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Not long upon the pass of war shall we
Stand separate, nor each the other shun.
Then with stern glance to godlike Hector thus:
Draw near and quickly meet thy doom of death.


[blocks in formation]

r. Decline χείρ, αἰδὼς, πόλις, οὐδεὶς; and in combination, οὗτος ὁ βασιλεύς.

2. Give the principal tenses of πάσχω, ἔχω, ἐλαύνω, ἀφικνέομαι, Tuyxȧvw; and write out the singular, dual, and plural of oïda and the present indicative δουλόω.

3. Translate into Greek :-(a) Alexander said that he would not act like the Spartans. (b) We must show (verbal) a great change and reformation, taking the field in person. (c) From thence he made sail for the shores of Gaul, sending forward one bark from his squadron to convey to the besieged the news of his arrival, and to exhort them to sally forth with their whole naval force, and join him off Tauroentum, a port and fortress at a little distance on the coast. The Massilians, since their recent defeat, had devoted themselves with unwearied energy to repairing their galleys, and arming the merchant vessels and fishing boats with which their harbour swarmed.


1. Decline Deus, imber, mare; and in combination, unus homo superstes.

2. Give the perfects, infinitives, and supines, active, of gigno, fundo, emo, scindo, spondeo; and write out the singular and plural of the present indicatives prosum and nolo.

3. Translate into Latin: (a) (in oratio obliqua) "I will send," said Cæsar, "the most faithful freedman I have, and, if I can, I will come myself. Accordingly, do not despair, for all will be well." (b) Hasdrubal having laid waste the open country, advanced towards Panor mus and drew out his army in order of battle, as if in defiance. Then Metullus, keeping his regular infantry within one of the gates on the left of the enemy, so that by a timely sally he could attack them in flank, scattered his light troops in great numbers over the ground immediately in front of them, with orders if hard pressed to leap down into the ditch for refuge. Meanwhile all the idle hands in the town were employed in throwing down fresh supplies of missile weapons at the foot of the wall within the ditch, that the light troops might not exhaust their weapons.



1. Give the date and other particulars of the battles of Eurymedon, Mantineia, Mutina, Panormus, Pydna.

2. What were the provisions of the peace of Cimon, and its date?

3. How were the Athenian dicasteries constituted? Who were the Prytanes?

4. What events led to the Peloponnesian War?

5. What were the provisions and the dates of the Oppian and of the Ogulnian Laws, respectively?

6. Write a sketch of the life of Tib. Gracchus.

7. Who proposed the first Agrarian law, and what was its nature?

8. Draw a sketch of the east coast of Northern Greece and Macedonia.

9. Draw an outline map of Italy south of Rome.

10. Name the principal Greek and Roman historians, stating at what time each flourished, and of what period he treated.





Subjects for English Composition.

"Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey,
Where wealth accumulates, and men decay."
William Pitt.

The influence of physical causes in accelerating or retarding the progress of civilization.

[One subject to be selected.]



Translate into English

O landes! ô forêts! pierres sombres et hautes,

Bois qui couvrez nos champs, mer qui battez nos côtes,
Villages où les morts errent avec les vents,

Bretagne d'où te vient l'amour de tes enfants?
Des villes d'Italie, où j'osai, jeune et svelte,

Parmi ces hommes bruns montrer l'œil bleu d'un Celte,
J'arrivai, plein des feux de leur volcan sacré,

Mûri par leur soleil, de leurs arts enivré;

Mais dès que je sentis, ô ma terre natale,
L'odeur qui des genêts et des landes s'exhale,
Lorsque je vis le flux et reflux de la mer,
Et les tristes sapins se balancer dans l'air;
Adieu les orangers, les marbres de Carrare,
Mon instinct l'emporta, je redevins barbare,
Et j'oubliai les noms des antiques héros

Pour chanter les combats des loups et des taureaux.

1. Give the femin. of doux, faux, complet, cadet, entier, aigu, favori, sec, frais, vieux.

2. Give the pres. subj. (I sg. and 3 sg.) of these verbs: trahir, pouvoir, nuire, hair, mouvoir, maudire, courir, cueillir, venir, voir, tenir.

3. Give such rules as you know for the use of the grave or the acute


4. Write down accurately the rule for the agreement of the past participle with the auxiliary avoir; give examples.

5. What do you know of the peculiarity in the gender of these nouns gens, amour, aigle, couple?

6. Give the past tense of these verbs: répondre, sourire, tendre, vendre, courir, rire, conduire, devoir, savoir, vouloir.


