TUESDAY, JUNE 10, from 2.30 to 4.30 P.M. 1. English Composition. Write an Essay on one of the following subjects :— (1) What should be the aim of education? (2) In what respects is the state of England at the present time better or worse than in the last century? Or, Give an account of (1) the play of Shakspeare, or (2) the novel of Scott, which you prefer, and give reasons for your preference. Or, Write a life of Joan of Arc, or Christopher Columbus. THURSDAY, JUNE 12, from 9 to 11 A.M. 2 (a). Latin. (First Paper.) Translate into Latin: After the king had made an end of speaking, the ambassadors of Jugurtha, in reliance rather on their bribes than on the goodness of their cause, made a brief reply. Hiempsal, they said, had been killed by the Numidians for his own cruelty; as for Adherbal, he had made war without provocation, and now that he was beaten was complaining because he had failed to inflict a wrong. All that Jugurtha sought from the Senate was that they should think of him as the man he had proved himself to be at Numantia, and not judge of him upon the evidence of an enemy. Each party then quitted the House, and the Senate proceeded to discuss the question. The friends of the ambassadors extolled Jugurtha's services: but those who valued right and justice more than wealth gave it as their opinion that the death of Hiempsal should be punished. THURSDAY, JUNE 12, from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. 2 (a). Latin. (Second Paper.) 1. Give the genitive singular and accusative plural of the following words, and mark the gender of each :-carcer, securis, nix, lampas, cupido, foedus, mel, hospes. 2. Give the perfect, supine, and infinitive active of lino, pario, meto, augeo, suesco, vello, redigo, veneo. 3. Put into Latin (using no figures and writing all words in full):-Two hundred and sixty-five ships. Fifty-five 'minae' per head. December 25th, 1883. More haste (festinatio), worse speed (cursus). The second camp was nearer (compar. of propinquus) than the former. He was born at Rome, and died at Athens. 4. Parse caelitus, metire, consperserit, prositis, desipere, eatenus, potis, instar, sublatis, uterer. 5. What is the construction (or various constructions) of postquam, dum, potior, noceo, quin, expers? 6. Translate carefully into Latin :— away. (1) I fear you have come to tell me that I must go (2) I have been persuaded into trusting (fido) as I never could have believed I should. (3) He was not so foolish as to deny the truth of what I had told him. (4) He would not have gone away unless you had persuaded him to do so. 7. Express in 'Oratio Obliqua' after a past tense :— Desinite ergo mirari, cur nemo de commodis plebis agat: eo impenduntur labor ac periculum, unde emolumentum et honos speratur; nihil non aggredientur homines si magna conatis (participle) magna praemia contigerint. THURSDAY, JUNE 12, from 2.30 to 4.30 P.M. 2 (a). Latin. (Third Paper.) 1. Translate, explaining the meaning or construction of words italicised : (1) Ut Turpione Ambivio magis delectatur qui in prima cavea spectat, delectatur tamen etiam qui in ultima, sic adulescentia voluptates propter intuens magis fortasse laetatur, sed delectatur etiam senectus procul eas spectans tantum, quantum sat est. at illa quanti sunt, animum tamquam emeritis stipendiis libidinis, ambitionis, contentionum, inimicitiarum, cupiditatum omnium secum esse secumque, ut dicitur, vivere ! (2) Apud Xenophontem autem moriens Cyrus maior haec dicit:nolite arbitrari, o mei carissimi filii, me cum a vobis discessero, nusquam aut nullum fore; nec enim, dum eram vobiscum, animum meum videbatis, sed eum esse in hoc corpore ex iis rebus, quas gerebam, intellegebatis: eundem igitur esse creditote, etiam si nullum videbitis. nec vero clarorum virorum post mortem honores permanerent, si nihil eorum ipsorum animi efficerent, quo diutius memoriam sui teneremus. (3) Ita enim senectus honesta est, si se ipsa defendit, si ius suum retinet, si nemini mancipata est, si usque ad ultimum spiritum dominatur in suos. Ut enim adulescentem, in quo est senile aliquid, sic senem, in quo est aliquid adulescentis, probo: quod qui sequitur corpore senex esse poterit, animo numquam erit. (4) Nec vero segetibus solum et pratis et vineis et arbustis res rusticae laetae sunt, sed hortis etiam et pomariis, tum pecudum pastu, apium examinibus, florum omnium varietate. nec consitiones modo delectant, sed etiam insitiones, quibus nihil invenit agri cultura sollertius. 2. Give some account of each of the interlocutors in the dialogue "De Senectute". Had it any political purpose? 3. Translate, explaining the construction of words italicised: (1) Haec ait et Maia genitum demittit ab alto, Ut terrae, utque novae pateant Carthaginis arces (2) (3) Hospitio Teucris, ne fati nescia Dido Quum venit, aulaeis iam se regina superbis manet alta mente repostum Monstrarat, caput acris equi; sic nam fore bello WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, from 9 to 11 A.M. 2(c). French. (First Paper.) Translate into French : When Ulysses awoke (which was not till some time after the mariners had departed) he did not at first know his country again; either because long absence had made it strange, or because Minerva (which was more likely) had cast a cloud about his eyes, that he should have greater pleasure hereafter in discovering his mistake: so, like a man suddenly awaking in some desert isle, to which his sea-mates have transported him in his sleep, he looked around and discerning no known objects, he cast his hands to heaven for pity, and complained on those ruthless men who had beguiled him with a promise of conveying him home to his country, and perfidiously left him to perish in an unknown land. But then the rich presents of gold and silver given him by Alcinous, which he saw carefully laid up in secure places near him, staggered him; which seemed not like the act of wrongful or unjust men, such as turn pirates for gain, or land helpless passengers in remote coasts to possess themselves of their goods. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. 2 (c). French. (Second Paper.) 1. Give the meaning and plural of-le bétail, le tête-à-tête, l'arc-en-ciel, le chef-lieu, le chef d'œuvre, le passe-partout. 2. Classify the verbs comprised under the 2nd conjugation, giving an instance of each group and the 1st pers. sing. and plur. pres. indic., 1st pers. sing. fut. simple, 1st pers. sing. pres. subj., present and past participles in each case. 3. Parse-je vis, je suis, il gît, ils se plaignent, veuillez, que nous sussions, acquis, plu, mues, il écherrait, qu'il faille, asseyez-vous, close. 4. Distinguish between ressortissant-ressortant, absous-absolu, fleurissant-florissant, excellent-excellant, le vapeur-la vapeur, un aune-une aune, 5. Give a list of the adjectives whose meaning varies according as they are placed before or after the substantive which they qualify. 6. When should it is immediately before an adjective be rendered by il est and when by c'est? 7. How do you translate to and from before (1) names of towns, (2) names of countries? |