and fellows, and certain statutable servants, and one-third to the scholars. These sums, with certain additions from other sources, are severally applied week by week; the emoluments from these sources varying from week to week with the numbers in residence. On an average of ten years, these sums have amounted respectively to £1,640 and £650 per annum. The foundation scholarships, twenty-seven in number, with the other scholarships on different foundations, are awarded after an examination in classical literature. The Statutes require the candidates to be natives of England or Wales, and "ut subsequentibus qualitatibus sint ornati; videlicet, ut bonis sint et honestis moribus, bonaque item indole præditi; sint corpore nullis contagiosis aut incurabilibus morbis vitiosi, aliasve insigniter aut deformi aut mutilo; ne sint in Artibus Baccalaurei, nec in Sacris Ordinibus constituti. Sint autem in Grammaticis et in linguis Græca et Latina bene et sufficienter instructi, sic ut judicio magistri, aut ejus absentis vicem gerentis, majorisque partis seniorum idonei existimentur qui protinus dialecticis rudimentis imbuantur; proviso semper ut doctiores indoctioribus (cæteris paribus) præferantur, inter quos et inopes præponi volumus modo in cæteris conditionibus pares fuerint." The emoluments of the foundation scholars consist of £6 a year for rent of rooms, and one-third of certain corn-rents, &c. already stated, which are distributed weekly to the scholars in residence. They may also hold exhibitions with their scholarships. The trustees of Shrewsbury School, from the Corporation funds, pay four exhibitioners going from the school to St John's College, stipends each of £50 per annum for seven years, according to a scheme recently authorised by the Court of Chancery. The candidates for these exhibitions must be the sons of burgesses of Shrewsbury; and in default of such, persons born in the parish of Cherbury; in default of these, persons born in the county of Salop. They are required to have attended the school for the space of two years immediately preceding, and also to be fit as to their learning, good morals and behaviour. And in default of candidates so born and deemed eligible as aforesaid, the said governors and trust shall elect so many as shall be necessary to fill up the vacane without reference to the place of their birth, but accordi to the order in which they shall have been classed by t examiners. There is an Exhibition of about £50 a year, called "the John Port Latin Exhibition," for the best proficient in classic learning among the freshmen. The examination for this Exl bition takes place in the Michaelmas Term. No provision is made in the Statutes for sizars or sub-siza nor is there any obligation on the College to admit more tha nine sizars, who are provided for by the benefactions of Dowman and Mr Highlord: the College, however, admit fort five sub-sizars, who are chosen after an examination in classi and elementary mathematics, in the Easter Term previous their coming into residence the following October. The nir proper sizars on Mr Dowınan's foundation, are chosen from th sub-sizars by the master and seniors, and a preference is give to those who have distinguished themselves at the Colleg examinations, and by their good conduct have obtained th approbation of the College. The Proper Sizars have their commons free, and the Sub sizars make only a small payment for commons. About £200 a year, under the name of Sizar's Præter, i distributed among the most deserving of the sizars and subsizars. They are also eligible, in common with the scholars and pensioners, to the exhibitions in the gift of the College. These exhibitions vary in value from a few shillings up to £40 a year each. During the year ending at Christmas 1852, the portion of the College revenue which was applied in direct payments to the maintenance of scholarships, exhibitions, and prizes, amounted to £3907. 178. 10d. The general College examinations takes place at the end of the Michaelmas Term, and at the division of the Easter Term, and a prize of books, charged on the general funds of the College, is awarded to every student who is deemed worthy of being placed in the first class at these examinations. Additional prizes of books from the College funds are awarded to those students of the second and third year, who distinguish themselves at the Voluntary Classical Examination. The Rev. W. Wilson, B.D., formerly fellow, gave a benefaction for two prizes of books to be given to the two best readers of the lessons in chapel, whose general conduct entitles them to the approbation of the College. The College bestows a benefaction of £5 yearly, left by Dr Newcome, as a prize for the best proficient in Moral Philosophy among the commencing Bachelors of Arts, whose names have appeared in the list of Mathematical Honors. Prizes of books are yearly awarded