Edmondes, D.D. clerk, in the eleventh year of Henry VIII.; the suppression of charitable institutions in that reign, it came t crown, and the school was re-founded by a charter in the fourth of the reign of Edward VI. In the year 1809, with the advice of the bishop of Bath Wells, certain statutes and ordinances were made by the warden governors for the management of the school, one of which directs exhibitions may be granted by the governors out of the profits revenues to assist in the maintenance of scholars from the scho Oxford or Cambridge. There are at present four Exhibitions granted, each of the valu £30 a year. One of these exhibitions is awarded regularly every if a fit and competent candidate come forward, and provided the f of the school be found by the governors to be sufficient for the pur Two of the four exhibitions are confined to free boys, and two open; but if there be no candidate from among the free boys f vacant confined exhibition, the governors may in that case elect s other scholar. Candidates for an exhibition must have attended school for the three previous years. The exhibitioners are elected a public examination of all the boys in the school held annually. 1 election is purely an election of merit, the governors being bound statute in every case to elect that candidate whom the examiner sl report to be the best scholar. CREWKERNE. THE GRAMMAR-SCHOOL. THE grammar-school of Crewkerne was founded by John Comb B.D. precentor of Exeter cathedral, a native of the town, and endowe by him and subsequent benefactors with lands and houses, which no produce about £300 per annum. By a recent order of the Court of Chancery the school is free to a sons of the inhabitants of Crewkerne, and within six miles of the town for instruction in Latin, Greek, and the principles of the Establishe Church. 1847. Thomas Hoskins, Esq. the warden of the school, the late Lord Wynford, and the feoffees, founded from houses and funded property, three Exhibitions, each of the value of £25 per annum and tenable for four years; the first two for students proceeding the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, the last for the learned tessions as well as the Universities. These exhibitions are open to the scholars, and are awarded by the feoffees on the report of an niner from one of the Universities. There are besides four Exhibitions, open to the free scholars from school to Oxford. STAFFORDSHIRE. TAMWORTH. THE FREE GRAMMAR-SCHOOL. THE free grammar-school at Tamworth was first established out The Guild of St George in that town. Queen Elizabeth in 1588 stored the free grammar-school; and "granted an annuity of 10. 138. 2d. for the fee and stipend of the schoolmaster, out of the easury, by the hands of the general receiver in the counties of Warick and Stafford, yearly to be paid to such use as formerly it was aid." In the charter granted by Charles II. to the borough of Tamworth, ve corporation are directed to appoint an able schoolmaster. The orporation are the trustees, by whom regulations are made from time time for the government of the school. 1527. John Bayley founded a Fellowship at St John's College, for a native of Tamworth. (See p. 307.) 1691. Rev. S. Frankland founded a Scholarship at St Catharine's Hall, Cambridge, for a student from this school. (See p. 280.) WALSALL. THE FREE GRAMMAR-SCHOOL. THE free grammar-school at Walsall was founded by Queen Mary, and endowed with certain lands in the parishes of Walsall, Tipton, and Norton, in the county of Stafford, and formerly belonging to the dissolved chantries of Walsall, Bloxwich, and Lichfield. The management of the estates and revenues is vested in ten goverhors, who must be respectable inhabitants of the town and parish of Walsall, and resident in the same. They are incorporated by charter, and have the power of making statutes respecting the school, with the advice and consent of the bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. The present income arises from the original endowment, exclusive of coal-mines under part of the estate. At the tercentenary commemoration of the foundation of the st in July, 1854, the Rev. J. B. Pugh, M. A. the head-master, oper voluntary subscription for the purpose of founding an Exhibition open for scholars from Walsall school to either University. The sum contributed exceeds £600, which is to be allowe accumulate till the annual proceeds are adequate to the object inter COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. BURY ST EDMUNDS. THE GRAMMAR-SCHOOL. THE town of Bury St Edmunds seems to have enjoyed the ads tage of a free school at a very early period. For Abbot Sampson the year 1198, built a school-house here, and settled a stipend upon master, directing that forty poor boys should be exempt from ev demand from the master with respect to their learning. The present free grammar-school was founded by King Edwi VI. and was the first of his numerous foundations. The govern are sixteen in number, and must be gentlemen resident in the tow and the bishop of Norwich is the visitor of