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The avenue is quite alive to-day. Old wo- | wagon, with its load of flour, and its four fat men are picking up twigs and acorns, and pigs horses. I wonder whether our horse will of all sizes doing their utmost to spare them have the decency to get out of the way. If the latter part of the trouble; boys and girls he does not, I am sure we cannot make him groping for beech-nuts under yonder clump; and that enormous ship upon wheels, that ark and a group of young elves collecting as many on dry land, would roll over us like the car of dead leaves as they can find to feed the bon- Juggernaut. Really—Oh no! there is no danfire which is smoking away so briskly amongst ger now. I should have remembered that it the trees, a sort of rehearsal of the grand is my friend Samuel Long who drives the millbonfire nine days hence; of the loyal confla- team. He will take care of us. "Thank you, gration of the arch traitor Guy Fawkes, which | Samuel!" And Samuel has put us on our is annually solemnized in the avenue, accom- way, steered us safely past his wagon, escortpanied by as much squibbery and crackery as ed us over the bridge; and now, having seen our boys can beg or borrow-not to say steal. us through our immediate difficulties, has Ben Kirby is a great man on the 5th of No- parted from us with a very civil bow and vember. All the savings of a month, the good-humoured smile, as one who is always hoarded halfpence, the new farthings, the very civil and good-humoured, but with a certain luck-penny go off in fumo on that night. For triumphant masterful look in his eyes, which my part, I like this daylight mockery better. I have noted in men, even the best of them, There is no gunpowder-odious gunpowder! when a woman gets into straits by attempting. no noise but the merry shouts of the small manly employments. He has done us great fry, so shrill and happy, and the cawing of the good though, and may be allowed his little rooks who are wheeling in large circles over- feeling of superiority. The parting salute he head, and wondering what is going forward in bestowed on our steed, in the shape of an astheir territory-seeming in their loud clamour tounding crack of his huge whip, has put that to ask what that light smoke may mean that refractory animal on his mettle. On we go curls so prettily amongst their old oaks, tow- fast! past the glazier's pretty house, with its ering as if to meet the clouds. There is some- porch and its filbert walk; along the narrow thing very intelligent in the ways of that black lane bordered with elms, whose fallen leaves people the rooks, particularly in their wonder. have made the road one yellow; past that I suppose it results from their numbers and little farm-house with the horse-chesnut trees unity of purpose, a sort of collective and cor- before, glowing like oranges; past the whiteporate wisdom. Yet geese congregate also; washed school on the other side, gay with and geese never by any chance look wise. October roses; past the park, and the lodge, But then geese are a domestic fowl; we have and the mansion, where once dwelt the great spoiled them; and rooks are free commoners earl of Clarendon; -and now the rascal has of nature, who use the habitations we provide begun to discover that Samuel Long and his for them, tenant our groves and our avenues, whip are a mile off, and that his mistress is and never dream of becoming our subjects. driving him, and he slackens his pace accordWhat a labyrinth of a road this is! I do ingly. Perhaps he feels the beauty of the think there are four turnings in the short half-road just here, and goes slowly to enjoy it. mile between the avenue and the mill. And what a pity, as my companion observes-not that our good and jolly miller, the very representative of the old English yeomanry, should be so rich, but that one consequence of his riches should be the pulling down of the prettiest old mill that ever looked at itself in the Loddon, with the picturesque low-browed ir regular cottage, which stood with its lightpointed roof, its clustered chimneys, and its evér-open door, looking like the real abode of comfort and hospitality, to build this huge, staring, frightful, red-brick mill, as ugly as a manufactory, and this great square house, ugly and red to match, just behind. The old buildings always used to remind me of Wollett's beautiful engraving of a scene in the Maid of the Mill. It will be long before any artist will make a drawing of this. Only think of this redness in a picture! this boiled lobster of a house! Falstaff's description of Bardolph's nose would look pale in the compari