from the funds of the College to those students whose Latin Themes and Verses, and whose declamations are deemed to possess merit. The average sum expended by the College on prizes for the seven years ending 1851 was £182. The Ecclesiastical Patronage of the College consists of the right of presentation to fifty Church livings. The scholastic patronage consists of the nomination of two masters, and of the appointment of four masters and an under-master to six grammar-schools. The gross revenue of the College on an average of the seven years ending 1851, for some items, and of fourteen years for others, as reported to the Commissioners, was £26,166.14s. 11d. MAGDALENE COLLEGE. FOUNDED 1519 A.D. In the first year of the reign of King Henry VIII. the hous in St Giles's parish known by the name of "the Monks' Ho tel," were purchased by Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckin ham, who built part of the existing College, intending to endo it, and give it the appellation of Buckingham College. Th design was however never completed, the Duke fell a sacrifi to the enmity of Cardinal Wolsey. In 1521, the Cardina aided by a treacherous domestic, brought a charge of high trea son against the Duke, and he was beheaded on Tower Hill, o the 17th of May in that year. His possessions were confiscate and the College thus reverted to the Crown, in which i remained during twenty years. Thomas, Baron Audley o Walden, and Lord High Chancellor of England, obtained a gran of Buckingham College in the 33rd year of Henry VIII. Lor Audley pursued the design which had originated with the Duke of Buckingham, and obtained in the same year a charte of incorporation, and gave to his foundation the name of the College of St Mary Magdalene. The foundation was not finished during the life of Lord Audley. The Statutes were given by his widow and executors at the beginning of the reign of Queen Mary; and it is a somewhat singular exception *, considering the time at which they were compiled, that the Statutes of Magdalene College distinctly state that the Master of the College may be married. The foundation estate of Lord Audley consists of the impropriate parsonage of St Catherine Cree Church in London, and also a considerable part of the city, anciently called Covent Garden Christ Church. In 1574 the College was induced to alienate, contrary to the Statutes, the latter portion of this property to one Benedict Spinola, an Italian merchant then living in London. In the mastership of Dr Goch, the College in vain * The statutes were compiled A. D. 1553-4, and this permission is contained in that portion of the printed Statutes which is included in brackets-an addition which was most probably made about 1564, during the mastership of Dr Kelke. attempted to recover it, as also in the reign of Charles II.; and the whole amount of income which the College now derives from the foundation estates, is the value of St Catherine Cree Church, £150, and the annual payment of £15 from the Covent Garden Estate. 1543. Hugh Dennis, Esq., gave a yearly allowance to the Priory of Sheene, where he was to be buried, for the finding of two priests to pray for ever for his soul: the said priory being legally dissolved, the heir of Hugh Dennis procured an act of Parliament that himself should enjoy all the lands, and that, in lieu of finding two priests, there should be £20 per annum given to Magdalene College out of the Manor of Purleigh, to pay 20 nobles a piece yearly to two Fellows, to be nominated by the King and his successors. These two bye fellowships were founded prior to the giving of the statutes to the College, by the widow and executors of the founder, Lord Audley. During the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. they were disposed of commonly by mandate; but the College has exercised the right of appointment in modern times. The payment from the Manor of Purleigh is still made, and the fellows receive £6. 13s. 4d. per annum, to which some addition has been generally made from time to time from what is called the Dongworth Augmentation. These fellowships are now worth about £21. 118. 9d. each per annum. 1543. John Hughes, chancellor of Bangor, gave to the College lands and tenements in Wales, for a scholar, to be called "Mr Hughes' Scholar," who should receive four marks a year by quarterly payments. The scholar was to be nominated by Mr Hughes during his life, and afterwards by the master and fellows, out of Mr Hughes' kindred, if any such there be, or in defect thereof, any one born in the isle of Anglesey, or in default of such, any one born in Caernarvonshire; or next, Denbighshire, or next, any part of Wales, or lastly, any part of the king's dominions. The master and fellows are to elect a scholar within a quarter of a year after a vacancy, or forfeit 20s. to the dean and chapter of Bangor, toties quoties for every such omission. |