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The University of North Carolina has introduced a course in dyeing and bleaching into her curriculum. This is for the benefit of the students going from the University into the cotton mills. Who shall say any longer that the South is unprogresive, that she fails to make the most of her opportunities?




The Richmond School Board has recently decided to introduce the study of music into the city schools. This is a step in This is a step in the right direction. It has never been questioned that the teaching of music in the schools was a desirable thing, but it seemed doubtful whether the money thus expended would be best applied in this way. It has been argued that the Anglo-Saxon is not a musical creature, and that very poor results are obtained after all the efforts made to teach him music. We believe, however, that wherever the experiment has been tried, as it has been in many of our schools, it has met with very encouraging





Mr. George F. Merrill, principal of the Richmond High and Normal School, died at his home in Richmond, December 24, 1899. He was widely known and sincerely beloved, and the tidings of his death carried sorrow to many hearts. Following are the resolutions adopted by the principals of the Richmond schools, December 15, 1899, expressing their estimate of the man and his work, and their sense of the loss sustained by the city schools:

Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God by an inscrutable providence to remove from this world our associate principal, companion and friend, Mr. George F. Merrill, in the midst of his usefulness and in the vigor of his mauhood, be it, therefore Resolved, First, That his ripe scholarship, skil! as a teacher, consideration for others, genial disposition, high standard of integrity and Christian character, made it the greatest privilege and pleasure to be associated with him.

Resolved, Secondly, That in his death the Richmond public schools have sustained the loss of one of their ablest and most cultured principals, whose scholarly attainments lent an added lustre to the profession of which he was so long

an honored member.

Resolved, Thirdly, That we extend to his family our deepest sympathy in their sudden and irreparable loss of a devoted husband and father.

Resolved, Fourthly, That these resolutions be spread upon our records and published in the city

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The blow falls not alone upon the city school system. The State knew Mr. Merrill's worth, and commanded his services. In the important work of teacher-training he had been engaged for several years. Perhaps in this special service were brought into fullest play his high intellectual endowments, finished culture, and thorough mastery of the principles and methods of teaching. His zealous efforts to aid and strengthen the teaching force of the State are fresh in the minds of many teachers who enjoyed his instruction in the Summer Normals. All with whom he came. in contact were inspired to higher and nobler ideals by his exalted standard of integrity and Christian character. He will be missed in the school work of the city and the State, and none can fill his place in that closer circle of friends in which it was indeed a privilege to move. tender his loved ones our warm sympathies.



Test Questions for the Teacher.-Are my pupils all quietly busy at work? Is the noise in my room the noise of confusion or the hum of business? Am I interrupted by questions during recitation? Am I sure that the annoyance which that boy causes me is solely his fault? Am I not partly to blame? Am I as polite to my pupils as I require them to be to me? Do I scold? Is the floor clean? Am I orderly-in personal habits? In habits of work? Am I doing better work to-day than I did yesterday? Am I making myself useful to the pupils by teaching them as rapidly as possible habits of self-reliance?

Pay Day for Teachers.-After a year's trial, Frederick county and Winchester city found that a fixed mouthly "Pay Day" for teachers was a good institution, so the county and city adopted pay days for the current school year. Read Superintendent Lynch's letter on the subject which appears in the editorial columns. All the cities, we believe, and a goodly number of counties, have a prescribed monthly pay day; still, in quite a number of counties the day has not yet dawned. Superintendents will do their schools a valuable service by making arrangements with the district boards and the treasurer for the payment of teachers' salaries on a specified day every month.

Employment of Teachers-Boards of Reference.I. The employment of teachers is the most important subject with which district school boards have to deal. "As is the teacher, so is the school." We believe the majority of boards appreciate the great responsibility imposed upon them in this matter, and honestly endeavor to discharge their full duty in the premises. That boards sometimes make mistakes in this grave matter, there

can be no doubt. Now and then they act hastily, and without careful consideration of the fitness of the applicant for the position to be filled. Again, boards are sometimes influenced by petitions hastily gotten up by some popular applicant or some interested patron. Such petitions are practically worthless, and should be discouraged.

