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6. Define the varieties of convulsions, the diseases in which they occur, and what prognostic value attaches to their supervention in the various stages of the Exanthemata ?



1. Describe the physiological action of Nitrite of Amyl. State its dose, mode of administration, and the cases in which it might prove beneficial?

2. Prescribe a preparation of Mercury so as to affect the system rapidly, describe the signs of mercurialization in the order in which they usually occur before salivation takes place, and give the treatment for profuse salivation.

3. In what form and dose would you administer Morphia or Atropia by hypodermic injection, and how would you counteract an over dose of Morphia?

4. Write a prescription for a freezing mixture without employing snow or ice, which would answer in place of ice as an external application.

5. Describe the difference in the action of Collodium and Collodium flexile when applied to the skin. Which of these preparations is the most permanent, and what solvent would you employ to remove a film of dried Collodium from the skin? How would you distinguish pure Creasote from Carbolic Acid by means of Collodium?

6. Classify Diaphoretics according to their mode of action, and mention the influences by which their operation is retarded or promoted.



1. Under what circumstances does abscess in the brain occur?

2. What is cirrhosis of the liver? Explain the prominent symptoms of this disease by the pathological changes in the liver.

3. In what organs, besides the skin, are lesions found in fatal cases of small pox?

4. Contrast the ulceration of the intestines that is met with; Ist in phthisis, 2nd in typhoid fever.

5. Describe the appearance of the lung in an ordinary case of lobar pneumomia.

6. How are uriniferous cysts in the kidney formed?




1. Mention the parts met with in the dissection of the submaxillary space, from the cutaneous surface to the mucous membrane of the mouth.

2. Enumerate fully, and in order, all the anatomical structures successively divided in the different steps of the operation of Lateral Lithotomy.

3. Describe the "Capsule of Tenon." What physiological purposes does it subserve? In what operative procedures is it concerned?

4. Give the origin, course, relations, branches, and anastomoses of the gluteal artery. In what cases has it been ligatured? What is the rule of Mr. Lizars, and what that of M. Robert, for guidance to reach it?

5. Enumerate the various nerves found in the petrous bone: state the foramina through which they enter or emerge.

6. Give an outline of the parts concerned in femoral hernia; describing particularly the fascial, and vascular, arrangements; including those of any irregularities of disposition you are acquainted with. What various anatomical structures may produce constriction in case of strangulation?


1. Enumerate and explain the different forms of Ametropia, and their effects; how are they to be recognised, and how treated?

2. Describe zonular or lamellar Cataract, and the peculiar dental formation, and its causes, which Mr. Hutchinson has pointed out as associated with that condition. Mention the methods of treating the complaint.

3. Mention the Tumors which occur within the eyeball, defining their histological characters, how they are to be distinguished, what they may be confounded with, the symptoms they cause, and how they should be treated.

4. Classify Glaucoma. Describe and explain the symptoms and appearances met with in the different varieties, and mention the appropriate treatment.

5. Enumerate the symptoms produced on the eye and its appendages by syphilitic disease in the orbit or within the cranium.

6. Mention the conditions in which excision of a portion of Iris is indicated, and the reasons for such operative interference.




1. Why is mercury well adapted for thermometric purposes? its density, coefficient of expansion, and specific heat.


2. Define specific heat. Describe any method by which the specific heat of a substance may be ascertained.

3. What is the specific heat of iron? If 9 lbs. of hot iron plunged into two gallons of water at 60° F. raise the temperature of the water to 80°, find the original temperature of the iron.

4. Define latent heat. What is the latent heat of steam? Is it the same at all temperatures? If not, state the law by which it is connected with the sensible heat.

5. How much steam, at 212° F., must be condensed in two gallons of water at 62° to raise the water to the boiling point?

6. Explain the theory of the double gold leaf electroscope.

7. Describe the galvanometer. Of what use is the copper plate which is usually interposed between the needles?

8. How would you produce an electric current by means of a magnet? State the law by which the direction of the current is regulated.

9. A common poker is usually a magnet. Explain the reason of this, and state which end should be the north pole.

10. How is a thermo-electro current produced?

How may such currents be used for detecting and measuring small differences of temperature?

