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3. The Masters' exhibition, of the value of £50 a year, at Oxfo Cambridge, or Dublin.

4. The Canning exhibition, of £40 a year, tenable at Oxford Cambridge.




FOUNDED 1567, A.D.

THIS School was founded by Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, Lo Hastings of Loughborough, Robert Brookesby, Nicholas Ashbye, at Robert Baynbrig, "for instructing youth in good Morals, Learnin Knowledge, and Virtue."

The endowment consists of houses in Ashby and seventy-five acr of land and the school is open to the children of all persons belongin to the parish of Ashby.

By an order of the Court of Chancery, two Exhibitions have bee established for scholars of this school who have been at least two year at the school, immediately before entering a college, to keep terms a either University. These exhibitions are each of the value of £4 per annum, and are tenable till the exhibitioner is of sufficient stand ing to be admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Arts.

1654. Francis Ash, Esq. founded ten Scholarships, each of £10 a year, at Emmanuel College, for which a preference is given to students who have been educated at the grammar-school of Ashby or of Derby. (See page 365.)




THIS is one of the Proprietary Schools, and is designed to afford a sound religious, classical, and mathematical education.

There are two Exhibitions of £25 each at either University for three years from the school, and poor students cæteris paribus have a preference.

These exhibitions were established in the year 1852 by the Rev. A. Hill, M.A. the present head-master; the entrance fees of new scholars being devoted to the purpose of forming an exhibition fund.



THIS School is endowed with lands, originally bequeathed in 1495 Thomas Burton. an inhabitant of Loughborough, and a merchant the Staple at Calais, for the maintenance of a chantry in the parishrch, but which were appropriated at the Reformation to the endowat of a grammar-school and other uses.

The rental of the estates is about £1400 per annum.

1682. Mr John Somerville, sometime master of the school, founded or more Scholarships at Jesus College: (See p. 289.)




THIS school is one of the most ancient in the kingdom, having founded as early as the time of Henry IV. It was re-founded Sir Woolstan Dixie, Knight, lord mayor of London, who by will vested the patronage of the school in the Skinners' Comy. (of which he was a member,) with this reservation, that if neglected or abused their trust, (which he hoped in God they ld not) then by application to the Master of the Rolls it should transferred to his heirs. The Skinners' Company do not appear to e exercised this power; and application having been made to the ster of the Rolls, the patronage was transferred to the heir of the nder.

The school is open to boys of the parish of Bosworth and Cadeby, I children of the tenants of the Dixie family from any part, for ir instruction in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, free of expense. Sir Woolstan Dixie founded two Fellowships and four Scholarships Emmanuel College, and gave estates, situated in Sutton Coldfield the county of Warwick, for the support of them. (See p. 364.) 1835. By an order of the Court of Chancery, dated July 24th, r Exhibitions, each of the value of £80 a year, were founded out the surplus revenues of the property of the school. The candidates these exhibitions are elected by the governors from those scholars o have been admitted on the foundation and have been educated at school for three years at least. They are tenable for four years at y college at Oxford or Cambridge.




IN former times there were two grammar-schools in the cit Lincoln: one in the close under the control of the dean and cha a part of the original foundation of the cathedral. In this sc Leland, in his Itinerary, (Vol. VIII. page 3), states, that there five Scholarships, founded by Bartholomew, son of Robert Burwa brother of Henry Burwasche, bishop of Lincoln.

The other grammar-school was founded in 1567 by the corp tion. In 1583 the two schools were united, the dean and cha reserving the right of appointing the master, and leaving the app ment of the usher to the mayor and aldermen.

1587. Sir Christopher Wray founded six Scholarships, and L Frances Wray one Scholarship, at Magdalene College, Cambridge, ▾ a second preference to scholars from Lincoln school. (See p. 330.)



FOUNDED 1528, A.D.

THIS free grammar-school was founded by Richard Fox, bish of Winchester, the founder of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and native of Ropesley, near Grantham, who left estates, now amounti to £1100 a year to the college, on condition that they kept the schoo house and mansion in repair, and paid £6. 13s. 4d. yearly to th


The foundation of Bishop Fox was augmented in 1553 by Kin Edward VI. who upon the petition of the aldermen and burgesses letters-patent, granted that there should be one grammar-school in th town of Grantham, to be called "The Free Grammar-school of King Edward the Sixth," "for the education and instruction of boys and youth in Latin and Greek, with one master or pedagogue for ever to continue;" and that it might be the better supported, he added to its endowments estates which now produce a rental of £800 a year.

