4. Translate the following sentences, commenting upon the use of es : (1) Es war einmal ein König. (2) Ich bin es. (3) Ich habe verdient zu sterben, und ich will es. 5. Classify the following words, so as to show what parts of speech they are, and what effect they have upon the order of words in the sentence:-dennoch, so, daher, wenn, denn, entweder, weil, während, sondern, kaum, nach, nachdem. 6. What distinctions can be drawn between the use of der and welcher in relative clauses? 7. What cases are governed by the following prepositions : bei, durch, um, zwischen, entgegen, gegen, auf, unter, aus, in? 8. Translate into German :— (1) Whoever has done this, is a miscreant. (2) No building was burnt but the Council house, (3) Not even his father judged him fairly. (4) He hopes to outbid (überbieten) all others. (5) She would have liked to sign (unterschreiben) the letter. (6) To labour is to pray. (7) I might have been able to see the enemy flee. (8) This will help you to learn. (9) This is not to be borne. (10) The problem to be solved is not easy. THURSDAY, JUNE 11, from 2.30 to 4.30 P.M. Translate : : A. German. (Third Paper.) (1) Das Aufreissen des Erdreichs, Aussaat und Wässerung, die Ernte selbst, wie viele Arbeiten erforderte dieses alles! und welche Arbeit erst nach der Ernte, bis die Frucht seines Fleisses so weit gebracht war, von ihm genossen zu werden! Wie oft musste er sich gegen wilde Thiere, die sie anfielen, für seine Pflanzungen wehren, sie hüten oder verzäunen, oft vielleicht gar mit Gefahr seines Lebens dafür kämpfen! Und wie unsicher war ihm dabei noch immer die Frucht seines Fleisses, in die Gewalt der Witterung und der Jahreszeit gegeben! Ein übertretender Strom, ein fallender Hagel war genug, sie ihm am Ziel noch zu rauben, und ihn dem härtesten Mangel auszusetzen. Hart also, ungleich und zweifelhaft war das Loos des Ackermann's gegen das gemächliche ruhige Loos des Hirten, und seine Seele musste in einem durch so viele Arbeit gehärteten Körper verwildern. (2) Zwei Elemente sind nothwendige Voraussetzung wirklicher Sagenbildung, das mythische und das historische; nur aus der Verbindung mythischer Vorstellungen mit historischer Ueberlieferung entsteht die nationale Sage eines Volks; nur durch die kritische Sonderung beider Bestandtheile gelingt es zum Verständnisse derselben zu gelangen; darum ist jede Methode, die auf andres ausgeht oder einseitig nur dem einen Ziele zusteuert, von vorne herein verfehlt und führt nothwendig zu falschen Resultaten. Nach beiden Seiten, durch rein mythische und rein historische Deutungsversuche, ist an der Nibelungensage viel gesündigt worden. (3) Gedenke dass du Schuldner bist Und deren Recht gleich deinem ist Wenn jemals noch zu dir des Lebens ; Und nimm dem Weinstock nicht die letzte Traube. E FRIDAY, JUNE 12, from 9 to 11.30 A.M. C. Modern History. (First Paper.) English History, 1154-1688. 1. Discuss the claims of Henry II to be regarded as the founder of the judicial system of England. 2. Compare the baronial risings in the reigns of Henry III and Edward II. 3. What were the causes and the effects of Wat Tyler's rebellion? 4. Mention the chief provisions of the Statute of Mortmain, Statute of Præmunire, Act of Appeals, Act of Uniformity of Elizabeth; and show how the legal position of the Church was affected by each. 5. Write a short history of the war with France from 1413 to 1435. 6. Give an account of the Scotch policy of Henry VII and VIII. In what respects was it new? 7. How do you account for the subserviency of Parliament to the Tudor kings, and how far was this subserviency complete? 8. Mention the turning-points in the history of the relations of England and Ireland during the period 1154-1688. 9. Trace shortly the relations of England and Holland during the 17th century. 10. Describe the parties, political and ecclesiastical, existing in England in 1640, and compare with the state of parties in 1648. 11. The reign of Charles II has been described as an era of good laws and bad government. On what facts is this description based, and is it correct? FRIDAY, JUNE 12, from 2.30 to 5 P.M. C. Modern History. Special Period (2). Reign of Charles V. 1. What was Charles V's policy at the Diet of Worms, and from what motives? How far is it true that he then threw away the greatest opportunity of his life? 2. Give an account of any insurrections that took place in Spain against Charles V, their causes and results. 3. Draw out a genealogical table of the house of Hapsburg and its marriage connections. 4. Classify the states of Germany according to (1) creeds, (2) geographical position, (3) title and power of ruler. 5. Describe the state of France under Francis I, showing in what its strength and weakness consisted. 6. Trace the varying relations of Charles V to England during his reign. 7. What advances were made by the Turks under Solyman? Explain why the Turkish power was so formidable. 8. Compare the terms of the Peaces of Madrid, Cambray, Crespy, Cateau Cambresis. 9. What were the purposes for which the Council of Trent was called, and what was accomplished by it? 10. What was the Interim? Show how (1) previous conditions, (2) subsequent events, concurred to make it a failure. 11. State the attitude towards the Reformation assumed by Albert of Prussia, Cardinal Contarini, Carlstadt, Francis I, John Frederic of Saxony, Philip of Hesse, Zwingli. TUESDAY, JUNE 9, from 9 to 11 A.M. D. Mathematics. ALGEBRA. 1. Prove the rule for finding the Greatest Common Measure of two algebraical expressions. 2. Find the Greatest Common Measure of 4x1 —9x2+24x-16 and 8x5 — 28 x1 +30x3 −9x2−32x+16; and give the rule for finding the Least Common Multiple of two algebraical expressions when their Greatest Common Measure has been found. 3. Show that when a+b+c = 0, a3 +b3 +c3 = 3abc. 6. A and B have the same number of square counters, all of one size. A arranges part of his in rows so as to form a square, and has 130 over. B makes a similar arrangement with part of his, and has 31 over. In the side of B's there are 3 more counters than in that of A's; how many counters have each ? square 7. Find the two numbers whose sum is 2a, and their product a-1. |