Under the original law, district boards had absolute authority to employ and to dismiss teachers. During the early part of the administration of State Superintendent Buchanan, a controversy arose concerning the employment of a teacher, and the law creating the "special board of reference" was quoted to sustain the contention that the action of a district board in employing or dismissing a teacher was subject to appeal to the special board of reference provided for in section 45, pages 52 and 53 of School Laws, 1892 edition. This section provides that "This board (special board of reference) shall have jurisdiction over all questions which may be presented to its consideration, by similar appeal, concerning the action of the district board in respect to any subject over which the district board has power."

The sweeping terms of this law led Superintendent Buchanan to the conclusion that the contention was well founded; but more mature reflection satisfied him that such a conclusion was not contemplated by the law, and he so ruled in the case referred to, as well as in all other similar cases brought before him. The Board of Education, of which Dr. Buchanan was a member, was not called upon for an official decision in the matter, but his final conclusion was concurred in by several of the most eminent lawyers of Virginia, who considered the question at his request. Hence, under Dr. Duchanan's ruling, a board of reference had no authority to review the action of a district board in the matter of employing or dismissing teachers. This decision was in force during his administration.

Soon after Superintendent Massey came into office, the question was again submitted to the Department of Public Instruction. He conferred with his associates on the Board (both able lawyers), Governor McKinney and Attorney-General Scott, and they agreed with him in the opinion that under the law quoted above a board of reference had jurisdiction in such cases. During Dr. Massey's administration, therefore, appeals were made in these cases.



Nature Studies in School.


No feature of education at the present day is more characteristic than the multiplicity of subjects in the curriculum. In the earlier part of the present century Latin, Greek, mathematics and metaphysics constituted the chief studies pursued in the colleges; and even in the middle of the century these were augmented but little by a few weeks in science, and, perhaps, a short course in history. To-day the number of studies in the larger college or university is legion, and even the smaller colleges allow more or less option in choice of electives, for no one could begin to com

plete all the studies offered by the college in the space of four years.

This multiplicity of studies is, however, not peculiar to the colleges. More studies are demanded for entrance to college. History, literature and modern languages are being more and more required for college, and the result has been that even the high schools and academies are permitting a choice of studies.

Under these circumstances, when all of our classes, from the lowest up, are crowded with studies, it will seem inopportune to urge any addition to the studies at present pursued—yet such is the purpose of this paper.

If one seeks the greatest lack in the education of the students entering college from the fitting schools, it will, I think, be found to be the lack of the power to observe and to reason or draw conclusions from observation. The classics do not develop these powers; history as ordinarily taught in schools is merely a memory study. Mathematics should develop the reasoning pow ers, but in most cases fails to do so, as the scholars depend upon memory rather than thought. As a result young men enter college who are absolutely incapable of a single independent thought. I once asked a student in chemistry on a review, how to obtain chlorin. After some considerable hesitation, he said: " Why, you get it out of water." On being further questioned, he was certain there was no chlorin in water. "Then, Mr. R., if there is no chlorin in water, how do you get chlorin out of water"?

"Boil the water, sir!" was the ready reply.

It is a serious matter that men should come to our colleges half taught; but yet, after all, not so serious, for the chances are that they will acquire this power of thought in college. The serious matter is that the mass of our young men

women, too, who never have an opportunity of college study, go out into the world without ever having learned the lesson of how to think for themselves. This is a real lack of intelligence. It is not a knowledge of Latin or French or mathematics or history which constitutes intelligence; it is the ability to think for one's self; and this is needed to-day as well at the ballot-box or in the home as in the college.

