HALIFAX. THE GRAMMAR-SCHOOL. FOUNDED 1585, A.D. THE free grammar-school at Heath, in the parish of Halifax, was founded by charter granted by Queen Elizabeth at the humble suit of the inhabitants of the parish and vicarage of Halifax, "for the contiDual bringing up, teaching, and learning of children and youth of the said parish and vicarage of Halifax, and also of other villages and hamlets near adjoining unto the same, and of other our faithful and liege people whosoever they be, to be taught, instructed, and learned there." In order that the lands and possessions might be the better preserved, her majesty granted, that there should be twelve of the discreetest and honestest men dwelling within the same parish and vicarage for the time being, to be called, "the governors of the possessions, revenues, and goods of the free grammar-school," and to be one body corporate and politic, with continual succession. Several benefactions have been added by different persons to the original endowments. The foundation charter of the school having become forfeited through the neglect of the governors, who had not filled up vacancies in their number as directed, the corporation of the school was in consequence dissolved. The inhabitants petitioned George I., in 1726, for a renewal of the charter, and the petition was referred to the solicitor-general, who made his report in 1727. In consequence of this report, the archbishop of York, as visitor at the time, by a proper instrument under his hand and seal, dated 23rd October, 1727, appointed twelve governors of the school and its possessions, and on the 30th July, 1730, his majesty George II. granted a new charter of confirmation. By the new statutes, it is ordained that none shall be chosen schoolmaster who is not well-affected to the present settlement in church and state, and who has not been a student in one of the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge, for five years at least, and during his stay there conducted himself with discretion and sobriety, diligently pursued his studies, and is well skilled especially in grammar and the Latin and Greek tongues. He is also strictly charged to make his scholars, according to their age and capacity, perfect grammarians, and not to carry them on too hastily, &c. The statutes add, "these duties by the master, thus performed, yet lies there upon him at least the duty of improving his youth in good nature and good manners, which of themselves an ornament to good learning. We adjudge it, therefo a part of the master's and usher's duty, respectively to instruct th scholars to reverence their betters in all places, to be courteous speech to all men, in their apparel always cleanly, and in their wh carriage joining decency with modesty, and good manners wi learning." 1722. Thomas Millner, clerk, vicar of Boxhill in Sussex, former fellow of St Mary Magdalene College in Cambridge, by will a codicil, gave to the said college a reversionary grant of £1000 for t maintenance of three Bachelor Scholars, until they be masters of al or fellows, to be chosen from the schools of Heversham, Halifax, al Leeds. And in the year 1736, Mrs Mary Millner, his sister, added £20 to his benefaction, to be applied by the college to the same uses. These scholarships have been increased to four, and the preser practice is for the three schools to nominate candidates, who being er tered as usual for October, are examined with the candidates for th other college scholarships, at the beginning of the Lent term. (St p. 333.) HEMSWORTH. THE FREE GRAMMAR-SCHOOL. THE grammar-school of Hemsworth or Hymsworth was founder and endowed by Robert Holgate, a native of the place, who became Archbishop of York, and President of the King's Council established in the northern parts of England. By virtue of letters patent issued in the 38th year of the reign of Henry VIII. this school and two others were established and designed, as his majesty declared, "for the good education and instruction of children and boys of our kingdom of England, as well in good morals, as in grammar or other liberal sciences." The letters patent constituted the three schoolmasters to be three several corporations, to continue for ever in succession, according to such statutes, ordinances, and constitutions as should be decreed and made by the said archbishop. The statutes of the school were drawn up by the founder himself, by which the entire patronage and appointment of the master is vested in the Archbishop of York, and his successors for ever. 1572. John Thurleston, clerk, founded one Scholarship at St John's College, for a student from Hemsworth school. (See p. 310). KINGSTON-UPON-HULL. THE FREE GRAMMAR-SCHOOL. FOUNDED 1486, A.D. THIS school owes its origin to John Alcock, the founder of Jesus College, Cambridge, and successively bishop of Rochester, Worcester, and Ely, who appointed the priest of his chauntry in the church at Kingston-upon-Hull, to be the master, and to teach the poor free boys gratis. It was continued without interruption until all the chauntries were suppressed in the reign of Edward VI., and their lands granted to the crown. On remonstrances, however, from this and several other towns, commissioners were soon after appointed for the re-establishment of schools and for other purposes; upon which the school estates were restored, and it was ordered that the late schoolmaster should be replaced and receive the salary formerly paid to him. tion. The master and usher of the school are appointed by the corpora Alexander Metcalfe founded a Scholarship at Clare Hall for a scholar from the grammar-school of Kingston-upon-Hull. (See p. 217.) 