Here is that monstrous machine of a tilted

Very beautiful it certainly is. The park pal-,
ing forms the boundary on one side, with fine
clumps of oak, and deer in all attitudes; the
water, tufted with alders, flowing along on
the other. Another turn, and the water winds
away, succeeded by a low hedge, and a sweep
of green meadows; whilst the park and its
paling are replaced by a steep bank, on which '
stands a small, quiet, village ale-house; and
higher up, embosomed in wood, is the little
country church, with its sloping church-yard
and its low white steeple, peeping out from
amongst magnificent yew-trees:
"Huge trunks! and each particular trunk a growth
of intertwisted fibres serpentine
Up-coiling and invet'rately convolved."


No village-church was ever more happily placed. It is the very image of the peace and humbleness inculcated within its walls.

Ah! here is a higher hill rising before us, almost like a mountain. How grandly the view opens as we ascend over that wild bank, overgrown with fern, and heath, and gorse,

and between those tall hollies, glowing with | tural beauty, developed and heightened by the their coral berries! What an expanse! But perfection of art. All this, indeed, was famiwe have little time to gaze at present; for that liar to me; the colouring only was new. I piece of perversity, our horse, who has walked had been there in early spring, when the over so much level ground, has now, inspired, fragrant palms were on the willow, and the I presume, by a desire to revisit his stable, yellow tassels on the hazel, and every twig taken it into that unaccountable noddle of his was swelling with renewed life; and I had to trot up this, the very steepest hill in the been there again and again in the green leaficounty. Here we are on the top; and in five ness of midsummer; but never as now, when minutes we have reached the lawn gate, and the dark verdure of the fir-plantations, hanging are in the very midst of that beautiful piece over the picturesque and unequal paling, partof art or nature (I do not know to which class ly covered with moss and ivy, contrast so reit belongs,) the pleasure-ground of F. Hill. markably with the shining orange-leaves of Never was the "prophetic eye of taste" ex- the beech, already half fallen, the pale yellow erted with more magical skill than in these of the scattering elm, the deeper and richer plantations. Thirty years ago this place had tints of the oak, and the glossy stems of the no existence; it was a mere undistinguished lady of the woods," the delicate weeping tract of field and meadow and common land; birch. The underwood is no less picturesque. now it is a mimic forest, delighting the eye The red-spotted leaves and redder berries of the with the finest combinations of trees and old thorns, the scarlet festoons of the bramble, shrubs, the rarest effects of form and foliage, the tall fern of every hue, seem to vie with and bewildering the mind with its green the brilliant mosaic of the ground, now coverglades, and impervious recesses, and appa-ed with dead leaves and strewn with fir-cones, rently interminable extent. It is the triumph now, where a little glade intervenes, gay with of landscape gardening, and never more beau- various mosses and splendid fungi. tiful than in this autumn sunset, lighting up beautiful is this coppice to-day! especially the ruddy beech and the spotted sycamore, where the little spring, as clear as crystal, and gilding the shining fir-cones that hang so comes bubbling out from the "old fantastic" thickly amongst the dark pines. The robins beech root, and trickles over the grass, bright are singing around us, as if they too felt the and silent as the dew in a May morning. The magic of the hour. How gracefully the road wood pigeons (who are just returned from winds through the leafy labyrinth, leading their summer migration, and are cropping the imperceptibly to the more ornamented sweep. ivy berries) add their low cooings, the very Here we are at the door amidst geraniums, note of love, to the slight fluttering of the and carnations, and jasmines, still in flower. fallen leaves in the quiet air, giving a voice to Ah! here is a flower sweeter than all, a bird the sunshine and the beauty. This coppice is gayer than the robin, the little bird that chirps a place to live and die in. But we must go. to the tune of "mamma! mamma!" the And how fine is the ascent which leads us bright-faced fairy, whose tiny feet come pat- again into the world, past those cottages hidtering along, making a merry music, mam- den as in a pit, and by that hanging orchard ma's own Frances! And following her gui- and that rough heathy bank! The scenery in dance, here we are in the dear round room, this one spot has a wildness, an abruptness time enough to catch the last rays of the sun, of rise and fall, rare in any part of England, as they light the noble landscape which lies rare above all in this rich and lovely but molike a panorama around us, lingering longest notonous county. It is Switzerland in miniaon that long island of old thorns and stunted ture. oaks, the oasis of B. Heath, and then vanishing in a succession of gorgeous clouds.

