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ploughing his lonely f.. shan't lie fallow...

Fulmina-sua f. mittat Jupiter...711

Fulminco-potentius ictu f..

Fulness-into the f. divine.

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tegatur proditur vultu f. Furore-malo permista f...

Furoris-trahit ipse f. impetus.... 27 23 Furrow-beneath the f.'s weight..155 17 come hither from the f... .368 14

off the stubborn

through the long f. drave. Furrowed-brow that's all f.. his f. face....

582 8 .532 2 459 11 Furrowing all the orient into gold. 530 7 Furrows-odious f. in my face....793 21 we see Time's f.. .801 17 Furta cujus quo f. laterent... .695 6 Further-don't want to go no f...850 5 I've little f. now to go.. ..868 18 thou shalt come, but no f.. Furtum-ingeniosus... Fury-blind f. of creation.

Gabe-wille nicht die G... Gaben-kommen von oben....... sind's am Ende G.... Gables-haunt thy pointed g......562 16 Gadding-be as slow from g.abroad370 10 the g. vine.. .813 6 Gaffer Grey-shiver...shake G. G.762 12 Gage-there I throw my g........ 92 11 Gährung-die feine G. kräftig. 794 17 Gaiety-breath of g. unrestrained.552 8 Gaily-close our ranks.. I lived as ease.. we're g. yet..

.842 5 .789 9

207 5

Gain-but general loss.

.770 16

comes to him from his g...

165 8

.567 11

cares of g..

13 26

.183 7

double g. of happiness..

783 6

[blocks in formation]

every bliss must g..

72 24

.511 13

comes the blind F. with.

.258 5

for g. not glory.

701 17

[blocks in formation]

filled with f. rapt, inspir'd..

[blocks in formation]

think he's all f..

14 13

hell a f. like a woman.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

in thy face I see thy f...

.251 27

guile and lust of g.

609 1

tired out with f..

336 18

in wild f.....

.321 15

heard through G.'s silence..

130 11

Function-of first is to teach.

.461 22

my patience to his f..

..584 11

much less it were to g.....

..506 12

very cipher of a f...

266 24

of a disappointed woman......888 4

necessity to glorious g.........551 27

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

every changing g. of spring.

give g: his reckless sail.

more than a propitious g.. note that swells the g... scents the evening g.. snowy plumage to the g..

.289 18

356 14

sauce for the g...... .329 7, 643 9

220 14

war, that mad g......845 7, 857 21 whose g. was empires...

Gander-finds honest g. for her. .498 19

Gang-aft a-gley.

Garmented-lady g. in light. Garments by the Soul laid by. cloud-folds of her g...

fashion of your g...

if Men my g. wear.

robe or g. I affect.

776 20

306 21

round it a g. of white.

272 1

48 24

62 18

.339 2

323 18

723 5

261 21

.144 26

keeping their g. white.

680 3

reasons are not like g..

.658 13

some in their g...

.314 12

195 2

stuffs out his vacant g.

.343 13

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

.274 15

Ganymede-matchless G.divinely.322 13 Garret-born in a g..

24 5

mixed by G..

206 6

living in a g..

24 10

578 18

Nature's self thy G..

336 16

secret of a g. room.

76 3

.787 4

or else flushed G.

.324 19

773 17

Gaoler-"But yet" is a g..

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Gap-in our great feact..

164 9

in the g. between..

549 15

.872 18

Galenus-dat G. opes..

Galére-faire dans cette g.

.754 11 502 .771 14


vogue la g....

.265 18, 635 17

Gales-and not the g..

704 8

before the favouring g.

.703 23

a g. in her face..

fresh g.... whispered it to..498 7

blossom of the g. dies..

200 18 .345 14 48 8 leave behind a g.. 147 20 Gapes-but g, and bites. 273 12 Gaps-of death in middle of life...389 6 Garcia-carry a message to G... 7 7 Garde-la G. meurt... .844 9 Gardées-vaches seront bien g....909 2 Garden-after the rain. .210 1 250 23 ...643 29

shall fan the glade..

764 16

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Garrick-our Ğ.'s a salad Garrulus-nam g. idem est.. ....153 21 Garter-familiar as his g.. ...610 12 Garth-did not write his own....599 16 Gasconade-full of g. and bravado. 866 19 Gashed-and g. with wars.. ..576 13 Gashes-twenty trenched g... ...920 21 Gasp-follow thee to the last g....699 15 thy g. and groan thy groan...175 12 Gasped-upon the brink. ...802 2 Gasping-from out the shadows...517 24 Gate-against the ivory g.. .....719 5 at heaven's g. she claps her....427 12 at one g. make defence..