the school. It is the m design of the school to provide a direct and complete preparation for the higher competitions in the English Universities, especially in ti neighbouring University of Cambridge. The number of scholars on the foundation (called royalists) is n limited, but is generally about 40, and a warrant signed by three gove nors, addressed to the head-master, is necessary for admission. Ther is no restriction as to the number of other scholars (oppidans) whic the master may choose to receive into the school. The scholarships at this school are awarded solely according t merit, which is determined by a public examination, conducted by two examiners from Oxford or Cambridge, every year at Midsummer 1558. Dr. Laurence Moptyd founded a Scholarship at Trinity Hall, for a student educated at Bury or Ipswich school. (See p. 247. 1569. Edward Hewer, citizen of London, by his will, gave a benefaction in the eleventh year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, to found four Exhibitions for students from this school proceeding to any college • Cambridge or Oxford. The present value of each of these exhistions is £40 a year, and they are tenable for four years. 1600. W. Spalding founded a Scholarship at St John's College, boy educated at Bury School. (See p. 313.) 1670. John Sudbury, D.D. dean of Durham, founded three ExMitions at Bury school, for scholars going to Oxford or Cambridge. These exhibitions are tenable for three years, and are now each of the alue of £20 per annum. IPSWICH. THE GRAMMAR-SCHOOL. THE establishment of a grammar-school at Ipswich is of very anint date; for at a great court which was holden there in 1477, the eventeenth year of Edward IV. it was ordered that "the master of the rammar-school shall have the government of all the scholars within de liberties of the town, taking such salary as by the bishop of Norvich is appointed." In the year 1482, it was ordered that "every burgess inhabitant hould pay to the master of the grammar-school for a boy eightpence ver quarter, and no more." King Henry VIII. granted a charter to the school, which was renewed, confirmed, and enlarged by Queen Elizabeth, on the 18th March, 1565. By the charter, the corporation are authorized to appoint a master and usher, and to make rules for the government and preservation of the school. 1558. Lawrence Moptyd founded a Scholarship at Trinity Hall, for a scholar from Ipswich or Bury School. (See p. 247.) 1598. W. Smart founded a Bye-fellowship and two Scholarships at Pembroke College, for scholars from Ipswich School. (See p. 222.) 1601. Ralph Scrivener gave a preference to scholars from Ipswich school for the four Scholarships which he founded at Pembroke College. (See p. 223.) 1621. Richard Martin gave by deed in trust to the bailiffs and portmen of Ipswich, that they should, after the decease of some persons to whom he gave annuities, pay yearly out of the sums and profits of the same, £20 to two Scholars at the University of Cambridge as were formerly scholars in the free school of Ipswich; to one of them being a Bachelor of Arts £14, and to the other £6, being both resident in the said University: to be continued for so long and such time as the bailiffs and majority of the portmen should appoint. Mr Martin reserved a preference in favor of such persons as mig be in any ways related to himself or his wife, if any of these shou be a scholar or scholars in the University. It may be remarked that a similar arrangement will probab be made with respect to the scholarships at Pembroke College for st dents from Ipswich School, as has been made in reference to those f students from Christ's Hospital. (See p. 227.) BECCLES. THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. FOUNDED 1713, A.D. THE present school at Beccles was founded under the will of th Rev. Henry Fauconberge, LL.D. a native of the town, who b queathed his real estate (after the death of certain relatives, whic took place in 1774,) in the county of Suffolk, to certain trustees, the objects of the foundation. The appointment of the master is vested in the bishop of Norwin the archdeacon of Suffolk, and the rector of Beccles, or any two them, and he is required to be "a person well learned in the La and Greek tongues, so as to capacitate youth for the Universities." 1591. Mr Roberts founded three Scholarships at Magdalene lege, for students from the grammar-school at Beccles. (See p. 330) REDGRAVE. THE FREE GRAMMAR-SCHOOL. FOUNDED 1557, A.D. THIS school, situated in the hamlet of Botesdale, was founded by Sir Nicholas Bacon, knight, lord keeper, and endowed with a small rent-charge. Sir Nicholas Bacon also founded six Scholarships at Corp Christi College, appropriated, first, to students from Redgrave school, secondly, in default of such, to any students. (See p. 256.) SUDBURY. THE FREE GRAMMAR-SCHOOL. FOUNDED 1491, A.D. THE free-school of Sudbury was founded by William Wood, warden of the College of St Gregory in that parish, who endowed it with an estate of about ninety acres in the parish of Maplestead in Essex. |