October 28.-Another soft and brilliant morning. But the pleasures of to-day must be written in short-hand. I have left myself no room for notes of admiration.


And now we cross the hill to pay a morning visit to the family at the great house,—another fine place, commanding another fine sweep of country. The park studded with old trees and sinking gently into a valley, rich in wood and water, is in the best style of ornamental landscape, though more according to the common routine of gentlemen's seats than the singularly original place which we have just left. There is, however, one distinctive beauty in the grounds of the great house ;-the magnificent firs which shade the terraces and sur

First we drove about the coppice; an extensive wood of oak, and elm, and beech, chiefly the former, which adjoins the park paling of F. Hill, of which demesne, indeed, it forms one of the most delightful parts. The roads through the coppice are studiously wild, so that they have the appearance of mere cart-round the sweep, giving out in summer odours tracts; and the manner in which the ground really Sabæan, and now in this low autumn is tumbled about, the steep declivities, the sun producing an effect almost magical, as the sunny slopes, the sudden swells and falls, huge red trunks, garlanded with ivy, stand out now a close narrow valley, then a sharp as- from the deep shadows like an army of giants. cent to an eminence, commanding an immense In-doors-Oh I must not take my readers inextent of prospect, have a striking air of na-doors, or we shall never get away!-In-doors

court, and fairly to drive through the front garden, thereby destroying sundry curious stocks, carnations, and geraniums. It is a mercy that the unruly steed was content with battering the wall; for the messuage itself would come about our ears at the touch of a finger, and really there is one little end parlour, an after-thought of the original builder, which stands so temptingly in the way, that I wonder the sagacious quadruped missed it. There was quite din enough without that addition. The three insides (ladies) squalling from the interior of that commodious vehicle; the outsides (gentlemen) swearing on the roof; the coachman still half asleep, but unconscious

the sunshine is brighter still; for there, in a lofty lightsome room, sits a damsel fair and arch and piquante, one whom Titian or Velasquez should be born again to paint, leaning over an instrument* as sparkling and fanciful as herself, singing pretty French romances, and Scottish Jacobite songs, and all sorts of graceful and airy drolleries picked up I know not where-(an English improvvisatrice! a gayer Annot Lyle! whilst her sister, of a higher order of beauty, and with an earnest kindness in her smile that deepens its power, lends to the piano, as her father to the violin, an expression, a sensibility, a spirit, an eloquence, almost superhuman-almost divine! Oh to hear these two instruments accompany-ly blowing his horn; we in the house screaming my dear companion (I forgot to say that she is a singer worthy to be so accompanied) in Haydn's exquisite canzonet, "She never ¦ told her love,”—to hear her voice, with all its power, its sweetness, its gush of sound, so sustained and assisted by modulations that rivalled its intensity of expression; to hear at once such poetry, such music, such execution, is a pleasure never to be forgotten, or mixed with meaner things. I seem to hear it still.