99 27

.222 3

to the sighing g

356 12

can rear ag..

..136 4

at the g. of the West.

.220 19

vernal suns and vernal g..

.458 13

dress this g..

18 15

at the park g...

.462 7

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every Hyacinth the G. wears..280


at thy castle g.

.716 22

Pilot of the G. Lake.

.114 18

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"Be bold," first g..

142 22

Galilee-along the hills of G.

117 4

first g. of liberty's tree...

584 27

before g. of Paradise.

.570 7

as on the sea of G..

.591 4

for the earth's g.-close.....

.278 3

Death kneel at thy g..

.737 19

comfort o'er dark G..

169 5

full of rain..

.806 15

forehead is the g..

.513 12

[blocks in formation]

from passion-flower at g...

.482 17

597 20

glory's morning g...

.163 24

choking g. and a preserving...479


in a g. of cucumbers. .370 12,

764 10

golden orientall gate..

46 23

had he a particle of g..

334 16

in g. talked with God.

744 19

grave is Heaven's golden

g.....337 18

has ever poisoned my pen...

48 10

in my pleached g..

161 16

incessant g...

404 17

in the poor man's g......

135 2

in her heart.

485 6

keeps a man in g.......

.805 16

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lives in the g. green.

745 4

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man and woman in a g..

455 7

heaven's g. opens when. instructs you how.... knock at the Uttermost G.. lark at heaven's g. sings.. love the double g...

.721 7

.919 7

.736 14

...427 21

offence would after g...

414 25

never have a g. without..

..277 16

matters not how strait the

.263 21 g...737 12

of love is turned to g..

403 17

of old St. Mark.

767 17

near the sacred g.

.244 9

tie the g. up in the tongue..

89 9

with that knows no g..

.512 13

outdo our g. buds.

queen of the

g. art thou.

679 17

of gloomy Dis

364 1

...679 4

of pearl and gold..

.337 18

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river at my g.'s end.

.882 21

of the Royal Tent.

.823 10

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rosebud &. of girls..

896 15

on king's g. the moss grew.

.684 7

[blocks in formation]

Rose of the G.!.

680 17

open thy g. of mercy.

.510 10

Gallantry-of mind consists.

.276 6

Gallants-lads, boys..

round the sunny g. play.. scrap of land or g..

.112 13

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travell'd g. that fill.

511 24 ..810 14

Galled-flushing in her g. eyes....499 7 Galleon-moon was a ghostly g....556 4 Galleries-all the birds in leafy g..597 13 round your g. shine..

Gallery-eyes of g. critics.

Sensitive Plant in g. grew.. small House and large G.. summer bird cage in a g.... that in our g. grow.. they'll o'ergrow the g..

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palace as the cottage g.. Peri at the g. of Eden.

.263 1

..578 23

.854 10

.624 18

717 2

457 13

.880 5

867 11

145 5

spring's already at the g..... strait is the g....

747 2

.448 9

in Reporter's g. yonder

407 12

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the g. and the locust lane.

..869 13

Galley-doing in this g...

771 14

wanders... the g. o'er.

63 23

the mysterious g...


Gallie-fines penetraverint..

715 7

was a wild.

.887 24

through the Golden G..

.168 17

Galligaskins-that have long.

33 2

Galling-life thou art a g. load....442 10

yoke of time..

801 8

Gallop-he will ride a g.

it returns at a g...

Gallops-the zodiac in his.

65 1 .545 2 .529 29 .798 23 .816 10

.786 6

Time g. withal..
[trouble] g. with him..

Gallow-hempen string under the g.712 18 Gallows-standing in England....433 12 thief to the g..

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with comfort downward g.. with g. fed..


.409 18

187 13


Gear-lust of g. shall drive him...909 23 such soon-speeding g.... Geben-ist Sache des Reichen.. Geber-macht den G... Gebiete entzwei und g.. Geboren-in Arkadien g... in Ketten g... Gebrechen ein G. Preussens.. Gedanke ohne Phosphor kein zwei seelen, ein G.. Geese-all our g. are swans.

..871 24

as wild g. that the.

rob Rome's ancient g..

hung with g. trappings.

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rich not g..

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shuts up her g. shop.

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Gauger-played the flute.

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walked with willing foot.

540 14

Gaul-to G., to Greece..

within the limits of G..

Gefühle-herrliche G. erstarren...445 12 .460 7 Gegenwart eine mächtige Göttin.806 11 715 7 Gehalt-sein G. bestimmt...