Now, if we acknowledge the need of this kind of an education, the question at once arises as to how we can best acquire it? Here, I think, practically all educators will be agreed, that no studies are so well adapted to develop the powers of observation as the so-called nature studies-that is, natural science; and hence this paper is a plea for the introduction of nature studies in not only our secondary, but even in our primary instruction. Many of the Northern colleges are now requiring an elementary knowledge of physics or chemistry or botany for entrance, but it is not so much this which is urged by me, for such a knowledge can be acquired by the mere power of memory; my plea is for such nature studies as will have for their end the development of the mind, and not, even incidentally, the acquisition of scientific facts or theories. The aim is to teach the child to observe, and then to draw deductions from his observations.

The study of natural science, that is, nature study, should begin in the lowest grade and be continued every year in some form or other; and this form will differ from grade to grade. Each teacher will and should have his or her favorite nature study which will be duly utilized. If the school hours are already filled to overflowing, the pupils will never object to sacrificing fifteen minutes, or perhaps less, two or three times a week outside of school hours, but usually a little thought will find a part of a period which can be used for the nature study. From five to fifteen minutes once or twice a week, or even every day, is ample time, at least in all except the higher grades.

The greatest difficulty in the introduction of nature studies is in the unfitness of the teacher. Few teachers are qualified to teach along these lines. The time will come when this will be one of the requisites for obtaining even the lowest grade certificate, but at present the success of this work will depend upon the voluntary work of the teacher. I suppose that nine out of ten teachers would feel themselves wholly unqualified for this work, and yet eight if not nine out of ten could make a success at it if they would exert themselves.

"What science?" troduced? What science for the lowest grades? What science should each teacher prepare himself or herself to teach? Yet this question is of less importance than might be thought. It makes so little difference what science is taught, that I would unhesitatingly say to a teacher: "If you are interested in any science, that is the one which you should teach and prepare yourself to teach ?"

What science shall be first in

It may now not be amiss to suggest practical ways in which these nature studies may be utilized. None of the sciences lend themselves better to instruction of children than botany. In spring time a little plot of ground beside the school-house may be made a source of not merely amusement, but of profitable instruction. At any season of the year a few pots or boxes of earth will serve for many lessons as to how plants grow. For example, in three boxes plant, respectively, peas, beans and corn. We laugh at the propensity of children to dig up what they have planted. Have them plant enough that each pupil can dig up a grain every day and watch for himself the progress of the seed development. Compare the three kinds of seeds and their methods of growth. Add seeds of pumpkins, buck eyes, and wheat, and compare these with the first three. In spring time the wild flowers will furnish an abundance of material. The structure of the flower, the resemblances of different flowers, the characteristics of some of the great flower families, will be of profit and interest. Even in winter, a comparison of the different kinds of trees, the angles of their branches, how they can be recognized when no leaves are on, are possible subjects of study. If the teacher is interested in botany, here will be an abundant field for leading children in nature study.

For boys especially, zoology offers many advantages as a nature study. Birds and animals naturally attract boys, and the hunting spirit which they all possess can be well utilized, while, perhaps, incidentally, a lesson of humanity and kindness to animals may be taught. A personal experience will best illustrate this idea. When a school boy, I had a teacher who was quite an ornithologist, and who interested the boys of my class in the High School in the study of birds. We formed a Natural History Society, and made a collection of birds. Incidentally we became, all of us, quite good taxidermists, and mounted a collection of over a hundred species, but the valuable part of our instruction was the study of the birds. I often went out with my gun, but more often without it. I would lie down in the woods,

Perhaps the pertinent question at this point is, recognize and answer the call of every bird; I be

came familiar with the note, the flight, the habit of each, and while now much has been forgoten, I have never lost my love for the bird and my desire to gain his confidence.

Physiography, or physical geography, offers many advantages as a nature study. Hills and valleys, rains and snows, ice and water, are all about us. The surface of the country around us has changed and is constantly changing. The devious windings of a country brook can teach many a scientific lesson. I have myself used the meandering course of a little rivulet across the sand to teach the principles involved in the course of the great Mississippi, its changing course and its overflows.

