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23. The Roman Canon of the Mass itself bears witness against modern Romish doctrine ?

24. What is the argument against Transubstantiation used in the protestation at the end of the Communion Office? Where had this argument been previously used in the formularies ?

25. What is the Roman Catholic answer to it? If this answer be good, it equally invalidates the proof of certain other Roman Catholic doctrines?

26. Enumerate and explain some of the distinct miracles which Roman Catholic Divines count as taking place in every consecration of the Eucharist?

27. How is the use of Prayers in Latin intimately connected with the Romish theory of the Mass?

28. Mention some cases of diversities of local usage in the early Church. On what occasion did St. Ambrose give his advice with respect to such diversities?

29. Yet it was impossible that one diocese should be absolutely independent of every other?

30. What examples are there of the interference of authority with local usages?

31. Are we bound to maintain that the Creeds were always received on the ground on which the Church of England now receives them?

32. Give instances of the legitimate use of tradition in the interpretation of Scripture?

33. What are counsels of perfection? Examine the theory that the satisfactions performed by complying with them can be transferred for the benefit of others?

34. What help was given by Pope Gregory the Great to the prevalence of belief in a Purgatory? Yet it appears that in his time the doctrine was not fully developed.

35. What is the statement of the Council of Trent concerning Purgatory? What questions concerning it does the Council leave open?

36. The jurisdiction conferred on the Pope by the Council of Sardica falls short of that which has been since claimed for him? This jurisdiction was conferred in the interests of orthodoxy?

37. On what grounds did the decree of Chalcedon rest the precedence of Rome? Discuss the claims of this Canon to authority. What reasons did Leo allege for refusing to assent to it?

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1. To which class of the arguments for the existence of God is Locke's argument to be reduced? State this argument accurately.

2. What fallacy has been pointed out in this argument? Supply the missing step.

3. What are the leading principles involved in Pantheism? Show that this system is obnoxious to greater difficulties than Theism.

4. On what supposition does Mr. Mill admit that Hume's objection against miracles is untenable? State fully the answer to Hume.

5. Quote the remark of Dr. Arnold condemnatory of the mythical theory of Strauss.

6. Show that Prophecy does not interfere with the free course of history.

7. Define accurately the following heresies (1) Docetism; (2) Sabellianism; (3) Arianism; (4) Semiarianism; (5) Apollinarianism; (6) Nestorianism; (7) Monophysitism; (8) Adoptionism.

8. What logical fallacy as to the interpretation of Scripture underlies the Arian heresy?

9. Show from Scripture how the life and death of Christ alike are elements in the work of Atonement.

10. The difficulties raised as to the origin of sacrifice must be limited to what period of time? Show this, and state the arguments in proof of the Divine origin.

(The following questions are proposed, in addition, to Candidates for Bishop Forster's Premium).

II. State Kant's classification of the Theistic arguments, with his criticism of each. What practical consideration removes the difficulty which he considers ultimately to attend the à priori argument ?

12. Give an account of Spinoza's system, especially as distinguished from other forms of Pantheism.

13. State the dilemma of Epicurus founded on the fact of the existence of Evil. How does Mr. Mill, in his "Essay on Theism," take up this same objection? What reply may be given to this form of the objection ?

14. What is the weakness in the reasoning of the author of "Supernatural Religion" as regards the authenticity of the Books of the New Testament?


15. Illustrate from Scripture, and discuss briefly, the question as to the Divine foreknowledge of future contingents.

6. Discuss the question "Does the miracle prove the doctrine, or the doctrine the miracle?"

17. What is Keim's classification of the miracles of the New Testament ? Point out the inconsistencies of his system.

18. Show that Pearson's opinion as to the relation of Philo Judæus to the theology of the New Testament cannot be accepted without modification.

19. Discuss Mr. Irving's erroneous theory of our Lord's sinlessness. 20. State distinctly, and comment on, S. Anselm's mode of regarding the Atonement.

PEARSON ON THE CREED.-Articles ii., viii.

1. Pearson explains under three heads "how and for what reason Christ truly is, and properly is called, our Saviour."

2. Compare, after Pearson, the miracles of Jesus with those of Moses, and the rest of the Prophets.

3. How does Pearson show "that it is impossible Jesus should have been received for the true Messias, had He not been such "?

4. Give, in technical form, the syllogism proving that Jesus Christ had a real being before He was conceived of the Virgin Mary.

