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Baccalaurei in Artibus, nec ad Sacrum Ministerium ad quique sacram Theologiam, ac Ministerium Sanctum prop rint sibi: sintque saltem mediocriter instructi et per Græcis, Rhetorica et Logica; indigentes tamen imprimis, cæteris conditionibus fuerint pares; ob quod et illos præc qui de comitatibus Cantii et Rutlandiæ oriundi sunt pra volumus: de quibus duos Scholares semper esse volumus in Collegio."

These foundation scholarships are perfectly open, and original allowance of 1s. has been raised to 7s. per week. du residence. It has been the practice of the College of late y to admit four Sizars, who enjoy certain advantages, altho there is nothing in the Statutes which renders the admissio Sizars obligatory on the College. The Statutes direct respect to students not on the foundation, that there shal admitted to reside in College, as pensioners, such only as h led an honest life and are of unblemished reputation, and w before they are admitted, promise faithfully, in the presence the master, that they will be conformable to what is requi both of the fellows and scholars in cultivating good habits, ca brating Divine worship, and practising scholastic exercises, a that they will obey the statutes and regulations of the Colleg

There are two Examinations in each academical year, o of which takes place at the end of the Michaelmas Term, a the other at the division of the Easter Term.

After the latter of these examinations the foundation an other scholarships are awarded to the most meritorious st dents, as also the mathematical exhibitions on Mr Taylor foundation. In case of two or more candidates being equal i merit, or of there being no candidates deemed worthy of M Taylor's exhibitions, the election is deferred to the followin year, and the amount of the vacant exhibitions is divide among the most deserving of the candidates.

These exhibitions continue to be paid if the exhibitioner be a wrangler, till he is of sufficient standing to be admitted to the degree of M.A. The emoluments of the Taylor Exhibitions are estimated to commence from the preceding Lady Day st which the vacancy generally occurs.

Besides these, there are three other exhibitions estimated at le rate of £60 per annum, but of shorter duration, depending pon circumstances: these are assigned at either of the annual ollege examinations.

In addition to the scholarships and exhibitions, there are ins of books awarded to the most distinguished students in vinity, Classics, Mathematics and general Physics, after the lege examinations.

Four prizes are annually given by the College for the best in, and the best English Declamation, the best Latin me, and the best reader of the Lessons in Chapel. A purse 10 is yearly given to the best proficient in Mathematics at time of his admission to the degree of B.A., provided that name appears in the first Tripos.

The Ecclesiastical patronage of the College consists of the it of presentation to seven Church-livings.

The gross annual revenue of the College, on an average, reported to the Commission in 1851 as £5392. 16s. 10d.



FOUNDED 1800, A.D.

THE founder of this College was Sir George Downing, ] of Gamlingay Park, in the county of Cambridge, who b will dated 20th December, 1717, devised his estates in the ties of Cambridge, Bedford and Suffolk, first to Sir Gerrard Downing, and afterwards to other relations in su sion, and in failure thereof, to build and found a Colleg the University of Cambridge, upon a plan to be approve the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, and the maste St John's College and Clare Hall.

Sir George Downing died in 1749, and Sir Jacob in 1 and, as the other devisees died without issue before the d of Sir Jacob, the foundation ought to have been carried execution in 1764. The estates remained in the possessio Lady Downing, and afterwards of her devisees without any title, and when the University sued in Chancery for the e blishment of the College, the suit was resisted by the pers then in possession; but in 1769 a decree was obtained in fav of the foundation.

The execution of the trusts devolved upon the heirs-at-l who after a long series of opposition and litigation, and ov coming various obstacles, preferred a petition to the Crown a Charter, and at length the Privy Council decided to reco mend the foundation to his Majesty. On the 22nd Septemb 1800, the great seal was affixed to the Charter by Lord Loug borough. By this Charter the College is incorporated with the privileges belonging to any College in the University, al endowed with the estates devised by the founder, with pow to hold landed property, in addition, to the value of £1500 р annum. The Charter directs Statutes to be framed for th government of the College, which was done in the year 1805,

The Charter authorises the purchase of a piece of lan called Doll's Close, upon which "there shall be erected an established one perpetual College for students in law, physic and other useful arts and learning, which College shall be called by the name of Downing College, in the University of Cambridge, and shall consist of one Master, two Professors (that is to say), a Professor of the Laws of England, and a Professor of Medicine, and sixteen Fellows, two of whom shall be in holy orders, and the rest shall be laymen; and of such a number of scholars as shall hereafter be agreed on and settled by the Statutes of the said College."

The Charter and Statutes direct that the master of the College shall be appointed by the two archbishops and the masters of St John's College and Clare Hall. They also precribe that the yearly stipend of the master shall be £600, with lodge for his residence rent free, and an allowance of 5s. per liem for commons during residence.

The Charter directs that the two professors shall be elected y the two archbishops, the masters of St John's College and Clare Hall, with the master of the College. The Professor of The Laws of England at the time of his election must be a Master of Arts, or Bachelor or Doctor of the Civil Law of Oxford or Cambridge, of ten years' standing from his matricuation, and a barrister-at-law. The Professor of Medicine must De a Master of Arts licensed to practise physic for two years, or a Bachelor or Doctor of Medicine of Cambridge or Oxford, or a member of a Scotch University of seven years' standing, and twenty-five years of age, and who shall have attended the medical lectures in one of the Scotch Universities for four years. The professors are required to read a course of twenty-four lectures at the least in their respective faculties, on the usual terms on which public lectures are given in the University.

The professorships are tenable with a wife, and are not required to be vacated by the possession of property. It is decreed that the stipends of the professors shall be each of £200 per annum, with a lodge for residence, and an allowance of 38. 6d. per diem for commons during the period they may reside in College.

On the completion of the buildings of the College, the Charter and Statutes direct that there shall be sixteen fellows, of whom two shall be clerical, and fourteen lay fellows. All graduates of Cambridge or Oxford are eligible; the lay fellows must be under twenty-four years of age, and the clerical fellows between the ages of twenty-three and thirty years at the of election. The lay fellows must declare for law or medi and may hold their fellowships for twelve years; the cle fellows vacate their fellowships by marriage, otherwise the tenable for life. All fellowships, whether lay or clerical, be vacated by the possession of permanent annual incom any description, to the amount of four times the annual v of the stipend for the time being. The Charter and Stat prescribe that the stipend of a fellow shall be £100 a year 1 rooms rent free, and an allowance of 2s. per diem for comn during residence.

The Statutes decree that there shall be six scholars. persons eligible to scholarships shall be such persons admit of some College or Hall in this University, or the Universit Oxford, as have not commenced their actual residence in College or Hall more than one year and a half before the of election. Each candidate, before he is admitted to be amined, shall produce a certificate in writing to this effect, well as a testimonial of his good moral character, from master or tutor of his College, and shall make a declaration writing that he is a member of the Church of England. preference whatever shall be given to the candidates, but t election shall be decided between the candidates so qualified aforesaid, entirely by the examination.

The scholarships are to be tenable, under certain restri tions, for four years. The scholar is to receive a yearly stiper of £50, with rooms rent free, and an allowance of 1s. 6d. pe diem for commons during residence in College. The Statute make the following rule for securing the election of the bes qualified candidates to scholarships and fellowships :

"And whereas the wisest and most just provisions fo securing the advantage of an impartial examination and elec tion, may be defeated by a practice of solicitation of votes on the one hand, and engagement on the other; to prevent abuses of that kind from ever arising within this College, it is ordained as a fundamental law, -That any candidate for a fellowship or scholarship, who shall, directly or indirectly, by himself or through another person, ask or solicit the vote or favour of any

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