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Archbishop Parker, by his will dated in 1575, also founded three Exhibitions at Corpus Christi College, of the yearly value of £3.68.8d. each, and gave the right of nomination, in the first place, to the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, who are to appoint such sons of their Norfolk, Suffolk, and Lincolnshire tenants as are educated in the King's School.

1580. John Parker, Esq. founded three Scholarships at Corpus Christi College, out of an annuity of £10 from his estate at Lambeth. The Archbishop of Canterbury is the patron of one scholar, who is @quired to be a native of Canterbury, and educated in the King's chool there. (See p. 256.)

1618. Robert Rose, Esq. of Bishopsbourne, gave 26 acres of and in Romney Marsh, for the assistance of four Scholars at either University, being such as were in the King's School at Canterbury, of which he had been usher. These exhibitions were to be of the yearly ralue of £6 each, and to continue for seven years, if the scholar should temain so long there unpreferred to a living of £20 per annum above the exhibitions.

1625. William Heyman, of Canterbury, gentleman, by indenture, vested 27 acres of land, in the parish of Warehorne, in the county of Kent, in certain feoffees, to apply five parts out of six of the rents, to two poor scholars only, to be placed in the King's School at Canterbury, to be nominated by his next heir and the majority of the feoffees; such scholar to be descended from the body of his grandfather, Peter Heyman, Esq. or to be natives, or born of such as are natives, of Sellinge. The scholar so to be chosen to be full eight years old, who should hold his exhibition for nine years, and if he should go to any college in Cambridge, to be continued for seven years from his leaving school: and if he should take orders in the first five years of the seven, the same to be continued to him for three years more, that is, ten years in the whole, at the University.

1643. Henry Robinson, Esq. left lands to St John's College, Cambridge, for founding two Fellowships and two Scholarships, for Hatives of the Isle of Thanet, and brought up at the King's School in Canterbury, or in default, for natives of the county of Kent, brought up in the same school. In 1652, by an order of the Court of Chancery, it was decreed, that four Scholarships should be established for ever instead of the original appointment, and that the profits should be applied, according to the direction of the donor, towards the maintenance of the four scholars only.

1656. Rev. Abraham Colfe, among his other benefactions, seven Exhibitions of £10 a year each for scholars from Lewi School at either University. In default of claimants from that se then from the adjacent Hundreds, and from members of the Com of Leathersellers, (who are the patrons of the school and possess the estates bequeathed by Mr Colfe;) he directed these exhibitio be filled up by scholars from the King's School in Canterbury from that in Christ's Hospital, London, alternately.

He added these two schools, which he judged would at all supply the deficiency, in case that Lewisham School might not duce enough to fill all his exhibitions: and assigned this reason cause his father was educated at Christ's Hospital, and he himself born at Canterbury.

1712. A society was begun in this year by some of the for scholars, which subsequently was named the "King's School F Society;" and now consists principally of inhabitants of Canterb and the neighbourhood, with the members of the chapter, and o clergymen. In 1718, an annual contribution was begun by those were then present, and has since been continued, and from the proce of the contributions, two Exhibitions, each of the value of £60 annum, have been established, tenable for four years at Oxford Cambridge. The general fund of the society now consists of £39 three per cent. Consols, besides a special fund of £582.78. 4d. in same stock. Besides the two exhibitions of £60 a year at either u versity, the two exhibitions at Corpus Christi College, Cambrid have been augmented from this fund to the sum of £60 each per annu for four years.

1719. George Thorpe, D.D. founded five Scholarships at En manuel College, now each of the value of £30 per annum. A prefe ence is reserved for the sons of orthodox ministers of the Church England and of the diocese of Canterbury, and such as have bee brought up at the King's School there. (See p. 367.)

1728. George Stanhope, S.T.P. dean of Canterbury, bequeathe £250 in the New South Sea Annuities, to found one Exhibition of £1 per annum, for a King's scholar of the school of Christ Church, Cam terbury, to be nominated by the dean and chosen by him, or the vice dean and chapter, for seven years, but the exhibition is to cease at the Michaelmas after his commencing Master of Arts.

The reduction of interest having made an alteration in the annua value, and the exhibition having been vacant, with that accumulated

mount, and a contribution from the Dean and Chapter some years ince, the sum of £50 stock was purchased, so that the exhibition is ow worth £9 per annum.

1736. John Brown, B.D. founded two Greek Scholarships at Ommanuel College, each of the value of £8 per annum, for scholars NM the King's School at Canterbury, and in default, from any other thool in Kent, and in default from thence, then from any other hool. (See p. 368.)

-Rev. George Shepherd, D.D. gave £500 in the 3 per cent. Insols, the dividend on which he directed to be paid by "the ing's School Feast Society," once in two years to an exhibitioner pointed by this society, as soon as he shall have commenced his idence at Oxford or Cambridge. |



FOUNDED 1542, A.D.