Meteorology is one of the more recently developed sciences, and it is one which may be made of great interest to children. The forecasting of the weather calls into play both observation and the reasoning power to a very considerable degree. The practical value will be enhanced if it is possible to procure the government forecasts and weather maps, and if a wet and dry bulb thermometer and even a barometer are in possession of the school. A wind vane and a rain gauge add still further value. It is interesting for each member of a class, using the means at his or her disposal, to make the forecast for the next twenty-four or thirty-six hours, then to compare it with the government forecast, and then with the weather which actually ensues. It will generally prove that the local forecast of an intelligent child will be equal in accuracy to that of the Signal Service, especially if wet bulb thermometer and barometer are used.

Every department of physics is available for elementary instruction; especially is this true of mechanics. The baseball bat serves for a lever, the leg which makes the punt at football for another. There is scarcely a sport or occupation where the principles treated of in mechanics are not involved. A lens, a mirror and a prism can furnish a great amount of material for thoughts on light; a piano or a violin for sound.

If a teacher has some familiarity with chemistry this can be well used, especially with the older classes. I have left several of the sciences untouched, which might equally well be used as nature studies, but enough has, I think, been said to show that it matters little what science is selected, for each can, in the hands of the devoted teacher,

offer a nature study, which, teaching observation and the power of thought, will prove to be of inestimable value in after life.

Washington and Lee University.

A Warning to Youth.

TO R. C. S.

He saw her through a smoky cloud,
Which brings to mind a sombre shroud;
Her form was straight, and rather slight,
And oft with her she bore a light.

Now foes and lovers more had she
Than birds in air or fish in sea;
But when from her they comfort drew
Then she became an ashen hue.

Now love like this does often grow;
A youth grew pale and soon lay low.
When love like this attacks the heart,
'Tis worse by far than Cupid's dart.
Now this youth's love we all regret
That it was spent on-Cigarette.
Such love like his pray ne'er invoke,
For 'tis not worth a puff of smoke.

-E. H., Ashland, Va.

Meeting of Greene County Teachers. At a teacher's meeting held at Stanardsville, Greene county, on the 27th of November, under the direction of the County Superintendent, Dr. Geo. B. Jennings, there were present twentynine of the thirty-five teachers of the county. The various subjects assigned and selected were exhaustively treated and discussed, much to the edification and improvement of those present.


Some of the topics more particularly elaborated were "Public vs. Private Schools;" "Female vs. Male Teachers;" "Importance of Literary Research on the Part of the Teacher;" "School Government;" "To What Extent do Public Schools Prepare for Citizenship?" "Enforcement of Rules;" "Are Teachers' Meetings Productive of Good?" "Analysis;" Compulsory Education," &c. The exercises were interspersed with words of cheer and notes of warning from the Superintendent and others. Mr. Samuel Settle, a young and talented lawyer of the town, addressed the meeting towards its close. He eulogized, in eloquent terms, the teachers of the county and the proceedings of the day. As an earnest of their progressiveness, a goodly number subscribed for the VIRGINIA SCHOOL JOURNAL, and unanimously resolved to hold another meeting in the near future.

Proceedings of the First Annual Institute of the Accomac Teachers' League, at Onancock, Va., November 30 and December 1, 1899.

The session opened Thursday morning with an informal reception at the town hall. The meeting was a most enjoyable one, and largely attended by the teachers of the county. The institute was addressed by many of the teachers of the county and by Prof. L. G. Tyler, of William and Mary, Prof. Frazer, of the Female Normal,

Prof. Page, of the University of Virginia, and our esteemed Superintendent of Education, Dr. Southall. To these men we are much indebted for their able talks upon educational subjects.

Following is the programme of the several sessions: Thursday morning, informal reception of teachers and officers; Thursday afternoon, meeting opened at 2:30 with prayer by J. Carson Watson. Dr. Mapp, County Superintendent, was invited to take the chair, but declined in favor of Prof. G. G. Joynes.

