student. OUSLEY, CLARENCE. Profit in education. Proceedings, 1914. p. 38-44. In Alabama educational association. PHILLIPS, JOHN BURTON. Relation of the course of study to higher wages. Education, 26: 470-73, April, 1906. Salaries of educated man compared with salaries of the illiterate man. Missouri school journal, 25: 445, October, 1908. SCHAEFFER, NATHAN C. Does education pay in dollars and cents? In New Jersey state teachers' association. Proceedings, 1901. p. 62-73. What is a boy's time worth? American educational review, 30: 258-59, March, 1908. SMITH, W. W. Who are the eight thousand? A study of the education of all those whose names are given in "Who's who in America?" STAPLES, OTHA BOWMAN. Is there a relation between the amount of schooling and financial success in later life? Elementary school teacher, 10: 261-69, February, 1910. STETSON, W. W. Education and earning power. Teacher, 12: 167, June, 1908. THOMSON, E. H. and DIXON, H. M. Relation of the education of the farmer to his income. In their A farm-management survey of three representative areas in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa. Washington, Government printing office, 1914. p. 38-39. (United States. Department of agricul ture. Bulletin, 41.) WARREN, G. F., and LIVERMORE, K. C. Education of farmers. In their An agricultural survey. Ithaca, N. Y., The University [1911]. p. 550-54. (Cornell university. Agricultural experiment station of the College of agriculture. Dept. of farm management. Bulletin, 295.) Gives statistics of profits compared with education. WEBBER, H. J. Money value of education in farming. New Mexico journal of education, 9:17, December, 1912. HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION. AUSTIN, F. P. What high school graduates do. Journal of education, 65: 355, BEARD, E. J. H. What the boys who graduate from our schools do. Midland Occupations of graduates from the Newton, Iowa, high school. BROOKLYN TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. SUBCOMMITTEE ON SCHOOL INCENTIVES. Industrial efficiency. In its Report of the President, 1908-09. p. 25-29. Brooklyn, 1909. Does education pay? School education, 34: 5, November, 1914. Quotes figures showing superior earning capacity of high school pupils of Minneapolis. Earning and learning. Amer. school-board journal, 47: 23, October, 1913. Gives figures showing positions held during vacation by regular and by extension students of the Lane technical high school of Chicago. GUILBERT, CLYDE. A high-school education for the country boy. Ohio teacher, 28:535-36, July, 1908. Value to the country boy as great as to the city boy. High school graduates in business. School journal, 75: 780, June, 1908. POWELL, ARTHUR. Advantages of the high school. Ohio educational monthly, 57: 253-55, June, 1908. STEVENSON, F. G. A high school education as a financial investment. For the consideration of our friends, the boys, who have not yet finished school but who may be thinking of quitting to take a "job." Sierra educational news, 9: 726-27, November, 1913. Gives comparative statistics on the subject. TRADE AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION. BEVERLY INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Fourth annual report of the trustees, 1912. COMMISSION ON AID TO VOCATIONAL TRAINING. Report. DODGE, JAMES M. The money value of technical training. In American society of mechanical engineers. Transactions, vol. 25. New York city, Published by the Society, 1904. p. 40-48. Statistics. Summarized in Engineering magazine, 26: 589-90, January, 1904, and by C. Dillon in World's work, 22: 14756-58, August, 1911, under title "Money value of training for the trades." Also in Reports of the Mosely educational commission, p. x-xi; reprinted in Report of the Commissioner of education, 1905, p. 14-16. The money value of training. St. Nicholas, 31: 57-65, November, 1903. Address delivered by Mr. Dodge, president of the American society of mechanical engineers, at Williamson trade school, Philadelphia, March, 1903. Earning power of Technology alumni. Technology review, 14: 195-201, April, 1912. Massachusetts institute of technology. A collection of interesting statistics bearing on the earning capacity of Institute men, taken from class reports during the last fifteen years. The economic value. American school board journal, 46: 25, April, 1913. Money value of vocational education. HEDGES, ANNA CHARLOTTE. Wage worth of school training. Teachers college. Columbia university. Contributions to education, No. 70. A study of 600 women workers in textile factories. HUMPHREYS, ALEXANDER CRUMBIE. The economic values of industrial education. In National