[blocks in formation]

1. Describe the process for making nitric acid in which the acid sulphate of potassium is left as a residue. Give an equation representing the reaction.

2. What is the composition of olefiant gas, and what is its relation to alcohol?

3. Let Cy represent the organic radical cyanogen. Give the formulæ of hydrocyanic, cyanic, and sulphocyanic acids. Also show the connexion between some of the ammonium compounds of these acids and


4. In a sample of urine which has been standing some time, the urea would be found converted into carbonate of ammonium. How would you determine the original amount of urea present?

5. State the composition of the basic nitrate of bismuth, and the oxid of bismuth of the Pharmacopoeia. How do they differ in appearance

State the chemical reactions by which they may be distinguished one from the other.

6. The following equation may be supposed to represent the action of sulphuric acid upon arsenical zinc. Correct it.

As2 + 6Zn + 6H2SO4 = 2AsH3 (6Zn HSO).

7. What is understood by the term albumenoid? Name the three most important albumenoids, and state what properties are common to all of them.

8. Ten cubic centimetres of diluted hydrocyanic acid gave 0.7 gramme of cyanide of silver. What percentage of hydrocyanic acid did this sample contain ?

9. How would you prove the presence of a sulphite when mixed with a sulphate ?

10. Explain the process for the production of permanganate of potas sium by the aid of chlorate of potassium.



1. Describe Lignum Guaiaci and the resin obtained from it. How would you test for the resin in the Tinctura Guaiaci Ammoniata ?

2. Name at least three of the plants in the Natural Order Leguminosæ which are widely different in their therapeutic action, and specify the dose and action of each of them.

3. Give the distinctive characters of Sinapis alba, and Sinapis nigra, and explain the action of water on the Mustard of commerce.

4. What is the most important difference in the composition of Extractum Colocynthidis Compositum, and Pilula Colocynthidis Composita ?

5. Write a prescription in Latin, without abbreviations or symbols, for effervescing draughts.

6. Give the characters of Conium maculatum, its preparations and the dose of each of them. How is Hemlock to be distinguished from the more poisonous Ethusa cynapium?

7. Describe and explain the change which Hydrargyri Iodidum Viride undergoes on exposure to light, and state the means by which it can be restored to a state of purity.

8. Give the characters of the Gum Resins in the Pharmacopoeia, and state the therapeutic action and dose of each of them.

9. Enumerate the Emetics in the Pharmacopoeia, state the dose of each of them, and the Emetics most suitable for young children.

10. Give the characters of Antimonii Chloridi Liquor, and its use in Pharmacy, and in Medicine. How is Antimonii Oxidum prepared?



1. Describe the plant on the table, taking its parts in the following order; viz.:

[blocks in formation]

2. Refer the two plants on the table to their Natural Orders, and Tribes in the Order.

3. Describe the essential characters of the Natural Order Coniferæ. 4. Describe the vegetable cell and its ordinary contents.

5. Describe the structure of a one year old branch of any Angiospermous plant.

6. Describe the pollen grain, stating the manner fertilization is effected in Angiosperms.

7. Describe the germination and fertilization of Ferns.

3. Describe the fertilization and female flower of a moss, until the maturity of the Sporangium.

9. Describe the structure of any Agaricus in detail.

10. Describe the development and mode of forming the reproductive spore in Zygnema.




1. Given the diagonals and angles of a quadrilateral, construct it. 2. From a given point draw a line across the sides of a triangle so that the intercepted segments shall have a given ratio.

3. Draw a line across the sides of a quadrilateral so that the intercepted segments shall have given ratios.

4. Given three points a, b, c on the sides of a triangle, draw a transversal meeting the sides in A, B, C so that Aa: Bb: Cc shall be given. 5. Given the difference of base angles and radius of circumscribing circle, construct the triangle when it is a maximum.

6. Given an angle and two points, draw a chord of the angle through one point so that the angle subtended at the other may be given, or a maximum.

7. Describe a circle through two points so that the segment cut off by a given line may contain a given angle.

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