Pascal, dem zu dessen Befriedigung wenig oder gar keine Gelegenheit verschafft wurde, war den Gefahren der Einseitigkeit und allem, was zu ihrem Gefolge gehört, von Hause aus blossgestellt; um so mehr, als auch die Pascal'sche Familie, durch den Tod der Mutter zu früh ihrer segensreich fesselnden Kraft beraubt, für jenen augenscheinlichen Mangel keinen Ersatz bieten konnte.

Es wird uns freilich gesagt, dass das älteste der Pascal'schen Kinder, die damals elfjährige Gilberte, sehr bald die Stelle der Mutter vertreten habe. Aber wie bald denn, wenn es überhaupt möglich wäre? Und gar Mutterstelle bei zwei Wunderkindern wie Blaise und Jaqueline! Es gehört viel Einbildungskraft dazu, sich dergleichen vorstellig zu machen. Dazu sehen wir Stephan Pascal wiederholt von seinen Kindern getrer.nt leben; als er bei Richelieu in Ungnade gefallen war, ein Jahr lang. Was Blaise unterdessen trieb, und wer sich seiner angenommen habe, erfahren wir nicht.

1. What is the gender and what is plural of these nouns: dorf, bach, wald, geist, reichthum, bank, hand, frau, schiff, bett, hemd, hund, schuh, adler?

2. Give the past tense indic. I sg. of the verbs: bieten, beten, hauen, laufen, fangen, nehmen, dürfen, bringen, nennen, waschen?

3. Write out sentences showing the different cases governed by the prepositions: in, an, hinter, zwischen, unter.

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to three decimal places.

5. Find the coefficient of x2y5 in (4x − y)7.

6 The product of two numbers is 810, and the sum of their squares is 1629; find them.

7. Find the interest on £156 98. 2d., for 250 days, at 4 per cent. per


8. If the charge for the carriage of 27 tons be £18 38., for 42 English miles, what should be the charge for the carriage of 54 tons for 100 Irish miles ?

9. A merchant, who possesses a share in a ship, sells it at a profit of 15 per cent. He receives £911 198.; what was his original share?

10. A starts from a station at the rate of 3 miles an hour, and after an interval of 3 hours B starts from a distant station to meet him, at the rate of 5 miles an hour. They meet exactly half way. Required the distance between the two stations.


1. Prove that the sum of the internal angles of any polygon, together with four right angles, is equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides.

Trisect an angle of 45°.

2. Construct a square equal to a given rectilinear figure.

3. Prove that the sum of the opposite angles of a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle is equal to two right angles.

The sum of the opposite arcs of a circle intercepted by two chords cutting at right angles is equal to the semi-circumference?

4. The area of a triangle is 100 square feet, and its base is 20 feet; find the area of a similar triangle whose base is 10 feet, and prove the proposition on which the solution depends.

5. Find a mean proportional between two given finite right lines. Cut a given finite right line into five equal parts.

6. Find the sines and cosines of 30°, and 60°; and prove the formula

cos (30°- A) – cos (30° + 4) = sin (60° + 4) – sin (60° – A).

7. Find the values of

tan 120°, sin 315°, cot 420°.

8. Resolve x2 - 2x + sin2 2A into factors.

9. The sides about the right angle of a right-angled triangle are a and b find in terms of these quantities the value of

sin 2A + sin 2B + sin 2C.

10. Express the tangent of half an angle of a triangle in terms of the three sides.


Translate the following passages :

1. Beginning, Δεύτερον αὖ θώρηκα περὶ στήθεσσιν ἔδυνεν, κ.τ.λ. Ending, Δεινὸν δερκομένη, περὶ δὲ δεῖμός τε φόβος τε.

HOMER, I., lib. xi. 19–38.

2. Beginning, κἀγώ λαθραῖον ὄμμ ̓ ἐπεσκιασμένη, κ. τ. λ. Ending, τῷ παιδὶ φράζω τῆς τεχνωμένης τάδε.

SOPHOCLES, Trachiniæ, 914-29.

3. Beginning, καὶ πάλιν Περδίκκα, τῷ κατὰ τὴν τοῦ βαρβάρου, κ. τ. λ. Ending, λημμάτων γράφοντες πᾶν ὅ τι ἂν βούλωνται.

DEMOSTHENES, Adv. Arist., 687.

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