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them together into place. .854 8 Gatherer-but a g. and disposer...654 23 Gatherers-could reach... 37 12 Gathering-there is no g. the rose.681 Gaudeamus-igitur... .453 22 Gaudensque-viam fecisse ruina..687 7 Gaudent-magni viri rebus. 10 5 Gauderes-magis g. quod habueras.477 13 Gaudet-male quæsitis vix g.. .394 12 Gaudia-non remanent. quæ g. differt...

Gaudiam-severa est verum g.....226
Gaudias-te est quod g...

Gaudy-heaven to g. day denies... 58 11

neat not g..

Gazelles-so gentle and clever. Gazer-rash g. wipe his eye. Gazers-her eyes the g. strike.. Gazes-and g. on the ground. with its thousand eyes. yellow god forever g. down....322 5 Gazest-ever true and tender. .768 15 Gazette-big enough for the G.. .407 3 Gazing-on each other's eyes.....250 5 on the earth. 527 17 on the Great..

the greatest g. is he.

where an opinion is g.. Generalities-glittering g. of. of natural right.. General Taylor-never surrenders. 845 8 Generation-are in their g. wiser..881 18 been the whole g.. .230 16 Don Quixote of one g... from a former g.

we of this g. have learned. Generations-celebrated by g. cross leads g. on.....

.849 17

Generative-proportion as it is g..787 13

375 28 Generosis-minus ignotos g.......313 22 .889 17 Generosity-pulses stirred to go..392 3 .691 3 Generous-ambition, g. and great.862 2 .561 23 and free..

but g. and gay.

.724 13

.861 1

17 21

747 3

.260 15

.610 1

from g. to g. as presents.. men and women of this g.. moves over with each new serve thy g...

75 15

g...635 11

.407 16

.311 23

.753 9

.312 7

.368 7

.827 15

.664 23

39 9

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.296 3

honoured in their g.

.373 11

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young g. pray recollect. Gentleness-a security for g.. love and trust prevail..

..418 13

wild g. of the Slavs.

846 16

.866 1

Gestus-dicentis adfigit.

573 12

the production of g.

226 10

thy g. commands the.

22 8

true parent of g..

730 14

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speak g.! 'tis a little thing... Genuflectendo et g...

Gentes-facien per secula g.......

Genti-lascia dir le g..

Gentian-see p. 310

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Genuine-what's g. shall. Genuit-mantua me g... Genus est mortis male. et g. et formam.. et virtus nisi cum re.. fortuna non mutat g.. infelicissimum g.. ingeniorum præcox g.. irritabile vatum.. nam g. et proaves. plumeless g. of bipeds.. qui g. jactat suum..

95 6

.913 3

98 14

357 3

when man of g. returns to.....400


.477 6 .341 9

.869 21 Patience and G. is Power......622 24 that giant very g.. 721 6

winning way with extreme g...871 4 with deeds requite thy g.. ..187 2 see also Gentleness p. 311 Gentler-sovereign, g. mightier...531 14 still g. sister woman. .437 16 Gentlewoman-pull the grave old. 822 18 Gentlewomen-as g. handle flowers. 79 11 Gently-as any sucking dove.....840 22 leads us to rest so g... .545 23 so g. o'er me stealing. 508 16 .742 24 626 21

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553 3

.522 21

faithful barking g..

199 14

380 20

733 21

like an ill-used g...

326 15

562 11

.309 17

like a sheeted g..

704 12

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moon pale g. of night.

.554 14

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needs no g. my lord..

34 12

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Geometry-path which leads to g.435 17 George-name be G. I'll call him. 543 11 George Dandin-vous l'avez voulu.882 16 George Herbert-conspicuous ex. .445 23 George Nathaniel Curzon-name of488 17 Georgia-marching through G.....733 17 Gepflastert-Pickelhauben g.. ..364 4 Geraldine-to G.'s were frights...705 16 Gerimus-deus, qui, quæ nos g....319 6 Germ-of the first upgrowth.. ..837 5 German-all G. cities are blind...249 6 commanders of G. vessels.. .849 4 confidence of G. people.

..832 17

walks unavenged.

what beck'ning g..

Ghostlike-grimly and g. creep...718 4 Ghostly-moon was a g. galleon. .556 4 Ghosts and forms of fright.. 34 5 despairing g. complain.. from enchanter fleeing.

haunted by a g. they depos'd..686 5 I look for g..

must be all over country.
of dead renown..
of defunct bodies..
of our foes are many..
see g. gliding between lines..
shoals of visionary g..
that died in vain..
that hold the heart.

..215 26

34 1

.853 1

.394 10

34 4

.853 3

.915 2

.915 2

.651 18 33 21

34 10

.915 2

541 8 874 4

34 19 .394 10

.846 16

.708 7

Gentleman-cannot have forgotten588 11

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fine puss g. that's all..