As in the bursting spring-time o'er the eye

Of one who haunts the fields fair visions creep
Beneath the closed lids (afore dull sleep
Dims the quick fancy) of sweet flowers that lie
On grassy banks, oxlip of orient dye,

And palest primrose and blue violet,
All in their fresh and dewy beauty set,
Pictur'd within the sense, and will not fly:
So in mine ear resounds and lives again

One mingled melody,-a voice, a pair

Of instruments most voice-like! Of the air Rather than of the earth seems that high strain A spirit's song, and worthy of the train

That sooth'd old Prospero with music rare.

ing and scolding; the passers-by shouting and hallooing; and May, who little brooked such an invasion of her territories, barking in her tremendous lion-note, and putting down the other noises like a clap of thunder. But passengers, coachman, horses, and spectators, all righted at last; and there is no harm done but to my flowers and to the wall. May, however, stands bewailing the ruins, for that low wall was her favourite haunt; she used to parade backwards and forwards on the top of it, as if to show herself, just after the manner of a peacock on the top of a house; and would sit or lie for hours on the corner next the gate, basking in the sunshine like a marble statue. Really she has quite the air of one who laments the destruction of personal property; but the wall is to be rebuilt to-morrow, with old weather-stained bricks-no patch-work! and exactly in the same form; May herself will not find the difference; so that in the way of alteration this little misfortune will pass for nothing. Neither have we any improvements worth calling such. Except that the wheeler's green door hath been retouched, out of the same pot (as I judge from the tint) with

A PARTING GLANCE AT OUR which he furbished up our new-old pony


It is now eighteen months since our village first sat for its picture, and I cannot say farewell to my courteous readers, without giving them some little intelligence of our goings on, a sort of parting glance at us and our condition. In outward appearance it hath, I suppose, undergone less alteration than any place of its inches in the kingdom. There it stands, the same long straggling street of pretty cottages, divided by pretty gardens, wholly unchanged in size or appearance, unincreased and undiminished by a single brick. To be sure, yesterday evening a slight misfortune happened to our goodly tenement, occasioned by the unlucky diligence mentioned in my first notice, which, under the conduct of a sleepy coachman, and a restive horse, contrived to knock down and demolish the wall of our

*The dital harp.

chaise; that the shop-window of our neighbour, the universal dealer, hath been beautified, and his name and calling splendidly set forth in yellow letters on a black ground; and that our landlord of the Rose hath hoisted a new sign of unparalleled splendour; one side consisting of a full-faced damask rose, of the size and hue of a piony, the other of a maiden blush in profile, which looks exactly like a carnation, so that both flowers are considerably indebted to the modesty of the "out-ofdoor artist," who has warily written The Rose under each;-except these trifling ornaments, which nothing but the jealous eye of a lover could detect, the dear place is altogether unchanged.

The only real improvement with which we have been visited for our sins-(I hate all innovation, whether for better or worse, as if I was a furious Tory, or a woman of three-score and ten) the only misfortune of that sort which has befallen us, is underfoot. The road


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wish to be thought young again. In the mean while, shall we walk up the street?

The first cottage is that of Mr. H. the patriot, the illuminator, the independent and sturdy, yet friendly member of our little state, who, stout and comely, with a handsome chaisecart, a strong mare, and a neat garden, might have passed for a portrait of that enviable class of Englishmen, who, after a youth of frugal industry, sit down in some retired place to

