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The Certificates issued to the Candidates will specify the languages in which they have gained distinction.

A vivá voce Examination in the Modern Languages for such as desire it will be held in Oxford and at such other large Centres as the Delegates may appoint. This will comprise writing from dictation, reading aloud, and conversation. Candidates who satisfy the Examiners in this portion of the Examination as well as in that conducted on paper, will have a special note to that effect added to their Certificates.

Candidates who pass in this Section may offer any two of the selected languages on a future occasion.

4. Mathematics. Pure and Mixed. Papers will be set in



Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical.
Pure and Analytical Geometry.
Differential and Integral Calculus.





5. Ancient History, &c. Papers will be set on Greek History from the earliest times to the death of Demosthenes, B. C. 322, and on Roman History from the earliest times to the death of Domitian. The following modern authors are recommended for study:-in Greek History, Grote, Curtius, Boeckh (Public Economy of Athens); in Roman History, Mommsen, Ihne, Merivale (Romans under the Empire). Candidates must offer in addition the following books, from the text of which passages will be set.

Livy I-X, or XXI-XXX.
Tacitus, Annals.

Caesar, De Bello Gallico.

Caesar, De Bello Civili.

6. Modern History, &c. Papers will be set on (1) the History of England, including Constitutional History, to the Accession of Queen Victoria; (2) one of the following special periods of History, both English and Foreign, to be known accurately, viz.: From the Great Charter to the Accession of Edward IV, with Joinville, Matthew Paris (1235-1259), and Froissart (from the beginning of Edward III's war in France to the deposition of Richard II). Or, From the Accession. of Edward IV to the death of Elizabeth, with Bacon's Henry VII, Cavendish's Wolsey, and Philip de Commines. Passages for explanation and translation will be set from the text of these authors.

The following books are recommended for study :—

I. ON ENGLISH HISTORY. (1) Constitutional History:-Stubbs' Select Charters and Constitutional History; Hallam's Middle Ages and Constitutional History; May's Constitutional History. (2) General History :-Lappenberg's Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman Kings, (or Kemble's Saxons in England) with Freeman's Old-English History; Lingard's History of England, from Henry II; Ranke's English History. For the Hanoverian period no books are recommended, but Candidates are required to supplement their study of Hallam and May by an adequate knowledge of the continuous political history. This head of examination must be taken to include the social and literary history, and the history of the growth of the English Colonies and Dependencies.

II. ON THE SPECIAL PERIODS (in addition to the books named above). (1) Milman's Latin Christianity; Hallam's Middle Ages; Coxe's House of Austria; Michelet's Histoire de France. Or (2) Robertson's Charles V; Coxe's House of Austria; Ranke's History of the Popes and History of Germany during the period of the Reformation; Roscoe's Life of Lorenzo de' Medici and Life of Leo X; Sismondi's Histoire des Français.



7. Philosophy. In this Section general papers will be set. Candidates must also offer at least two of the following groups of books, which must be specially studied. Passages will be set from the text of the books selected. If only two groups be offered (4) may not be combined with either (2) or (5), and (6) and (7) may not be taken together.

(1) Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics;

Elementa Logices Aristoteleae

Plato. Protagoras, Gorgias, Phi-
lebus, Theaetetus, Phaedo, and

(2) Bacon. Novum Organon.

Descartes. Discours de la Méthode.
Spinoza. Tractatus de Intellectus

Locke. Essay on the Human Un-

Leibnitz. Nouveaux Essais Philo.

(3) Berkeley. Treatise on the Prin-
ciples of Human Knowledge ;
Alciphron; An Essay towards a
New Theory of Vision.

Hume. Treatise of Human Nature.
Kant. Prolegomena zu einer jeden
künftigen Metaphysik; Grundle-
gung zur Metaphysik der Sitten.
(4) Sir W. Hamilton. Lectures on Logic
and Metaphysics.

Mansel. Prolegomena Logica.
Mill. Logic; Examination of the
Philosophy of Sir. W. Hamilton.

(5) Mackintosh. Introduction to Ethical

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A general acquaintance with the History of Philosophy will be required, and Candidates will also be expected to shew a more detailed knowledge of the periods and branches of philosophy specially represented by the groups of authors offered.

8. Physical Science. Candidates must shew an acquaintance with one or more of the following subjects, viz.: 1. PHYSICS. 2. CHEMISTRY. 3. BIOLOGY. 4. GEOLOGY.

1. PHYSICS. Candidates must shew an accurate general knowledge of Physics; they will also be allowed to present themselves for a more detailed examination in one or more of the following branches of Physics, viz.: (1) Sound; (2) Heat; (3) Light; (4) Electricity and Magnetism. For the highest honours a Mathematical treatment of these subjects will be required.

2. CHEMISTRY. Candidates will be examined in the following subjects: (1) Chemical Physics; (2) Inorganic Chemistry; (3) Organic Chemistry; (4) General and Theoretical Chemistry.

There will also be a practical Examination which will comprise (5) The Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic Substances; (6) The Quantitative Analysis of Inorganic Substances. The use of books will be allowed to Candidates in the Practical Examination.

3. BIOLOGY. Candidates will be examined in the general principles of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.