The statutes for the government of the school and the management of the estates for its support, were devised by Nicholas, bishop of Lincoln, and Sir William Cecil, secretary of state to Queen Elizabeth,

d were viewed and confirmed by Thomas, bishop of Lincoln, July th, 1571.

By a decree of the Court of Chancery in 1815, it is provided that y surplus of rents and profits which may arise, shall be appropried towards the maintaining of one or more Exhibitions at the Unisities of Oxford or Cambridge, and that such exhibitions shall not eed £50, nor be less than £30 a year, and shall be tenable for four rs, or not more than six months after admission to the degree of chelor of Arts. No scholar is to be eligible to such exhibitions ess he shall have duly attended and have been educated at Granm school for at least two years immediately preceding his going to college at either of the Universities, and shall have obtained from schoolmaster a certificate of such attendance, and also certifying such scholar so offering himself a candidate for such exhibition aly qualified in respect of learning, and of good morals and bejour. There are at present eight Exhibitions, the appointment to ich rests with the aldermen and burgesses of Grantham, with the ice and concurrence of the Bishop of Lincoln,

1763. John Newcome, D.D. founded two Exhibitions "for the port of two scholars who come properly qualified in morals and ming from the grammar-school at Grantham, if any such shall be itted of St John's College, Cambridge, from that school; if not, m some other school in Lincolnshire, each to receive £20 per an, so long as they shall reside nine months in the year, and behave , until they proceed Masters of Arts, and no longer, or become ows of the said college." (See p. 323.)

Rev. Thomas Lovett, of Nottingham, by his will, founded Exhibitions, now of the annual value of £45 each, at Sidney sex College, Cambridge, for scholars duly qualified from the gram-school of Grantham in preference; or from the school of Oakham, ase of the former failing to fill the vacancy, for the space of three at least. (See p. 378.)



FOUNDED 1530, A.D.

THIS school owes its origin to the benevolence of William Radffe, alderman, or chief magistrate of the town, who made provision his will for the establishment of the school.

In the second and third years of Edward VI. an act of parli was passed for establishing this foundation: and after reciting th of Mr Radcliffe, it was enacted from henceforth that the alderm the town of Stamford, for the time being, and his successors, s hold all the lands and tenements so bequeathed, "to the intent with yearly to find an honest, able, and sufficient learned ma teach freely, within the same town of Stamford, all such schola shall, from time to time, resort to the school-house appointe teaching such scholars ;" and the schoolmaster to be paid the y profits (now above £500 a year) of all such lands, by four even tions. The alderman of Stamford, with the advice and consent o Master of the College of St John the Evangelist in Cambridge, name, direct, assign and appoint, from time to time, such an able learned person to be schoolmaster there; and that “the trade, f and manner of instructing and teaching to be used within the school, be approved and allowed by the said master of the above-na college for the time being."

1581. The Lord Treasurer Burleigh augmented twenty-four & larships at St John's College, Cambridge, and directed that after death, two scholars should be appointed by the heir of the hous Burleigh, one of whom was to be chosen out of the grammar-sch at Stamford. (See p. 311.)

1612. Thomas Cecil, Earl of Exeter, gave a rent-charge founding three Fellowhips and eight Scholarships at Clare Hall, Ca bridge, and it was agreed that "the master, fellows, and scholars Clare Hall, on their nomination and election of new scholars into t said scholarships which so shall be void, shall principally prefer s persons of the said University as formerly have been taught and i structed in the school at Stamford, in the county of Lincoln, if, respect of their learning and honest conversation, they shall be foun as fit and able as others which shall be competitors with them for th said scholarships." (See p. 215.)

Mr Marshall left £12 a year for an Exhibition for a schola born in the borough of Southwark, and educated in the school kept in the parish of St Saviour's, or born in the town of Stamford and educated in Stamford school.

1700. Mr Thomas Truesdale, by will, vested £50 in the hands of the corporation of Stamford (who pay interest at 5 per cent.) for the benefit of freeborn scholars belonging to the free school, going directly from thence to the University. At the present time there are two

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