Review of reviews, November, 1904, p. 563, Iowa's campaign for better corn. and December, 1908, p. 714. JENKS, JEREMIAH W. The social basis of education. In his Citizenship and the schools. New York, Henry Holt and company, 1906. p. 39–73. LAPP, JOHN A. [Value of scientific training for modern industry.] Case and comment, September, 1913. p. 234. MARSCHAL, PAUL. The utilization of auxiliary entomophagous insects. Popular science monthly, 1908, p. 364. Gives concrete cases of great money losses prevented by applying knowledge of entomology. NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION. Committee on taxation as related to public education. Report. Published by the association, 1905. NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. Bulletin no. 1. This gives the address of Sir Norman Lockyear on "Brain power in history." POE, CLARENCE H. Asia's greatest lesson for the south. Shows the value of education and of tools in increasing production. PORRITT, EDWARD. Civic value of 400 college graduates in Hartford, Conn. Independent, 58: 1163-68, May 25, 1905. POTTS, CHARLES S. Texas cattle fever: how science is winning a long fight. American review of reviews, 29: 49. Reports valuable results of work on cattle tick fever in the south. REYNOLDS, JOHN H. The relation of education to production. Fayetteville, Ark. [1905]. 15 p. 8°. SCHAEFFER, NATHAN C. Taxation for school purposes. In National education association. Journal of proceedings and addresses, 1902. p. 314-23. Contains arguments showing that public money spent on education is well invested. Scope and results of the work of the college of agriculture. University of Wisconsin. School of agriculture. Manuscript report of the Dean. SMALL, R. O. [The value of education to a community.] In United States. Bureau of education. Special features in city school systems. Washington, Government printing office, 1913. p. 19-20. (Bulletin, 1913, no. 31.) Report made by the Superintendent of schools of Beverly, Mass., giving figures showing the economic value to the community of a boy who has been graduated from the Beverly schools. THOMPSON, WILLIAM OXLEY. The economic relations of education. In National education association. Journal of proceedings and addresses, 1907. p. 87-93. YOUNG, J. T. Business and science. In Annals of the American academy of social and political science, 28:28-37. WARE, FABIAN. Educational foundations of trade and industry. New York, D. Appleton and company, 1901. 300 p. 12°. (International education series, ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 54.) WISCONSIN UNIVERSITY. [Account of the discoveries made and practices taught by the University of Wisconsin that have brought great financial returns to the state.] Bulletin, no. 666. General series, 478. Work and needs of the agricultural college and experiment station of the University of Illinois. Illinois printing company, December, 1908. о ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 15 CENTS PER COPY XIV. Washing dish towels, school curtains, etc... XV. Ironing.. XVI and XVII. Care of the baby........ XVIII. Cost of food, clothing, and house.. 22 23 25 XIII. Removing stains, bleaching fabrics, and setting colors.. 26 27 28 29 31 XVI. Baked pork and beans, or baked cowpeas-corndodgers.. 70 72 XVIII. Yeast bread.... 74 XIX. Serving a simple dinner without meat. Baked omelet. Macaroni and cheese.. XX. Sugar. Twenty lessons in sewing for the rural schools.. I. Preparation for sewing. II and III. Hemming towels.. IV to VIII. Bags... IX. Darning stockings. X. Patching... CONTENTS. Page. 79 79 82 83 87 91 92 93 99 101 103 XI to XVI. Cutting out aprons or undergarments.. XVII and XVIII. Methods of fastening garments. XIX. A padded holder for handling hot dishes.. XX. A cap to wear with the cooking apron... Index.. 105 |