society for the promotion of industrial education. Proceedings, 1909. p. 26-38. (Its Bulletin no. 10.) JORDAN, G. GUNBY. Material and moral benefits of industrial education. In National society for the promotion of industrial education. Proceedings, 1908. p. 122-33. (Its Bulletin no. 9.) [Lowell, Mass., textile school issues statement regarding salaries earned by its graduates.] American school board journal, 38: 25, May, 1909. [MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY. ENGINEERING SCHOOL. Statistics concerning the suc cess of its graduates.] American educational review, 31: 492, May, 1910. Money value of technical training. Engineering magazine, 26: 589–90, January, NEW JERSEY. COMMISSION ON INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. The money value of industrial training. In its Report. Trenton, N. J., MacCrellish & Quigley, 1909. p. 33-38. chart. (Appendix C.) O'LEARY, WESLEY A. The wage value of vocational training. New York state factory investigating commission, Albany, 1915. 4th report. Appendix, VI. p. 1407-60. Contains a large amount of valuable concrete data on the influence of a number of industrial schools upon the salaries of their pupils. NEW YORK VOCATIONAL SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Report of the principal, 1911-12. PERSON, HARLOW STAFFORD. Efficiency of industrial education indicated by ex- PRATT INSTITUTE, BROOKLYN, N. Y. SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Gives earnings of trade graduates as compared with others who left school. RICE, D. E. Study of incomes of technically trained men. Scientific American, 109: 116, August 9, 1913. ROLLINS, FRANK. [Average wages of boys shop-trained and trained in technical schools.] In his Industrial éducation and culture. Schoolmasters' association of New York and vicinity. Monthly report, 15: 6, November, 1907. VANDERLIP, FRANK A. The economic importance of trade schools. In National education association. Journal of proceedings and addresses, 1905. p. 141-2. Discusses the question in general and in specific relation to German progress. HIGHER EDUCATION. Annual incomes of a recent Yale class. Yale alumni weekly, 21: 444-45, January 19, 1912. Statistics from the Five year record of the class of 1906, showing the average incomes of the men for each of the years since graduation. Partly republished under title "Does college education pay?" in Chautauquan, 66:158-60, April, 1912; also in Literary digest, 44: 212-13, February 3, 1912. ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGIATE ALUMNÆ. [Report of Committee on] Economic efficiency of college women. In its Publications, series III, no. 20, February, 1910, p. 1-20. Chairman, Susan M. Kingsbury. Statistics regarding living expenses and incomes. BARKER, JOHN MARSHALL. The practical value of an education. In his Colleges in America. Cleveland, Ohio, Cleveland printing and publishing co., 1894. p. 196–228. Statistical. Does a college education pay? American educational review, 30: 339-41, DRAPER, E. G. The college man in business. Outlook, 106: 27–30, January 3, Educational values. Dial, 55: 10, July 1, 1913. Gives the results of some computations made by the Northwestern university. Claims that a college diploma is worth $25,000. FELLOWS, S. N. Practical value of a college education. In National education association. Journal of proceedings and addresses, 1885. p. 214-22. FLINT, CHARLES R. Is a college education advisable as a preparation for a business career? Address. . . Outlook club of Montclair, N. J., November 23, 1900. 14 p. GAULT, F. B. The social and civil value of higher education. In South Dakota educational association. Proceedings, 1906. p. 72-80. HAPGOOD, E. J. College men in business. Annals of the American academy of political and social science, 28: 58-69, July, 1906. HAZEN, CHARLES DOWNER. The college and the citizen. American educational review, 33: 122-30, December, 1911. Gives the value of a college education. HYDE, WILLIAM DEWITT. The earnings of college graduates. In his The college man and the college woman. Boston [etc.] Houghton Mifflin company, 1906. p. 219–23. Tables showing earnings of graduates of Bowdoin college, by decades, 1 to 60 years out of college. JONES, J. C. The success of the college graduate. In Southern educational association. Proceedings, 1899. p. 73–84. College graduates among Congressmen. Does college education pay? Forum, 26: 354-63. Shows per cent of college men in prominent public positions. KRATZ, H. E. College education-does it pay? Educational review, 17: 297-99, March, 1899. MILLER, HERBERT ADOLPHUS. Incomes of college graduates ten years after graduation. Science, n. s. 31: 199–200, February 4, 1910. Pay of college graduates. School bulletin, 35: 47-48, November, 1908. Salaries statistics, college graduates. From Boston herald. PERKINS, R. C. L. The introduction of beneficial insects into the Hawaiian Islands. Nature, 55: No. 1430, p. 499. An account of the introduction of insects that preyed upon the enemies of trees and field crops. PERSON, HARLOW S. The college graduate in trade and industry. Education, 27: 589-600, June, 1907. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. CLASS OF 1901. Individual incomes. In its Decennial record. [Princeton] 1912. p. 343-47. Summarized in Literary digest, 45: 105-6, July 20, 1912. CLASS OF 1906. Income statistics. In its Fifth year record. [Princeton] 1912. p. 245-62. [Salary statistics for graduates of the commercial department of the University of Pennsylvania.] Old Penn weekly review, 1913, p. 203. The value of an education to the individual. Christian student, 17:66-68, May, 1916. Does it "pay" to go to college? Urges that student go to college with right spirit. Quotes President Hyde's statement about the superior earning power of Bowdoin graduates, especially after they have been out of college ten years. THURSTON, R. H. The college man as leader in the world's work. foundations, 18: 380-90, January, 1907. THWING, CHARLES FRANKLIN. Educational Certain great results. In his The American college in American life. New York [etc.] G. P. Putnam's sons, 1897. p. 46-87. With statistics. - College training and the business man. North American review, 177:587-669, October, 1903. College training and the business man. New York, D. Appleton and co., 1904. 143 p. 8o. American educational review, November, 1908. Discusses the number of college men in prominent public positions. II. VALUE TO THE COMMUNITY. BALLIET, THOMAS M. Relation of school education to social and industrial life. American education, 10: 179-81, November, 1906. CAMPBELL, P. L. Education and the state. In Lewis and Clark educational congress, Portland, Oreg., 1905. [Portland, Oreg., Presses of Anderson & Duniway co.] p. 113-21. CARLTON, FRANK T. The industrial factor in social progress. In National education association. Journal of proceedings and addresses, 1910. p. 659–66. The relation between recent industrial progress and educational advance. Popular science monthly, 72: 546-57, June, 1908. CLAXTON, PHILANDER PRIESTLEY. The economic value of education. In Maryland state teachers' association. Proceedings, 1912. p. 29–36. - Education and material wealth. In Missouri state teachers' association. Proceedings, 1912. p. 96-109. Education and wealth. In Wisconsin teachers' association. Proceedings, 1910. p. 185-88. DABNEY, CHARLES W. Ratio of education to production. World's work, 1:587-88, April, 1901. II, no. 10. A world wide law. In University of Tennessee. Index, series Shows that the producing power of the citizens of a state is in proportion to amount of education given them. ELLIS, A. CASWELL. The relation of education to economic development. Texas school magazine, 12:5-8, November, 1909. -The relation of higher education to the economic development of the state. Journal of education, 76: 199–201, August, 1912. FERNALD, R. F., and SMITH, C. D. Résumé of producer-gas investigations, October 1, 1904-June 30, 1910. U. S. Bureau of Mines. Bulletin, 13. Gives an account of the savings made possible by producer-gas engines. FISHER, IRVING. Conservation of human life. United States 62nd. congress, 2nd. session. Document, 493. Shows the financial losses from disease and the enormous savings brought about by medical science. Economic aspects of lengthening human life. Similar to the article above. Report on national vitality. health. Bulletin, no. 30. Committee of one hundred on national Similar to the first-mentioned article. FRANKEL, LEE K. Conservation of life by life companies. Reprinted from the Insurance world, August 12, 1913. Shows great money value of medical science. GROSER, W. P. Education and industrial success: report on the relations of education and industry in the United States of America. London, 1905. 32 p. 8°. HOFFMAN, F. L. Chances of death and the ministry of health. Shows great money value of medical science. HOWARD, L. O. Recent progress and present conditions of economic entomology. In Seventh international zoological congress. Proceedings. Shows money saved by economic entomology. Information regarding the study and investigation of the boll weevil and hog cholera plagues. United States. 63rd. Congress, 2nd. session, December, 1913. Document, 463. Shows great money savings from application of scientific knowledge to these two problems. |