has been adjusted on the plan of Mr. Mac- as if touched by Harlequin's wand, and are Adam; and a tremendous operation it is. I quite offended if one happens to say or do any do not know what good may ensue; but for thing which has a reference to their previous the last six months, some part or other of the condition. My father grievously affronted highway has been impassable for any feet, Sally L. only yesterday, by bestowing upon except such as are shod by the blacksmith; her a great lump of ginger-bread, with which and even the four-footed people who wear iron he had stuffed his pockets at a fair. She immeshoes, make wry faces, poor things! at those diately, as she said, gave it to the "children." stones, enemies to man and beast. However, Now Sally cannot be above twelve to my certhe business is nearly done now; we are co- tain knowledge, though taller than I am.vered with sharp flints every inch of us, except Lizzy herself is growing womanly. I actubad step" up the hill, which, indeed, looks ally caught that little lady stuck upon a chest like a bit cut out of the deserts of Arabia, of drawers, contemplating herself in the glass, fitter for camels and caravans than for Chris- and striving with all her might to gather the tian horses and coaches; a point, which, in rich curls that hang about her neck, and turn spite of my dislike of alteration, I was forced them under a comb. Well! if Sally and to acknowledge to our surveyor, a portly gen- Lizzy live to be old maids, they may probatleman, who, in a smart gig, drawn by a pranc-bly make the amende honorable to time, and ing steed, was kicking up a prodigious dust at that very moment. He and I ought to be great enemies; for, besides the MacAdamite enormity of the stony road, he hath actually been guilty of tree-murder, having been an accessary before the fact in the death of three limes along the rope-walk-dear sweet innocent limes, that did no harm on earth except shading the path! I never should have forgiven that offence, had not their removal, by opening a beautiful view from the village up" live upon their means." He and his wife the hill, reconciled even my tree-loving eye to their abstraction. And, to say the truth, though we have had twenty little squabbles, there is no bearing malice with our surveyor; he is so civil and good-humoured, such an honest earnestness in his vocation (which is gratuitous by the by), and such an intense conviction that the state of the turnpike road between B. and K. is the principal affair of this life, that I would not undeceive him for the world. How often have I seen him on a cold winter morning, with a face all frost and business, great-coated up to the eyes, driving from post to post, from one gang of labourers to another, praising, scolding, ordering, cheated, laughed at, and liked by them all! Well, when once the hill is finished, we shall have done with him for ever, as he used to tell me by way of consolation, when I shook my head at him, as he went jolting along over his dear new roads, at the imminent risk of his springs and his bones: we shall see no more of him; for the MacAdam ways are warranted not to wear out. So be it; I never wish to see a roadmender again.

seemed the happiest couple on earth; except a little too much leisure, I never suspected that they had one trouble or one care. But Care, the witch, will come everywhere, even to that happiest station and this prettiest place. She came in one of her most terrific formsblindness or (which is perhaps still more tremendous) the faint glimmering light and gradual darkness which precedes the total eclipse. For a long time we had missed the pleasant bustling officiousness, the little services, the voluntary tasks, which our good neighbour loved so well. Fruit trees were blighted, and escaped his grand specific fumigation; wasps multiplied, and their nests remained untraced; the cheerful modest knock with which, just at the very hour when he knew it could be spared, he presented himself to ask for the newspaper, was heard no more; he no longer hung over his gate to waylay passengers, and entice them into chat; at last he even left off driving his little chaise, and was only seen moping up and down the garden walk, or stealing gropingly from the woodpile to the house. He evidently shunned conBut if the form of outward things be all un-versation or questions, forbade his wife to tell changed around us, if the dwellings of man remain the same to the sight and the touch, the little world within hath undergone its usual mutations; the hive is the same, but of the bees some are dead and some are flown away, and some that we left insects in the shell, are already putting forth their young wings. Children in our village really sprout up like mushrooms; the air is so promotive of growth, that the rogues spring into men and women,

what ailed him, and even when he put a green shade over his darkened eyes, fled from human sympathy with a stern pride that seemed almost ashamed of the humbling infirmity. That strange (but to a vigorous and healthy man perhaps natural) feeling soon softened. The disease increased hourly, and he became dependent on his excellent wife for every comfort and relief. She had many willing assistants in her labour of love; all his neighbours