Alonzo Doughty, mayor of Onancock, delivered an address of welcome and assured the teachers of the hospitality of the citizens.

This welcome and the hospitality were proven by their kindness under most trying circumstances, the business portion of the town being entirely destroyed by fire Thursday night.

Prof. Frazer, of the State Female Normal, ad

dressed the teachers on the "Dignity of the

Teacher's Profession."

Overture, by Miss Groton and Claude Nottingham-violin and piano.

"The Virginia School System," a paper by Prof. F. F. Taylor. This paper was discussed by Professors Strang and Frazer.

Piano Solo, Miss Ethel Lewis; "Nature in Education," an able paper by Prof. L. G. Tyler. EVENING SESSION, 7:30.

Prayer by Prof. Robinson.

Solo, George Powell, accompanied by Miss L. Parker; "Education," a paper by Dr. Jos. W. Southall, which shall long be remembered and one calculated to improve both teachers and schools; Solo, by Miss F. E. Wood; "Patriotism in Public Schools," a paper by Prof. J. G. Nock, Solo, Miss M. Battaile, accompanied by Miss M. Mapp; Talk on "Temperance in Schools," Rev A. Burke; "Child Training," by Prof. J. H Johnson; Solo, Miss A. L. Davis, accompanied by Miss M. Mapp; Reading, by Miss Ethel Lewis; Sole, by Prof. Dunbar; Talk to Teachers, Prof. Lyon G. Tyler; "Practice School," Prof. Robert



"Methods in Teaching," Prof. Dickinson, of C. C.; "The Teacher's Influence," Miss Emma LeCato; Solo, by Miss F. E. Wood, accompanied by Miss E. Lewis; "Fractions," by Prof. Deitrick; "Grading a Public School," Walter Respass; Instrumental Solo, Miss Lena Johnson; "Should Boys and Girls Play Together," Mrs. J. Edmonds; Talk to Teachers, by Prof. Frazer.


Prayer by E. J. Winder.

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Talk by Mayor Doughty; "Discipline," by Prof. G. W. Gillispie; "Music in Our Public Schools," Miss M. Mapp; Solo, "Daddy," Miss A. Davis, accompanied by Miss M. Mapp; Humorous Recitation, "A Kiss in School," Miss E. West; Violin Obligato and Vocal Solo, by Claude Nottingham and Miss E. Wood, accompanied by Miss E. Lewis; "Mathematics," by Prof. Page, of the University of Virginia; Solo, by Merritt Burke; Talk by Prof. Robinson; vote of thanks to the people of Onancock by teachers assembled.

The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, G. G. Joynes, of Onancock; Vice-Presidents, H. A. Wise, E. B. Phillips, V. S. Deitrick, G. W. Gillispie; Secretary, W. A. P. Strang, Cashville; Treasurer, J. D. Grant, Jr.


Sec'y County League; Vice-Pres. for 1st Cong. District State League.

Montgomery County Teachers' League and Institute.

The teachers of Montgomery county convened in Christiansburg December 1st, and organized a Co-operative Teachers' League. Forty-four members were enrolled and constitution adopted. The following officers were elected: President, C. B. Bowry, Christiansburg; vice-presidents, Mr. Kirkwood, Alleghany district; Mr. Rutrough, Auburn district; Mr. Dutton, Blacksburg district; Mr. Woolwine, Christiansburg district; secretary, Miss Elizabeth Galloway, Christiansburg; treasurer, Miss Alice Taylor, Alleghany.

The evening session was taken up by the organization of the District Leagues, of which the county has four. Officers were elected and meetings and programs appointed. These reports having been returned to the County League, the meeting adjourned.

We are pleased to say that the body as a whole expressed entire satisfaction with the outlook, and a great deal of individual interest was manifested.

In connection with the League, a Teachers' Institute was held, December 2d. Quite a number of teachers who were not members of the League were present, and took an active part in the discussion of the subjects on the program. The meeting was presided over by the County Super

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