They must also present themselves for a more detailed examination in one or more of the following branches of Biology, viz.: (1) Physiological Botany; (2) Systematic Botany; (3) The Physiology of Animals; (4) The Comparative Anatomy of Animals.

There will also be a practical Examination in which Candidates will have an opportunity of shewing by dissection that they possess an intimate knowledge of the subject or subjects selected.

4. GEOLOGY. Candidates must shew an acquaintance with the general principles of Physics, Chemistry, and Geology (including Physical Geography).

They must also present themselves for a more detailed examination in one at least of the following branches of Geology, viz. :—(1) Petrology; (2) Palaeontology.

There will also be a practical Examination in Petrology and in Palaeontology, in which Candidates offering either of these subjects will be required to shew an intimate knowledge, in the former subject with the structure of Rocks, in the latter with the general structure and classification of Animal and Vegetable Life.

Candidates who offer Chemistry, Biology, or Geology cannot be classed unless they present themselves for the Practical Examination in their several subjects.


Candidates are at liberty to offer themselves for Examination in the Rudiments of Faith and Religion, and those who satisfy the Delegates in the subject will receive a separate Certificate. Candidates may offer themselves for examination in this subject either at the same time with their First or their Second Examination or on any subsequent occasion. They may be examined in the following subdivisions of the subject :

I. Holy Scripture:-The Historical and Prophetical Books of the Old Testament, the Holy Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Epistle to the Hebrews.

II. The Book of Common Prayer :-The Morning and Evening Services, the Litany, the Office for the Holy Communion, together with the Outlines of the History of the Prayer Book.

Candidates who satisfy the Delegates in I only will receive a Certificate for Holy Scripture. Those only will receive a Certificate for the Rudiments of Faith and Religion who satisfy the Delegates in both I and II. Candidates may offer, in addition, the Greek Text of the books selected from the New Testament, and, if they satisfy the Delegates in it, will have the fact noted on their Certificates.

OXFORD, MAY 18, 1883.



Examination Papers (price 18. 6d.) and Reports (price 6d.) may be obtained from Messrs. Jas. Parker & Co., Oxford, and 6 Southampton Street, Strand, London.


WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, from 2 to 4 P.M.

1. English Composition.

1. Write a life of one of the following:-Simon de Montfort, Sir Walter Raleigh, the Duke of Marlborough.


2. Write an Essay on one of the following subjects:

(1) What is the value in education of the study of language?

(2) The limit of the rights of man over the lower animals.

(3) What are the objects of the Drama beyond that of giving amusement?

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, from 9.30 to 11 A.M.

2 (a). Latin. (First Paper.)

Having heard that the siege had begun, the king determined to set out at once with the few forces which remained after his recent defeat. He sent accordingly for his principal officers, and hastened to lay before them his plan. All of you know,' he said, 'that all the neighbourhood is swarming with the enemy; that they have twice attempted to storm our camp, but have been unable to obtain any success. I have resolved nevertheless to delay no longer, but to march this very night through the midst of the enemy. Fortune, it is said, favours the brave; let us then dare to be brave men, worthy alike of those who have fallen, and of those whom we have left at home,'


FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, from 11 A.M. to 12.30.

2 (a). Latin. (Second Paper.)

1. Translate:—

(1) Eodem die ab exploratoribus certior factus hostes sub monte consedisse milia passuum ab ipsius castris octo, qualis esset natura montis et qualis in circuitu ascensus, qui cognoscerent misit. Renuntiatum est facilem esse.

(2) Ariovistus ad postulata Caesaris pauca respondit, de suis virtutibus multa praedicavit: Transisse Rhenum sese non sua sponte, sed rogatum et arcessitum a Gallis; non sine magna spe magnisque praemiis domum propinquosque reliquisse sedes habere in Gallia ab ipsis concessas, obsides ipsorum voluntate datos; stipendium capere iure belli, quod victores victis imponere consuerint. Non sese Gallis, sed Gallos sibi bellum intulisse: omnes Galliae civitates ad se oppugnandum venisse ac contra se castra habuisse; eas omnes copias a se uno proelio pulsas ac superatas esse.

(3) Instructo exercitu, magis ut loci natura deiectusque collis et necessitas temporis, quam ut rei militaris ratio atque ordo postulabat, cum diversis legionibus aliae alia in parte hostibus resisterent, sepibusque densissimis, ut ante demonstravimus, interiectis prospectus impediretur, neque certa subsidia collocari neque, quid in quaque parte opus esset, provideri neque ab uno omnia imperia administrari poterant. Itaque in tanta rerum iniquitate fortunae quoque eventus varii sequebantur.

2. Translate:

(1) Qualis apes aestate nova per florea rura

Exercet sub sole labor, quum gentis adultos Educunt fetus, aut quum liquentia mella Stipant, et dulci distendunt nectare cellas; Aut onera accipiunt venientum, aut agmine facto Ignavum fucos pecus a praesepibus arcent: Fervet opus, redolentque thymo fragrantia mella. (2) At Cytherea novas artes, nova pectore versat Consilia, ut faciem mutatus et ora Cupido Pro dulci Ascanio veniat, donisque furentem Incendat reginam, atque ossibus implicet ignem ; Quippe domum timet ambiguam Tyriosque bilingues. Urit atrox Juno, et sub noctem cura recursat.

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