.593 17

hold Imperial G. government..842


where light-heel'd g..

.921 15

has he not instructed.

.701 1

I am a G. citizen.

859 18

Giant-baby figure of g. mass....

80 4

[blocks in formation]

is discipline of fear.

254 25

before a sleeping g...

.132 3

how bething the g..

.910 21

not yield to G. Rhine..

.857 7

brazen g. of Greek fame..

.552 14

is disposed to swear.

774 6

reservists would find.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

.673 14

dwarf on a g.'s shoulder.

1 18

know a discontented g..

[blocks in formation]

great as when a g. dies.

64 18

like a g...

156 22

we G. fear God..

..311 14

like a g. robe..

47 7

never pass for a g..

[blocks in formation]

of the western star.

749 11

of England..

108 7

you shall not pass..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

often seen to laugh.. prince of darkness a g. Rt. Hon. g. caught the

Rt. Hon. g. indebted to St. Patrick was a g.... shewed him the g.....

118 1 31 12

.778 15

Germany-'s greatness makes it. .859 17

must have her place..
say to G. that repetition..

without G. and the Emperor. .859 17 Germs-of good in every soul.. ..663 17 Gesang-das Schöne blüht im G...296 2 den lohnt G...

the g. dies...

.168 20

in the saddle.

..311 13

the g.'s unchained strength.

294 14

.617 4

[blocks in formation]

..849 4

[blocks in formation]

to be a good man and a g... to kiss the lady's hands..

328 18

.349 23

unhappy g. resolving to wed...497 14

Wein, Weib und G.. Geschäftig-ist Jahre lang g. sein sobald sie reift..

82 5 473 3

Giants-fight against imaginary g.925 21 great men. . . g. in promises.474 4 in the earth.

30 19

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.794 17

sleeps with primeval g..

.229 16

.290 2

startled g. by Nile's.

.218 8

who was then the g...

.911 1

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

that had fled..

129 11

.711 2

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Gibber-earth loves to g..

.263 16

Gentlemanly-old-g. vice.

53 4

Gentlemen-Buzzards are g....... 23 18

cooks are g.....
conversation among g..
invention for g. who see..
'longside some pious g..
Manhattan g. delightfully.
mob of g, who wrote with.
of England! fight..

138 2

Geschlecht-anders denkendes das sterbliche G... Geschmack-ohne G..

G..789 12

squeak and g............

34 11

.864 2

Gibbering-throw me into a g.....619 19

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137 15

...254 18

Geschöpf-nachahmendes G... Geschöpfe diese hat nur G..

.388 2

Giddy-joy makes us g..

409 16

.. 44 19

our fancies are more g...

500 1

.100 3

.552 7

.408 16

[blocks in formation]

So many g. offences..

.894 14

.311 24

Giddy-paced-brisk and g. times..733 4

.714 21

Gift-accept the g...

.184 12

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Gestic-skilled in g. lore.. Gesticulation-with uncouth g....874 Gesture-dumbness of the g......104 23 every g. dignity and love......891 20 language in their very g.......426 20 natural in g... ..630 3

crave of thee a g..

crowns Desire with g..............

.157 7

beauty is the lover's g...

58 17


before the g. of Eve..

893 22

[blocks in formation]

consider a g. of God..

449 17

792 21

..762 2

[blocks in formation]

to g. refined gold..

44 21

181 20 .339 21

Gilded-halo hovering.. tombs do worms infold Gilds-eternal summer g. them yet342 4 Gilead-no balm in G... 124 14 Gilly flowers-carnations and g....281 8 Gilt-the ocean with his beams. .529 29 Gimble-gyre and g. in the wabe560 13 Gimcrack-that can get nothing..815 4 Gineral C.-is a dreffle. 132 9

Girded-let your loins be g. about646 7 Girdeth-him that g. on harnesss.727 4 Girdle-round about the earth....219 3 round about world. starry g. of the year.

Girl-a g. that loves him not.

Given-ask and it shall be g. you..627 2 away by a novel.

I have g. I have kept.. is sweet, g. or returned.

[blocks in formation]

sunshine of g..

...147 15

Glances-of hatred that stab
Glancing-pebbles g. in the sun...
Glanz-Duft und G. gemischt..
Glänzt-was g. ist für den..
Glare-are ever caught by g..

of false science betray'd.
of truth at last..
temper the g. of the sun..
.320 4 Glass-antique! 'twixt.

fleet is g. of the mind.

.513 17

497 20

gave him counsel at a g.

.800 20

.231 5

his last g. behold.

275 16

.480 17

round his bookshelves..

.440 2

.312 14

.158 12

.457 6

..354 14

84 18

.619 1

.487 8

.691 18

253 8

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