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9. What were the laws passed in the reign of Henry VII.(a) for security of the King's great officers.

(b) for repressing of Murders and Manslaughters.

(c) to check depopulation by inclosures.

(d) respecting attainder for assisting the King de facto. What comments does Bacon make on this law?

10. Give an account of the rebellions in Henry VII.'s reign

(1) of Lord Lovel and others.

(2) of Sir John Egremond.

(3) of the Cornishmen.

Modern Literature.



1. Write notes on the following irregular comparatives-elder, better, worse, more, lesser, near, farther, latter, later.

2. Explain the italicised forms in the following sentences :

"As fresh as bin the flowers in May."

"Thou wert grim."

"How hast thou dorre be so harde."

"He dared me to do it."

"If goodly had he might."
"God ah the littell mede."
"I owe for to be cristned."
"How do you do?"

"I knowlech to a felid."

3. "If we desire to characterise Massinger in one sentence, we may say that dignity, tenderness, and grace are the qualities in which he excels." Illustrate this critique from the materials in Lamb's specimens of English Dramatic Poets.

4. "We have in the noble Penthea, in Orgilus, Ithocles, and Calantha, four phases of unhappy passion: and in the scenes between Penthea and her cruel, but repentant brother, between Penthes and the Princess, and in the tremendous accumulation of moral suffering with which the piece concludes, we cannot but recognise in Ford a master of dramatic effect." Exhibit your knowledge of the play referred to, by illustrations of the above remarks; and give Lamb's critique on the play.

5. Write a short essay on the following dictum of Lamb:-"Marlowe's Jew does not approach so near to Shakspeare's, as his Edward II. does to Richard II."

6. Criticise the dramatic powers of George Chapman. Lamb says of a passage in one of his plays: "One can hardly believe but that these lines were written after Milton had described his warring angels." Quote these lines. Date of Chapman's death?


1. Describe Eumnestes and Anamnestes, their chamber, and its contents. What did Guyon find there to interest him?

2. Relate the temptation of Cymocles and of Guyon by Phædria.

3. Write notes on the words Easterling, entayl, aumayl, quarrel, surquedry.

4. Write a sketch of the life of Sir Philip Sidney.

5. Illustrate by abstracts of passages from "The Apologie for Poetrie," Sidney's (a) strong feeling for the ethical qualities of art, (6) his enthusiasm about poetry, (c) his good sense, and appreciation of what is false and ridiculous in bad art, (d) his intelligent acquaintance with the workmanship of versification.

6. Describe the chief city of Utopia.

7. Mention anything you consider worthy of note respecting Utopian women, priests, sick persons, and slaves.

[blocks in formation]

Much as I had heard of the beauties of the Bosphorus, I must say that I found the reality far superior to my expectations, and that in all my life I had never seen a panorama equally magnificent. The wooded hills which rise on each side of the strait, the sloping groves and gardens; the ancient castles with their mediaeval fortifications; the Moorish houses and palaces which extend for five or six miles from the hills to the blue water; the towering Turkish war-ships anchoring off the arsenal; the merchant vessels of all nations, with a multitude of smaller boats sailing or rowing between them; finally, the costume of the Frank, mingling with that of the Turk, the Greek and the Tartar, and the veiled forms of the women appearing here and there in the crowdall this presented a scene of natural grandeur and a picture of human life and industry, such as I had never dreamt of before.--QUIN.

2. Relate briefly the contents of Ritter Toggenburg,' 'Der Graf von Habsburg,' 'Der Ring des Polycrates,' and Der Alpenjäger,' by


3. What idea is symbolized by the Strange Girl-Das Mädchen aus der Fremde-in Schiller's allegorical poem: In einem Thal bei armen Hirten,' etc.?

4. State the plot of 'Kabale und Liebe,' and point out the political tendency, as well as the beauties and defects of that drama.


5. A German critic observes: Der Haupt-Reiz der Schiller 'schen Poesie ist ihr Pathos.' Confirm this observation by pointing out a few pathetic passages which you may have noticed in the Gedichte' or in other works of Schiller.

6. Describe the relation in which Schiller stood, first to the Duke of Würtemberg, Karl Eugen; and subsequently to the Duke of Weimar, Karl August.

7. Compare the two Swabian poets Schiller and Wieland, dwelling on their moral characteristics, their success in the several kinds of composition which they have undertaken, and on their merit as translators from the Latin and Greek.