5. How does Pearson reply to the Socinian distinction between Oɛós with and without the article?

6. What two difficulties have been urged against the peculiar communication of the Divine Essence to the Word?

7. How does Pearson reply to each?

8. State clearly, in their order, the heads of the argument which sets forth the nature of the Holy Ghost.

9. Give an account of the ancient heresies which maintained that the Holy Ghost was a created person. Give the chief texts which Pearson adduces in reply.

10. How does Pearson prove his conclusion "against the old Sabellian heresy"?


Discuss the text, S. John, x. 15:—

"As the Father knoweth Me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down My life for the sheep."





1. Reply to the objection brought against the argument from Design, founded on the existence of "rudimentary organs."

2. What error may be noted in the systems of religious writers who seek to encounter the problem presented by the existence of evil? Illustrate this by the theory of Leibnitz on the subject.

3. Write a note on the anti-theistic systems founded on the ideas of the Absolute and the Infinite.

4. Criticise the opinions of the author of " Supernatural Religion" on the subject of miracles.

5. What is Renan's attempt to account for the narrative of the Resurrection?

6. Discuss the leading questions which have been raised as to the authenticity of the Book of Isaiah.

7. Discuss Mr. Matthew Arnold's statements as to the nature of Dogma.

8. Trace through successive centuries the heresies of the Ebionite and Docetic types.

9. What was the nature, and what were the results of the Theologia Mystica?

10. Certain features of the Apollinarian heresy may be traced in erroneous systems both before and after his time.

II. Give an account of the origin of the phrases Λόγος προφορικός, and Λόγος ἐνδιάθετος. Why were these phrases disused in ancient times and by whom revived in modern times? In what sense was the doctrine of subordinationism held?

12. What are the New Testament terms expressive of the different aspects of the Atonement? Note the distinct force of each.

13. Whence the importance of correct views as to the origin of sacrifice? State some of the leading opinions on this subject.

14. Give a brief summary of the facts to be gathered from human history which serve to illustrate the Christian doctrine of the Atonement.


1. Write critical notes on the text of the passages-S. Luke, ix. 54-56; S. John, vii. 53-viii. 11. ; Acts, xx. 28; Gal. iv. 25; iv. 31-v. I.

2. Write a note on the use of the following words in the New Testament: πραιτώριον; μεταμορφόω, συσχηματίζω, συμμορφίζω; μετασχηματίζω ; στήκω ; ὕβρις; ἐριθεία: τὸ λοιπόν, τοῦ λοιποῦ, συνηλικιώτης; μαθήτρια.

3. Point out the idea conveyed by the three forms of expressionὁ ἐπὶ τὰ πετρώδη σπαρείς (S. Matt. xiii. 20); οἱ ἐπὶ τὰ πετρώδη σπειρόμενοι (S. Mark, iv. 16) ; οἱ δὲ ἐπὶ τῆς πέτρας (S. Luke, viii. 13). How is this idea obscured in the Authorized Version? and how is it brought out in S. Luke's account of the parable?

4. Translate S. Mark, vi. 16-20; vii. 10-13; xi. 7-10; S. Luke, xii. 47-51; S. John, v. 1-13; x. 11-15; Acts, xxiii. 23-25. Note the chief variations in the text.

5. (a) What internal evidence has been adduced in proof of the dates of the Epistles to the Romans and the Galatians? (5) Specify the chief words and phrases peculiar to these two Epistles.

6. Translate, and comment on

(a). Gal. v. 9-12; Phil. iii. 1, 2; pointing out how the passages are parallel, and explaining the leading words and allusions.

(b). Eph. ii. 19; Phil. i. 27, 28; iii. 20; explaining the allusions.
(c). Gal. vi. 17; mentioning any parallel in S. Paul's writings.
(d). Col. ii. 9-12; mentioning any parallel passages.

(e). Phil. ii. 6, 7; bringing out the two opposite translations given of this passage.

7. Translate, and write a note, giving the other translations suggested, on Rom. ix. 4, 5; comparing the passages Gal. i. 3; Eph. i. 3.

8. Enumerate the several allusions in S. Paul's Epistles supposed to refer to other lost Epistles written by him. Explain Col. iv. 16.

9. (a). Write a note on the history and geographical situation of Philippi.

(b). Explain the uses of puros in Acts, xvi. 12; xxviii. 7.

(c). Show that S. Luke seems to have remained at Philippi after S. Paul's departure from it.

10. What reasons have been brought forward from the Acts to prove that the social position of women was higher in Macedonia than elsewhere? What illustration of this has been adduced from the Epistle to the Philippians?


Discuss the theological importance of the words :

ἐν υἱῷ . . . ὃς ὢν ἀπαύγασμα τῆς δόξης καὶ χαρακτὴρ τῆς ὑποστάσεως


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