The scholars are elected by the master and fellows after t general College examination, at the division of the Easter term The average number of foundation scholars is fourteen, a with regard to their election, the Statutes direct, "ut discipul rum electio fiat ex illis juvenibus, qui pauperiores, probiore aptiores atque egregii magis fuerint, quique sint probitat indole ac bona spe, nec Baccalaurei in Artibus, nec ad sacru ministerium admissi, quique sacram Theologiam ac minist rium sanctum proposuerunt sibi, sintque (saltem mediocrite instructi et periti in Græcis, Rhetoricâ, et Logica: indigent tamen imprimis, modo cæteris conditionibus fuerint pares The annual sum received by a foundation scholar, as suc is £52. 13s. 2d., on the same average as the fellows. The College Statutes make no provision for the maintenanc of sizars beyond "Emolumenta ad judicium magistri et major partis sociorum." The College now admits four sizars, wh receive what is equivalent to about £40 a year each. The average annual sum paid by the College in scholarship and exhibitions is about £1130 or £1150 altogether, and when the value of the estates has increased, the several payments t all parties interested have been increased proportionally. Two prizes of books, one of the value of five guineas, an the other of the value of three guineas, are 'awarded yearly fo the best English or Latin dissertations on some given theologica or historical subject. A prize of books is given for the best compositions in Latin and Greek. In addition to the scholarships and exhibitions, prizes of books are given after the general College examinations to two or three of the most distinguished students of each year. About £25 a year is given in prizes and rewards for the encouragement of learning from the College funds. The ecclesiastical patronage of the College consists of the right of presentation to twenty-one Church-livings. The College also appoints the masters of the Grammar Schools of Harleston and Bungay. The total aggregate of gross income of the College, returned to the Commissioners in 1851, was £6516. 16s. 3d., and the total net income £6005.8s. 5d. SIDNEY SUSSEX COLLEGE. FOUNDED 1598, A.D. LADY Frances Sidney, Countess Dowager of Sussex, aunt to Sir Philip Sidney, who died 9th March, 1589, by her will dated 6th December 1588, gave £5000, and unbequeathed goods for the erection of a new college in the University of Cambridge, to be called the College of the Lady Frances Sydney-Sussex, for a Master, ten Fellows, and twenty Scholars; or in case her legacy should be found insufficient for that purpose, to augment in a corresponding proportion the foundation of Clare Hall. The executors, Henry Gray, Earl of Kent, and her nephew, Sir John (afterwards Lord) Harrington purchased, to hold in fee, at a rent of £13. 68. 8d. per annum, the site and remains of the buildings of the late house of Friars Minors, commonly called Grey Friars, which had been demolished in the thirtyeighth year of Henry VIII, and granted by that monarch to Trinity College. By an act of Parliament passed in the thirtyfifth year of Queen Elizabeth, the master and scholars of Trinity College were empowered to make a sale of this property for the new College. The executors generously ceding to the College legacies of £100 left to each of them by the noble foundress, began the foundation on the 20th May, 1596, and in three years had erected buildings sufficient for the accommodation of the College, but were obliged to limit the number of fellowships to seven, and of scholarships to four. Dr Fuller, in his History of Cambridge, observes that "this College continued without a chapel some years after the first founding thereof, until at last some good men's charity supplied this defect. Some have falsely reported, that the new chapel of the College was formerly a stable: whereas, indeed, it was the Franciscans' ancient dormitory (rather refectory], as appeareth by the concavities still extant in the walls, places for their several reposure. But others have complained, that it was never ceremoniously consecrated, which they conceive essential thereunto, whilst there want not their equals in learning and religion, who dare defend, that the continued series of divine duties (praying, preaching, administering the sacrament), pub licly practised for more than thirty years (without the least check or control of those in authority), in a place set apart for that purpose, doth sufficiently consecrate the same.” It is as yet but early days with this College (which hath not seen sixty years), yet hath it been fruitful in worthy men proportionably to the age thereof, and I hope it will daily increase. Now though it be only the place of the parents, and proper to him (as the greater) to bless his child, Heb. vii. 6, yet it is the duty of the child to pray for his parents, in which relation my best desires are due to this foundation, my mother for my last eight years in this University. May her lamp never lack light for the oil, or oil for the light thereof. Zoar, is it not a little one? Yet who shall despise the day of small things? May the foot of sacrilege, if once offering to enter the gates thereof, stumble and rise no more. The Lord bless the labours of all the students therein, that they may tend, and end at His glory, their own salvation, the profit and honour of the church and commonwealth." 