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Yo no sé adonde me guia,
Y asi navego confuso,
El alma á mirarla atenta,
Cuidadosa y con descuido.

Recatos impertinentes,
Honestidad contra el uso,
Son nubes que me la encubren
Cuando mas verla procuro.

¡O clara y luciente estrella,
En cuya lumbre me apuro!
Al punto que te me encubras
Será de mi muerte el punto."


Translate the following passage into French :

Among all the accounts which are given of Cato, I do not remember one that more redounds to his honour than the following passage related by Plutarch. As an advocate was pleading the cause of his client before one of the pretors, he could only produce a single witness in a point where the law required the testimony of two persons: upon which the advocate insisted on the integrity of that person whom he had produced; but the pretor told him, that where the law required two witnesses, he would not accept of one, though it were Cato himself. Such a speech from a person who sat at the head of a court of justice, while Cato was still living, shows us, more than a thousand examples, the high reputation this great man had gained among his contemporaries upon the account of his sincerity.-STEele.

Translate the following passages :


Je le suivis dans une espèce de conduit tortueux qui nous mena bientôt au fond d'une vieille cour entourée de hautes bâtisses en bousillage, avec de petites galeries vermoulues sous le pignon, et la girouette au-dessus, comme dans la rue du Fossé-des-Tanneurs, à Strasbourg. A droite, se trouvait la brasserie: on découvrait les cuves cerclées de fer sur les poutres sombres, des tas de houblon et d'orge déjà bouillis, et dans un coin, une grande roue à manivelle, où galopait un chien énorme, pour pomper la bière à tous les étages.


Make the necessary corrections in the following:

On n'entendait plus les marteaux frappant l'enclume de coups redoublé. Néron avait donné dans sa jeunesse des espérances qui ne se sont pas

réalisé. Battu par la tempête, ces vaisseaux ont échoué sur des récifs où ils se sont brisé. Dieu a tracé son nom sur tous les ouvrages qu'il a créé, sur toutes les merveilles qui sont sorti de ses mains. La nature ne s'est jamais écarté des lois qui lui ont été prescrit et des plans qui lui ont été tracé par le Créateur. Les arbres les plus élevé sont les plus exposé aux coups de la tempête. Nos plus fastueux monuments sont de vastes tombeaux, sous lesquels sont enseveli les générations qui les ont élevé. Les montagnes de la Bétique sont couvert de troupeaux qui fournissent des laines fines, recherché de toutes les nations connu. On pardonne à des enfants repentant les fautes qu'ils ont commis. Les grands hommes appartiennent moins au siècle qui les a vu naître qu'à celui qui les a formé. Tous les talents réuni n'ont jamais valu une vertu.



1. Translate into German :

One day my father was seated on the lawn before the house, his straw hat over his eyes, and his book on his lap, when suddenly a blue-andwhite flower-pot, which had been set before a window in an upper story, fell to the ground with a crash, and the fragments sputtered up round my father's legs. Sublime in his studies as Archimedes in the siege, he continued to read: "Impavidum ferient ruinae." "Dear, dear," cried my mother, who was at work in the parlour, "my poor flower-pot that I prized so much! Who could have done this? Mrs. Primmins!" The nurse popped her head out of the window, and came down pale and breathless. "Oh," said my mother, "I would rather have lost all the plants in the greenhouse, I would rather the best set of tea-cups were broken, than the dear flower-pot which Mr. Caxton bought for my birthday, and the poor geranium I reared myself. That naughty child must have done this." Mrs. Primmins was dreadfully afraid of my father, and casting a hasty glance on her master, who was beginning to evince signs of attention, she cried out promptly, "No, madam, it was not the dear boy, it was I." "You, how could you be so careless? Oh Primmins!" Here the nurse began to sob. "Don't tell fibs, nursey," said I at last, coming boldly out of the house," and you, mamma, don't scold her, it was I who pushed down the flower-pot."-Bulwer.

