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from Sedburgh School, with a preference, cæteris paribus. those of the name of Otway, and of the township of Middlet In 1851, the net proceeds of the estate out of which these scl larships are paid, amounted to £21. 3s. 7d.

1704. The Rev. Thomas Plume, D.D., gave £100 to t College on condition that they should allow an annual exhi tion of £6 towards the maintenance of one Scholar, educated ( at Maldon, (2) at Chelmsford, (3) at Brentwood, (4) in t county of Essex.

1705. Mr William Petyt bequeathed £200, to be laid o by his executor, Mr Sylvester Petyt, with the advice of t master and fellows of Christ's College, in such a manner should be thought best for the augmentation of such poor sch lars as shall be entered of the College; with preference to sch lars from the Free Grammar School of Skipton.

Theshare of the profits from the lands so purchased belongin to Mr Petyt's benefaction amounts to about £18.10s. per annun

- Mr Sylvester Petyt directed that £20 should be yearl paid to the College, to be equally divided among three scholar from the Grammar School at Skipton. In default of suc scholars, the unclaimed Exhibitions are to be bestowed 01 such poor scholars of the College as the master and fellow shall think fit, until claimants from Skipton School shall be admitted of the College.

1736. Rev. Christopher Clarke granted certain lands, &c. to the College, to the intent that one Exhibition of £10 a year should be paid to a student of the College, such as the master and four seniors, or the major part of them, shall think most deserving as to morality and learning.


A student born in Norfolk or Norwich, and brought up in the Free-school of Norwich, is to have the preference. This Exhibition is tenable by a Bachelor of Arts until he is of sufficient standing for the degree of M.A., if he resides nine calendar months every year.

1745. Diana, Lady Drury, of Pinckney Hall, Norfolk, gave four-fifths of the profits of two estates to be equally divided into two Exhibitions, and paid to two students of Christ's College whom the master and fellows shall think most deserving as to

Christian morality and good learning. A preference is reserved, cæteris paribus, to such as have been brought up at the Free Grammar Schools of Scarning, Holt, Swaffham, and Norwich. The value of each of these Exhibitions is now £30 a year, and they may be held with other scholarships.

1750. Mrs Beridge, of Kensington, gave to the College £100 for the promotion of scholarships. The sum of £4 is paid yearly out of the College funds to a deserving student as Mrs Beridge's scholarship.

1754. Christopher Tancred, Esq., of Whixley Hall, in the county of York, gave certain tenements to the master and fellows in trust, that they and their successors should apply the yearly profits of the same for ever, as an Exhibition for some young student in the said College, while he continues an undergraduate there; with a preference to a native (1) of Newmarket, (2) of the county of Cambridge, and in default of either of these, to such person from time to time as by the master and fellows should be thought expedient. The present value of this Exhibition is about £40 a year.

Mr Tancred also founded four Divinity Studentships at this College, and appointed seven governors and trustees who are the electors to these Studentships. A student when admitted to this charity, must be between sixteen and twenty-two years of age, a native of Great Britain, a member of the Church of England, and of such low abilities or pecuniary means, as not to be capable of obtaining a University education without the assistance of such charity. He must take the B.A. degree as soon as he is of sufficient standing, and may retain his Studentship for three years after admission to that degree. In 1796 the value of each of these Studentships was £75; the present value of each is £107.8s. per annum.

1807. Beilby Porteus, D.D., late Lord Bishop of London, transferred to the College the sum of £1200, stock, the interest of which is to be expended in the purchase of three gold medals, to be contended for by the students of the College in the following order: one medal of 15 guineas for the best Latin dissertation on some one of the Evidences of Christianity; another of 15 guineas for the best English composition on some moral precept of the Gospel; and one of 10 guineas to the most ( tinct and graceful reader and regular attendant at chapel.

1851. The Rev. John Dowell Ridout, M.A., Fellow of 1 College, gave £100, the interest of which is to be expend annually in a prize of books, to encourage the study of t Greek Testament, and of the doctrines and formularies of t Church of England.

The examination for this prize takes place at the end of t Michaelmas Term, and is open to students in their thi year.

1851. The Rev. Frederick Gell, M.A., Fellow of the C lege, gave £100, the interest of which is to be annually e pended in a prize of books, to encourage the study of Biblic Hebrew. The examination for the prize takes place at tl division of the Easter Term, and is open to undergraduates.

The statutes make no provision for sizars or sub-sizars. TI College however admits four sizars, and occasionally more, wh are selected by the master and fellows from those students wh have resided some little time, and who seem by their good cor duct, condition and circumstances in life, and acquirement considered together, to be pointed out as most deserving of th bounty of the College. Occasionally, a student who has bee recommended to the master and fellows by some one wel known to them, as possessing more than ordinary ability and as wanting money or friends to defray the expenses of a pensioner, has been received as a supernumerary sizar.

Each sizar receives £4 a year, has his commons free, and other advantages.

In addition to the Scholarships and Exhibitions, other prizes are awarded after the College examinations.

Three prizes of books, each of the value of three guineas, are given to three undergraduates, the most distinguished students respectively of the first, second, and third years.

Three prizes of books, each of the value of two guineas, are given to the second in each year.

Prizes of books are awarded to the two most distinguished students of the second and of the third year, who excel at the voluntary classical examination.


Prizes of £15 and £5 are given to the first and second proficients at a theological examination which takes place after the division of the Easter Term. The candidates are students in their third year or Bachelors of Arts; and if the first proficient be sufficiently distinguished, his prize is increased to £20.

Three prizes of books, each of the value of three guineas, are given to undergraduates for the best compositions in Latin verse, Greek verse, and Latin prose respectively.

The ecclesiastical patronage of the College consists of the right of presentation to eighteen Church-livings.

The average gross income in 1851 was £9178. 15s. 3d., and the net income £8126. Os. 4d.


FOUNDED 1511, A.D.

THE site of this College was formerly that of a prion styled the Hospital of the Master and Brethren of St John t Evangelist. On the 20th of January, in the second year Henry VIII, St John's Hospital was dissolved, and the hou and its revenues were granted to Margaret, Countess of Ric mond and Derby, who designed to establish on the site there a College, to be called St John's College.

The untimely death of the Lady Margaret which happene soon after its foundation, retarded the progress of the College but by will she devised her lands, manors, and possessions, the then yearly value of £400, together with the site of the di solved Priory of St John's Hospital, with the revenues thereo amounting to £80 per annum, to her executors, in trust for th building of the College. They obtained a Charter bearing th date of April 9, 1511, and established the College, and appointe a Master and thirty-one Fellows, giving them a body of Statute for the government of the College.

The foundress designed that her College should contain fift fellows, according to the Charter for incorporating the College but in consequence of Henry VIII. having withdrawn som estates of the value of £500 a year, according to the valu of money at that time, it is decreed by the Statutes that the number of fellows shall be thirty-two, unless the reve nues should become so far diminished by any means as that this number could not be maintained. It is also decreed that there shall be twenty-seven scholars on Lady Margaret's foundation, in addition to some others named in the fifteenth chapter of the College Statutes.

Students over and above the members of the foundation are directed to be admitted in conformity with the regulations prescribed in the twentieth chapter of the Statutes, which concludes with the following precaution:--" Atque hic imprimis Decani et Lector Publicus diligenter circumspiciant, ne imperitiores magistro et senioribus commendent; quia qui Grammaticam bene et intelligenter tenent, eos necesse est multum proficere;

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