THE Royal Grammar-school in the city of Rochester dates its igin from the foundation charter of the Dean and Chapter of the athedral Church in the 32nd year of Henry VIII. About three years fer, his majesty gave a code of statutes for the government of this Church and its appendages, in which it is ordained, that there shall be Duo informatores puerorum in Grammatica, quorum unus vel præeptor, alter, sub-præceptor, viginti pueri in grammatica erudiendi." The statutes also prescribe the allowances " pro mensa, pro vestibus et ro stipendiis."

Since the appeal of the head master the twenty king's scholars re educated free of the charge of tuition, and receive an annual allowance of £16. 13s. 4d.; their selection is vested in the dean and chapter, and any boy between the ages of 9 and 15 is eligible.

The statutes also direct, that Exhibitions of £5 a year each shall be paid to four scholars, two at each of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge: the scholars to be more than 15 and under 20 years of age, to be chosen from this school in preference; but if none such are here duly qualified, then from any other school, so that they be neither fellow nor scholar in either University. The said pension to continue until they commence bachelor, and that within the space of four years; after which they are to enjoy the same for three years; when commencing Master of Arts, they are to be allowed £6 per annum, and after

that £6. 13s. 4d. The college to be at the option of the dean dean and chapter, who nominate the scholars.

These four exhibitions have been raised to the yearly va £30. 10s. during residence, in consequence of an appeal to the of Chancery made by the Rev. Robert Whiston, M.A., the ] head master.

Mr Whiston has also raised a fund by subscription, from wi derived an exhibition of £5 a year for a scholar proceeding to University.

There are other exhibitions from this school for students at O



FOUNDED 1553, A.D.

SIR Andrew Judde, Knt. lord mayor of London, in 1550 tained a charter in the 7th year of King Edward VI. enabling hi and Henry Fisher to hold lands, &c., for the maintenance of a s at Tunbridge, his native place, and for no other purposes whatso Under this charter lands were purchased for the endowment of school, and conveyed to himself and Henry Fisher, as trustees, power to the survivor to convey the said lands, &c. to the Skin Company, as the governors of the school.

It has been ordered by the Court of Chancery that there shal 16 Exhibitions, each of the value of £100 a year, as a part of establishment of Tunbridge School, to be given to fit students may proceed to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.


In the year 1824 it was thought expedient and proper that privileges of the Tunbridge School should not only extend to be and youths whose parents or guardians should be resident within town and parish of Tunbridge, but also to such boys and youths whe parents or guardians should reside in any other parish or place in county of Kent, within the distance of ten miles by the ordinary roa and ways from the church of the town of Tunbridge, which boys an youths should be considered as constituting the first class: and the there might be a sufficient number of scholars to receive the exhib

* See Cathedral Trusts, and their Fulfilment, by the Rev. Robert Whistor M.A. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Head Master of the Cathedr Grammar-school, Rochester; and the articles "On Cathedral Schools" in the mu bers 86-93 of the English Journal of Education.

ns, it was thought proper and advisable by the Master in Chancery, at there should be another, or second class, comprehending all boys d youths of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, who being quaed, should be capable of receiving the exhibitions.

The governors ordered, in 1827, that no boy shall be eligible for an hibition until he shall have been five years a scholar of the school. It is also ordered, that boys of the first class of scholars, if duly lified, shall be preferred to the exhibitions before those of the nd class.

These exhibitions are to be tenable for four years, from the first after the presentation, and for such part of four years only as the bitioners shall be bona fide resident during the usual terms: and ase any of the said exhibitions shall cease before the expiration of years, then the said exhibitions for the residue of the period of years shall be given by the governors to any youths then or forly scholars of the school who shall have undergone the examinas, and proved themselves qualified for the exhibitions, although failed in obtaining the same, and who shall be then resident memof one of the Universities, and be under the degree of Bachelor of . always preferring youths of the first class to those of the second. The examination for exhibitions is in the last week of July, and one can sit for an exhibition who is more than 19 years of age. 1619.

Mr Robert Holmden left an Exhibition in the gift of the hersellers' Company for a student at Oxford or Cambridge from bridge School, in default of one from Sevenoaks School. 1624. Sir Thomas Smythe, by will, bequeathed to the Master Wardens of the Skinners' Company certain houses in London for ous uses, one of which was, that the said Company should, for the rencouragement and advancement of the poor scholars of the School of Tunbridge, pay yearly towards the maintenance of six Scholars at the Universities, to be from time to time elected out The said school, the sum of £10 each yearly, and to be continued seven years, and that vacancies should be filled up by the Skinners' pany as they should occur. They are now £16 per annum. 1675. Mrs M. Boswell gave a second preference to two Scholarat Jesus College, Cambridge, for students from Tunbridge School. p. 288.)

Rev. Isaac Worrall founded two Exhibitions, each of £6 annum, for two scholars from Tunbridge School going to St John's lege, Cambridge.

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