strove to return, according to their several elegant as when she wore frocks and pin-ameans, the kindness which all had received fores, and unconsciously classical, parted her from him in some shape or another. The coun- long brown locks in the middle of her foretry boys, to whose service he had devoted so head, and twisted them up in a knot behind, much time, in shaping bats, constructing bows giving to her finely-shaped head and throat and arrows, and other quips and trickeries of the air of a Grecian statue. Then she was the same nature, vied with each other in per- stirring all day in her small housewifery, or forming little offices about the yard and stable; her busy idleness, delving and digging in her and John Evans, the half-witted gardener, to flower-border, tossing and dangling every inwhom he had been a constant friend, repaid fant that came within her reach, feeding pigs his goodness by the most unwearied attention. and poultry, playing with May, and prattling Gratitude seemed to sharpen poor John's per- with an open-hearted frankness to the country ception and faculties. There is an old man lads, who assemble at evening in the shop to in our parish work-house, who occasionally enjoy a little gentle gossiping; for be it known walks through the street, led by a little boy to my London readers, that the shoemaker's holding the end of a long stick. The idea of in a country village is now what (according this man, who had lived in utter blindness for to tradition and the old novels) the barber's thirty years, was always singularly distressing used to be, the resort of all the male newsto Mr. H. I shall never forget the address mongers, especially the young. Then she with which our simple gardener used to try talked to these visiters gaily and openly, sang to divert his attention from this miserable fel- and laughed and ran in and out, and took no low-sufferer. He would get between them to more thought of a young man than of a gosprevent the possibility of recognition by the ling. Then she was only fourteen. Now she dim and uncertain vision; would talk loudly wears gowns and aprons, -puts her hair in to drown the peculiar noise, the sort of duet paper, has left off singing, talks, has left of feet, caused by the quick short steps of the off running, walks,-nurses the infants with child, and the slow irregular tread of the old a grave solemn grace, has entirely cut her man; he would turn the conversation with an former playmate Mayflower, who tosses her adroitness and acuteness that might put to pretty head as much as to say—who cares? shame the proudest intellect. So passed many and has nearly renounced all acquaintance months. At last Mr. H. was persuaded to with the visiters of the shop, who are by no consult a celebrated oculist, and the result means disposed to take matters so quietly. was most comforting. The disease was ascer- There she stands on the threshold, shy and tained to be a cataract; and now with the in- demure, just vouchsafing a formal nod or a crease of darkness came an increase of hope. faint smile as they pass, and, if she in her The film spread, thickened, ripened, speedily turn be compelled to pass the open door of and healthily; and to-day the requisite ope- their news-room (for the working apartment ration has been performed with equal skill and is separate from the house) edging along as success. You may still see some of the coun- slyly and mincingly as if there were no such try boys lingering round the gate with looks beings as young men in the world. Exquisite of strong and wondering interest; poor John coquette! I think (she is my opposite neighis going to and fro, he knows not for what, bour, and I have a right to watch her doings, unable to rest a moment; Mrs. H., too, is walking in the garden shedding tears of thankfulness; and he who came to support their spirit, the stout strong-hearted farmer A., seems trembling and overcome. The most tranquil person in the house is probably the patient: he bore the operation with resolute firmness, and he has seen again. Think of the bliss bound up in those four words! He is in darkness now, and must remain so for some weeks; but he has seen, and he will see; and that humble cottage is again a happy dwelling. Next we come to the shoemaker's abode. All is unchanged there, except that its master becomes more industrious and more pale-faced, and that his fair daughter is a notable exemplification of the developement which I have already noticed amongst our young things. But she is in the real transition state, just emerging from the crysalis—and the eighteen months between fourteen and a half and sixteen, would metamorphose a child into a woman all the world over. She is still pretty, but not so

the right of retaliation), there is one youth particularly distinguished by her non-notice, one whom she never will see or speak to, who stands a very fair chance to carry her off. He is called Jem Tanner, and is a fine lad, with an open ruddy countenance, a clear blue eye, and curling hair of that tint which the poets are pleased to denominate golden. Though not one of our eleven, he was a promising cricketer. We have missed him lately on the green at the Sunday evening game, and I find on inquiry that he now visits a chapel about a mile off, where he is the best male singer, as our nymph of the shoe-shop is incomparably the first female. I am not fond of betting; but I would venture the lowest stake of gentility, a silver threepence, that, before the winter ends, a wedding will be the result of these weekly meetings at the chapel. In the long dark evenings, when the father has enough to do in piloting the mother with conjugal gallantry through the dirty lanes, think of the opportunity that Jem will have to escort the

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