8. From what source was the plot of Oberon' taken, and what English poets have been made use of by its author?

9. Translate :



Und wie das Horn ertönt, ergreift der Zauberschwindel.
Zuerst das Volk, das um den Holzstoss steht,
Schwarzgelbes, lumpiges, halb nackendes Gesindel,
Das plötzlich sich wie toll im schnellsten Wirbel dreht;
Bald mischet sich mit allen seinen Negern

Der Aga drein, ihm folgt was Füsse hat

Bei Hof, im Harem, in der Stadt

Vom Sultan an bis zu den Wasserträgern.-WIELAND.
Wer was Treffliches leisten will,
Hätt' gern was Grosses geboren,
Der sammle still und unerschlafft

Im kleinsten Punkte die höchste Kraft.-SCHILLER.
Gefährlich ist's den Leu zu wecken
Verderblich ist des Tiger's Zahn;

Jedoch der schrecklichste der Schrecken

Das ist der Mensch in seinem Wahn.

Weh denen die dem Ewigblinden

Des Lichtes Himmelsfackel leihn!

Sie strahlt ihm nicht, sie kann nur zünden
Und äschert Städt' und Länder ein.-SCHILLER.



1. (a). What are the six parts into which Descartes has analysed his Discours de la Méthode ?

(b). Enumerate his four chief rules' for his new method.

(c). What rules did he lay down for himself in the formation of his 'morale provisoire' ?

(d). Descartes has given three demonstrations de l'existence de

Dieu' ?

(e). His method is essentially a psychological method?

2. Translate the following passages:

(a). Pour dormir dans la rue, on n'offense personne.
(b). On dit que son timbre est brouillé.

(c). Est-ce qu'il faut toujours faire le pied de grue?
(d). Voilà mes guichetiers en défaut, Dieu merci.

(e). Elle eût du buvetier emporté les serviettes plutôt que de
rentrer au logis les mains nettes.

(f). Hé! par provision, mon père, couchez-vous.

(g). Qui, dès qu'elle me voit donnant dans le panneau me charge d'un exploit pour monsieur Chicaneau.

(h). Le père aura l'exploit, la fille le poulet.

3. Quote as much as you can of the famous 'réponse de Burrhus' in Act I., scene 2, of Britannicus.

(b). Write notes (with examples) on Racine's use of these words:
impunément, partager, indigne, prétendre, remplir, séjour.
(c). Describe the scene in which Narcissus employs his 'art infernal
pour pousser au crime.'

4. Justify this statement of Racine in reference to the Phèdre: "je n'en ai point fait [of his tragedies] où la vertu soit plus mise en jour que dans celle-ci."

5. Show by a brief analysis the method pursued by Guizot in his "Histoire de la civilisation en Europe."

6. (a). Who wrote the Voyage du jeune Anacharsis ?

(b). Aim of the author of this romance?

(c). Prévost, dans ses fictions, a envisagé l'homme d'un tout autre point de vue que Lesage?

(d). Which is the finest of these fictions?

(e). Who has been called by Montesquieu 'l'abeille de France'?
(f). D'Alembert présente le tableau de nos connaissances sous trois
points de vue successifs ?

(g). Of what work does M. Demogeot say :-'C'est là le véritable
Siècle de Louis XIV' ?

7. Compare Vauvenargues as a moralist with La Rochefoucauld and La Bruyère.

8. Reproduce as much as you can of Demogeot's notice on Voltaire. 9. What do you know of B. de St. Pierre and his works?

10. Write a notice on Montesquieu's Esprit des Lois.

1. Give the derivation of the following words-cercueil, fougère, basoche, faible, Marne, Tours, Rouen.

2. How do you account for such forms as grand'mère, lettres royaux, hôtel Dieu ?

3. Write an intelligible account of the gradual victory of the Latin language over the Keltic idiom in Gaul.

4. Already in 1240, R. Bacon speaks of four dialects of old French; what were these, and what are the chief characteristics of each?

5. What are the three "caractères internes pour reconnaître les mots d'origine populaire"?

6. From what original vowels do Mod. French vowels and diphthongs proceed?

7. Write a section on the modifications undergone by Latin consonants in their entry into French.

9. How do you classify the irregular verbs? they obey in their conjugation.

Translate the following passage into French :

Show the rules which

There could hardly exist a more strange and horrible change than had taken place in the castle-hall of Schonwaldt since Quentin had partaken of the noontide meal there; and it was indeed one which painted, in the extremity of their dreadful features, the miseries of war-more especially when waged by those most relentless of all agents, the mercenary soldiers of a barbarous age-men who, by habit and profession, had become familiarized with all that was cruel and bloody in the art of war, while they were devoid alike of patriotism, and of the romantic spirit of chivalry.

[blocks in formation]

1. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the origin and through the points (2, 3) and (3, — 2).

2. In a plane triangle prove the relation



a cos A+ b cos B + c cos

a + b + c

3. In a spherical triangle prove the formula

cos c = cos a cos b + sin a sin b cos C,

and deduce the corresponding formula by aid of the polar triangle.

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