2. Translate into English :

Ein Feind, den man in früheren Jahrhunderten als sehr furchtbar angesehen hatte, ward von Friedrich auf eine ergötzliche Weise abgewiesen. Dies war die Reichsacht, die der in Regensburg versammelte Reichshofrath über den König von Preussen verhängte. Am 14 October, 1757, erschien der kaiserliche Notar Aprill begleitet von zwei Zeugen, in der Wohnung des preussischen Gesandten zu Regensburg, Frelherrn von Plotho, um ihm die Citation wegen der Achtserklärung zu überbringen. Sie war überschrieben: Vorladung des Kurfürsten und Markgrafen von Brandenburg.' Plotho empfing den Notar im Schlafrocke, und befahl ihm im grimmigsten Tone, seine Citation zurückzu

nehmen. Da der Notar sich dessen weigerte, schob Plotho das Papier gewaltsam in den Rock des Notars, stiess ihn zum Zimmer heraus und rief zwei dabeistehenden Bedienten zu, sie sollten Aprill und seine Begleiter über den Gang hinunterwerfen. Der Notar musste zurück, ohne seine Citation abgegeben zu haben. Damit hatte es vorläufig sein Bewenden; denn bald erfocht Friedrich neue Siege, die dem Reichshofrath mehr Bedachtsamkeit einflössten.-KUGLER.

3. Explain the meaning of the terms: Minnegesang-NibelungenStrophe Schwäbische Dichterschule.

4. Give an account of Uhland's ballad, "Mährchen," as well as of "Der Wirthin Töchterlein,” adding quotations where you can.

5. Translate the following lines of Uhland, and explain the sense:(a). Ist denn im Schwabenlande verschollen aller Sang,

Wo einst so hell vom Staufen die Ritterharfe klang? (b). Wo rüstig Heldenleben längst auf Beschwörung lauscht, Da trippelt man vorüber und schauert wenn es rauscht.

(c). O Zollern, deine Leiche umschwebt ein lichter Kranz,

Sahst du vielleicht noch sterbend dein Haus im künftgen Glanz ? (d). Droben auf dem schroffen Steine

Ragt in Trümmern Autafort.


Moderatorships in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics.


MICHAEL ROBERTS, M. A., Professor of Mathematics.
RICHARD TOWNSEND, M. A., Professor of Natural Philosophy.

1. Integrate the equation


(ax+by)/1+ y3 dx = (ay + bx) √1+x2 dy.

2. Integrate the equation

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into one between u and v, where these quantities are defined by the equations

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and v is regarded as the independent variable. Integrate by this process the above equation.

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(1 − 2xyz) { (1 + x2) p − ( 1 + y2) q } = x2 (ix − y) (xy − 1).

7. Integrate the partial differential equation

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8. If the conic of five-point contact at any point of a curve whose equation is y = f(x), is represented by the equation

A (y-6)2+2B (x − a) (y-ẞ) + C(x − a)2 + D = 0,

express A, B, C, a, ẞ in terms of the differential coefficients of the


9. Exhibit the roots of the biquadratic

x1-6ax2-8√ a3 + b3 + c3 − zabc x + 3 (4bc − a2) = 0.


1. Find the curve on an hyperboloid of one sheet, along which the generators intersect at a given angle.

2. Find the envelope of the ellipsoids

x2 cos2 a + y2 cos2 ß + z2 cos2 y = (a cos a + b cos ẞ + c cos y)2.

3. Let a cone be circumscribed to a given ellipsoid; prove that, if one of its principal angles be a right angle, its vertex will describe a wave surface.

4. Let Q be the foot of a perpendicular dropped from the centre O of the ellipsoid,



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[blocks in formation]

+ = b2 c2

upon a plane tangent at P, and let OQ= p, OP=r; also let a, ẞ, y be the angles made with the axes by the bisector of the angle POQ: prove that

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5. Find the locus of a point P from which three linear tangents to a given ellipsoid intersect mutually at right angles; and prove that the polar plane of P touches an ellipsoid confocal with the given one.

6. Define elliptic co-ordinates, and give the expressions for the Cartesian x, y, z in terms of the elliptic co-ordinates λ, μ, v.

7. Find the equation of the envelope of the plane

a coseco+y cosec +z cosec


cot 0+cot + cot,

where 0++ =T, and point out a property of the envelope which is suggested by the form of the equation.

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