1599. Edward Montague, Esq., of Hemmington, in the county of Northampton, granted an estate of between forty-five and forty-six acres in the parish of Burwash in Sussex, the income from which, after a certain time, was to be employed towards the maintenance of three Scholars, each to have £3. 6s. 8d. per annum, and to be nominated by the heirs of Edward Montague. These scholars are to have all liberties and privileges of scholars on the foundation. Two of these three scholars are to be Northamptonshire men born, and of Oundle School; the third a Sussex man born, if any such shall be found fit scholars. There are now two scholarships each of the value of £6 per annum. 1599. Mr Peter Blundell, of Tiverton, by his will bearing date of 9th June of this year, directed his executors to bestow £2000 for founding six scholarships (the six scholars to be students in divinity, for the increase of good and godly preachers of the Gospel), at either of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge and with that view they were directed to purchase lands and tenements, the yearly profits whereof should be employed in their maintenance for ever; such scholars to be elected by his trustees, or the most part of them, with the advice of the schoolmaster, out of the Grammar School at Tiverton, of the aptest in learning, and such as were the least able to maintain themselves in the University. 1601. Mr Leonard Smith, citizen and fishmonger of London, by his will bequeathed £120, with all his goods, for the founding a fellowship at Sidney Sussex College, by the name of "Mr Smith's fellowship," on condition that the person nominated by the Company of Fishmongers, be upon every vacancy admitted to it; if qualified by the Statutes of the College. By indenture in the same year, the College agreed for £120 to found Mr Smith's fellowship, to be tenable for six years. The holder of this fellowship is to enter into priest's orders within three years after his admission, and is to enjoy the same powers, privileges and advantages, both of dividends and official emoluments, as the fellows of the original foundation. In 1604 the College confirmed the foundation of Mr Smith's fellowship with the provision, that scholars from the Grammar School of Holt, in Norfolk, are to have the preference. 1603. Sir John Hart, alderman of London, bequeathed to the College £30 for the use of their new library, and £600 to purchase an estate, to be conveyed to the College for various uses; one of which was, that £10 a year should be paid to two Masters of Arts to be fellows, and £4 a year to each of four poor Scholars, and students from the Grammar School of Coxwold to have the preference. He also ordered, that till the estate should be purchased and conveyed to the College, £42 should be paid out of his manor of Lowboroughby, in the county of York, for the uses above mentioned. The College seem afterwards to have agreed with one of Sir J. Hart's descendants, that on his paying to the College the sum of £200, the said two fellows should participate in the dividends, and all other advantages of the foundation. And accordingly the rent-charge being still paid, Sir J. Hart's fellows are, in every respect, as the foundation fellows. 1604 and before 1607. John Freestone, Esq., of Altofts, in the county of York, bequeathed £500 to purchase an estate in lands of £25 per annum, to be assured to Emmanuel College for ever: £10 for the maintenance of a fellow, and £5 for each of two scholars; and the other £5 for the reparations and benefit of the said College, on condition that the fellow and these scholars have the same preferment every way, as those of the foundation have. 1607. Emmanuel College gave leave to settle the Fellowship and two Scholarships of John Freestone, Esq. in Sidney College and several lands near Stamford, by estimation eighty acres, and several houses on the same, of the clear yearly value of £25, were conveyed over to the College for that purpose, with these limitations :-That none but Yorkshiremen born be capable of his fellowship, and one of his scholarships, if any such be qualified; and that neither his fellowship nor scholarships be kept vacant above six months. Scholars of Mr Freestone's name and kin, also of Normanton, Wakefield, Pontefract, and Rotherham Schools, in the county of York; in their order have the preference; then those born in the West Riding, or lastly, in Yorkshire. The present value of Mr Freestone's fellowship is £52 per annum, and that of each scholarship £26. 1616. The College agreed with the feoffees of Tiverton School, and received from them £1400 for purchasing the manor of Itterby, in or near the parish of Clee, in the county of Lincoln, to maintain for the future Mr Peter Blundell's two fellows and two scholars, heretofore maintained by the feoffees; and that their foundation in the College be confirmed, and that they be called "The fellows and scholars of Mr Peter Blundell." The scholars are nominated from the Grammar School at Tiverton, (which was founded by Mr Blundell), by the feoffees, and if found properly qualified by character and attainments, succeed, according to seniority, to the Blundell fellowships. If, however, any scholar sent shall be insufficient, and not prove towardly for learning, after three years' trial, he may be removed and expelled, notice thereof being given to the feoffees. * 1640. W. S. one of Mr Blundell's Scholars, after three years' trial was removed for insufficiency. And April 15, 1669, William Butler, A.B. of the second year, and of Mr Blundell's foundation, was expelled for immorality. |