1627. Thomas Bury, of Hull, by his will, gave an estate, after the determination of two lives, to the mayor and burgesses of Hull, in trust, that they should bestow the clear rents upon some poor scholar, apt to learn, born within the town of Kingston-upon-Hull, or the town of Beverley, whose friends should not be able to maintain him at school; and when any such poor child should be fit for Cambridge, then that the said mayor and burgesses should bestow the said rents upon him, for his better exhibition and maintenance in learning, in some one of the colleges or halls in the University of Cambridge, and that his gift should remain and stand good from one poor scholar to another for ever, without fraud or guile. 1690. Thomas Ferries, by will, devised to the mayor and burgesses of Kingston-upon-Hull, certain property, in trust, that after other payments directed to be made, the residue of the rents should be paid towards the maintenance of a poor Scholar, of the town of Kingston-upon-Hull, at the University of Cambridge or Oxford. In default of such poor scholar, or when there should be none such, th for such poor scholar of the town next adjoining, at the discretion the mayor and aldermen of Hull for the time being, or the most pa of them. The mayor and aldermen grant an annual Exhibition of about £ a year to a poor scholar of the town of Hull at the University of Car bridge. The exhibition is continued to each scholar for three years he be resident. LEEDS. THE FREE GRAMMAR-SCHOOL. FOUNDED 1552, A.D. THE first endowment of this school is contained in the will of S William Sleafield, priest, dated the sixth of March in the fifth year King Edward VI. by which he invested in certain feoffees, some copy hold lands "for finding sustentation and living of one honest, sub stantial, and learned man, to be a Schoole Maister, to teach and instruc freely for ever all such yonge scholars, youths and children, as shal come and resort to him from time to time, to be taught, instructed and informed in such a schoolhouse as shall be founded, erected, and builded by the paryshioners of the said town and parish of Leedes. The conditions he laid down were, that if the parishioners should no found a schoolhouse, and also purchase unto the schoolmaster for the time being a sufficient living of other lands, together with his gift, to the clear value of £10 for ever, within four years after his decease then the feoffees should stand seized to the use of the poor inhabitants of Leeds. The testator directed that his feoffees should have the nomination, election, and appointment of the schoolmaster. Subsequent endowments, both in houses and lands, have been added to the original endowment, which together produce a revenue above £2000 per annum. The trustees grant out of the revenues every year, to a student from this school, an Exhibition of £50 a year, tenable for four years, at any college in Oxford or Cambridge. 1721. Rev. T. Millner founded three Scholarships at Magdalene College, to which students from Leeds school have a claim. (Sec pr 333.) NORTHALLERTON. THE GRAMMAR-SCHOOL. THE origin of this school is uncertain, there is however in existence the register of the presentation of William de Leedes to the mastership of the grammar-school at Northallerton, 1385, A.D. There are no statutes of the school known to be in existence. There is a small endowment attached, but when made and by whom is not known. 1669. John Cosin, D.D. bishop of Durham, founded five Scholarships at St Peter's College, with a second preference to scholars from this school. (See p. 210.) 1694. Rev. John Kettlewell, who was educated at the school, conveyed to the vicar and two others, substantial inhabitants of Northallerton and Brompton, an estate of about 80 acres in the parish of Northallerton, in trust, for various charitable purposes. He further directed his trustees and their successors, that if it should happen that there was any youth of either of the said townships, of piety, parts, and good improvements in school learning, whose friends were not able to maintain him at either of the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge, but who might be educated there by the help of such a sum yearly as the charity might supply, the said minister and trustees, when they should see cause, should employ part, or the whole, as need should be, of the yearly rents and profits of the said premises towards the maintenance of such youth at either of the aforesaid Universities, for the full space of four years, and no longer. And for preserving the said trusts, it was declared, that the two inhabitants to be appointed for the execution of the trusts, as aforesaid, should be chosen by the major part of the surviving trustees from the substantial inhabitants of Northallerton and Brompton, one out of each township. POCKLINGTON. THE GRAMMAR-SCHOOL. THIS school was founded by John Dowman, LL.D. archdeacon of Suffolk and canon of St Paul's, and endowed, for the maintenance of a master and usher, with lands situated in several parts of the East and West Ridings of the county of York. |